Wednesday, October 29, 2014


e-chan's sixty-fourth Pokemon, Mio the Meowth

e-chan noticed that Zapple was distracted lately and asked her what was on her mind. She said that she was wondering about how her best friend back in Kanto, Mio, was doing. Zapple told him all about how the two of them were always together since their mothers were also close friends. e-chan suggested that they go back over to Kanto to see her, an idea that Zapple happily agreed to. Upon arriving in Viridian City e-chan and Zapple took the same route to Pallet Town on which they first met. Almost like deja vu, e-chan spots a familiar group of Mankey bullying a Meowth by playing keep away with an Amulet Coin. Having had their fun, the Mankey destroy the Amulet Coin just as Zapple unleashes a powerful Thunderbolt on the group, sending them skyward. It just so happened that the Meowth was her best friend Mio. It turns out that Mio has sort of a confidence issue. The Amulet Coin that was destroyed by the Mankey was something given to her by her mother and as long as she had it she was fearless and brave; whenever it was lost or taken from her she became timid and cowardly. Even after learning this new fact about her the love Zapple had for her didn't diminish even a bit. At Zapple's request e-chan caught the Meowth and took her back home with them where Zapple made a custom ninja headband to act as a replacement for the Amulet Coin she lost.

Mio's ability is Technician and her current moveset is
-Fake Out
-Hidden Power
-Aerial Ace

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