Monday, June 18, 2012

Great Discovery! The Ancient Kingdom of Ookamidise!!

Travel Multiversal Episode 0
“Great Discovery! The Ancient Kingdom of Ookamidise!!”
Part 3
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

*Exiting the portal, Skylar's team find themselves in some ancient ruins, not knowing where they were at all.*

Ashuro: *looks around* this place look familiar to any of you?

Skylar: ......No, I don't think so...

Arashi: Can't say I do...

*The team explores the area further in hopes of finding out where they are. One thing that they quickly discovered was that these ruins had very odd atmospheres. One area had a wide open field filled with flowers and nature while as a cool spring breeze blew by. Another area was a sandy beach with a crystal clear ocean that gave off the feeling of summer; there was even an autumn forest area and a winter resort area. Eventually they all ended up back where they first started.*

Nikki: ...

Jim: ...

Ashuro: ...I think I can honestly say that we're all thinking the exact same thing right now... -_-;

Blitz: You mean that we all know we're just walking around in a big illusion?

Kevin: Eh...I think Ashuro had more in mind than that...

Ashuro: Actually Blitz is half right. We're in a gigantic labyrinth maze. Those areas that we all passed through were just four out of many. And since it was Pyro who sent us here, we're at a huge disadvantage already.

Nikki: ...I think I get what you're talking about. If Pyro sent us here then he must know the layout of this entire place. And all of those multiple corridors to choose from; you go through one of them and at the end of it is another multiple set of corridors.

Ashuro: And remember those times when we backtracked through some of those corridors? When we exited them, we would always end up someplace different. It's like we're inside of a mystery dungeon that changes every time you go down a path instead when you leave it.

Tanya: Sounds like a difficult task to go through this dungeon, then... -.-;

Kevin: Well, at least we have to try. We've been through hardships before.

Jim: *looks around him and sees a shiny green jewel embedded in the rocky wall* what's this? *goes over to the wall to inspect the jewel* this is one of those jewels that I searched for all those years ago *notices a carving just underneath the jewel* Haha! Looks like some kids etched two funny-looking faces here. *takes an even closer look at the childish carvings of a smiling boy with long ears and a skinny tail standing next to a girl with dog ears and a furry tail* cute. ...wait a minute *notices a familiar looking symbol on the dress that the girl in the carving was wearing* this is...this is your family's symbol, Skylar!

Skylar: Huh? Say what?!

Blitz: *takes a closer look* ...It IS our symbol...

Jim: that I think about it... *touches the jewel and a memory plays through his mind* no way...this may be a bit hard to believe, but... *turns to face the Moonshadow siblings* we're on your home planet.

Moonshadow siblings: WHAT?!

Skylar: How is that possible...?

Jim: I don't know how, but we're here; this is one of the places that Tanya and I searched for those jewels years ago. We etched these carvings throughout this entire place so that we'd never get lost.

*Tanya touches the same jewel that Jim had touched earlier and the same memory flashes through her mind to remind her of that time.*

Tanya: Yeah, you're right...I remember it too...

Jim: *activates his guild watch and accesses it's database for some information* I remember doing a little investigation on this place after exploring it all those years back *finds the information that he was looking for* this entire underground area was the kingdom of your ancient Ookami ancestors. I couldn't find information regarding the true name of this place, so archaeologists just called this place "Ookamidise"; basically it's your planet's version of Atlantis.

Kevin: Well, that's cool.

Skylar: *looks around*

Jim: *reads more of the data* this particular place we're in seems to be a giant maze used for warrior training. According to research findings, the ancient Ookami would lead invading monster into this place and let them wander around for a few days before sending several small teams inside, each lead by a seasoned warrior, to destroy them all.

Ashuro: Navigating through unfamiliar surroundings that can change at any moment, running into a monster, falling into a trap, facing multiple dead ends; this sort of place is perfect for all of that.

Kevin: The labyrinth of the Minotaurs...just reversed.

Blitz: Luckily for the monsters we have no intention to hurt them, if they are still here.

Jim: Who knows; that's just another part of the training I suppose.

Nikki: There's one thing that you've got to admit though; the ancient Ookami must've been highly skilled hunters.

Tanya: Yeah, I feel proud. ^w^

Jim: But I wonder why Pyro would send us back in time? We don't even know how far back in Planet Ookami's history we are.

*A very loud BOOM can be felt coming from above them that shakes the entire area!*

Nikki: O.O;; W-What was that?!

Ashuro: It sounded like a giant bomb had went off above us!

Sora: Heck, it sounded like more than that! O_O;

Blitz: *his ears moves wildly about* ...Anyone else picking up a weird noise? Or, a noise you're not familiar with?

Ashuro: *listens closely* it sounds like there's some kind of battle going on.

*A familiar roar sounds from way up above; one that sends a chill down Skylar and Tanya's spines. The last time they heard a roar like that was on "that" nightmarish day.*

Nikki: Skylar? Tanya? O_o\

Skylar: *swallows* O_O

Tanya: *holds him close*

Sora: Guys, what's wrong?

Ashuro: I've never heard a roar like that before; whatever made it must be a very formidable creature.

Kevin: Not as bad as Trey or my old teacher Sylvia on a bad day...but still very intimidating, I'd say. *looks around, trying to spot the source of the roar*

Arashi: It can be a dragon, and then again, maybe not. Earthia's roar is one thing I rarely heard as a child...she was very calm, along with the other dragons that-

Kevin: Not to be rude and interrupt you, but we don't have time for those childhood memories of yours... -_-;

Arashi: Eh, sorry...

*Nikki and Jim take another look at Skylar and Tanya's faces; what could be going on high up above them that'd make them so scared. Then it dawned on them...*

Nikki & Jim: 0o0 ...Saiyans...

*Blitz, Kevin, Sora and Arashi then suddenly froze up*

Blitz: O_O;; could I forget that...

Kevin: Yet another reason for Goku to come back and help me train: So I can be prepared for things like this.

???: *sinister laughter*

*Everybody is put on high alert when they hear the evil laugh echo throughout the area.*

Skylar: Freaking out! O_O;; *turns into his puppy form and seeks safety in Tanya's arms*

Tanya: *holds him close*

???: Aw, did I scare the widdle puppy?

Ashuro: That voice...ugh, it's him. -_-;;

Skylar: *his ears perk up* Rrrr...

Kevin: ...Show yourself, mister illusion...

Pyro: *appears right next to Kevin* I'm here~ ^3^

*Another Pyro appears next to Jim and gives him a wet-willie in both of his ears*

Pyro: Or am I over here?~ ^3^

*A gust of wind blows by Nikki and Sora as two more Pyro(s) appear in front of them.*

Pyro 1: Maybe here~ ^w^

Pyro 2: Maybe there~ ^w^

*Multiple Pyro(s) appear and surround the group*

Pyro(s): Or perhaps I'm everywhere~ *laughs creepily*

*All of the Pyro(s) accept for the two that appeared in front on Nikki and Sora fade away. Both of the Pyro(s) go over to Skylar and Arashi and hand them each a small gift box.*

Pyro 1: Do not fret~ ^3^

Pyro 2: Those contain no threat~ ^3^

Pyro 1: But what you'll see~ ^3^

Pyro 2: Will be quite a sight, believe me~ ^3^

Both Pyro(s): Ta-ta~ *disappears like the other Pyro(s)*

*Skylar and Arashi cautiously open the gift boxes and look inside of them, looking very puzzled about the contents. In Skylar's box was a violet D-cup bra and inside of Arashi's was a pair of white, frilly teddy bear panties. Nikki and Sora's eyes widen from the sight; a sense of panic sets in as Nikki notices that her chest feels heavier and as Sora feels a cool breeze on previously covered flesh.*

Ashuro: O_O;; Um guys, those are...

Skylar: .....

Arashi: .....

Both: OH SHI-!!! *both of them drops the contents of the boxes and the boxes themself.*

Skylar: O///O; N-Nikki, please tell me this is one of the bras from your closet, and that under THAT shirt, I will not find bare skin staring at me...

*Both Nikki and Sora close their eyes, looking very annoyed and blushing an even deeper red than they were earlier.*

Nikki: ...that stupid, annoying illusionist... I'm SO going to give him a year's worth of nightmares when this is all over!

Sora: I'll cut of his *bleep* and feed it to Shark's pet shark if I'm given the chance....!!

Kevin: >_<; *holding onto his crotch* Sora...that's a very ugly picture for us guys...

Skylar: *shivers at the thought* Indeed... >.<;

Ashuro: I don't even think that I could regenerate...*shivers*

Jim: -_-; ...normally I'd never wish that sort of thing on my worst enemy...but I would make an exception this one time for somebody like Pyro.

Blitz: Urgh... I have to agree with Jim there... -_-; Even if it sounds painful...

Arashi: *helping Sora put on her panties, with his eyes closed.* -//_//-;

Nikki: *turns away from everybody as she hurriedly tries to put her bra back on without taking her shirt off, mumbling to herself in an angry tone*

*Looking at her, Tanya couldn't help but chuckle to herself. She never would've guessed that Sora, THE Sora Sandwind, actually wore childish, frilly teddy bear-print panties.*

Sora: *glares at Tanya* ...What's so funny?

Tanya: Nothing at all. ^w^

Skylar: *steps over to Nikki* Hey Nikki...if you continue to try putting your bra on like that, you might end up ripping it AND your shirt in the process. Trust me; I've seen you when you're angry...

Nikki: *thinks about Skylar's words* ...could you lend me a hand then, please?

Skylar: Sure, sweetie. Just tell me how I should help you. ^w^

Nikki: *partially lifts the back of her shirt up and motions for Skylar to attach the hooks of her bra together*

Skylar: Got it *attaches the hooks*

Nikki: Thank sweetheart ^w^ *whispers into Skylar's ear* I'll make sure to reward you later after all of this is over, okay?

Skylar: I do like rewards~ *kisses her cheek and holds around her*

*Ashuro's antenna twitches as he frantically looks around; seconds later Skylar, Nikki and Jim begin to do the same. They were sensing 3 frighteningly high E-nergy readings headed right in their direction.*

Nikki: *looking around* this isn't Pyro's E-nergy; there's no way he would be putting out this much power after all that talk about conserving it.

Skylar: ...All I know is that it seems familiar...and then again, it doesn't... Who or what could it be?

*Emerging from two of the entry way were two familiar faces that makes everybody brace themselves for battle; it was Trigger Shigi and Rex Tyrant.*

Kevin: Oh no, you can't be serious...

Arashi: Rrrr...!

*Seeing everybody getting ready to attack actually surprise both Shigi and Rex; just like them, they too were lost and trying to figure out where they were.*

Rex: Whoa! Aggressive, aren't we? *raises an eyebrow*

Shigi: Shouldn't you save energy for something else?

Ashuro: ...relax guys; they're not here to fight.

*Skylar and the others slowly relax themselves but keep their eyes on Rex and Trigger as Ashuro approaches them both.*

Ashuro: ...this place is messed up, isn't it?

Rex: You can say that again...I'm getting bad vibes all over...

Ashuro: Then let me catch you both up to speed. We're all currently several years in the past on the Planet Ookami, inside of a labyrinth used to train hunters within the ancient city of Ookamidise deep underground the planet's surface... *hears explosions up above* ...and it just happens to be the day that the entire planet was destroyed by Saiyans; you guys get all of that?

Rex: That information is easy to follow.

Shigi: Indeed it is.

Kevin: Great, now back to more important things at hand...

Nikki: where is the third person that was with you?

*Rex raises an eyebrow in confusion, looks at Shigi then at Nikki again.*

Nikki: Huh? There wasn't another person with you?

Rex: Was it supposed to be another person with us?

Nikki: I don't know; we all sensed three different power levels coming in our direction. When we saw the two of you, we thought that the third one was another one of your friends.

*Thinking back to a few moments ago, Rex did remember feeling another high power level not too far from that didn't belong to either Skylar or his friends.*

Rex: ...I guess it will worry you if I told you that I felt something too, and it wasn't you guys...

Sora: If you know it will worry us then don't say anything!

Ashuro: ... *senses the power level again* there it is again! *looks over in the direction of the power level* now let's see if I can...what disappeared again!

Jim: *senses the power level that disappears nearly instantly* ... *notices as the power level keeps appearing and disappearing, seemingly warping to different spots in the surrounding area* whoever it is, they're trying to unnerve us...just like a predator chases its prey.

Blitz: ...Even so, it's just I guess we'll be able to take it down if we stick together...right?

Shigi: In theory, you do have a point, Mr. Moonshadow.

Ashuro: I'm sure everything will work out in the end; they usually always... 0o0 *notices something shadowy rising up from the ground behind Skylar* O_O;; d-do...?

*Everybody backs away from Skylar as the dark shadow grows larger and takes on a more sinister looking form. When Skylar sees the alarmed looks on everybody's faces then feels a chill run down his spine, making his body stiffen with fear.*

Skylar: ...T-t-too scared to move...

Blitz: 0o0 W-what to do...guys...?

*The sinister shadow shrinks down until it's the same height as a regular person before fading away; in its place now stands an old man with a long pointed nose, piercing orange eyes and big, white, bushy eyebrows.*

???: *clears his throat* sorry for giving you a fright, lads; old habits die hard it seems... *smiles sincerely, unintentionally showing off his vampire-like fangs*

Skylar: N-no, it's okay. I mean, you just almost gave me a heart attack. No harm done... *backs away just a little bit*

Arashi: That there was a bit frightening...

???: Well it's nice to see that I haven't lost my touch over the years...

Ashuro: Wait...*walks up to the older man to take a good look at him* S-Sako?!

Sako: Hmm, young Kamake? I never thought that I'd meet you again under our current circumstances.

Ashuro: You're still alive? I thought that you...

Sako: Oh, you mean the incident back on Valanatu a few years ago? Oh young Kamake, did you really think I would go down THAT easily?

Ashuro: B-B-But you were crushed by a pile of falling rubble; I saw it with my own eyes!

Sako: Just like you, there's more to this old man here than meets the eye. *looks over at Rex* (Is it possible that this boy here is...?)

Rex: *looking up at the sky with a slightly worried look on his face*

Skylar: What's the matter?

Rex: Just a bit worried about my dinosaurs, that's all...

Arashi: Oh yeah, those. Oh, and don't forget about the un-hatched egg.

Rex: Yeah that too...I want to get away from here as fast as I can, and to do that, it seems like I might need more than myself and Trigger...

Sako: ... *His energy signal and aura are the same as his; this boy very well could be the successor that that old fossil is looking for. I'll have to keep my eye on this one...and hope that I don't have to resort to killing this child in the near future.*

*Rex notices that Count Sako has been looking at him for quite a while*

Rex: What are ya looking at, old man? Never seen a young mastermind before?

Kevin: I think he's focusing on those gloves. They certainly draw attention to you.

Arashi: Kevin got a point there.

Sora: I agree with them.

Rex: OK! My gloves draw attention. We get that now. But I weren't asking you guys...

Sako: ...a word of advice, Sir Tyrant. Whatever it is that you hope to accomplish, terminate those plans; if you continue down this path you'll draw the attention of something that's several times more dangerous than Pyro Darkesis and Crimson Mahiru combined directly to you. Whatever you choose to do with this information is entirely up to choose wisely.

Rex: ... *groans a bit, looking at the ground*

Shigi: Young master, it shall be noted, now that he mentioned it, that you're 1 month away from what you want...

Rex: ...I got a person to put in place...until I've shown HIM what I can do, and what HE has done, I won't ever find peace...

Arashi: ...? *whispers to the others* Seems like he had a REAL objective behind all of his schemes...but, what could it be?

Kevin: I say we let him decide what to do...I see a bit of myself in him, so I'll give him this chance...nothing more.

Sako: *senses something coming but doesn't bother looking around* ...even though it's not the real you I know that you're there. I've been around you long enough to recognize your E-nergy signature by now.

*A illusionary Pyro appears*

Pyro: My-my, sharp as ever, I see; not that I'd expect anything less from the legendary assassin known as the "Creeper"

Blitz: Are we playing Minecraft all of a sudden?

Kevin: *facepalm*

Sako: Would you please care to tell us why you saw it necessary to brings us all here?

Pyro: Why; to play a little game of course. ^3^

Nikki: play WAY too many games.

Pyro: So says the Lobinu who transports her friends into a video game when gets too hot in the head~

Nikki: O///O *quickly looks over to Skylar, Kevin and Ashuro*

*Skylar, Kevin and Ashuro immediately looks away Nikki and whistles nonchalantly, pretending that they have no idea about what Pyro was talking about. This only makes everybody else, except for Arashi and Sora due to Skylar telling them about the incident after it happened, look at all four of them with confusion and curiosity.*


Pyro: *snickers*

Skylar: *nudges Nikki and whispers* Calm down... *holds her hand*

Nikki: *pouts as she holds Skylar's hand*

Pyro: Yes, let's all play a little game together, shall we? A game...of hide and seek! MWA-HA-HA-HA!

Skylar: ...Hide...

Blitz: ...and...

Tanya: ...Seek...

All 3: Do we look like 5 year olds to you???

Pyro: You don't like hide and seek? Well, if that's the case, how about some "Russian Roulette?"

Ashuro, Nikki and Jim: 0o0;; HiDE AND SEEK! WE'LL GLADLY PLAY HiDE AND SEEK!!

Skylar: Suddenly changed my mind about Hide and Seek. OwO;

Kevin: *facepalm* These guys can get us killed...

Pyro: Alright, Hide and Seek it is! ^w^ However, the rules to my version of the game are slightly different from the usual.

Nikki: ( ...of course they would have to be different.)

Pyro: First, due to the amount of you here, everybody will split into four teams of three each. You're all free to team up with whoever you'd like...except for dino boy and the two assassins; I've already decided that the three of you are going to be "it."

Rex: *eyes widen and he quickly reaches into his pocket, throwing a little round object to Kevin, who catches it* We never know what might happen, so no matter what, HOLD ONTO THAT!

Kevin: Yes sir... *looks at the sphere-like object, which looked like...a marble? With a color shape of a purple flame inside it* Interesting little item...

Pyro: *shrugs his shoulders, not really caring about the object Rex had just given the others* I'll give the rest of you five minutes to divide up into three teams. Oh yeah, "it" team *points at Rex, Shigi and Sako* look up *points upward*

Sako: *looks up* ...and exactly what is it that we're supposed to see?

Pyro: Oh, nothing really; I thought that you'd rather look at the darkness above instead of what's about to come out of the ground directly underneath you~^3^

*The instant the illusionary Pyro disappears, a gigantic sand worm erupts from the ground and swallows Rex, Shigi and Sako whole before they can react, then goes back down into the hole as it closes up, leaving no trace of ever being there.*

All 9: 0o0;;

Kevin: ...W-what just happened?! 0_0

Arashi: That thing can't be an original part of the planet...!

Nikki: It-it had to be one of Pyro's illusions...right...Ashuro?

Ashuro: *still in shock*

Nikki: *gulps* A-Ashuro?

Ashuro: ...that thing was definitely real...Pyro must've brought it along with him somehow...

Jim: ...and knowing him, that's probably not the only one he brought with him...

*The reality of this new information makes everybody feel like they're hearts had disappeared as a whole new set of worries fill their heads.*

Nikki: I freakin' hate that illusionist...-_-;

Tanya: And I freakin' hate illusions...they're just messing with my head... -.-;

Sora: don't think they are...dead, do you? O_O;

Arashi: *shakes his head* you heard Pyro; they are alive. But I have a hunch that something IS wrong here...

Jim: Aside from the fact that we're totally screwed, what else could possibly wrong? -_-;

Tanya: Now, don't think like that... *hugs Jim's head against her breasts* we'll get out of this, in one piece.

Kevin: And to answer the question; Many things can go wrong here.....some of them worth mentioning...some worth forgetting everything of... *sits down*

Jim: O//O...-//w//- *calms down*

Ashuro: So, how should we team up? We've only got about four minutes before Pyro comes back.

Arashi: I would feel comfortable with Sora and Skylar being on my team...but Skylar can go with whoever he wants to go with.

Kevin: Doesn't matter that much to me either. I've lost a bit of my sense of choices during the last few...just pick for me... *turns around and looks up.*

Blitz: I'll go with whoever needs me.

Skylar: You decide, Ashuro. *nods at him*

Ashuro: If that's so...*thinks for a moment* okay then. Arashi, you get your wish; it's time for action, Team Death.

Arashi: Alright; hmm...remind me that we change that name someday...

Skylar: Yeah, it doesn't really fit anymore...does it?

Sora: Not really.

Ashuro: Really? about Team Razor Wind; that sounds like a cool name when you consider how all three of you can use wind to attack or enhance your attacks.

Kevin: Fitting. I remember how that claw attack almost shredded me back then. Arashi's dragon powers aren't just limited to the earth, it seems.

Arashi: Nice of you to notice.

Ashuro: The same thing can be said about Skylar after all of the training the two of us did together.^w^

Nikki: And Sora can use the wind however she wants to when she swings her sword.^w^

Sora: ^w^

Tanya: Okay, with that done, how are we gonna split the rest of us up?

Ashuro: Let's see...Team #2 will be Tanya, Jim and Nikki.

Tanya: Alright~ That sounds good to me. ^^

Jim: I have absolutely NO problem with these arrangements at all. ^///^

Ashuro: Okay; so for the final team it'll be Blitz, Kevin and me...*sees a sad look on Blitz' face, looking as if he's worried about something* ...she'll be okay, Blitz *tugs Blitz' arm lightly* I promise you that iDEAL is safe and sound with the others there to help out.

Blitz: I hope you're right...

Skylar: *nudges against Jim a little bit* Lay one hand on Nikki and you'll find your own face shredded off your head...

Jim: You don't have to worry about something like that happening...especially after your sister explained to me in FULL detail what she would do to me if I ever did something like that...

Skylar: Good. ^w^ You take care of them then. *Skylar smirks and pats Jim on the back*

Jim: ...

*An illusionary Pyro reappears.*

Pyro: Time's up, everybody~ I do hope that you're ready to get started; I know I am~^w^

Kevin: Bring it...I for one can't wait to wipe that smile off of your face.

Pyro: But smiling is so much easier on the face; you should try it before your face freezes in place from all of that scowling and frowning you do so often.

Kevin: Well, sorry if I learned that the world doesn't always smile back at you if you smile at the world... Let's just get going...

Ashuro: Our teams are set as you can see; we're ready to begin anytime.

Pyro: Terrific! Oh, and one more thing before we begin...

*Pyro points the pointer finger of his right hand directly at Ashuro and shoots a flaming, fiery shot at him. Skylar quickly reacts and jumps in front of Ashuro, taking the hit for him. Strangely enough, the attack didn't hurt at all; the only thing that was there was a number 9-shaped flame on Skylar's chest.*

Ashuro: *touches the 9-shaped flame* neat, it feels cool to the touch.

Skylar: *touches as well* W-what is this?

Pyro: It's a countdown clock; it tells the one it's attached to how many of the nine of you are free and haven't been caught.

Skylar: Really? We need something like this? I don't think we're going to get caught, actually...

Pyro: Here's how the game goes: find your way to the exit before all nine of you get caught by the many traps and..."obstacles" of this labyrinth or by my capture squad, the three who were all just taken by one of said "obstacles" to another area down here...Yes, obstacles; there are many more things in here aside from little worm. I brought them all with me to make the game more...exciting.

*The roars of various LARGE monsters echo throughout the area.*

Skylar: Shit...that sounded like a big...something...O_O;;

Pyro: I'm certain it's nothing that natural born hunters like yourselves can't handle *sighs* after all, you DO have the whole home team advantage.

*Whether this was a dream, reality or illusion, the Moonshadow sibling had to admit right now that they were truly back on their home planet Ookami. After letting that fact sink in for a few seconds, the three of them felt refreshed as their planet's natural energy energized them.*

Nikki: Whoa, Skylar...

*Skylar looks at himself and realizes that he had just transformed into his Super Ookami state without using any effort at all. In fact, now that he truly was back on Ookami soil, with a little bit more effort...maybe he could go a little bit further...*

Skylar: The nature...the planet itself...I feel like I can do anything...this feeling is awesome! *closes his eyes, taking a long and deep breath, sucking in all the energy he could in a matter of 10 seconds.*

Pyro: Now here's something important that you might want to memorize but...nah; I'll let you all figure it out on your own. Game start, now, bye-bye!

*Pyro warps everybody to different locations within the labyrinth...and the game of hide and seek begins...*

To be continued...

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