Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Invader Returns! Skylar VS Toma!!

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 8
“The Invader Returns! Skylar VS Toma!!”
An RP between CobaltClaw19 and eshonen

As the days came and went, the Ookami siblings and their fiancés got to know their future children better as they trained and had fun together. During this time, the group also grew closer to Connie as she relaxed into a peaceful lifestyle unlike the one she was living up until now. The more Skylar got to know her the more he was determined to save her from being killed when Toma arrived. And even though they would never admit it, both Nikki and Cheryl had grown quite attached to the sky blue-haired Nekofi Saiyan girl. Before they knew it, a week had already passed; when everybody was back on planet Ookami discussing possible plans with Cheryl and Ronald, it happens: two shooting star-like objects could be seen streaking through the day sky.

iDEAL: O_O; *gulps*

Jim: Looks like our uninvited guests have finally arrived...

Cheryl: *snarls*

Ronald: It's at this point I guess it would've been wise to alert everyone else beforehand... tsk... minor slip up on our part...

Connie: ... *watches the shooting star-like objects as they soar through the sky* ...wait a second...they're curving around...and coming this way!


Skylar: Aw, god damn it all! Take cover, now!

*Everybody ducks and dodges out of the way of the incoming space pods as they crash into the ground. Once the smoke from the impact clears, one of the pods opens and out steps a familiar yet unwelcome face, Toma.*

Toma: *inhales the air then exhales* well, it wouldn't have been any fun if you all had died just from my landing here *looks at the group and focuses on Cheryl and Ronald* looks like more than the planet itself was saved...

Cheryl: Well, good for you, right? You might finally get the honor of being defeated by one of the elite knights of the Ookami race...

Ronald: And to get payed back for separating us from our cubs for 10 years...

Toma: Hahahahaha! Now that is rich: me being defeated by the likes of you who couldn't lift a finger against me all those years ago. I guess even weakling need to dream. But before I destroy you all and this planet for a second time... *looks at Connie* Connie, the Dragon Balls, where have you hidden them?

Connie: ...I don't have them anymore. They're hidden somewhere you can find them! >_<

Toma: Oh really? We'll see about that... *takes out a Dragon Radar and pushes the button a few times* ...what? Strange, the radar isn't finding anything. Well that's going to be highly annoying. I can safely assume that one of your friends here knows where they are; I'll make sure to get the information out of them...very slowly and painfully.

Cheryl: Oh no, he's going to bore us with stories about his past relationships! Kids, take cover!

*This causes each of the Ookamis to snicker and struggle to not burst into laughter.*

Toma: -_-# You think that's funny, eh? Let's see how funny you think THiS is. I didn't come to face you all alone this time; I've brought the first of many warriors soon to come that have created solely for combat! Behold, PSW-001!

*The second pod opens up and out steps what looks like a male Saiyan child that had some sort of mechanical headband on his head.*

Skylar: PSW....Perfect Saiyan Warrior? Dude, come on, now you're just trying too hard. =/

Connie: He only goes this far with his projects to try and overshadow the fact that he hasn't been able to transform into a Super Saiyan yet. -_-

Toma: SHUT UP!!

Skylar: Oh, did we strike a nerve? *rolls eyes* I can just imagine how mad you'd be if Connie here unlocked that transformation before you....... *re-positions so he is standing in front of Connie in a bit of a defensive stance.* .......I'm not gonna let you harm anyone else, anymore.

Blitz: *raises an eyebrow at Skylar* seem a bit worried, that's unlike you in this sorta situation.

Skylar: Worry about yourself. I'm the one that this primate wants to pound into the ground...

Toma: It seems that my greatest mistake was not taking you out when you were just a kid; you were the only one who has humiliated me by defeating me in combat and ruining one of my plans. I've decided: YOU DiE FiRST!! *attaches a device to his left arm then pushes some buttons as if to issue a command* PSW-001, destroy him!

PSW-001: *powers up then flies like a bullet towards Skylar*

*Roger, Kelly and Cliff dart in front of Skylar and each deliver a powerful blow to PSW-001's body to stop him in his tracks.*

Toma: What the...!

Skylar: *Smirks* Nice work, youngsters. It seems like your teachers knew what they were doing when they trained you.

Toma: What is this; where did they come from? For them to be able to stop PSW-001 in his tracks with one attack...

Skylar: You're dealing with the power of love, when talking about these 3.

Blitz: Love and the power of breeding, actually. -u-

Tanya: Genes. |D

Toma: Breeding? How can they be this old already then...? Unless...they're from another time...

Kelly: Bingo~ ^o^

Toma: Heh, I don't know why you came here nor do I care; if you insist on fighting against me don't count on making it back to your timeline alive. >_<

Skylar: And now he is giving death threats to little kids, again. I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but if anyone is not going to make it back alive, it's you, if you don't cease this instant.

Toma: I'm not stopping until I get those Dragon Balls and destroy the lot of you right here! *powers up and flies towards Skylar and the kids*

Skylar: Well in that case...! *kicks at the ground and quickly transforms into Super Ookami state and launches himself at the Saiyan warrior, pushing him back due to the sheer amount of speed he put behind that leap*

Toma: Ack! *quickly recovers and inputs another command into the device on his left arm*

PSW-001: *powers up once again and begins fighting the kids but misses all of his attacks*

Roger: Fail!

Cliff: Too slow!

Kelly: Missed me~!

Blitz: Should we help the kids, perhaps?

Cheryl: Let them be. The only way to beat them now seems to be with a surprise spanking. *chuckles*

Skylar: *grins* I guess taking out that device of yours should be a priority~

Jim: *summons his Pensword then charges at Toma with a mighty sword swing* HYAA!!

Toma: *quickly dodges out of the way* I wouldn't try that if I were you.

Skylar: And why is that, monkey man...?

Toma: Aim for this device and I'll set it to overload, forcing PSW-001 into Berserker Mode; you'll have something worse than the Legendary Super Saiyan to deal with.

Jim: You won't do that; if you do then he'll be attacking you too.

Toma: >_<; T-Try me!

Jim: ...yo Skylar, should we call his bluff?

Skylar: Not only am I calling the bluff, but I also have four Aces and a King high to respond.

Blitz: Can the poker puns, bro! >_<

Skylar: Sheesh... >_>;

Toma: Heh, if you're truly going to do that then I suppose that I should stop playing around as well. I now know that those kids can hold their own so I'll just put PSW-001 on auto pilot *enters in a new command on the device*

PSW-001: *takes an offensive stance then begins fighting the kids with great speed and accuracy*

Roger: *barely dodges an attack* Whoa!

Cliff: *blocks an attack* is it me or did this guy suddenly get a whole lot better at fighting?

Kelly: *launches several attacks that all miss* Grr...

Skylar: Hmm...just in case...Mom, can you help the kids?

Cheryl: Oh, of course I can. No worries, I'll jump in if they need it.

Skylar: *nods* Good...

Toma: And that's just at Intensity Lv. 3; let's see what happens when I turn it up a bit m-

*Toma's sentence is cut off when Connie speeds in a delivers a punch to his face that sends him flying backwards and bank-shots off of his space pod in a comedic fashion before crashing into the ground.*

Toma: ...Ouch! Whoever did that is going t-

*Toma's sentence is cut off again when Connie speeds in a delivers a powerful knee blow to his face that sends him tumbling backwards then flat on his face.*

Connie: *walks over to Toma and tries to remove the device attached to his arm*

Blitz: Woohoo! Go Connie!

Cheryl: I have to admit, that was pretty good, for a monkey like her.

Skylar: *moves over* Need any help with that?

Connie: *struggles trying to pull the device off of Toma's arm* this thing isn't coming off; got any ideas?

Skylar: I wouldn't care if you took his entire arm off, to be perfectly honest..........

Connie: Hmm, there's an idea...

Toma: *opens his eyes* Fat chance that I'll let that happen!

*Toma uses his free hand to shoot an energy blast at Connie which causes her to relinquish his arm while trying to get away from the attack. He then sets his sights on Connie and begins fighting her.*

Toma: *fighting furiously* you wretched traitor, how dare you steal my Dragon Balls! I will take great delight in making you suffer when this is all over...

Connie: *fighting furiously* I've already suffered enough thanks to you!

Skylar: *leaps up behind Toma* And the only that will suffer from here on out, is you! *stabs his claws right into Toma's back an holds on in an attempt to throw him off focus*

Toma: *grunts in pain* >_O

*Toma tries his best to keep fighting but the pain soon becomes too much, forcing him to shift his focus to Skylar as he elbows him in chest to make him remove his claws from his back. Toma kneels in pain allowing Skylar to come up from behind again and restrain his arms.*

Toma: *struggles trying to free his arms* what are you talking about, Connie? I took you in under my wing when you had nobody and moulded you into a formidable warrior! I gave you everything except for the Dragon Balls which you stole from me; what could you have possibly suffered from me!?

Connie: ...I'll show you... *takes a stance then stretches her entire right arm far backwards to wind up for a powerful punch*

Toma: OoO can't be...

Skylar: Oh, it can. Connie, is that knuckle sandwich order done and ready for serving? Because this guy looks like he reeeaaally wants it right now!

Connie: Oh yeah, it's ready; open wide 'cause here it comes!

*Connie throws a powerful stretching punch at Toma. Skylar releases him and gets out of the way at the last moment just as Connie's fist makes contact with Toma's face. The sheer destructive force of the punch might've killed an ordinary person, but thanks to Toma being a battle-toughened Saiyan the attack just hurt a lot as he is sent flying through a nearby town and forest before crashing into a mountain miles away.*

Connie: *gently shakes the sting out of her right hand* that felt good. ^^

Skylar: Nicely done, Connie. I must say, I'm quite impressed with your strength, Super Hybrid. *pets and scratches her*

Connie: *giggles* He'll be back here pretty soon, so be ready.

Skylar: Don't worry, I am ready. Just be careful yourself, he might be starting to really turn on you after that blow.

Connie: Yeah, the true fight starts now. Toma is going to go all out and so will I.

*Seconds later Toma has flown back to the battlefield.*

Toma: So, all this time you were really that wretched Nekofi's offspring: the kid of Nobi and Blackberry.

Connie: Don't you dare say my parents' names, you murderer!

Skylar: Couldn't stand seeing your oh-so-perfect-race making contact and bonds with others, could you? That is it, isn't it?

Toma: The Saiyan can only be at their strongest when they're bloodline is pure; any other DNA mixing with it just weakens the end result.

Connie: Liar! You're just afraid of change! Look at Goku, or better yet, Vegeta, the Prince of Saiyans. They both married humans and their children were just as strong as a pure Saiyan, maybe even stronger in some areas!

Skylar: And Goku's son, Gohan, was even the strongest person on earth after he unlocked his latent powers and became what we know as "Mystic Gohan". His power leveled over Super Saiyan 3, and Gohan is a half-breed.

Blitz: Pure bloods might have the biggest potential, but results come from training, location, and circumstances....

Connie: That's right. And if it wasn't for my Dad, I wouldn't be able to do the one and only thing you saw in me: THiS! *brims with an aura then has it envelope Toma*

Toma: *struggles then tries to shoot some energy blasts at Skylar and Connie but is unable to due to his energy being out of whack* No...!

Connie: That's right; the moment you tried to kill me was the moment me and my unique powers were no longer working for you!

Skylar: ? Can you tinker with the wavelengths of one's energy?

Connie: Yup; like I mentioned earlier, doing something like this is totally within my power. ^w^

Skylar: Don't try to mess with me using that power, however. Or I'll make sure you'll remember it. *playfully swats her bottom a few times* Imagine that, but with pain.

Connie: I'll keep that in mind. In the meantime however I'll do this *emits another aura and extends it onto Skylar, Blitz, Jim, Tanya, Nikki and the kids, making them feel way stronger than they were before*

Skylar: Wub-wub-wuuuuub! I feel tingly inside! OuO

Blitz: Hohohohoho! I feel it too! It tickles! >w<

Tanya: Oh yeah, aura powers rule! \^o^/

Toma: D-Darn it! *enters in a command to increase PSW-001's intensity to the maximum level*

Connie: And before I forget *emits another aura and envelopes PSW-001 in it*

PSW-001: *tries to be speedy but ends up stumbling hard*

Cliff: *delivers a powerful kick to PSW-001 to send him flying high in the sky* Wow, this aura rocks!

Roger: *leaps high into the sky to catch up to PSW-001 then hammers him back downwards with amazing power* I never thought I'd be this powerful without having to transform into a Super Ookami!

Kelly: *delivers a powerful gut buster to PSW-001 as he rocket back down to the ground then tosses him to the side* what they said! ^o^

PSW-001: ... *winces in great pain*

Cheryl: Proud of you, kids!

Ronald: Mhm...

Skylar: Haha! So much for that.

Toma: No...NOOO!! I refuse to let it end like this!! *seems to break free from the aura and flies directly at Skylar and the others in a fit of rage*

Skylar: Okay, we two are going to have a long nice talk with our fists...! *leaps ahead uses energy gathered at his feet to launch himself and Toma towards the sky, Connie's aura slipping right off of him at this distance* ......You and me then? No cheap tricks, just bare fists. A fitting defeat for an elite, wouldn't you say? At least you'll have SOME pride left after this...

Toma: Fine with me, prepare to lose!

Skylar: Bring it.... *motions for Toma to make the first move, with a cocky grin as well*

Toma: *attacks first with a left punch*

Skylar: *blocks the punch and answers with a kicks with his right leg.*

Toma: *allows the kick to land so that he can grab it with his right arm then spin Skylar around and throw him*

Skylar: *spins in the air for a few seconds before he stabilizes himself and launches forward with a punch from his left arm*

Toma: *gets hit by the punch and is sent flying backwards a bit before stabilizing himself then speeding forward at Skylar like a bullet*

Skylar: *quickly vaults over Toma and uses his claws to slash his back*

Toma: *winces then quickly spins around to attack with a spinning kick*

Skylar: *reaches back and grabs Toma's foot, then drags him towards himself as he turn and pulls a punch at Toma's crotch*

Toma: *flinches with great pain when the punch lands but regains composure long enough to react with a counterattack by flicking his tail with great force into Skylar's crotch*

Skylar: *yelps and winches at the pain in return, but then grabs and forcefully chomps down on Toma's tail*

Toma: *yells out then elbows the top of Skylar's head hard, accidentally making him bite his tail harder* Q~Q

Skylar: *holds onto the top of his head as he starts to spin Toma around by the tail, his teeth penetrating so far in that blood was getting in his mouth at this point.*

Toma: *fearing for his tail he quickly delivers a kick to Skylar's face, forcing him to finally release him*

Skylar: *let go, rubbing his face.* feels painful, huh?

*With a growl, Toma powers up and charges at Skylar delivering a volley of super quick rapid attacks, all of which Skylar has no problem keeping up with to block and dodge.*

Skylar: Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nnnnnnnnnope. *kicks him in the jaw with a spin kick*

Toma: *gets sent hurdling down and crashing into the ground due to the force of the kick then tries to get back up only to be sent back down when Skylar lands on his back and pins him down with one foot*

Skylar: One on one, with nothing but our physical and mental strength, no ki boost, energy absorbing, blast attacks, nothing.... and you still lost... *puts more force down on Toma, hearing the popping of some of the Saiyan's bones as he did*

Toma: Darn it, I can't believe lost to him again and after all of the training and preparation I put into this... *looks over to PSW-001 who is still down and out* and those kids, to think that they were strong enough to damage my creation to this extent... *looks at the device he was using to control PSW-001* I may very well lose this fight, but... *enters in a command* ...I'm not going to be the only one to take a loss *grins evilly*

*Skylar suddenly flashes back to what Roger told him about how the battle turned out; that Connie was killed by PSW-001. He sees that her standing with the kids with her back turned on the bio-weapon, unable to see him use one of his free arms to prepare an attack, ready to fire at any moment.*

Skylar: !!! Oh no you do not...! Not on my watch...!

*stepping off and then gripping Toma by the tail, he started to run in Connie's direction and screamed as loud as he could."


*..and then he flung Toma, full force ahead, straight towards Connie, and by extension PSW-001. Then, tapping into his Super Ookami form one more time, he used a Super Leap to jump into and catch Connie as she dodged to the side. Now holding the Saiyan-Aquitican hybrid in his arms, Skylar looked back as he seemed to feel the entire world go in slow motion when PSW-001 fired it's blast attack.*

Skylar: ...You're being done in by your own kind...hope that pride of yours was worth it...

Toma: *smirks then guards himself with the arm the device to control PSW-001 is attached to* Reflect!

*The voice command makes the device shimmer with energy as he smacks the lightning fast incoming blast attack away from him and right at Cheryl. The warrior is completely caught off guard by this and has no time to react. But just before the attack hit her something small jumped in front of her and took the blast attack in its full fury. When the dust from the explosion cleared, Cheryl and the others see that it was none other than iDEAL who had stepped in to take the brutal attack, heavily injured as she falls to the ground. Kelly cries out for her Mom while Blitz looks on in shock and disbelief as to what just happened. While everyone's attention was on iDEAL they didn't notice as Toma created a ball of energy and sent it sky high where it burst open and mixed to create an artificial moon.*

Skylar: ....!! ......N-no....I didn't....I didn't mean for this to happen!! *trembles in place as he sees what his actions led to*

Cheryl: *kneels down by iDEAL's side with a shaky voice and breath, gently picking her up.* W-why kid...why do you have to be so reckless.....?

iDEAL: *coughs* Be-because, that's...just how I am...especially when it comes to protecting those that I care about...

Kelly: MOMMY!! WAAAH!! *slowly starts to fade away*

Cliff: No...No...this wasn't supposed to happen!

Roger: We thought that we would change the future for the better, not the worse! Now Auntie iDEAL will... *feels new memories surface then senses something in the distance* Auntie iDEAL, stay with us for just a while longer; help is on the way, I know it!

Cheryl: What do you mean, kid!? Don't speak in riddles or leave out information to your grandmother! Q//~//<

Blitz: *clutching his head firmly and silently chants "This is not happening." over and over*

Skylar: .... *drops Connie onto her feet* I did an attempt to save...I wounded....

Roger: It happened when Dad saved Connie; the future was changed, my memories confirm it. And thanks to that changed future we've also gained a new ally who can get us through this disaster! *looks up to the sky* ...and here she comes now.

*What looks like a speeding comet in the sky quickly stops above then lands next Cheryl and iDEAL. It was a young girl with short sky blue hair, wolf ears and a monkey tail; another Saiyan hybrid. She kneels next to Cheryl and iDEAL and channels an aura onto iDEAL that begins healing her injuries. Within seconds, iDEAL is fully healed and Kelly is no longer fading.*

Young Saiyan girl: ...finished; she'll be alright now.

Cheryl: W-what the....Th-thank you! Thank you little girl! I could hug you, but I'm kinda busy holding this young girl and I'm not letting go anytime soon.... QuQ

Skylar: .....? *looks up and sees the little hybrid girl, his ears perking right up* ....Is that....Connie's future daughter...?

Toma: C'mon, why is the transformation taking so long? My tail is still attached... *looks back at his tail* ...more or less.

Young Saiyan girl: *looks up and sees the artificial moon then looks over and sees that PSW-001 is halfway through transforming* OxO; *runs over to Skylar and points towards the artificial moon and then Toma*

Skylar: !!! Oh no you don't....BLITZ!

Blitz: *gasps a bit as he snaps back to reality after having both a panic attack and a joy ride after what happened to iDEAL. When he sees Skylar pointing to the artificial moon, he knew exactly what he had in mind.* Alright...time to show you all why I was the prodigy back in our tribe...time to destroy that moon!

Skylar: And meanwhile he does that...kid, can I trust you to chop off the tail of the other Saiyan kid? I'll get Toma's tail...if you don't mind?

Young Saiyan girl: *nods then flies over to PSW-001 and begins trying to chop off his tail but to no avail*

Toma: Give it up! I specifically engineered PSW-001's tail to be extra tough so cutting it off is near impossible!

Connie: What's going on!? *looks up and sees the artificial moon* Is that a m- OoO *heart begins beating loudly as she begins to quickly transform and grow as her battle-damaged outfit is torn and destroyed in the process*

PSW-001: *finishes transforming then lets out a frightening roar*

Blitz: Fight them a little longer please! I'm almost ready...!

Skylar: Well I can't say the same for your tail, elitist! *goes all feral at Toma and attempts to both swipe and bite his tail off, while also swiftly dodging his attempts to strike Skylar, due to the nature energy giving Skylar's senses a meaningful boost.* Everyone else, stay clear from Connie and PSW-001! I don't need anymore of you to get hurt or getting in the way!

Toma: *fighting Skylar then groan* my tail must've suffered way more damage than I thought; I need more time to properly transform. Guess it's all or nothing at this point... *puts some distance between him and Skylar then enters something in on the device on his arm*

PSW-001: *headband beeps uncontrollably then roars ferociously*

Toma: Good luck dealing with a feral Great Ape!

Connie: *finishes transforming the roars loudly* ... *looks down at Skylar and the others then grunts in a confused manner before looking at herself and roaring in surprise*

Roger: ...I think Connie's still in there...Connie, can you understand me? If you can, just nod in understanding.

Connie: *slowly calms down then nods*

Roger: Great! We need your strength to help us fight PSW-001! *points over to the now rampaging PSW-001*

Connie: *sees PSW-001 then looks at Roger and nods again before going over to face PSW-001*

Skylar: Toma, no matter what tricks you pull, we'll triumph over you! Have you not understood that!?

Blitz: .... *aiming his fists towards the artificial moon* Ready....set.....

Cheryl: *holding iDEAL hugged close* .....It looks like they've got this...

Toma: Triumph!? Don't make me laugh; you guys are just a bunch of saps who got lucky more times than you should've!

Connie: *delivers heavy blow after heavy blow to PSW-001*

PSW-001: *exchanging blows with Connie*

Young Saiyan girl: *flies into the sky, raises her arms skyward and begins collecting energy from all over the planet and beyond*

Skylar: You're just not as good as you make yourself out to be, letting kids live your onslaught, leaving the job undone, going so out of your way just to prove a point!? Meanwhile we have grown and learned from our experiences, both with and without your influence!

Blitz: Hijutsu: Eclipse Breaker!! *fires two rocket-like energy blasts from his fists towards the artificial moon. The blast shatters and explodes on impact, making the mass of radiant light shattered and spread all over the sky*

Connie: *grapples with PSW-001 until she gets a good hold then throws him high in the sky*

Young Saiyan girl: *finishes collecting energy* Spirit Wave! *shoots the incredibly massive amount of energy out in a concentrated beam that strikes and envelopes PSW-001, shattering the headband on his head and sending him flying over towards Toma*

Toma: *looks behind him when he notices the enormous shadow covering him* No, NO!

*Skylar gets out of the way as the enormous PSW-001 falls directly on top of Toma.*

PSW-001: *out cold*

Skylar: Hmm...Deja Vu...

Blitz: The energy should've scattered enough now. The Oozaru is going to revert.

Skylar: Good work, bro... *leaps towards Connie*

Connie: *starts to shrink and revert back to her normal form* Rroawr... *fully reverts to her standard form, totally naked* whoa, that was trippy...

Skylar: *smirks and leans on a tree close by her* You know Connie, if you wanted me to give an opinion on how you look naked, you didn't need to go through all this~ *walks over and picks the naked hybrid up in his arms again* I am enjoying the view, however~

Connie: *hugs Skylar close*

PSW-001: *shrinks and reverts back to his standard form while still out cold*

Toma: *moans while looking really broken up and unable to move*

Skylar: *whistles* Okay, the peanut gallery can come and finish the job if they wish!

Ronald: I guess that means us?

Tanya: What do you say, Nikki? Feel like giving my little bro a break, let him deal the last blow? Your decision~

Cheryl: *stroking iDEAL's back*

*Before any decision could be made a very tall man wearing a grand blue coat warps next to Toma and PSW-001. Upon seeing him the kids quake in fear and hide behind their parents.*

Cliff: *hides behind Jim* No, this shouldn't be happening...

Kelly: Eek! *hides behind Blitz*

Roger: *hides behind Nikki* what is he doing here? He shouldn't be here...

Young Saiyan girl: *hides behind Skylar and Connie and shakes in fear*

Benjamin: *looks down at Toma and PSW-001* Hmm... *picks PSW-001 up by his tail and examines him* ...No, I have no use for a puppet without strings... *opens a portal* I'll let those on Earth decide what to do with such a broken toy *tosses PSW-001 into the portal then closes it*

Skylar: Broken, sir, I would appreciate it if you took your intimidating presence somewhere're scaring the kids, and we've got a naked lady here...

Blitz: He had to point that out.

Ronald: *walks forward* .....I feel darkness....

Roger: *in a whisper* Dad, no! Don't talk to him!

Benjamin: Hmm? *looks up* all three Moonshredder, not worth the time *turns his attention back to Toma* on the other hand... *grabs Toma by his arm and lifts him up* ...will do just nicely; Life Hold! *right hand glows with energy as he jabs it into Toma's chest and pulls out an orb radiating with energy*

Toma: Wh-what the...?

Benjamin: My name is Benjamin Koco; from now on you are my servant. And if you object... *squeezes the orb hard*

Toma: *screams in great pain while clutching at his chest*

Benjamin: ...I'll be more than happy to let you go at anytime you please *stops squeezing the orb* you are of no use to me as you are now; lets get you healed up first and then I'll give you your first assignment *turns to Skylar and the others* Farewell for now... *warps away with Toma as his captive*

Skylar: .......That just happened.

Blitz: So that was Mr. Big and Bad himself....

Kelly: You've heard about him already?

Tanya: Kids from the future have been popping up everywhere, you all tell about this big baddy, blah blah, stuff stuff, slap slap. *she playfully swats her son on the butt with her tail as she said the last part.*

Skylar: We understand the danger, it's just that the message has been repeated a lot...

Roger: That's a relief; that'll save us some explanation time at least. "He" is the second reason why we've all come to this time period; we want to try and take him down when he's at his weakest. But something worries me...

Skylar: Well, speak up before your mother gets hysterical.

Roger: Well, it's what he did to Toma. That power to steal other people's powers and life energy, he shouldn't have that. I got word from my friend Chili that his mission was successful here in this time, which means that Salty "Dogg" Josiah, the original owner of that power, should be deep in a galactic jail where nobody should be able to get to him easily and years before Benjamin Koco made contact with him. How did he get to Salty and better yet how did he know to find him this early in time? It's like the timeline is trying to go down its original course no matter how hard we try to change it.

Skylar: That is scary...but it seems like when it changes, we can get lucky with the resulting events....I just hope we don't create a paradox.

Roger: That is always a possibility but we'll worry about that later. For now let's get out of here and we'll tell you more about our mission.

*A little while later everybody is back at the Skylar, Blitz and Tanya's old home, the Moonshredder household. With most of everyone in the living room relaxing after the fight, both Tanya and Connie emerge from Tanya's old room with Connie wearing tribal garb just like Tanya's.*

Connie: So Skylar, how do I look? *strikes a sexy pose*

Skylar: You look good, Connie. ^//^ *tail wagging*

Tanya: Hehe, lil' bro has a thing for our loincloths and tribal garbs~ *teasingly raising the piece of cloth and nearly revealing pieces of Connie's nude form again* Makes all of us into sexy bombshells~

Cheryl: I prefer my old armor, which is slightly more modest than your skimpy things, but I see what you mean, child.

Connie: Really? *squeals happily* Then I'll make this my go-to outfit from now on~ *twirls around happily*

Roger: Before we go any further let me officially introduce you all to Corie, my little sister *motions over to the short haired Saiyan hybrid* she's a bit shy but she prefers to let her actions speak for her.

Corie: .///. H-Hi...

Skylar: ...Hold on Roger...this is your little sister? This Saiyan girl? ....But that would mean........oh goodness. o///o;

Connie: Oh my gawd! That means me and Skylar...?

Roger: Well, yeah.

Connie: Yay~ *pounces Skylar and kisses him all over*

Nikki: -3-# ...

Skylar: Gah, Connie, get off! >////3////<;;

Cheryl: *places a hand on Nikki's head* Do you want to borrow some tribal garb as well? Maybe that will even out the 'competition' a bit~?

Blitz: Mom....

Ronald: Hehe, my boy reminds of old 'Bloodfang' when he was a sprout like you all.

Tanya: Oh, one of the top elites and higher alpha leaders you told me about last night? He had lady trouble?

Nikki: Fine with me. >3<

Connie: Tribal garb for Bangs? That's a great idea! Hey, do you think you can find some for Kitten too? Then we can all go hunting with Tanya.

*The idea of Nikki and iDEAL in tribal garb makes both Skylar and Blitz blush and drool slightly.*

iDEAL: .///. *meows nervously*

Skylar: ....I'm in on that idea. o//u//o

Blitz: I hope it will be a windy day~

Tanya: Oh, you two~

Corie: *goes up to Skylar and squeeze in on his lap with Connie and smiles*

Skylar: two new girls... *pets them*

Roger: I hope Rumme turns up soon...

Cliff: I'm more worried about what we're going to do to deal with Benjamin Koco.

Roger: Truth is that we can't really make a solid plan until all of us arrive in this time and have accomplished our individual missions. Who have we heard from since getting here?

Kelly: Let's see...we've gotten reports from Sui, Arthur, Samantha and Amethyst, Bella and Silk, Chili and...Star.

Roger: Wow, not even half of the gang has made it over yet.

Blitz: Don't worry kids, no need to stress over something you can't control.

Tanya: Just try to enjoy yourselves while you're waiting for your friends, then we can start to plan, hmm?

Skylar: And I for one ant time to know Connie and you kids better, now that we've got the chance.

Cheryl: But of course we'll still be on guard if something bad were to happen.

Roger: I guess you're right; we did accomplish what we set out to do. We helped save Connie and in the process helped increase my family by two. ^^

Skylar: We sure did. *cuddling Corie while rubbing noses with her* Sure did~

Tanya: Awwww, let me hold her! QuQ

Skylar: No... -w-

Tanya: Cooome oooooon~!

Skylar: My daughter, my cuddles.

Corie: Hey Daddy, here's something that you, Mommy and Grandma helped me discover about myself *steps backwards a bit* Attack mode! *transforms into a full Saiyan* Defense mode! *transforms into a full Nekofi* Speed mode! *transforms into a full Ookami*

Skylar: Oh my goodness, how is this possible? owo

Corie: I don't know; I guess it's just one of my talents. ^^

Skylar: *cries a bit* Man...what kinda kids am I producing here? TwT

Roger: Awesome kids, Dad. ^^

Cliff: ...hey, do think that Earth will be alright with PSW-001 loose somewhere on it?

Kelly: I think it'll be fine. When we fought it didn't really seem like he was into it. If he was why would Toma need to control his every action?

Cheryl: We'll see what the future brings...

*Meanwhile back on Earth not too far from Rex's Mansion...*

Hayumi: *sees somebody in a crater in the ground* over here, Cazador; I think this is what made that huge boom a little while ago.

*Cazador with Hana on his back walks over to Hayumi to see a young boy inside a large crater in the ground.*

Hana: Ooka-Ooka! Look Spiderman, it's a meteor boy!

Cazador: Well it's certainly not Superman... *skids down to take a closer look*

PSW-001: *slowly opens his eyes* ...huh; where am I?

Cazador: In a crater, young boy. *kneels down by him* Hmm....monkey tail..yet no other animal traits....

Hayumi: don't suppose that is boy is a Saiyan, perhaps?

Hana: Hi-Hi! My name is Hana, these are my friends Cazzy and Hayumi~ Ooka-Ooka! What's your name?

PSW-001: My name? Its...its...huh...I...really don't know what my name is. There was this one guy who kept calling me by a series of letter and numbers that I can't remember.

Cazador: Well Hayumi, I'm not fairly certain, but he can be one. As for what we're gonna do about that name issue.......I'm not that good with names, but maybe "Saru" can work, for now...unless you pick up a name you'd rather be called by.

Hana: Ooh, let's call him Banana, or Strawberry, or Pineapple! ^o^

Hayumi: Hana, are really coming up with names or just naming off foods that you want to eat right now?

Hana: ...we can also call him Pop Tart! ^o^

Hayumi: ...I think Saru will do just fine for now... -.-;

Cazador: ..You've gotta excuse my eager little friend. We sat up most of the night, working...

Saru: *laughs* I like her; she's funny. You guys seem nice, wanna be friends? ^^

Hayumi: I don't see why not... *takes out a Rubix cube she had been working on for a week and resumes trying to solve it*

Saru: *sees the Rubix cube* Hey, can I see that?

Hayumi: Sure *hands over the Rubix cube*

Saru: *looks at the Rubix cube for a few seconds then effortlessly solves it by matching all of the colors in under 15 seconds*

Hayumi: OoO ...I've been working on that for a week and you solved it just like that...Cazador, I think this one has some potential. ^w^

Hana: Ooka-Ooka! Saru is so smart! ^o^

Cazador: Either that, or Hayumi is not as smart as we thought~ *he teased and picked Hayumi up, seeing the annoyed pout on her face* I'm joking. No need to puff up at me, marshmallow butt. -w-;

Hayumi: -3- ...

*After giving Hayumi a light kiss on her cheek she cheers up and hugs Cazador back.*

Cazador: Heh, that's better. *pats her bottom and lowers her back down* Careful with the breeze, by the way. Your dress can only keep you modest for so long....

*Cazador sits down next to Saru and starts to tend to his body, checking for potential wounds.*

Saru: *winces when Cazador applies pressure to his arms and then chest* I don't know why I hurt so much right now; although I will admit that there some really big gaps in my memory. I remember this one guy putting some sort of weird headband on my head then the next thing I know I'm here with the three of you.

*While examining Saru's body Cazador sees that he has suffered serious injuries all over his body, as if he was in some massive fight recently.*

Cazador: Well, you're really messed up all over. Someone must've knocked you senseless.... weird, as I don't find any bruises or wounds on your head...

Saru: Oh well Maybe I'll remember what happened eventually.

Cazador: Meanwhile, you'll just have to entertain yourself with us. Well, whoever you end up staying at, because these two will eventually have to go home once in a while, no matter how much I want them around.

Hayumi: Well, maybe he should stay here, at least for the first night or so since this place has a healing tank.

Hana: Hana will ask Daddy if Saru can stay with us when he's better! ^o^

Cazador: Okay, that's the plan, at least for now.

Saru: Okay *stands up* can you lead me to it?

*After standing up Saru injuries get the better of him as his knees start to buckle. Hana and Hayumi quickly catch as he's falling allow him to use them to balance himself and remain standing.*

Cazador: seem a bit too hurt to physically move yet. Good for you that two of the sweetest assistants was here to catch you.

*Cazador knelt down and proceeded to pick Saru up to carry him, being very careful so he didn't hurt him further.*

Saru: Thank you *closes his eyes so he can rest*

Cazador: No worries kid, just rest your body... ^^

Saru: -w- (I think I'm gonna like it here...)