Sunday, October 26, 2014

Zero's Pledge

With his secret intensive training finally complete, Zero makes a pledge of unending love and devotion to the girl he loves, Sally

Sally: Eh? EH!? Lil''re all...! And you..! And me..! And...!!! @//////@ *nearly collapses in his arms due to the shock*

Zero: Sally? Sally! Are you alright? *secures his hold on Sally so that she doesn't slip out of his arms*

Sally: *babbles some kind of freak-out language* ......H-how...why....and why me, Zero? @//n//@;

Zero: Because you're so kind, gentle, cute and yet so strong; I couldn't help but fall in love with you. ^^

Sally: B-B-But.... *motions to his height and general appearance*

Zero: Oh, that Well, in truth I've always had the ability to change form like this but for limited amounts of time. But after getting so easily defeated by Pyro at such a critical time I realized that I wasn't strong enough to be able to protect all those who were important to me. So I underwent some serious training for the past year and a half and the result is that I've discovered multiple new forms to transform into and I can stay in them for as long as I want to now.

Sally: So that's were you went...I thought you were avoiding me, or got lost in my laundry....again.... .n.;

Zero: I'm sorry for not telling you; I was just so ashamed of myself for such a long time after that defeat that I could think of nothing else but getting strong enough to be able to handle critical situation like that one. But there wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think about you.

Sally: .....I missed you, you know... :<

Zero: I'm sorry, I really missed you too; I realize that I should have told you what was going on so that you didn't worry. Please, is there anything I can do to make it up to you?

Sally: .... *twiddles thumbs* .....H-how good are you with your hands...? >///>;

Zero: Pretty good ^^
Sally: ......R-rub me down...all over.... *blushing red as a tomato*

Zero: Of course ^w^

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