Monday, June 18, 2012

We're the Enemy?! Battle on the Flooding Night!!

Travel Multiversal Episode 0
“We’re the Enemy?! Battle on the Flooding Night!!”
Part 4
An RP between Shirokku-D and eshonen

*Everybody exits out of the portal and find themselves in a grassy field. The sky was dark with storm clouds and the sound of booming thunder could be heard as some wind blows by them all; it felt as if a storm would start at anytime and there wasn't a single tree or building around to take refuge in.*

Marius: What now...?

Annaliese: Um... it's creeping me out...

Claire: *gently grasps Annaliese's hand and smiles at her in a reassuring way*

Ashuro: This reminds me of the time just before Planet Gremyx was destroyed...

Annaliese: Th-Thank you, I'm not quite used to be a leader...

Marius: Gremyx?

Ashuro: It was one of the 64 planets that Pyro destroyed. The sky was just like this at that fact...*looks around the area in greater detail* No way...this...this IS Planet Gremyx!

???: Not exactly...

*Looking ahead, everybody sees a familiar face; Angel Nitori.*

Marius: Angel?? What are you doing here?

Damon: ....Marius, get away from her!

Marius: ...Huh?

Angel: What you see before you is the Planet Gremyx from your memories. Your friends are experiencing the same exact thing right now; each of them are at a location where they have had some of their worse memories.

Ashuro: I remember that things were bad for me when I was here, but this isn't the place where I had my worse memory.

Angel: This was nothing more than an example for explanation purposes *raises her left arm and points at Annaliese* if you want to get to Pyro, you're going to have to go through me first *pointer finger sparks with E-nergy* but before that, let's head to the real battlefield.

*A bolt of E-nergy shoots out of Angel's finger and hits Annaliese directly in her forehead. The moment it does, Annaliese doesn't feel any pain, but she sees many of her memories flashing before her eyes at a rapid pace. After closing her eyes and shaking her head to regain her senses, she slowly opens her eyes and takes a look around. The sky is still very stormy looking but the entire area looks very familiar.*

Claire: *recognizes the area from one of Annaliese's memories that she saw when she first formed a Solnar Unity bond with her* wait, isn't this Ogama City?

Annaliese: ......?!! Is this Boot Camp?!

Claire:, I don't think so...

*Marius, Damon and Unishau each experience a feeling of deja vu; this stormy weather felt incredibly familiar to them. Lightning flashes in the sky as the wind increases in both speed and power. A newspaper that had gotten caught up in the breeze flies right into Annaliese's face; it was a fresh one that looked as if it was printed that very day. The main article was about the very unusual weather that the city was experiencing and talk about a possible evacuation if the conditions continued to worsen. But the biggest clue she saw was the date; this was the day when her situation went from terrible to that of being cursed. This was the day when Ogama City experienced that devastating flood.*

Annaliese: Noo... Nooo!!

Marius: Oooooh, F***! O_O;

Damon: !!

Oriyame: I didn't know it was a flood in this city.

Unishua: We need to get to somewhere high, fast!

*Everybody dashes off in the direction of the mountains but unable to when all of them run into what seemed like an invisible wall.*

Ashuro: What the...! *throws a stretching punch forward that bounces off of an invisible barrier* No way! *uses his scan sight but doesn't see anything that could be preventing them from going forward* Lets see just how strong this barrier is then!

*Ashuro throws a barrage of stretching punches to the invisible barrier with great strength but makes no progress at all. When Claire begins to feel some pain in her head, she looks over at Annaliese and sees that she is thrashing about on the ground in pain with her hands clutching her head; she was suffering from a sudden headache that wasn't showing any signs of stopping. While Ashuro continues to attack the invisible barrier, everybody else worriedly crowds around Annaliese trying to figure out what they can do to ease her pain. After watching her for a few seconds, Claire figures out what was happening.*

Claire: ASHURO, STOP!!

Ashuro: *stops attacking the barrier* what is it? *sees Annaliese on the ground* OoO;; Anna!

*Everybody watches as Annaliese stops thrashing about in pain and then gets up slowly as if nothing had happened at all.*

Angel: It looks as if you've figured it out, huh?

*Everybody looks up and sees Angel standing behind them all.*

Angel: But then again, I'd expect nothing less from one with Solnar blood.

*Marius and Annaliese look at Angel with confusion. Her voice sounded a lot different than before. It was as if another voice had mixed in with her normal one; a familiarly sinister one.*

Annaliese: *dizzy still* Oww... Ms. A-Angel? Are you o-okay?

Marius: Annaliese! Stay Back!

Annaliese: What, it's our friend Angel, right? Right?!

Marius: I see...That she's not what she seemed...... ... (Is this what Angel was telling me about last time...?)

Angel: ...Oh well, there's no point in dragging this out any longer than I already have.

*They had all definitely heard it that time; the voice they heard no longer belonged to the Angel Nitori they were all friends with. Suddenly, Angel doubles over in agonizing pain and falls to the ground unconscious as a giant amount of corrupted E-nergy leaves her body and takes on the form of their enemy, Pyro Darkesis.*

Pyro: Ta-da! Well, how was my performance everybody?

Ashuro: Pyro!

Pyro: Ah-ah-ah~ I wouldn't be too hasty if I was you~^w^ That is, unless you want your cute little girlfriend there to experience another one of those huge headaches. ^w^

Marius: .... Rrr!

Pyro: Heh... *feels something touching his left ankle and looks down*

Angel: Pyro, you monster! *shakes weakly* Where's Lorenzo? What have you done to him you maniac?!

Pyro: ...RRRAAAAAAHH!! *kick Angel hard in her ribs and sends her crashing into the invisible wall, giving Annaliese a second bad headache* You wench... *walks over to Angel and places his foot on the back of her head and grinds the heel of his boot into it* DON'T...YOU...EVER...SAY THAT NAME iN FRONT OF ME EVER AGAiN!!

Angel: TT_TT *cries weakly*

Marius: *hits him with the Shirokku-Syber* Leave Angel alone, A** wipe!!

Pyro: GAH!!

Angel: *quickly rolls out from under Pyro's foot*

*Marius holds him by the neck and ready to slice his head off, until...*

Ashuro: Marius, Wait!

*Marius stops but doesn't take his eyes off of Pyro.*

Ashuro: As much as I hate to admit it, you can't kill him just yet. One for the simple fact that this isn't the real Pyro; he's not going to put himself in direct danger like this.

Pyro: That's very true; and would you be so kind as to tell him the OTHER reason why he shouldn't?

Marius: ......

Annaliese: What, why?!

Ashuro: This fake Pyro is our only link back to the real world. If he's destroyed, we'll either be stuck here or we'll die; I don't know which.

Pyro: Bravo! You're absolutely right.

Marius: F***...

Annaliese: T^T *tears well up in her eyes* ...

Oriyame: Be Brave, little one...

Angel: *shakily gets back on her feet*

Pyro: Well, let's get down to business shall we? If you want to get out of here in one piece and waste you're remaining time trying to defeat me, you all must defeat... that which lies within each of you before you get swept away by the coming flood which is due to reach this spot in hour from now. Angel will show you what I mean.

Angel: Grr...if I had the strength I'd see to it that YOU got swept away by this flood, you fox-faced troll! >_<

Pyro: Well the important thing is that "I" have the strength and "YOU" don' least not yet. Hope you don't mind if I put you to work while you're here *evaporates back into a cloud of corrupted E-nergy and goes back inside of Angel*

Angel: AAAAAHHHHHHHH!! *struggling to resist being controlled* Marius, oww... Annaliese, you're going to have to either knock me out or make me use up all of this bad E-nergy inside of me. When that happens you'll be able to escape! YEAAAAARGH!! I'm sorry everybody, I can't hold back any longer; whatever happens, stay alive and keep fighting! *stops moving*

Claire: ...Angel...

Angel: ... *a glowing "N" tattoo appears on Angel's face then she takes on a battle stance*

Marius: No...

Annaliese: Angel!! ToT

Marius: C'mon! Fight it! Angel, remember!

*Angel gathers a large amount of E-nergy in her hands and shoots it all into the sky, causing it to rain for only 9 seconds*

Claire: ...okay...

Marius: .....?

Annaliese: Angel...T^T

Angel: *raises both of her arms in the air and uses Water E-nergy to pull all of the rain water that had fallen on Annaliese and her team towards her.*

Ashuro: ... *takes on a defensive stance*

*The extracted water turns black in color before taking on the form of eight flesh and blood bodied individuals; they were exact copies of Annaliese, Claire, Marius, Ashuro, Damon, Saturn, Oriyame and Unishau who each had a glowing "N" tattoo on their foreheads.*

Clones: ... *fiercely glares at the group, emanating a very negative aura*

Marius: What the f***?!

Annaliese: ToT Mommy!!

Oriyame: *make a fight stance*

Damon: *ready to fight*

Saturn: What in the--?

N Annaliese: *scoffs* Pathetic.

N Damon: Failure for life...

N Oriyame:'re STiLL too weak.

N Claire: Die...just do the world a favor and die.

N Marius: ... *nods at Marius*

N Ashuro: ... *nods at Ashuro*

Ashuro: this is the "that which lies within" that Pyro was talking about; the negative part of ourselves.

Annaliese: T^T I'm n-not!

Damon: So you mean yourself as well...?

Oriyame: ...!!

Marius: We'll see about that, faker! >: D

N Marius: Faker? You don't seem to fully get it just yet, butthead. I AM you; the same goes for the rest of you as well.

Marius: Fine by me...

Annaliese: T^T

N Annaliese: If you're going to start snivelling like that... *face becomes scary-looking* ...I'll just have to give you something to snivel about.

Ashuro: That face...

*Annaliese looks at her duplicate and is completely speechless; she was seeing exactly what she looked like whenever she entered Snapped Mode.*

Annaliese:'s my Bad girl side...T^T

N Annaliese: It feels SO good to finally be free. Once I get out of here I'm going to find every single one of those wretched people who ruined my life and make them experience everything they put me through! ...and I'm gonna start with "them." I'll finish the job that your annoying cat friend got in the way of last time!

Annaliese: *gasps* B-but you can't!! And Ashuro is NOT and I mean NOT Annoying!!

N Annaliese: Well, your mother...

*Before N Annaliese could finish her insult, Annaliese is suddenly right in front her. She has no time to dodge and is forced to block a powerfully painful punch with her arms.*

N Annaliese: OW!!

Ashuro: That's the bell guys; let's go! *charges towards the group of enemies*

Annaliese: DON'T SAY NOTHING ABOUT MY MOMMY!! *tackle her down*

*N Ashuro tries to attack Annaliese but is stopped by Ashuro when he delivers a stretching punch to his stomach. Seeing that the battle had officially begun, both sides rushed to the center to fight their doubles. Marius dashes to N Marius with a Shirokku Uppercut; N Marius does an uppercut as well, with a laser finger that stabbed right through Marius*

Marius: Uggh!! >_<

Damon: Marius!

Claire: Mint Kiss! *kisses her hand and blows a lips-shaped shot of energy that instantly heals Marius the moment it touches his body* Hehehe, now to g--

N Damon: *aims his gun at Claire and shoots her several times, smirking wickedly*

Claire: AAH! ... *laughs sneakily*

N Damon: O_O what the...?!

*Although the bullets definitely hit Claire, she is unhurt by them as they stick to her body.*

Claire: You know absolutely nothing about Nekofi; our bodies are like rubber, meaning... *inhales* BULLETS DON'T HURT US!

*Claire inflates herself, causing the bullets attached to her body to shoot out and hit N Damon.*

N Damon: ARGH! So the cats are bullet-proof...

Marius: *slashes N Marius*

N Marius: Jackass!! You can't hurt me... *goes and slashes Claire's pants, exposing her butt, making him heal*

Marius: ...Oh! I forgot!

Claire: *thinks for a bit* I know! *channels some E-nergy to her tail* Eclipse! *slaps N Marius in his face with her tail which cause his vision to dim until he can't see anything at all*

N Marius: Why you...! I can't see; what've you done to me?!

Claire: *wiggles her butt if front of him* it worked; go get him Marius!

Marius: *dashes* Yaah! *shirokku syber his head off* *makes a crazy laugh*

N. Marius: ..... ...... *grins*


Annaliese: Yaaaaaaaaahhh!!

N Annaliese: Aww, sympathizing with you enemy? *punches Annaliese sending her to the ground* I'd worry more about myself if I were you right now!

N Marius: She's right, you know.

*Marius jumps back in mild surprise when the head of N Marius starts speaking*

N Marius: You buttheads REALLY don't get it! Have you truly realized what you're up against yet?

*Both the head and body of N Marius liquifies back into black water, gathers together then reforms again. N Marius is now whole again and moves around as if nothing had ever happened.*

N Oriyame: Your time is slowly running out; if you haven't figured out just how to defeat us by now then do us all a favor... *draws her sword* and DiE!! *charges at Oriyame*

Marius: ... Damn...

Annaliese: What... What??!

Damon: *notices a way*

*N Oriyame swings her sword wildly at Oriyame who manages to dodge and defend against each swing.*

N Annaliese: *picks Annaliese up by her left arm* some leader you are *points to all of her friends who are fighting their doubles* even after coming all of this way, you're still too afraid and timid to stand up for yourself *squeezes Annaliese's arm tightly* you have to rely on everybody else to fight for you! *grabs Annaliese's right arm and starts squeezing it tightly as well* the only way you could EVER be strong like Kevin and Ashuro is in your dreams! *squeezes Annaliese's arms so tight that they feel like they could break*

Ashuro: Anna-chan! *dashes over to Annaliese*

N Ashuro: *blocks Ashuro's path*

Ashuro: Out of my way! *attacks with a powerful stretching punch*

N Ashuro: *catches the punch, yanks Ashuro towards him and attacks with a powerful stretching kick that sends him flying back a few feet*

Ashuro: OW! ...I never knew I kicked THAT hard. >_O

Annaliese: Waaaaaaaahhh!! TToTT Noooo~! Leave him alone!!

N Annaliese: Kekekeke~! You're a disgrace of your own team!!

Annaliese: MY FRIENDS!! Don't huuuuurt them!! TToTT

N Annaliese: Still making the water works! Your mother and father were wrong about you! You can't EVER be loved!

*After that, Annaliese snapped*

Annaliese: *uses the E-energy that is from Claire, and maybe from Ashuro, and blasts N Annaliese off her* UWAAAAH!!

N Annaliese: ...What?! Uwaaaaaah! *takes critical damage* Guck!

Claire: And that's my cue.

*Claire turns into a shadow to return to Annaliese's body so that she could lend her some aid*

Claire: Alright Annaliese, I'll be here on standby to boost your accuracy. Now prove this faker wrong and show her what you can do!

Annaliese: Okay! *grab her leg, cause of Claire's aid, she can pick her up like she has the power of 10 men* Mugh!

N Annaliese: What the Hell are yo---! --Oh No.

Annaliese: *spin her around and around, kinda like Mario vs. Bowser in Super Mario 64* SO LONG, ANNALIESE CLONE!

N Annaliese: Waaaaaaaaaaah!! *crashes to a wall* ...OWWWWW! That Hurt!! >_<

*An aura of E-nergy radiates off of Annaliese's body; she runs up to N Annaliese and hits her with a stretching punch using an E-nergy that's shaped like an arm that sends her busting through the wall.*

N Annaliese: Waaah! Amazing... >//< No wha--! *got hit by Annaliese* Uwaah!

Annaliese: You'll regret it for mocking my MOMMY!! TToTT *multi-punches her in the face* YOU... BIG...FAT... MEANNY!! TToTT *makes a final blow that sends N Annaliese in the air*

N Annaliese: @_@ Waaaaaaaaah!!!

Ashuro: *looks around the battlefield and sees everybody battling their respective counterparts* this is getting us nowhere; at this rate we won't defeat them all in time.

N Ashuro: ...have you finally figured it out?

Ashuro: Huh?

N Ashuro: There's one and ONLY one way that you can truly defeat us. So do what you do best and you'll figure it out; I'm in no hurry. Wake me up when you figure it out.

*N Ashuro lounges on the ground and goes to sleep.*

Ashuro: Wow, am I really like that? Oh well, at least he isn't kicking me anymore *sits down in his thinking position as the antenna on his head flicks left and right*

Marius: ...? Eh?

N Marius: *looks over at both Ashuro(s)* what the heck are you doing?

N Ashuro: Resting.

N Marius: I can see that, but why aren't you fighting him?

N Ashuro: Don't feel like it; at this rate neither side is going to win.

N Marius: Do you actually WANT to be destroyed?

N Ashuro: No, but in the end we're just being used as tools. Being defeated, running out of time; either way we'll be destroyed in the end.

N Marius: ...believe what you want to believe *looks over at Marius* all that matters to me right now is taking out this guy here for sealing me away inside of himself for all these years! *begins preparing another Shirokku attack*

Marius: If that's the case... *sit and wait, and also pulls out a manga, and read it*

Annaliese: Huh?

N Annaliese: *pushes Annaliese off of her and runs away* (Darn it! I can't believe I'm forced to retreat like this...and from HER of all people. )

Annaliese: Get back here! *chases after her*


Marius: ...Can you keep it down? I'm trying to read...

Ashuro: *continues to think*

Marius: Dick. That was my favorite volume of Ganbare Goemon... *pulls out a soda and starts drinking*

N Marius: GRRR!!

N Ashuro: *uses Time Elemental E-nergy to restore Marius' manga back to normal, making it look as new and fresh as it was the day he first bought it, then hands it back to him* Seriously, chill out man; the real fight hasn't even begun yet. It's a waste of energy to fight any further now until they realize what they need to do in order to defeat us.

N Marius: Oh really now? And exactly when will that be?

N Ashuro: When my other half figures it out in less than 3 minutes from now. So just wait for a little while, okay?

N Marius: *grumbles* Okay, fine then! *sits down facing away from them*

Marius: *flips him off* Nyyaaah! *continues to read*

N Marius: are SO gonna get it when the true battle begins...

*Oriyame, Damon and their negative selves collapse to the ground. N Oriyame and N Damon had exhausted themselves while fighting Oriyame and Damon who became exhausted from having to defend themselves by dodging and evading without rest.

N Damon: *pants from exhaustion* I'll give you one thing, you're very good when it comes to running away *chuckles mockingly*

N Oriyame: *pants from exhaustion* won't be able to run away from the truth for much longer. Sooner or later, you're going to have to accept it *struggling to get up*

Damon: ...hmph....

Oriyame: It's not my fault you're weak...

Ashuro: *continues to think* ... *figures it out* I get it now!

N Ashuro: You did huh? *stands up* if you've found the answer then show it to everybody.

Ashuro: *walks over to N Ashuro* ...I'll...I'll never be strong enough to protect EVERYBODY. It's just not possible; I saw that for myself as I watched everybody I cared about disappear one by one before my eyes. But I realize something now that I hadn't thought about just yet. I was able to save six of my friends back then; despite how fast things happened, I was able to save six of them from being captured...and later e-chan was able to save even more of them. I...I need to remember that I'm not alone anymore; that my friends will always be right by my side to help me whenever things get too tough to handle. I'm not alone anymore! *sticks his hand out to N Ashuro for a handshake* "We're" no longer alone.

N Ashuro: ...heh. *shakes Ashuro's hand* so how do you feel?

Ashuro: ...actually, I feel...relieved; that I finally have some peace of mind.

N Ashuro: *chuckles* I knew that you'd figure it out...and it looks like my time is up now; bye.

*The corrupted energy leaves N Ashuro and evaporates into the air like smoke as N Ashuro turns back into water that soaks into the ground.*

Marius: ... (Redeem myself? That's it?) Okay...

Annaliese: What the...?

Ashuro: ...Marius...what is your greatest fear or regret in life? What is it that causes you pain deep down inside of you?

Marius: ... When I'm too late to save anyone...and the one's I care the most. Also...I regret not seeing what Aluma wanted all along...Me.

Ashuro: But you always gave it your all, right? You've never once gave up or even thought about giving up when it came to the one you care about. You'd do anything you had to do to protect them all!

Marius: ....... I Would. I don't care if I had to sacrifice my hard work; I'll do it for My Friends, Family, and Aluma...

Ashuro: Yes! And even if it took some time, the important thing is that you "did" realize how you and Aluma felt for each other. Isn't that a LOT better than never realizing it at all?

Marius: Actually, it Is. *smirks*

*Marius feels as if a huge weight had been taken off of his shoulders. With his guard down, N Marius sucker punches but Marius felt no pain and didn't budge one bit. To N Marius, it felt like he had just punched a solid steel wall.*

N Marius: AAAAAAGH!!! What the heck just happened?! *flaps his hand about, trying to shake out the pain*

Ashuro: Marius is at peace with himself now, which means you can no longer hurt him; you're completely powerless against him now.

Marius: So can I relax, or fight him?

N Marius: *continues to attack Marius with all of his might without resting but he continues to feel nothing at all from them*

Ashuro: -_-; doesn't look like he's gonna stop anytime soon.

*Marius starts to get annoyed by all of the noise that N Marius is making in his futile attempts to hurt him.*

Marius: -_-; .... *punch him far away*

N Marius: WAAAAAAAACK! *crashes into a building* ...Ow.

*Now that they saw how to render their opponent's attacks useless, Damon, Oriyame and Unishau begin thinking hard about just what regrets there are hidden within their hearts. N Annaliese, N Marius, N Damon, N Oriyame and N Unishau all rush over to Angel as fast as they can; once they're close enough all of them aim their arms at her and a stream of energy can be seen getting pulled out of her body, slowly restoring their lost energy.*

Ashuro: Darn it! *dashes towards Angel in an attempt to rescue her but is blocked by N Saturn and N Claire who fire multiple powerful blasts that force him to dodge by jumping backwards.*

N Saturn: You shall not interfere!

N Claire: If you don't want to lose your head, I suggest that you don't come any closer.

Marius: ...S*** -_-

*Both Claire and Saturn confront their negative doubles.*

Claire: Get ready to dance!

Marius: Okay.

Annaliese: "sigh" Okaaay... *juiced up my Claire's emotions* Lets Go!!

Damon: *ready*

Saturn: Now Let's Finish this!

N Claire: ...he-he-he... Cell Buunshin x100!

*100 N Claire cell clones appear on the battle field, all of them ready to fight.*

Ashuro: ...great... *feels some water drops* Eh?

*As the rain starts pouring, Annaliese's team realize that they're running out of time to win this battle.*

Annaliese: 0o0 It's starting!!

To be continued...

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