Wednesday, October 29, 2014


e-chan's sixty-fourth Pokemon, Mio the Meowth

e-chan noticed that Zapple was distracted lately and asked her what was on her mind. She said that she was wondering about how her best friend back in Kanto, Mio, was doing. Zapple told him all about how the two of them were always together since their mothers were also close friends. e-chan suggested that they go back over to Kanto to see her, an idea that Zapple happily agreed to. Upon arriving in Viridian City e-chan and Zapple took the same route to Pallet Town on which they first met. Almost like deja vu, e-chan spots a familiar group of Mankey bullying a Meowth by playing keep away with an Amulet Coin. Having had their fun, the Mankey destroy the Amulet Coin just as Zapple unleashes a powerful Thunderbolt on the group, sending them skyward. It just so happened that the Meowth was her best friend Mio. It turns out that Mio has sort of a confidence issue. The Amulet Coin that was destroyed by the Mankey was something given to her by her mother and as long as she had it she was fearless and brave; whenever it was lost or taken from her she became timid and cowardly. Even after learning this new fact about her the love Zapple had for her didn't diminish even a bit. At Zapple's request e-chan caught the Meowth and took her back home with them where Zapple made a custom ninja headband to act as a replacement for the Amulet Coin she lost.

Mio's ability is Technician and her current moveset is
-Fake Out
-Hidden Power
-Aerial Ace

Monday, October 27, 2014

Teacher Love - Proposal Edition

Byakuru had planned the perfect date night; an early movie followed by a romantic dinner complete with dancing at the most exclusive, high-class restaurant in town. He had picked out his best outfit for the occasion and was on his way to Sylvia's home WAY ahead of schedule...that's when the misfortune started...

When walking down the sidewalk Byakuru gets covered in paint when painter on a billboard knocks over his bucket of paint; he is forced to go back home to shower and put on another one of his best outfits. The next time, however he gets splashed by dirty water at a curb by a speeding car. Similar misfortunes happen about 8 more times, depleting Byakuru of all of his best outfits, forcing him to wear his regular clothes and being over an hour late in meeting up with Sylvia. By that time it was too late go see a movie if they wanted to make their dinner reservation. The misfortune continues upon their arrival at the restaurant where it seems like Byakuru's reservation was lost in an error by the employees. With all of Byakuru's plans now up in smoke, he was distraught and had no idea what to do next; that's when Sylvia suggested they try the town boardwalk.

The boardwalk had tons of different things to do; there were games, good food, live bands and even a ferris wheel to ride on. All in all, despite the misfortune, it was a great night and a great date. But it didn't end there. On their way back to Sylvia's home, Byakuru got down on one knee and presented her with an engagement ring; he was proposing to her! Sylvia stands in shock and awe at the beautiful ring before her; what will her answer be?

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Smile for the Camera, Ladies 4

Here they are; the lovely ladies of Travel Multiversal for 2013...
Erza Jaclyn Cook

That's all for 2013, folks! ^^

Nervous Meeting

Mugz is walking about and happens to see one of his crushes, Karin, ahead of him wandering around by herself. He quickly hides, unsure of how to approach her or even if he should approach her. Today however, the choice would be made for him as his best friend Pepper shows up behind him and decides to help him out by breaking the ice with Karin. Pepper pushes the reluctant and panicking Mugz towards the pretty and funny Fox-HI for what is sure to change his life.

The Punishment of UBER Yuki

Yuki manages to safely catch her evil clone. Her first order of business is to punish her for all of the trouble she's caused for her among her friends. Afterwards she plans on reforming her evil double by teaching her what it means to be Yuki.

Mizuki Gets Butt Smashed

Mizuki sees Hayumi standing up while writing some notes. Wanting to see her butt she glomps Hayumi's butt, surprising her. The surprise causes her butt to expand, making her lose her balance and fall backwards onto Mizuki. Hayumi scolds Mizuki on why she shouldn't surprise her like that but Mizuki doesn't seem to hear single word Hayumi says as she enjoys the moment of being this close to Hayumi's expanded butt.

"I Love Your Touch"

Snuggle time~

Daishuto Diner's Most Valued Customers

At Marius' recommendation, both he and e-chan go to the Daishuto Diner for lunch. Unbeknownst to them they were followed by Melia and e-hime. Seeing how hungry the two girls were the boys decided to treat them to lunch although in the back of their minds they knew that they'd regret it later...and sure enough they did. Both girls were particularly hungry today and went through several plates of food, cakes and desserts before finally getting full. As e-chan realizes that he just used up and entire paycheck and Marius laments over a completely empty wallet, Eho counts up her tip and is very grateful that she decided to fill in for her co-worker today.


A continuation of this

Hayumi: Come on, Mizuki, snap out of it *pulls Mizuki out of the lake*

Mizuki: @w@

Hayumi: I hope these effects aren't gonna last for too much longer... -.-;

Annaliese: Um, Hayumi, those fuzzy things... *looks and sounds worried*

Hayumi: Yes? *grunts as she tries to get Mizuki to stand up* what about them?

Annaliese: *tilts Hayumi's head upwards* L-Look!

Hayumi: O.O Kyaaaa! They're everywhere and Mizuki is still in no condition to do anything! Everyone, stay together and do NOT touch them! Hopefully they'll float right past us or a nice wind will blow them away...

Karin: *touches one of the Fuzzies and gets as high as a kite* WHOO!

Hayumi: KARiN! >o<

Karin: I can taste the colors!

Hayumi: Oh dear, we're not getting out of here anytime soon, are we? -_-;

Meet Rocky, Gaura

Snoopy's cousin Rocky has stopped by in town for a visit with his young cousin and to meet said cousin's friends and heroine team mates. While giving Rocky a tour of the HQ, Snoopy manages to introduce Rocky to Ruby and Sally who were in the main room. Hearing the commotion Gaura enters the room and Snoopy introduces Rocky to her. With a gentle smile and friendly disposition Rocky greets Gaura who seems to be at a loss for words at the moment as her heart races and face blushes uncontrollably ^^

Zero's Pledge

With his secret intensive training finally complete, Zero makes a pledge of unending love and devotion to the girl he loves, Sally

Sally: Eh? EH!? Lil''re all...! And you..! And me..! And...!!! @//////@ *nearly collapses in his arms due to the shock*

Zero: Sally? Sally! Are you alright? *secures his hold on Sally so that she doesn't slip out of his arms*

Sally: *babbles some kind of freak-out language* ......H-how...why....and why me, Zero? @//n//@;

Zero: Because you're so kind, gentle, cute and yet so strong; I couldn't help but fall in love with you. ^^

Sally: B-B-But.... *motions to his height and general appearance*

Zero: Oh, that Well, in truth I've always had the ability to change form like this but for limited amounts of time. But after getting so easily defeated by Pyro at such a critical time I realized that I wasn't strong enough to be able to protect all those who were important to me. So I underwent some serious training for the past year and a half and the result is that I've discovered multiple new forms to transform into and I can stay in them for as long as I want to now.

Sally: So that's were you went...I thought you were avoiding me, or got lost in my laundry....again.... .n.;

Zero: I'm sorry for not telling you; I was just so ashamed of myself for such a long time after that defeat that I could think of nothing else but getting strong enough to be able to handle critical situation like that one. But there wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think about you.

Sally: .....I missed you, you know... :<

Zero: I'm sorry, I really missed you too; I realize that I should have told you what was going on so that you didn't worry. Please, is there anything I can do to make it up to you?

Sally: .... *twiddles thumbs* .....H-how good are you with your hands...? >///>;

Zero: Pretty good ^^
Sally: ......R-rub me down...all over.... *blushing red as a tomato*

Zero: Of course ^w^