Monday, August 26, 2013

Kevin & Ring - Valentine's Day

Kevin & Ring - Valentine's Day
by Max (ChinchillaKingXam)

Ring's hand shot in the air as she waved it about excitedly. "I know, I know, you use a colon to separate the text before he lists off the groceries!"

"Correct! Well done Ring! You just earned another gold star!" Ring cheered as Kevin made his way to a sheet of paper on the wall, adding a star sticker next to her name on it. Kevin walked back to the desk in front of his chalkboard and said, "Now are there anymore questions on the difference between colons and semi-colons class?"

The classroom was silent, mostly because the only desk and student in the room was Ring. She was dressed in a uniform as if she was in school. Kevin had taken it upon himself to teach her things that she didn't know, give her an education she deserved, and they made it a little more fun by roleplaying like it was an actual school class. Ring raised her hand and said, "Oh I have a question. Why do they call it a colon? Isn't that the same name as an organ?"

"Erm... that's not really relevant, Ring."

As he chuckled nervously, he stopped when the door to the room they used for class opened. Midna floated in and said, "Good god this room is colorful. It looks like a kindergarten." She began to chew some gum and went on, "Hey Kevin are you done with this stupid school thing? I thought maybe we could-"

Kevin got annoyed with Midna's rude interruption, and grinned as he got an idea. He interrupted her, "Midna, you are late for class! And is that gum in your mouth? You know the penalty for tardiness and gum chewing!"

The imp blinked and said, "What the hell are you going on about?" She felt him grip her wrist and yelped as he pulled her over his desk and held her there with a heavy palm. "Hey! Let me go! I don't wanna play school! God dammit Kevin!"

The boy smirked grabbing his ruler that he used to point out things on the chalkboard and yanked down her jeans, exposing Midna was a light purple thong that showed off her butt cheeks quite nicely. He then began to spank her with his ruler, swatting it across her cookie filled pudge butt and leaving several stinging marks as she flailed. "Now spit out that gum young lady!"

She spat out the gum int he midst of her screams, kicking off her jeans as she clawed at the desk in tears. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Kevin, quit it!"

To top things off a bit, Kevin took out a dunce cap from under his desk and put it on her head. It was so big it covered her eyes. "Look, a new crown! And it matches!" He lifted her off the table and let her go so she'd float in the air. Once she did instinctively he spun her in place, letting her squeal as she grew dizzy. He then stopped her and gently nudged her toward the corner. "Now go, take the knowledge I've given you and make your place in the world."

"Kevin, i-if I get my h-hands on you I'll-" she floated into the wall near the corner with a thud and fell on her back on the ground. "I'm gonna blow a chunks," she whined, causing Kevin to laugh his ass off.

"Alright Ring, class is dismissed for the day. Go upstairs and change, and we'll go for a walk around town to find something to eat."

Ring nodded excitedly, a little worried about Midna, but she'd known her to get back up from much worse than that. "Kevin, can you help me change? This outfit is a little tight and hard to get off." With a blush, Kevin nodded and walked with her upstairs, undoing the buttons to her shirt so she could remove it easier. "Thank you Kevin. Now let me try to get off this skirt." She kneeled down and gripped the hem of the skirt, tugging it downward with a strained groan as the waistband looked tightly gripped to her fleshy cheeks. Eventually it finally gave way and came down with on hard pull, but to Kevin's shock she pulled down her panties as well. "Oh! Whoops."

Kevin's nose began to bleed a little as he stared at her ass. That's when he realized it was wiggling. He looked at Ring and she stopped, looking away with an innocent smile. "Did you do that on purpose?"

The Nekofi giggled and didn't answer him right away. "Well... maybe." She'd gotten far more outgoing lately, flirting with him and pulling stunts like this in private. Then she surprised him and said, "What are you going to do about it?"

He stared at her uncertain at first, until he saw her smile when she looked back at him. He smirked and sat on his bed. "I'm gonna give you a spanking, because you're naughty." He pat his lap and Ring giggled, laying across it. Kevin gave her big bottom a gentle rub and said, "You have such a sexy bottom love." This earned a light giggle from her, and soon he began to spank and alternate her cheeks with a firm palm as if he was giving her a punishment spanking. Ring had been surprised at how hard of a spanking she could take when it wasn't for punishment and had asked him to spank her a bit harder more often. He had also taught her about the subtle tones used between lovers in private, such as pretending one was naughty when they actually were not, and she did this a lot more often with Kevin.

When the spanking stopped her bottom was a deep pink. Ring looked over her shoulder and said, "My bottom doesn't feel that sore Kevin. Don't you want to make it redder?"

"I don't need to. Besides, I want you to be able to sit comfortably. We're going someplace special for lunch today." Kevin gave her rear a gentle pat to signal he was done and helped her up, also helping her get dressed a little easier. She put on some jeans and a pink shirt in place of her usual outfit. "We're going to a hibachi grill!" he stated excitedly. Before she could ask what it was he said, "It's a Japanese restaurant where the chef cooks the food right in front of you and puts on a show. Xam invited us for free, which is good because I hear it's expensive."

Ring tried to imagine what it would be like but couldn't straight away. Once she was dressed Kevin drove them to the restaurant opening doors for her like a gentleman. They both stared in awe at the decorations as they walked in. Ring then noticed Xam and a few others at a nearby table and said, "There he is, Kevin!"

They rushed over to find a table with a large stove top covering a majority, with the outer rim being a counter just big enough for everyone to keep their plates and drinks on. There were a lot of seats but only four were taken. Xam and his wife Alastor were there, as well as (much to his surprise) Mam and her girlfriend Zukasu. Xam waved them over and said, "Kevin, great to see you, sit down!"

Everyone exchanged a quick greeting, Mam's a little more snuggly than the rest. When it was over Kevin asked, "How did you get us this for free?"

Xam smirked and said, "I know the chef. She just got the job today and she wants me and my friends to be her first customers. Her name is Rika, she's a shiba-inu."

An idle conversation went on between everyone for a while as the waitress came and took their orders, bringing their drinks. Soon Rika came out with a cart full of food to cook for them and a chef outfit on. "Konitchua everybody! My name's Rika, close friend of Xam. I see you got yourselves some nice free food here so I'm gonna cook it up for you." She turned on the stove and sprayed cooking oil on it. She then took out a pair of metal spatulas and twirled them in her hands, playing drums with the stove occassionally. "So tell me about yourselves"

Everyone exchanged a greeting with the doggy chef, a normal introduction between friends. Alastor had apparently met her in the past, as well as Mam of course. When the introductions were done she started cooking rice and veggies, letting them heat on the cooking top. Ring curiously reached out to touch it, only to have her wrist caught by Kevin with a gentle shake of his head. "Ring, that stove is gonna be hot right now and will burn your finger. Don't touch it."

"Yes dear." She continued to eye the stove curiously though, especially the food as Rika began to flip and chop it with her spatulas.

Alastor said in a tone quietly enough for everyone to hear, "So Xam, why didn't you invite your friend Sylvia to lunch?"

Xam blushed and said, "I did, smart ass, but she's busy with her own husband today. Why didn't you invite... um..." Alastor began to laugh at him. "Shut up! You know that actually makes me wonder who you would be with if not me."

"No one, because I love you alone." She stuck out her tongue in a smug gesture.

He didn't look satisfied with that answer. "Actually, Ali-baby, I'm kinda curious. You're the goddess of desire but you gotta desire someone outside of me. I know we're married, we're dedicated to each other. I don't sleep around with Sylvia and vice versa because I love you and you're my wife, and the same goes for you. I wonder though, if you could get jiggy with someone other than me, maybe even two, who would they be?"

"Did you just say get jiggy with? X3"

"Answer the question bunny buns. >.>"

"Alright alright. -w-" Alastor thought for a moment, wiping off her glasses on her shirt. "I guess Liren, since I dated her before you, and maybe her new girlfriend Aralynne. What about you? I know Sylvia is an obvious one." She leaned on her elbows with another smug look on her face.

Xam sighed and said, "Well, other than Sylvia... hmm... I do think Blaze the cat is kinda attractive, but she's not really a friend. Maybe Masaki Jen. I think she's pretty attractive." Alastor laughed again, earning a bonk from Xam, who was quickly zapped by the bunny for being mean. "Don't zap me, it hurts! Hmm... what about the rest of you?"

Everyone had heard the conversation, but they had stayed out of it until now. When they were called upon with the question in hand, they blushed and seemed reluctant to answer, while actually considering it. Mam raised her hand and said, "I got it! First of all, Kevin."

"What, why me?!"

"You're a cutie pie, of course. Out of the men around here I wouldn't mind fooling around with you, and besides you totally want me." Kevin blushed and pouted from this comment. "And as for my number two... hmm." She jumped into Ring's lap, shocking her and making her blush. She leaned in her face close to Ring's standing on her thighs as she said, "I'll have to go with you ya big curvy Nekofi." Zukazu scowled and grabbed Mam's tail, yanking her down into her seat. Mam's tail frizzed as a look of dismay came on her face. "Ow! It's still tender baby!" After her tail twitched and regained it's normal fluffy state she said, "What about you love?"

"I'll tell you later. I want to focus on the food right now." She was sipping some miso soup Rika had handed out to everyone before cooking, which she was getting close to finishing at this point. Ring marveled as she built a mountain out of the rings of onions, and with oil and a lighter turned it into a flaming volcano.

Mam pouted and said, "You're no fun. So what about you Kev? Who's your idea of a good time."

"Ring of course." Kevin and Ring exchanged a glance with a blushing smile. "And as for my number two... I wouldn't have one." He was shocked when Ring gave him a 'don't give me that'  face. "Hey, don't look at me like that! It's true!"

Ring smiled and said, "Kevin, it's fine. These are hyper-... hippo-... hi-"


"Yeah, that word! You can say who it would be, I don't mind sweetie. Honest."

He thought for a moment if he should still answer or not, but it actually seemed like Ring was curious. Then again she always was lately. With a sigh he admitted, "I guess Mam?" He glared at the coon as she did a silent fist pump. "Alright Ring, what about you?"

Ring's face went red and she began to stutter. "Um, I'll tell you later?"

"No, you're not pulling a Zukasu. Tell me right now. I told you mine, so who would your's be?" Kevin crossed his arms with a little smirk, just teasing her.

"Well... you of course."


"And... and..." she looked around, beginning to sweat. Kevin chuckled and was about to let her off, until she suddenly stated, "Mam too!"

Both Kevin and Mam's jaws dropped as they blushed. Mam looked to Zukasu with a pleading face and said, "Can I-"

"No." Zukasu bluntly stated as she had already been served some fried rice and began nibbling at it.

"Please Zukasu, they both said it and I said it, it would be completely consensual!"

"Eat your shrimp."

Rika grinned and flicked a shrimp at Mam, who swatted it away with her tail. "You know I can whip you in the bedroom until you do give me permission."

Zukasu scowled and said, "So whip me in the bedroom and we'll see. But you don't have one here, so..." Zukasu set down her chop sticks and gently took Mam over her lap, flipping up her dress and peeling down her rainbow panties to her knees. She held the coon down, folding and pinning her tail much to her dismay, and began to dish out a rather loud harsh spanking with her bare hand. Mam whined and cried more in anger than pain as Zukasu slapped her bottom in a steady pattern alternating her cheeks, sit spots, and even her thighs before repeating the process.

As Mam's bottom was spanked red impressively fast, Kevin looked to Ring and said, "You just said Mam because I did, didn't you?"

"Kinda," she replied with a nervous smile.

"You goofball." He reached up and gave her hair a playful ruffle. It wasn't long before their food was done and served. Rika had given Mam a pillow to sit on for her meal, who was pouting and sniffling at her treatment. Once dinner was over Kevin and Ring went home, talking about what they noticed in the cooking show they'd been given excitedly. When they got home, Kevin stated, "Okay Ring, now that we're home I have a gift to give you."

"A gift? For me?" Ring looked a little excited waggling her tail.

"That's right. Now close your eyes?" Ring put her hands over her eyes, peeking a little as he walked to the kitchen. She could hear the fridge open and Kevin walk back. "Okay, open your eyes." Ring opened her eyes and was shocked to find a bouquet of white roses. "Happy Valentines day love."

"Oh Kevin! They're lovely!" She took the batch of roses and gave them a whiff. Then she paused and gave them another whiff with a blink. "They smell like... chocolate?"

Kevin blushed and answered her inquiry. "I couldn't decide if I should get you flowers or chocolate for this special day... so I got you flowers made of chocolate. -/w/-;"

She took another look at the flowers and then took a bite out of one. "It's delicious white chocolate! Thank you Kevin, it's beautiful AND delicious!" Ring kneeled down and gave him a big kiss on the lips. "I got you a Valentine's day gift too actually."

Shock came over him as Kevin asked, "You did?"

"Uh huh? You want it?"

He was eager to respond. "Yes! Of course!"

Ring trailed her tail under his chin with bedroom eyes. "Then come upstairs in ten minutes and you'll find your gift."

Before he could say anything she rushed upstairs to his room and he could hear the door shut. He looked at a nearby clock and stared at it for a while. It didn't seem like time was passing at all, especially with how eager he was now. What could her gift be? He was getting impatient just thinking about it. He paced at the base of the stairs, looking at the clock every few seconds. Why did it have to be ten whole minutes? What was she up to?

When it got closer to ten minutes he began to slowly make his way up the stairs step-by-step. He counted in his head, which honestly seemed to help keep himself calm and make the time go by quicker. When he was just outside the door he still had a minute left, but was shocked to see Karin slide out of the room. She grinned and winked at Kevin with a, "You're welcome."

As the Fox-HI walked off he could hear Ring's soft voice say, "You can come in now sweetie." He slowly entered the room, and his face went red at what he saw. Ring was bent over the bed with her bum pushed higher in the air by a pillow under her, her wrists locked behind her back by fuzzy hand cuffs. There were also a pair of fuzzy shackles and chains locking her ankles to the bed posts, but despite this it looked like they gave her enough leg space. Even so she had her legs spread, and on her bottom was a red thong with black lacy frills and polka-dots. It was high up in her ass exposing most of it, and she had a matching bra on and visible. On her lower back just above her tail was a purple wooden paddle that red 'Naughty' in red letters that were on fire. His nose began to bleed and his pants grew tight as Ring bit her lower lip blushing. She looked back with a wink and simply stated, "Happy Valentines day Kevin."

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