Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Shirokku-D Chronicles Theme: Spurt!

from Pokemon Advanced Generation
Performed by Matsumoto Rika
I always pictured that the opening animation for the series would look similar to the opening animation of the theme song; take a look. XD

Put away those uncertain feelings for now
Towards that place, let's spurt off running!

My throat dries, my stomach tightens
But even so, my strength boils over
Wounds throb and sweat flies
But I'm sure I'll be able to see it clearly

All of the…world, hey
It's beyond what I could ever imagine
I'm laughing so hard I'm shaking
I'll chase after my dream for ten thousand miles!
Still not found…I’ve still not found my potential!

Waiting, waiting is useless! Let's just go and face it!
Just do something! Do it, do it, spurt off running!

The forest is dark, there's no path
But even so, my courage overflows
The mountains are high, the valleys are deep
But I'm totally fired up!

The words of…my comrades are, hey
Are more heartening than I could’ve imagined
The more I cry, the warmer the tears I shed become
I'll chase after my dream for ten thousand miles!
Still, still we survive!

I'll tie my shoelaces tight
And fulfill a promise to my future self!
Waiting, waiting is useless, let's just go and face it!
Just do something! Do it, do it, spurt off running!


“But…it's strange, isn't it?
When I like something, it's like I can work amazingly hard
Set that loved power to full throttle and spurt off running!”

Through laughter and through tears…you are never alone
Even if we fight, we can understand each other
I'm seriously serious, let’s keep running to that same place!

Let's go! We'll be there!

Neo Hero Chronicles Theme: Dragon Soul

"Dragon Soul"
from Dragon Ball Kai
Performed by Takayoshi Tanimoko

Dokkan-Dokkan I’m in luck!
Dokkan-Dokkan Paradise
The Genki-dama bursts forth
Go-Go! Let’s do it!

A squirming, bewitching energy (energy)
I won’t show any mercy, just you watch
I’ll protect them, even if it costs me my life
Change your loving courage into strength

I’ll get through this pinch
With fighting spirit
The stronger the guy, the more excited I get

Dokkan-Dokkan I’m in luck!
Dokkan-Dokkan it’s my chance
Zip along on the winds of luck
Dokkan-Dokkan I’m in luck!
Dokkan-Dokkan even tomorrow
My soul already knows the answer
Dragon Soul!

With the power of the universe in my hand
I don’t go alone
Light won’t lose to the black night
Even a small dream shines

Don’t get lost amidst this and that
Don’t complain, and break through your body

Dokkan-Dokkan I’m in luck!
Dokkan-Dokkan its coming
The future will be even more fun
Dokkan-Dokkan I’m in luck!
Dokkan-Dokkan Paradise
The Genki-dama bursts forth
Go-Go let’s do it
Dragon Soul!


Dokkan-Dokkan I’m in luck!
Dokkan-Dokkan it’s my chance
Zip along on the winds of luck
Dokkan-Dokkan I’m in luck!
Dokkan-Dokkan even tomorrow
My spirit already knows the answer

Dokkan-Dokkan I’m in luck!
Dokkan-Dokkan its coming
The future will be even more fun
Dokkan-Dokkan I’m in luck!
Dokkan-Dokkan Paradise
The Genki-dama bursts forth Go-Go let’s do it
Dragon Soul!

Friendly Chaos Chronicles Theme: GO!!!

from Naruto
Performed by FLOW

We are Fighting Dreamers, aiming high
Fighting Dreamers, not caring about appearances
Fighting Dreamers, because we believe
Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!

Right here Right now (Bang!)
Fire like a bullet LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Finish it off Get the fire!
Right here Right now (Bang!)
Fire like a bullet LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)

At the middle of a grim fighting road, we up man's map; where do we go?
The plant-eating crow plunders that and escapes

Now, the eye of the heart only opens to make sure of the present! (Yeah!)
There is nothing lost, so let's turn back!

We are Fighting Dreamers, aiming high
Fighting Dreamers, not caring about appearances
Fighting Dreamers, because we believe
Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!

Right here Right now (Bang!)
Fire like a bullet LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)

The creeping soundless shadow always puzzles us
The big short burst of wind increases the swell as it blows over

The sharp raised blade cuts open my tomorrow! Yeah!
Whatever the guarantee, it-s not anywhere it seems!?

We are Fighting Dreamers, aiming high
Fighting Dreamers, not caring about appearances
Fighting Dreamers, because we believe
Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!

Right here Right now (Bang!)
Fire like a bullet LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Finish it off Get the fire!
Right here Right now (Bang!)
Fire like a bullet LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Finish it off Get the fire!


We are Fighting Dreamers, with these best friends
Fighting Dreamers, swallowing up everything
Fighting Dreamers, with high ambitions
Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!

We are Fighting Dreamers, aiming high
Fighting Dreamers, not caring about appearances
Fighting Dreamers, because we believe
Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!

(Don't forget your first impulse ever)
(Let's keep your adventurous ever)

Right here Right now (Bang!)
Fire like a bullet LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Finish it off Get the fire!
Right here Right now (Bang!)
Fire like a bullet LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Finish it off Get the fire!

Travel Multiversal Theme: Link

from Fullmetal Alchemist the Movie: Conqueror of Shambala
Performed by L'arc en ciel

Do you remember?
When we were young, there was a door that we couldn't reach even on tiptoes
I forgot about time and completely wandered
I'd always run into the road of a maze there
My unconscious search for your smile can't be stopped
Without anything changing, now I'll still run

Even when we become separated far, far apart, our thoughts will interconnect
Even if impish destiny befalls us, they won't be destroyed

Everyone should have realized deep in his or her mind
That the desired tomorrow is ahead of there
In the sunny days, the tools of conflict
Want to show you the vanishing time someday
 It's a decaying world that can't stop them from hurting each other
But just by having met you, I'm not afraid of anything anymore

No matter how much of my body burns away, it's okay, if I'm sacrificing it for you
I'll soar up in pure white to the great sky and protect you


Even when we become separated far, far apart, our thoughts will interconnect
Even if impish destiny befalls us, they won't be destroyed

No matter how much of my body burns away, it's okay, if I'm sacrificing it for you
It'd be nice if the world that'll be reborn someday would reach your eyes

Saturday, December 24, 2011

A Message from the Future - Find the Breath of Life!

Travel Multiversal
The Barricade Tournament Saga
“A Message from the Future - Find the Breath of Life!”
By eshonen

*Ashuro was sleeping in his favorite relaxation spot for some rest...*

Ashuro: *snoring softly* I'd like the Grilled Rainbow Trout please... *licks his lips then resumes snoring softly*

*A portal opens below Ashuro and he falls inside of it, getting warped to an unknown destination. He is shot out of the exit portal at top speed then wakes up when he crashes into a wall.*

Ashuro: @w@ *shakes his head to regain his senses* ...I'm never able to finish that fish dream; something always wakes me up before I get to taste that first bite *looks around* O_o\ ...okay; either I've started sleepwalking or somebody is messing with me again. Rocko, if you used me to test out your teleporter again you're in for it once I get my hands on you! >_<

*An explosion goes off right next to Ashuro that sends him right through the wall he crashed into and lands on the ground afterwards.*

Ashuro: @w@ ...what the...

*A series of explosions go off, sending Ashuro in various directions before landing face first into some marshlands several miles away from where he first started.*

Ashuro: @x@ ...I see that it's suddenly become one of "those" days.

???: Correction; today isn't gonna be one of "those" days...

Ashuro: *quickly gets to his feet and looks around* who's there? Show yourself! *gets grabbed by the neck and choked while being lifted up so that he could see the one who was talking*

???: It's going to be "the" day...the day you finally die!

*The one that was speaking was none other than Pyro Darkesis, the master illusionist who's goal in life was to create his ideal world by eliminating all of the non-humans he could find.*

Ashuro: Pyro!! >_< What're you up to now?! *struggles* (Strong...he's incredibly strong; since when has he gotten "this" powerful*

Pyro: Oh, I see that you've noticed a significant difference in me; want to know what it is?

Ashuro: *struggling to breathe while being choked by Pyro's powerful one-hand strangle hold*

Pyro: What's wrong; you got your tounge.Well, I'll tell you anyway. This newfound power of mine is thanks to a little something I snagged called the "Breath of Life." It's a truly amazing feeling, really. Just a small fraction of it's power was enough to utterly destroy ALL of your little friends that you hold so dear. ^w^

Ashuro: *looks horrified*

Pyro: Yes Ashuro, everybody; including your precious little Annaliese...who was the first by the way. ^w^

Ashuro: *goes into Backfire mode from the rage and anger of hearing this news, but has all of his E-nergy drained in an instant, reverting him back into his normal state*

Pyro: Of course, this was all done several years ago. Have you taken a look around since you've gotten here? You've had plenty of opportunities to seeing as how you had a bird's eye view of everything as you were flying through the sky like you were earlier. This is center of that little town you loved so much! Look at it; it's nothing more than a huge marshland full of those who fell by my hands! It's been nearly 100 years since then, but you actually survived this entire time, fighting me every step of the way. Then I got to thinking "I'm way stronger than that wretched cat was years before I acquired this new strength; if only I could go back to that day and fight him with the power I have now. He'd be dead in an instant and I could proceed with my plans with hardly any resistance at all." In fact, my dream would've been a reality by now if I had gotten rid of you earlier. And that, my dear little friend, is why you're here today; I destroy the past you, the current you will cease to exist and the past me will be able to get things done a LOT easier and faster. And with that said *free arm glows with a powerful energy* GOOD-BYE!!

*Just before Pyro's strike landed, the Ashuro of that time period shows up and slices Pyro's attacking arm off with a sharp clawed hand. The pain causes Pyro to drop the Ashuro of the past as he goes to the ground writhing in agony.*

Pyro: AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! *notices that the other Ashuro is there* CURSE YOU, YOU ACCURSED CAT; CURSE YOU!!

(Future) Ashuro: *grabs the Ashuro of the past and teleports far away from the area*

Pyro: Darn it! He's gonna send him back to his time period; he'll try to get in the way and mess everything up! *gets an idea* In that case, I'll do the same as well.

*Once they're far away enough, the future Ashuro opens a portal back to the past Ashuro's time period. Before he enters it, the future him says a few last words.*

(Future) Ashuro: There is a tournament starting soon in your time that'll set you on the path leading to the "Breath of Life." Whether you win or lose doesn't matter; just make sure that Pyro doesn't get it and that the one who does get it doesn't use it to harm innocent people. However, if you do win...I'm pretty sure you know what to do, right?

(Past) Ashuro: Yep, sure do! ^w^

(Future) Ashuro: Hahaha! Seeing that old look on my face puts my mind at ease; you'll succeed in protecting everybody you hold dear. I only have one request.

(Past) Ashuro: What's that?

(Future) Ashuro: Love Anna-chan like no other...and never let her go.

(Past) Ashuro: ...that's a useless request...

(Future) Ashuro: W-What?

(Past) Ashuro: *grins* I would've done that even if you didn't tell me to.

(Future) Ashuro: ...*smiles happily* well, ready for a new adventure?

(Past) Ashuro: I think that you already know the answer to that one. ^w^

*The past Ashuro enters the portal and returns to his original time period.*

Ashuro: *chuckles* Stopping Pyro yet again; I wonder if this is how Mario, Sonic and Rockman feel whenever they have to deal with their antagonists...hmm. I think I'll go do something fun with Annaliese before I get going; I want to start this journey with a great reminder as to why I must succeed no matter what happens *walks off to find Annaliese*


Pyro: *turns off a monitor he was watching after the future Pyro finished relayed his message* the Breath of Life, eh? *grins evilly*

The End...until the tournament begins

Solnar Sisters - The Bond of Annaliese & Claire

Travel Multiversal
Shirokku-D Chronicles
“Solnar Sisters – The Bond of Annaliese & Claire”
An RP between Shirokku-D and eshonen

After returning to town after helping Victora through his grieving period, Annaliese is still thinking about how sad Claire was earlier.

Ashuro: ... *sees the worried expression on Annaliese's face* you want to help Claire, don't you?

*Annaliese nods her head "yes"*

Ashuro: Okay; but in order to do that, you need to know more about her past. I could tell you, but...

Annaliese: What is it?

Ashuro: It would be best if Claire herself told you about it. If it's you, I'm sure she'll tell you everything. You might not have noticed it, but Claire really likes you, Annaliese; she's often told me that you're like the little sister she's never had but always wanted...and even how she wishes to be there and protect you for the rest of her life. ^w^ As bold and open as she is, Claire can be incredibly shy when she's trying to get to know somebody that she really wants to be close with.

Annaliese: *sobbing* I didn't even know...

Ashuro: And Ring thinks of you as a big sister.

Annaliese: She Does? ...W-Wow...

Ashuro: And... *looks around* between you and me, I think she has a crush on Kevin *giggles slightly*

Annaliese: Oh, really? O.O;

Ashuro: Well I'm not 100% sure about it; that's something that you'd have to ask her personally.

Annaliese: Okay...

*Annaliese travels in the direction that Claire ran, finding her a few minutes later.*

Annaliese: ...C-Claire?

Claire: *sniffles* A-Anna-chan?

Annaliese: Did you mean it; that I'm like your little sister?

Claire: OwO;; Oh...I guess he told you, huh? Yes, it's true. Being an only-child, I always wondered what it would be like to have a brother or sister; and when I saw you and Kevin together, I always thought to myself "If I ever had a sister, I'd want her to be just like Annaliese."

Annaliese: "sniff" No nice full blooded brothers… Then I got a new brother... and you got no brother or sister... T_T

Claire: It's okay Anna-chan. I've...learned how to deal with that loneliness now so it doesn't bother me anymore. ^3^;

*Just from hearing her voice, Annaliese could tell that what Claire had just said was a lie.*

Annaliese: ...."scoffs"

Claire: *hangs her head in shame* T_T I'm sorry, I shouldn't have lied just then. I can't believe it; I'm already...*coughs for a little bit* excuse me, there was just a tickle in my—O_O;

*Claire sits there looking very frightened; looking at her, Annaliese notices that there was blood around Claire's mouth and left hand.*

Claire: No... *eyes well up with tears* T^T's not fair...I thought that I was going to have more time...

Annaliese: What's Going on?! Wh-wh-wh!! *freaking out*

Claire: *trying to remain calm* P-Please don't be afraid, Anna-chan; this happens every once in a while *coughs up some more blood* it's...just never been this bad before. TnT

*Claire leans on Annaliese's shoulder and directs her towards Snoopy's personal clinic. By the time that Snoopy is able to get Claire stabilized, Ashuro, Marius and Scooter had also came to see if she was okay. When Claire awakens, she is greeted by the concerned and caring faces of her friends.*

Claire: A-Ashuro? *looks around the room* Annaliese...Scooter...Marius? All of you came here to see me?

Ashuro: Of course we did, silly.

Scooter: We of the MASTER HQ Escape Trio have always been there for one another in times of need, remember?

Marius: You gave us quite a scare.

Annaliese: Are You Okay? *sniffing*

Claire: Yes, I'm okay for right now; just had a little attack there for a moment.

Snoopy: ...

Claire: Snoopy? Why do you looks so glum? That one was just a little bit more sudden than the others; y'know, nothing to be afraid of. ^w^

Snoopy: Claire...things have just gotten...more complicated; it just jumped over to your heart. I've never seen, heard or read about something like this happening... *looks up and sees Marius and Annaliese looking very concerned* ...guess there's no hiding it anymore...

Claire: Snoopy, don't; it's not a big deal. That one was just a tiny bit stronger than the other ones, it's nothing to worry about at all, honest. ^w^

Snoopy: still haven't been able to accept it yet, have you?

Claire: Nothing is wrong! I'll be—no, I AM fine! There's nothing at all to be worried about! >_< *tears well up in her eyes*

Marius: "sigh" ...Please, Claire ...I know this sounds corny...but, Friends don't lie...

Claire: *sniffles then starts crying her eyes out* WHY?! WHY DO I HAVE TO SUFFER LiKE THiS?!! I finally find people who like me and now I have!!

Ashuro: *looks very sad* TnT Claire...I'm so sorry that I can't be of more help to you. This is so frustrating; I have all of this power and can do so many why can't I heal my friend? Why can't I save her life? T^T

Marius: ...You need a Hug, Claire?

Annaliese: T_T Don't be sad, please...?

Snoopy: I know this will be hard to hear, but you need to know the truth, Claire. If we can't find a willing participant that you're compatible within a month's time...your condition will be at the point where absolutely nothing can be done to cure it...and...*gulps* you'll die.

Claire: ... *remains silent*

Marius: .......

Annaliese: *started to cry* N-Noo... ToT

Ashuro: T^T If only I was a compatible match...Snoopy, is there any way we can extend the date even further?

Snoopy: I'm sorry, Ashuro; ever since that day we've done everything we could.

Ashuro: But there's always a way! We've always found a way to give her more time before so there just has to be something else! >_<

Snoopy: There's really nothing left, Ashuro! Remember what I told you last time we found a way to give her more time?

Ashuro: I remember what you said, but it's been five years since then; some sort of medical discover has to have been made since...


Ashuro: ...TwT

Snoopy: You've done everything you could, Ashuro. You've given her way more time that she should've had in the beginning; if it wasn't for your determination and loving nature, Claire would've died years ago. But remember what I said: the last thing that you could do to save Claire was to have her form a permanent Solnar Unity with you. Since you weren't compatible, the unity would only be able to slow down her condition. And please don't pretend that you don't know that this is having a huge effect on your body as well, Ashuro; you're starting to show the early warning signs.

*Annaliese looks up at Snoopy looking a little panicked when she heard what he had just said.*

Annaliese: NO! TToTT You gotta do something! Do it! NOW! *sniff* I lost my mommy and daddy; I'm not going to lose my Friend!! WAAAAAAAAAHH!! TToTT

Marius: ... *shaking his head*

Snoopy: I really want to do something for her Annaliese, but unless we can find somebody who's both a compatible match for Solnar Unity and willing to be by her side for the rest of their lives there's nothing more any of us can do.

Ashuro: But what about Claire's illness? What'll happen to the person she unites with?

Snoopy: Nothing; in fact, the unity itself will completely purge the illness all together. When that happens I can simply remove it from the body completely...what's this? *senses some of Claire's E-nergy on Annaliese* This E-nergy...0o0 *looks very hopeful* Annaliese, did you do a partial unity with Claire recently?

Annaliese: Y-Yes? *sniffing*

Snoopy: Good... *takes a small device out of a cabinet drawer and uses it to read the E-nergy on both Claire and Annaliese* ... yes...YES! We have a match; a perfectly compatible person for Claire! *dances around happily*

Annaliese: That means, she's going to live?!

Snoopy: Well...that all depends on you, Annaliese. If you form a permanent Solnar Unity with Claire she'll live 100%...but are you willing to let her be a part of you for the rest of your life?

Claire: Snoopy, don't; I could never ask Anna-chan to do something like that. Her life will never be the same and-and...

Ashuro: But what if she wanted to help you?

Claire: ...I...I...but what if she regrets it later? What if she doesn't want me around?

Ashuro: It won't be like that Claire, I pro--

Claire: Do you have any idea what it's like to be truly alone? To be in a huge house full of people but none of them want nothing to do with you? *grips her pillow so tightly that the fluff inside of it bursts out* to know that your parents didn't love you at all? *tears form in her eyes* That you was so much of an embarrassment to them that they didn't hesitate to sell you to cruel organization as a test subject and replace you with somebody who looked enough like you just so that they could keep up appearances? *tears fall from her eyes* live each day being tortured, wondering if you'll ever be free again or if you'll die before the day ends? ...I don't want to make Anna-chan feel like that, so...I just can't ask her to do something this big for me...

Ashuro:'s not your fault; you're not the reason that you were treated the way you were. I know how much you're hurting inside, but you're going to have to believe in others. Not everybody is like the ones who wronged you...please Claire, just try...

Claire: *tears keep falling from her eyes* An...A-Anna-chan...w-will you...what do... *shakes with fear* help...TTnTT

Annaliese: *looks down, and sobbing* M-Mommy said, I need to be a good girl…and helping IS good.... I have to do it for the ones I love too dear in heart... I can do it for you, Ashuro, Snoopy, Ring, Mr. Marius, and Brother... T_T I'll help you, even if it kills me... *sobbing* ....yo-you hear that....M-Mommy?

Claire: 0o0 ...Anna-chan... TuT *looks very happy and relieved* thank you...thank you so much! WAAAAHHHHH!

*Claire cries tears of happiness as hugs Annaliese close to her in a warm embrace. Annaliese could truly feel the happiness that Claire was expressing through her tears.*

Scooter: TwT And I promised myself that I wouldn't cry... *tears of joy stream down his face*

Ashuro: It's okay; a real man isn't afraid to cry. TwT

Scooter: *cries and blubblers*

Ashuro: O_O;; ...that, and they also know how to hold onto a little bit of their manliness while doing so.

Marius: *smiles*

Snoopy: Alright, sorry to break up this happy moment but there's another test or two that I need to run on Claire; I need to see if I can even identify what it is that I'm dealing with here.

Ashuro: Wait, you don't know what's making Claire sick?

Snoopy: Not a clue. I've scoured every book I could find on different diseases and so far nothing comes close to what this is; I'm beginning to think that this is a man-made disease instead of a natural one...which is a very unnerving thought. -_-;

Annaliese: *looks worried*

Snoopy: ...then again, I already have some blood sample I took earlier, so I can run the tests I need to run on those. Claire, go ahead perform the Solnar Unity with...

Ashuro: I think that'll have to wait.

Snoopy: Wait? Why?

*Ashuro points over to Claire who had fallen fast asleep with a happy smile on her face.*

Ashuro: Claire must've had many sleepless nights worrying about this; now that there's real hope, she's able to stop worrying and finally rest *carefully scoops Claire up into his arms so that he doesn't wake her up* C'mon Annaliese, let's go; I'll need to explain to Kevin that he's got another little sister that'll be staying with him.

Annaliese: Okay!

*The next day, Snoopy calls Claire, Ashuro, Annaliese and Marius back to his clinic to give them all the results of his finding.*

Snoopy: Thank you all for coming; I've finally been able to discover the true nature of Claire's condition.

Ashuro: So what are we dealing with here?

Snoopy: My previous theory of this being a man-made disease was only half correct. I found a few traces of E-nergy signature mixed in with Claire's in the blood samples I was examining. When I couldn't determine who it belonged to, I had to sit back and think for a while and eventually thought back to when Claire first started showing signs of being sick. 5 years ago, we all fought Pyro for the first time and thought that he died when he self-destructed himself in a final effort to destroy us. During that battle he stabbed Claire and left her with a really bad wound; she healed up just fine but she started getting sick a few days later. And recently, the same exact thing happened to Fuu Raien when he was attacked by Zone and got sick soon afterwards. I compared the blood from Claire with the sample from Fuu and got an exact match; this disease was created by Pyro Darkesis.

Marius: Pyro...?

Annaliese: I've heard of him...

Ashuro: That many lives does he have to ruin before he's satisfied? >_<

Annaliese: Will he leave her alone? T^T

Snoopy: I'm not sure; he usually doesn't do anything directly. Knowing him, he was probably thinking that the disease would kill Claire before we figured out what was going on. But thanks to you Annaliese, Claire will be safe now.

Annaliese: I hope he isn't going to do WORST things to me for that, All I was trying to help..! T^T

Ashuro: *places his hand on Annaliese's shoulder* Just remember you'll have both me and Claire to back you up no matter what happens. *hugs Annaliese close to him*

Claire: You may not have fully realized it just yet, but ever since you became close to Ashuro, you've been getting stronger little by little. Right're almost half as strong as Marius here.

Snoopy: 0o0 Really? That means you're actually stronger than I am right now.

Annaliese: Really...? I hope so... Sorry, I'm just nervous...

Snoopy: There is one other thing that I want to talk to you about, Claire; it's about the extraction of the virus.

Claire: What is it?

Snoopy: Hayama, Cazador and Helena have been helping me examine this virus. It's rather hard and time consuming to go into the fine details about this so I'm just gonna tell you the end results. Part of this virus connects itself to one of its host's memories; it varies from subject to subject as to which memory it chooses. In your case Claire, when this virus is removed you'll lose all of your memories of your friend, Fuu Raien.

Claire: O_O; I'll...I'll forget about Fuu?!

Marius: .....

Annaliese: >_< No...!

Claire: ...

Snoopy: ...what now?

Claire: Huh?

Snoopy: What will you do now, Claire?

Claire: ... *thinks for a few seconds then gets an idea* one day; give me one day and I'll be ready, okay?

Snoopy: Sure thing.

Claire: *smiles happily* Anna-chan, I'll get together with you tomorrow and we'll do the Solnar Unity then, okay?

Annaliese: *kisses her on the cheek* Okay... Promise me, you'll be okay...

Claire: I promise.*hugs Annaliese*

Ashuro: Sounds like you found a way to hold onto your memories of Fuu. ^^

Claire: You could say that *stands up* I need to go and find Kiki; there are a few things that I need to discuss with her. I'll see you all tomorrow *starts to walk outside then turns around* and Annaliese...thank you; thank you for caring so much. ^w^ *exits out of the clinic and searches for Kiki.*

Annaliese: Y-Your Welcooooome!!

*When Claire finds her friend Kiki Sokudo she tells her about her current situation in great detail. Kiki is saddened when she hears about how Claire would lose all of her memories of Fuu, which also meant that she might forget about her as well. She regains hope though when Claire tells her that she found a way to prevent that from happening and cure Fuu in the process...but she would need Kiki's complete trust and cooperation. She didn't hesitate at all and agreed to do whatever Claire asked of her. The next day before 12 PM...

Claire: Keep your eyes closed~^w^

Fuu: O-Okay... (I'm beginning to think that Batou was right about these two plotting something.)

Claire: Alright, you can open them now~

Fuu: *opens his eyes*

Kiki: H-Hi, Fuu...^///^

Claire ?: Don't we look cute?

Fuu: O//O

Claire: I knew you'd love it.

Fuu: W-what's this all about...? Y-you do look cute and all, but...what's going on?

Kiki: *blushing and giggling quietly*

Claire: Solnar Unity! ^w^

Fuu: ...Oh, that stuff again...

Kiki: *snuggles closer to Fuu* ^///^ *kisses Fuu on the side of his face*

Fuu: ...Kiki, what's up with you?

Claire: Hehehe; isn't it quite obvious by now?

Fuu: ...Uh, no?

Kiki: Chu~ *kisses him on the lips*

Fuu: O///O K-Kiki..?!

Claire: Does "that" answer your question? I'll let the...other me explain everything in detail; I'll see you around, Fuu! (...although the next time I see you...I won't remember anything about all of the time that we spent together...)

*Fuu looks at Claire and can tell that there was something important that she wasn't telling him. It became even more apparent when he noticed a tear stream down her face. Claire quickly wipes the tear away and smiles at Fuu before running off to meet up with Annaliese.*

Claire Ki: I can see that you're obviously still confused so I'll explain everything to you. As for my can call me Claire Ki."


Claire: I'm back, Annaliese; are you ready?

Annaliese: *nods her head with a determined expression on her face*

Claire: Alrighty then, here goes!Solnar Unity!

*Claire holds both of Annaliese's hands in hers as they both see one another's memories flash through their eyes as their minds and heart sync together, each gaining the knowledge, experiences and strength of one another. Claire's shadow disappears completely and Annaliese's shadow stretches out and connects to Claire's feet which would make it look like Claire had become Annaliese's new shadow. Releasing one another's hands, the unity was then complete as both girls stood there and smiled at each other. Claire wouldn't die from the disease that Pyro had inflicted her with, and Annaliese would never be alone again.*

Claire: *smiles happily* shall we go see Snoopy now?

Annaliese: Yes.

Claire: ...then afterwards we'll go and meet up with Ashuro and Kevin to celebrate? ^w^

Annaliese:Absolutely...sis! *unknowingly sticks her tongue out just like Claire often does*

Claire: *looks overjoyed* (At last, I have a little sister.) ^//^

*And with that, Claire and Annaliese hold each other's hand as they take their first steps together not only as closer friends, but as sisters...Solnar sisters with an incredibly strong bond that they both absolutely refuse to have broken by anything that comes their way.*

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Adjustment Period

Neither of them saw it coming...but Ashuro doesn't seem to mind at all that it did. XD

Ashuro & Annaliese: *playing Kirby's Return to Dreamland*

Ashuro: *notices the time on a nearby clock then pauses the game* that's 45 minutes; it's cooled off now.

Annaliese: YAY! Apple Pie and Ice Cream!*rushes towards the kitchen*

Ashuro: Hey, wait for me!

Annaliese: Hahahahaha!Ah...Ah-Choo!*feels something rip then feels a breeze* Huh?

Ashuro: Hey, why'd you st--

Annaliese: Ashuro? Why is your nose bl--? *notices that her panties are on the ground looking ripped up and that her butt has suddenly grown bigger* W-W-W-W-WHAA??!

Claire (from inside Annaliese): Oops, sorry about that; I forgot to mention this earlier.

Annaliese: C-Claire, what's happening? M-M-M-My butt just became...

Claire (from inside Annaliese): You're body is still adapting to the Nekofi DNA you've gained from me after our unity so these sort of things may happen a lot until you've fully adapted to this change. It'll go back to normal in a few minutes so try not to worry TOO much, okay? ...again, sorry.

Annaliese: You mean that this'll happen again? NOOO!*butt jiggles about with her every movement*

Ashuro: ...

Annaliese: O_O; Ashuro?

Ashuro: ...I can't resist any longer *picks Annaliese up and puts her over his shoulder*

Annaliese: EEK! Ashuro, what are you doing?

Ashuro: I can't help it anymore, Anna-chan. You've been wiggling this adorable little bottom of yours in front of me for such a long time now that I've just got to feel it! *hugs Annaliese's bubble butt*It's so soft; so soft and cute.

Annaliese: *blushes bright red* Ashuro~ what about the pie? ^//^;

Ashuro: I can wait; especially when my beloved one looks this cute and adorable.

Annaliese: ... *feels very embarrassed yet very happy at the same time* >//w//<