Sunday, October 26, 2014


A continuation of this

Hayumi: Come on, Mizuki, snap out of it *pulls Mizuki out of the lake*

Mizuki: @w@

Hayumi: I hope these effects aren't gonna last for too much longer... -.-;

Annaliese: Um, Hayumi, those fuzzy things... *looks and sounds worried*

Hayumi: Yes? *grunts as she tries to get Mizuki to stand up* what about them?

Annaliese: *tilts Hayumi's head upwards* L-Look!

Hayumi: O.O Kyaaaa! They're everywhere and Mizuki is still in no condition to do anything! Everyone, stay together and do NOT touch them! Hopefully they'll float right past us or a nice wind will blow them away...

Karin: *touches one of the Fuzzies and gets as high as a kite* WHOO!

Hayumi: KARiN! >o<

Karin: I can taste the colors!

Hayumi: Oh dear, we're not getting out of here anytime soon, are we? -_-;

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