Saturday, December 24, 2011

A Message from the Future - Find the Breath of Life!

Travel Multiversal
The Barricade Tournament Saga
“A Message from the Future - Find the Breath of Life!”
By eshonen

*Ashuro was sleeping in his favorite relaxation spot for some rest...*

Ashuro: *snoring softly* I'd like the Grilled Rainbow Trout please... *licks his lips then resumes snoring softly*

*A portal opens below Ashuro and he falls inside of it, getting warped to an unknown destination. He is shot out of the exit portal at top speed then wakes up when he crashes into a wall.*

Ashuro: @w@ *shakes his head to regain his senses* ...I'm never able to finish that fish dream; something always wakes me up before I get to taste that first bite *looks around* O_o\ ...okay; either I've started sleepwalking or somebody is messing with me again. Rocko, if you used me to test out your teleporter again you're in for it once I get my hands on you! >_<

*An explosion goes off right next to Ashuro that sends him right through the wall he crashed into and lands on the ground afterwards.*

Ashuro: @w@ ...what the...

*A series of explosions go off, sending Ashuro in various directions before landing face first into some marshlands several miles away from where he first started.*

Ashuro: @x@ ...I see that it's suddenly become one of "those" days.

???: Correction; today isn't gonna be one of "those" days...

Ashuro: *quickly gets to his feet and looks around* who's there? Show yourself! *gets grabbed by the neck and choked while being lifted up so that he could see the one who was talking*

???: It's going to be "the" day...the day you finally die!

*The one that was speaking was none other than Pyro Darkesis, the master illusionist who's goal in life was to create his ideal world by eliminating all of the non-humans he could find.*

Ashuro: Pyro!! >_< What're you up to now?! *struggles* (Strong...he's incredibly strong; since when has he gotten "this" powerful*

Pyro: Oh, I see that you've noticed a significant difference in me; want to know what it is?

Ashuro: *struggling to breathe while being choked by Pyro's powerful one-hand strangle hold*

Pyro: What's wrong; you got your tounge.Well, I'll tell you anyway. This newfound power of mine is thanks to a little something I snagged called the "Breath of Life." It's a truly amazing feeling, really. Just a small fraction of it's power was enough to utterly destroy ALL of your little friends that you hold so dear. ^w^

Ashuro: *looks horrified*

Pyro: Yes Ashuro, everybody; including your precious little Annaliese...who was the first by the way. ^w^

Ashuro: *goes into Backfire mode from the rage and anger of hearing this news, but has all of his E-nergy drained in an instant, reverting him back into his normal state*

Pyro: Of course, this was all done several years ago. Have you taken a look around since you've gotten here? You've had plenty of opportunities to seeing as how you had a bird's eye view of everything as you were flying through the sky like you were earlier. This is center of that little town you loved so much! Look at it; it's nothing more than a huge marshland full of those who fell by my hands! It's been nearly 100 years since then, but you actually survived this entire time, fighting me every step of the way. Then I got to thinking "I'm way stronger than that wretched cat was years before I acquired this new strength; if only I could go back to that day and fight him with the power I have now. He'd be dead in an instant and I could proceed with my plans with hardly any resistance at all." In fact, my dream would've been a reality by now if I had gotten rid of you earlier. And that, my dear little friend, is why you're here today; I destroy the past you, the current you will cease to exist and the past me will be able to get things done a LOT easier and faster. And with that said *free arm glows with a powerful energy* GOOD-BYE!!

*Just before Pyro's strike landed, the Ashuro of that time period shows up and slices Pyro's attacking arm off with a sharp clawed hand. The pain causes Pyro to drop the Ashuro of the past as he goes to the ground writhing in agony.*

Pyro: AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! *notices that the other Ashuro is there* CURSE YOU, YOU ACCURSED CAT; CURSE YOU!!

(Future) Ashuro: *grabs the Ashuro of the past and teleports far away from the area*

Pyro: Darn it! He's gonna send him back to his time period; he'll try to get in the way and mess everything up! *gets an idea* In that case, I'll do the same as well.

*Once they're far away enough, the future Ashuro opens a portal back to the past Ashuro's time period. Before he enters it, the future him says a few last words.*

(Future) Ashuro: There is a tournament starting soon in your time that'll set you on the path leading to the "Breath of Life." Whether you win or lose doesn't matter; just make sure that Pyro doesn't get it and that the one who does get it doesn't use it to harm innocent people. However, if you do win...I'm pretty sure you know what to do, right?

(Past) Ashuro: Yep, sure do! ^w^

(Future) Ashuro: Hahaha! Seeing that old look on my face puts my mind at ease; you'll succeed in protecting everybody you hold dear. I only have one request.

(Past) Ashuro: What's that?

(Future) Ashuro: Love Anna-chan like no other...and never let her go.

(Past) Ashuro: ...that's a useless request...

(Future) Ashuro: W-What?

(Past) Ashuro: *grins* I would've done that even if you didn't tell me to.

(Future) Ashuro: ...*smiles happily* well, ready for a new adventure?

(Past) Ashuro: I think that you already know the answer to that one. ^w^

*The past Ashuro enters the portal and returns to his original time period.*

Ashuro: *chuckles* Stopping Pyro yet again; I wonder if this is how Mario, Sonic and Rockman feel whenever they have to deal with their antagonists...hmm. I think I'll go do something fun with Annaliese before I get going; I want to start this journey with a great reminder as to why I must succeed no matter what happens *walks off to find Annaliese*


Pyro: *turns off a monitor he was watching after the future Pyro finished relayed his message* the Breath of Life, eh? *grins evilly*

The End...until the tournament begins

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