Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Dream World Caper! Shonnie VS Nightmare!!

Travel Multiversal
Neo Hero Chronicles
“The Dream World Caper! Shonnie VS Nightmare!!”
An RP between Flashshadow and eshonen

Shonnie arrives at Blitz’s home, with Miyu Negumi at his side, to meet up with iDEAL who had requested his help. Before iDEAL could say anything more Shonnie says...

Shonnie Flash: I'LL TAKE THE CASE!

iDEAL: ...I'm glad that you'll do it but wouldn't you like to know what the situation is first before saying that?

Shonnie: Sorry, I've been a little starved for work, lately. What is the situation?

iDEAL: Apparently law enforcement, high government officials, business owners and the like are being targeted by something. Every time they try to sleep this person or thing attacks them in their dream and forces them to wake up. Once awake they aren't able to sleep again for a full 24 hours; so when they try to sleep again the same thing happens over and over again. One thing that they all have in common is that they say that it's my little sister Dream who's attacking them.

Shonnie: Man, oh, man. That is one heavy situation. Not only is someone trying to frame Dream for a crime she didn't commit, but they are causing a mass breakout of sleep deprivation, while they are at it.

iDEAL: Yeah, and I'm pretty sure you've noticed that the crime rate has gone up recently too.

Shonnie: I certainly have. Needless to say the whole sleep deprivation thing may be causing some rash and aggressive behaviour in the citizens. Mix that in with a dash of fear and confusion and we have a regular recipe for disaster.

iDEAL: Yeah, Ashuro said something similar to that.

Shonnie: Eh, is Ashuro helping with the investigation?

iDEAL: Yes, he is; he's interviewing the victims to see if he can get any information that'll help us track down whose behind this. Blitz is helping too by redirecting everyone away from this place.

Shonnie: Good to know. The last thing we need is any unnecessary confrontations. So if this person is invading dreams we need to find a way to enter dreams as well. But how...

iDEAL: Don't worry, we've got a way in. By the way, who is your friend here?

Shonnie: Friend? What are you talking about?

*Shonnie turns around to see a cat woman dressed like a witch.*

Shonnie: Oh, Miyu Negumi! You made it!

Negumi: C'mon, Shonnie we talked about this. I prefer being addressed as Negumi.

Shonnie: Right, sorry, Negumi.

Negumi: It's fine. ^^ Anyways, my name is Miyu Negumi, the Neko Witch. *spins and curtsies* Here to help with any arcane disturbances and paranormal anomalies.

Shonnie: Apparently this criminal is affecting the people of her realm as well.

Negumi: So I came here to help put a stop to this dream wrecking creep!

Shonnie: Negumi's magic should be able to help us out in tracking down the criminal.

iDEAL: Awesome; I'm positive that the two of you working together can find this person!

Shonnie: Yup! When might and magic work as one...

Negumi: A villain's plan will be undone!

Shonnie: But seriously, about the way to enter dreams, you mentioned?

iDEAL: Oh, right. Dream, they're here; come out and meet them!

*Dream enters the living room.*

Dream: Hallo! ^o^

Negumi: Aww, she's so adorable! How could anyone want to hurt such a little sweetie?!

Shonnie: Hey, there Dream. We're here to help bring this villainous creep to justice and prove your innocence to everyone.

Dream: Thank kyuu...

iDEAL: You still haven't been able to eat properly, have you?

Negumi: Poor thing. I may have some extra yellow tail to spare. *checks the inside of her hat.*

iDEAL: That's sweet but I don't think that it'll help. You see, unlike us, although Dream can eat solid foods she only gets true nourishment from eating dreams. She gets full from good dreams but gets sick if she eats nightmares. Lately, there's something going on in the dream world that's surrounding all dream entrances with nightmare aura. So as you can imagine, she hasn't been able to have a good meal in quite a while...

Negumi: That's awful.

Shonnie: All the more reason to stop this criminal, as soon as possible.

iDEAL: Dream can get you into the Dream World by opening up a portal, but for her to do so she will need to be asleep here in the real world. I'll be here to provide real world assistance when needed.

Shonnie: Alright, the game's afoot! Let's put this nightmare to rest!

Negumi: "Game's afoot?"

Shonnie: Oh, never mind. Let's just get this creep.

iDEAL: Alright Dream, do your thing.

*Dream's ponytail fluffs out as she lies down on the ground using it as a fluffy pillow. Dream instantly falls asleep and seconds later a multi-colored portal opens up above her head.*

iDEAL: There you are: your entrance to the dream world. ^^

Negumi: Wow, what amazing magic...

Shonnie: Alrighty then. Time to shine, Negumi!

Negumi: Er, right...

*Shonnie and Negumi bravely leaped into the portal in hopes of proving the innocence of Dream and putting a stop to the chaos created by the true culprit.*

iDEAL: Oh man, I forgot to ask Negumi to put a barrier around the house. Well, it shouldn't be too bad; Blitz is out there keeping everyone away from this place and Ashuro is investigating on this side. I just hope they're able to find something fast...

*Shonnie and Negumi fly out of the dream portal and find themselves back in Blitz's home. Wondering if they actually went anywhere they venture outside of the house and see that the outside is indeed different than usual. The sky's colors change every so often, sparkles could be seen floating about and everything just looked...well...dreamy. They were definitely in the Dream World.*

Shonnie: Whoa, trippy...

Negumi: Master Mordecai always said the Realm of Dreams was a majestic plain of existence.

Shonnie: Sorry, Negumi. No time for sight-seeing. We have to investigate this place for any signs of the culprit.

Negumi: Wouldn't that involve seeing said sights?

Shonnie: Er, right. Let's get moving.

???: Hey you made it! ^o^

*Looking around, Shonnie and Negumi could hear Dream but they couldn't see her. Then some of the sparkles in the air floated down from the sky and piled up on the ground, taking on the form of a small body. The sparkles glow brightly and then in their place stands Dream.*

Dream: Hallo, welcome to the Dream World!

Negumi: Hello, Dream!

Shonnie: Dream, you're here?

Dream: Of course; I can send myself into the Dream World even when I'm asleep in the real world. ^^

Shonnie: Heh, cool.

Negumi: Boy, this world is more magical than I thought.

Dream: Let me show you around. ^^ See all of those sparkles in the air? Those are fragments of Dream Energy; when you allow your mind to become one with your dreams you can access this energy to do various things, like...

*Dream concentrates and some of the sparkles come to the ground and turn into to chibi versions of herself.*

Dreama: This! I call them, Dreamiis. ^w^

Dreamiis: Hallo!

Negumi: They are so cute! I so need to find a spell to make chibi people! *tickles one of the Dreamii's tummy.*

Shonnie: Dream Energy??? So this allows people to become one with their dreams, eh? Maybe the criminal is somehow using this to wreak havoc...

Negumi: *cradling the Dreamiis like babies* Seems possible. But wouldn't they have to have powers similar to Dream to pull that off?

Dream: Hmm, it's almost time...follow me! ^o^

*Dream leads Shonnie and Negumi through a dreamy version of their town. Everything looked similar but somehow different than it did in the real world. They could see silhouettes of people walking by them as they made their way through the town.*

Shonnie: Fascinating...

Negumi: Boy, I need to visit this Plain of Dreams more often.

Dream: All of these things you see walking by are actually people in the real world. If needed I could enter into their dream worlds from here, but there's a problem.

Negumi: What is it?

Dream: Look at them; do feel anything ominous about them?

*Shonnie and Negumi looks closely at all of the silhouettes walking about; but no matter how hard they looked they couldn't really find anything strange about them.*

Dream: Hmm... Maybe this will help *grabs a hold of Shonnie's and Negumi's hands* Dream Vision!

*Shonnie and Negumi feel a surge of energy throughout their bodies. When they look at the silhouettes again they can see that they're all surrounded by an eerie, dark aura.*

Dream: That is nightmare aura. Lately every living thing is surrounded by it in the Dream World. If I try to enter somebody's Dream World while that aura is there I'll lose energy and get sick. I could go through and eat enough of a dream to counteract the initial nightmare aura but if they happen to be having a nightmare when I go through I might lose too much energy and get stuck there for a while. It has happened once before and because of that I don't chance going through another one *stomach growls* so I haven't had anything good to eat in a while.

Negumi: Aww, you poor girl. We need to hurry and figure out who's doing all this.

Shonnie: I hear ya, Negumi. Hey, Dream. Have you noticed any kind of patterns with these nightmares, lately?

Dream: Hmm... *tilts her head and thinks for a bit*

*While waiting for Dream to answer, Shonnie and Negumi see a Munna float into the area.*

Shonnie: Eh? A Munna?

Negumi: Wow, is that some kind of dream creature? It's so cute!

Shonnie: Actually, that's a Pokémon, Negumi.

Negumi: Eh? A Pokémon? What is that?

Shonnie: Never mind. Let's just stick with "dream creature".

Dream: Wild Pokémon live in the Dream World too. When all of this trouble started up there were always several Munna and Musharna that would come and eat up the nightmare aura surrounding these people. But as the time went on there have been fewer and fewer of them showing up to eat it. Unlike me they can eat nightmares and not get sick or weak from them. But it's strange; even though they're eating the nightmare aura it always comes back soon afterwards...

*That’s when Shonnie got an idea; when the Munna ate up the nightmare aura surrounding one of the silhouettes they would follow that clean silhouette and see how the aura would return. Perhaps that would lead them to the main culprit.*

Shonnie: Hmm...

Negumi: Got a plan, Flash?

Shonnie: As a matter of fact, I might. Do you think the Munna is feeling hungry, right now?

Dream: Probably; they usually come here around this time.

*Sure enough, right on cue, the Munna starts inhaling the nightmare aura surrounding one of the silhouettes. Once the aura is completely gone the Munna floats away looking happy and satisfied.*

Negumi: Well, I'm glad the Munna is full, but what exactly was the plan?

Shonnie: Wait for it... *points at the silhouette*

*Shonnie, Negumi and Dream wait out of sight and keep an eye on the clean silhouette for a few minutes. That's when another Pokémon comes onto the scene: the rarely seen but definitely legendary Darkrai.*

Dream: Is that a Pokémon too? I've never seen one like that before...

Shonnie: Man, oh man. That's Darkrai.

Negumi: Now, I KNOW that's a demon.

*Negumi raises her wand, ready to zap Darkrai, but is stopped when Shonnie places a hand on Negumi's wand.*

Shonnie: Sorry, but strangely enough, that IS a Pokémon as well. But what could it be doing here?

Negumi: I don't know, but it doesn't look good.

*The Darkrai circles the clean silhouette a few times before extending its arm and showering it with the same nightmare aura that the other silhouettes were covered with.*

Shonnie: Looks like we found our first suspect.

Dream: What do we do now?

Shonnie: Hmm, good question. Darkrai appears to be the one creating nightmares, but if we act to hasty, we could spook it and lose our only lead.

Negumi: Wait, I have an idea.

Shonnie: Let's hear it.

Negumi: If I can get some sort of DNA sample or personal possession I could use a tracking spell to keep tabs on Darkrai.

Shonnie: Excellent.

Dream: *thinks for a bit* ...what about the nightmare aura; could you use that to track it seeing as how it came from Darkrai?

Shonnie: Tracking the aura..?

Negumi: Well, I never tried tracking an aura before. But I suppose I could try...

Shonnie: Wait, I think I can track the nightmare aura.

Negumi: Really?

Shonnie: Yeah, you could say I've had some practice with auras lately.

*The Darkrai looks around before departing from the area. Dream goes up the silhouette surrounded by a fresh coat of nightmare aura, and using her E-nergy, crystallizes a chunk of it and brings it back to Shonnie and Negumi.*

Shonnie: Well done, Dream! *rubs Dream's head.*

*Shonnie's eyes began to glow with a vibrant blue light as he began channeling his aura around the crystallized nightmare.*

Shonnie: ....

*Opening his eyes again Shonnie is able to see the trail of nightmare aura the Darkrai left behind.*

Shonnie: EGAD! I see it!

Negumi: Alright! Time to follow the trail!

*Following the fresh trail, Shonnie, Negumi and Dream travel deep within the city to the warehouse district. They find themselves in front of an old abandoned factory; it was one that Shonnie recognized from the real world that had been closed down for years.*

Shonnie: Oh-no...

Negumi: Shonnie, are you okay?

*Shonnie's body trembled and he took a step back away from the factory building.*

Dream: ...what is this place?

Shonnie: This... This place... The day I lost him, forever...

Dream: ... *gently grabs Shonnie's hand*

Shonnie: ...

*Shonnie looks down at Dream as she tries to comfort him. Seeing the kindly gesture, Shonnie couldn't help but give a thankful smile.*

Shonnie: This was where I encountered the wicked martial arts master and crime boss, Don Raptor. I was still a child when it happened, but the memory of what I witnessed haunts me to this very day...

Negumi: Shonnie...

Dream: Will you be alright?

Shonnie: I'M FINE! O_O; Ahem, sorry... I'll be fine, Dream. We still have a case to solve. Let's move.

*Shonnie, while still evidently uneasy, proceeds towards the old factory entrance. Leaving Negumi and Dream to exchanged concerned glances at the thought of their friend's unsettling statement about the factory and the villain Don Raptor.*

Negumi: ....

*Entering the abandoned factory, Shonnie, Negumi and Dream start investigating. Despite the outside still looking old and abandoned it looked like somebody had been fixing up the inside so the machines would be useable again.*

Negumi: Looks like someone was more interested in the mechanical upkeep than the outter sanitation.

Shonnie: Hmm, how odd... Hey, Dream. You're pretty familiar with the Dream World. How long has this factory been around?

Dream: I don't know; it's probably been around for as long as it has in the real world... *sniffs the air* hey, do you smell that?

*Shonnie and Negumi sniff the air but can smell nothing.*

Dream: I smell... *sniffs the air again* ...pleasant dreams! *runs off in the direction of the scent*

Negumi: Wait, Dream!

Shonnie: Hold on a second!

*Shonnie and Negumi follow after Dream. Dream climbs up the stairs to the 2nd floor of the factory where Shonnie and Negumi lose track of her. They search all of the rooms that they could get into but are unable to find her. That's when they see a staircase to the third floor; going up the flight of stairs they find themselves in a completely renovated floor that looks more like a command center than a factory.*

Shonnie: Huh, this is peculiar...

Negumi: Hey, Shonnie...

Shonnie: Yeah, what's up?

Negumi: You mentioned earlier that you lost someone here a long time ago when you were a child. Are you sure you're okay to be here?

Shonnie: T-that's not important right now. We need to focus on finding Dream and bring who ever framed her to justice. That's all that matters now.

Negumi: If you say so...

*The two continue searching for Dream in the mysterious room. Suddenly, a Dream Portal opens up in the center of the room. Instinctively, both Shonnie and Negumi find a place to hide and watch as a masked man with slicked back green hair, wearing a black suit and violet cloak flies out of the portal and hovers gently to the ground.*

???: ...

Shonnie and Negumi: ...

???: *goes over to the big monitors and activates them as they show various lists of data* hmm...looks like everything is going according to plan. That Darkrai has been busy keeping the nightmare mist on all of these people; in another day or so everybody should start feeling the effects of it and start having nightmare after nightmare which will generate all of the energy I need to get my operation up to its next phase. Having him capture all of those Munna, Musharna and that other one has made getting this far all the more easier. And to think he's doing all of this just in exchange for his freedom...sorry Darkrai, but you're just too important a pawn to let go; I'll be keeping you for quite a long time...

Shonnie: (whispers) I think we found our prime suspect.

Negumi: (whispers) That heartless bastard. As if framing poor Dream wasn't enough, now he's exploiting innocent Pokémon for his selfish schemes...

???: I'm surprised that little girl hasn't been caught yet though...well it doesn't matter; with her food source cut off from her she'll perish sooner or later. I can't have that little pest interfering; it's good that it's not often that a Dream Warrior pops up but her powers are the only ones that can rival or even surpass mine.

*Shonnie and Negumi are visibly furious at the mystery villain's deliberate plot to starve Dream for the sake of his wicked plot. The two heroes fight every urge to ambush the mystery man and throttle him to an inch of his life. Knowing that if they proceed to wait in silence, the villain shall reveal more of his scheme.*

???: To think that I have to do all of this to get a consistent good meal. Eating dreams are good but eating nightmares are better, well at least for me it is. Eat enough of them and you'll no longer get sick from them, plus they make you stronger. Trouble is that not everybody has nightmares consistently so they're quite hard to find. But, with the help of Darkrai it's as easy as cake. And why stop there? With this factory base in the Dream World where very few can enter I can create many nightmare generators of my own design and spread them throughout the Dream World. With everybody having nightmares they'll do anything to have a good night's sleep. That's when I step in and provide the relief they seek...for a price that is. Making both food and profit; it's genius!

*Our heroes anger begin to reach a boiling point as they continue to listen to the villain's wicked plot. But then Shonnie hass an idea.*

Shonnie: (whispers) Negumi...

Negumi: Yeah?

Shonnie: We don't know what this guy is capable of just yet. I'll attack him and see what I can gather.

Negumi: I get it. While you keep him distracted, I can devise a plan of attack based on his patterns.

Shonnie: Excellent, the game's a foot!

Negumi: Yeah, still don't know what that means.

*Shonnie leaps from his hiding place and tosses several smoke bombs onto the ground, filling most of the room with smoke.*

???: I was wondering when you'd make your move... *spins around so rapidly that he creates a vortex that clears away the smoke*

*Shonnie appears in the middle of the room facing the unknown villain.

Shonnie: Whenever evil threatens the lives of the innocent, be it dreams or reality. The Mirage Star of Justice calls upon me, EXCEL DETECTIVE: SHONNIE FLASH!

Negumi: Oh, brother...

???: -_-; ...seriously, that's your intro? Didn't think you would go all Saturday morning super hero on me...but still, I have to give you points for making it to this place. How DiD you manage to get here anyway? You don't give off the energy of a Dream Warrior and you're definitely not a Pi'illo how?

Shonnie: *chuckles to himself.* Sorry, if the entrance lacked a bit of flair, but you did sort of ruin my smokescreen effect. As for how I got here... *raises his hand and points to the unknown villain* you brought me here!

*Negumi listens in silence to see where he is going with this.*

???: Is that so? I thought that I was pretty thorough in not leaving a trail must've been Darkrai who slipped up.

Shonnie: Pokémon are creatures of instinct, you shouldn't blame them for your personal follies. But I digress. You're under arrest for disturbing the peace, cerebral terrorism, cruelty to animals and child abuse! Surrender immediately or I'll be forced to beat the ever living crap out of your face! *Shonnie's fists surge with his aura flames as he stands defensively before the mysterious foe.*

Nightmare: Oh, okay. I'll go quietly...but where are my manners? I forgot to introduce myself to you. Ahem, my name is Anthony Arcadia Alto, Triple A for short. But you can call me by my other name: Nightmare Alto. Once again I applaud your ability in getting here, but choosing to confront me here of all places was a really bad call.

*Shonnie hears a thud behind him. When he turns around he sees that Negumi has stumbled out of her hiding spot and is fast asleep. That's also when Shonnie feels himself getting drowsy really fast.*

Shonnie: Negumi! You won't get away with... You won't get... away with... this...

*Shonnie, despite his best efforts could not fight the sudden surge of drowsiness and fatigue. Soon he fell to the floor fast a sleep.*

Nightmare: Now... *walks over to Negumi and kneels down* let's see what this one fears... *places his right finger on Negumi's head and tries to channel Dream Energy into her* ...what's this? *tries to channel Dream Energy into Negumi again but fails then stands up* it seems that this one has a barrier of some sort that's preventing me from accessing her dreams. I won't be able to get anything from her... *walks over to Shonnie and kneels down* ...but this one *places his right finger on Shonnie's head and channels Dream Energy into him* ...yes, I can work with this one.

*Inside of Shonnie's dream he finds himself alone in a dark area. Three shadows emerge from the ground and take the forms of three opponents from Shonnie's past that seem to strike fear in him. Not wanting to fight them he flees as the three take off after him. Even with his incredible speed Shonnie can't outrun his three pursuers as they loom over him and eventually envelope him. This causes Shonnie to wake up from his nightmare as he sees Nightmare Alto standing before him holding three shadow orbs in his hand.*

Nightmare: Ah good, you're awake. ^w^ *spins the shadow orbs around in the palm of his hand*

Shonnie: Nightmare! *leaps to his feet and resumes his fighting stance.* What have you done?!

Nightmare: Oh, I just took a look at your dreams; you've definitely met some very interesting people. So I thought that I'd introduce you to one more interesting person.

*Nightmare Alto takes the three shadow orbs and molds them together like clay into a single large orb, then places it on the ground before him. The shadow orb bubbles then melts into a puddle before bubbling again and taking the shape of a person. It looked like the fusion of the three Shonnie saw in his nightmare. It had the skin of Mysterious Spanker, the body of Oriyame and the cold, evil eyes of Don Raptor.*

Nightmare: What do you think? This is just one of my many abilities: to make your worst nightmares real and even customize and enhance them further. This thing is the spawn of your own mind; I'll call this one Flash Terror!

Flash Terror: ...

Shonnie: OH, My GOD!

*Shonnie stumbled backwards and fell on his back. He then frantically crawled back away from the horrific personification of his past encounters. As much as Shonnie wanted to stand and defend himself, he was momentarily paralyzed with fear. Not because of the terrifying abomination before him, but having the terrible memories associated with each individual aspect of the creature, coming at him like a flash flood of misery and anguish.*

Shonnie: N-no... No way. This can't be real! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!

Nightmare: Oh but it is! In this world dreams and nightmares alike can become reality; coming here without knowing that was your biggest mistake. Flash Terror, get rid of them!

Flash Terror: ... *walks towards Shonnie*

Shonnie: S-stay back!

*Shonnie begins frantically flinging force orbs at Flash Terror hoping that at least one of the attacks connect. Most of Shonnie's force orbs make contact with Flash Terror and blow parts of it away but it simply regenerates those parts. The Flash Terror's arm stretches out and wraps around Shonnie, restraining him. That's when that feeling of complete helplessness overtook him again as the Flash Terror starts constricting him. He was unable to break free, he was unable to run away or fight back; he was trapped. All he could do was look skyward as he felt his consciousness slowly slip away from him. He could see the sparkles of Dream Energy floating in the air; somehow, just looking at them while in his current predicament seemed to relax him. For some reason he thought back to what Annette had told him hours earlier. That's when he noticed that the Dream Energy sparkles were gathering together and taking the form of somebody but he couldn't tell who since it was glowing brightly. The newly formed figure shot down like a lightning bolt and sliced off the arm of the Flash Terror that was restraining Shonnie, freeing him from the creatures hold. When the figure stops glowing he could see that it was an exact copy of Annette that had come to his rescue.*

Dreamy Annette: ... *sheathes her katana*

Nightmare: What the...!? So you could use Dream Energy after all...

Shonnie: Annette...? How did you...?

Dreamy Annette: Because you met the real me in the real world I can appear in your dreams and thus be here. Your mind became one with this world, giving you access to its energy and you used that energy to summon me from your dreams.

Shonnie: My dreams...

Flash Terror: *slowly begins to regenerate it's lost arm*

Dreamy Annette: So, did you give any thought to what I told you last time?

Shonnie: "You only truly stop getting stronger when you stop learning..."

*Shonnie slowly gets up to his feet and faces Dreamy Annette, his once fear-stricken face now turned into a deviously confident grin.*

Shonnie: I think I have an idea.

Flash Terror: *finishes completely regenerating its lost arm*

Nightmare: ...

Shonnie: But first, we need to get Negumi back.

*Shonnie focuses his thoughts for a moment and suddenly a bucket of water appears over Negumi's head. The bucket then tipped over and splashed Negumi, causing her to shriek and hiss in fear.*


Shonnie: I think I found a way to stop Nightmare and Flash Terror.

Negumi: Who?

*Shonnie points to the once mysterious man and the monstrous creature before him.*

Negumi: Oh.

Shonnie: Focus your mind, we can use the dream energy just as well as he can. See? *points to Dreamy Annette.*

Negumi: Right, let's go!

Nightmare: You know it's going to take a lot more than knowing how to use Dream Energy to be able stop me, right?

Dreamy Annette: *looks at the Flash Terror* You know, since that thing was created from your fear that it'll have to be you and you alone who ultimately finishes it off, right?

Shonnie: I'm afraid so...

*Shonnie stood before Flash Terror with uneasy, but determined expression. He raised his hand in the air and using the power of dream energy, materialized a rather unusual choice in weapons: a six foot long metal rake. The sheer randomness of the selection through everyone for a loop.*

Negumi: Is that a steel rake?

Nightmare: This should be interesting. -w-

Flash Terror: ... *morphs right arm into a long blade*

Shonnie: A lot of people don't know this, but before I made it to Galax City to start my business as a private investigator, me and my brother worked as farm hands at a Pig Ranch... I eventually left because I felt my talents were wasted looking after pigs and raking the field. But while I was there I read up on an ancient warrior that battled demons with a nine-toothed rake, alongside three other champions.

Negumi: You mean Zhu Bajie from "Journey to the West?"

Shonnie: Yes, Zhu Bajie. Anyways, ever since then, I've practiced another martial arts style known as Tetsu Buta-Ken!

*Shonnie whirls the rake around in a circle, several times before bringing it down with a mighty crash that shook the room.*

Shonnie: Time to shine.

Flash Terror: *charges recklessly at Shonnie*

*Shonnie drops the rake on the ground and kicks it across the room into the path of Flash Terror. As Flash Terror continued towards Shonnie, it steps on the teeth of the rake and the iron handle swings upwards and smacks Flash Terror hard in the face.*


*While Flash Terror was stumbling backwards from the sudden strike, Shonnie leaped up grabbed the Iron Rake from its perch.*

Shonnie: Terra Style: TEMPEST RAKE!

*As Shonnie shouted he swung the rake upward engulfing the teeth in blue flames. With a mighty swing he brings the rake down and launches a large shockwave at Flash Terror. Unable to recover in time the Flash Terror is struck by the large shock wave and is sent reeling into the wall behind Nightmare Alto. Still reeling from the attack the Flash Terror looks disoriented as it stumbles back to its feet; Shonnie sees this as an opportunity and closes in for his next attack. With a now confident smirk, Shonnie places the rake behind him, which mysteriously attaches to his back. He would then assume another kung fu stance and his body began pulsating with chi energy.*

Shonnie: Tetsu Buta.... SONIC CRASH!

*In an explosive burst of speed Shonnie's body flew shoulder first into Flash Terror sending the nightmarish creature sailing through the wall. After going through the wall the Flash Terror falls three stories down to the ground in a huge crash. The force of the attack must've hit a weak point because the Flash Terror roars loudly before erupting into sparkly dust. Then the strangest thing happened; Shonnie's fear of M.S., Oriyame and Don Raptor vanished completely.*

Nightmare: Yes, a rather unfortunate side-effect of my ability. It'll literally extract the very fear of the thing I extract out of nightmares. Should said extracted thing get defeated or destroyed then your fear of it disappears as well. So naturally I have a limited amount of times I can do that...but I won't need another one like that to deal with the two of you.

Shonnie: We're ready for anything you can throw at us!

Negumi: We'll make sure to put a stop to your evil plans!

Nightmare: *channels Dream Energy to create a shovel* before I made my own company I was nothing more than a ditch digger and construction worker *spins the shovel around with only two fingers* this style has no name but make no mistake, I'm quite adept with a shovel *stops spinning the shovel and takes an offense stance*

*Shonnie gives a surprisingly sympathetic nod, before drawing his rake.*

Shonnie: Achieving greatness through hard work and conviction. I'd be lying if I said I couldn't relate... *whirls around the rake and assumes an offensive stance as well.* However, I cannot allow you to have your way here.

Nightmare: *forcefully stabs the ground with the shovel then scoops upwards quickly to send shockwaves riddled with debris flying towards Shonnie*

*Shonnie channels his aura into the rake, forming long energy spikes over the teeth. While whirling the handle, Shonnie turns the teeth into an energy shield to repel the powerful shockwave. However the force of the blast knocks Shonnie off his feet.*

Shonnie: Ouch! >_<

Negumi: Shonnie, are you okay?

Shonnie: Heh, I'm fine. But that shovel really packs a punch.

*Negumi helps Shonnie up to his feet. Nightmare jumps on the shovel like as if it were a pogo-stick then leaps into the air and begins to spin around rapidly until he looks like a spinning top. He then seems to lock on to Shonnie and Negumi's current position then rockets towards them like a spinning drill.*

Shonnie and Negumi: YIKES!

*The two leap to opposite sides of the room to avoid Nightmare's vicious attack. Nightmare drills right through the ground, falling to the second floor. He quickly gets back to his feet and rockets back up through the hole he made to get back up to the third floor. He then charges energy into his shovel and points it towards the ceiling.*

Nightmare: Lightning Spade!

*A bolt of lightning shoots from the shovel skyward; when it hits the ceiling it splits in two and each one shoots towards Shonnie and Negumi. Negumi's staff absorbed the electric shock protecting her from the electric shock. However Shonnie wasn't as lucky. The lightning bolt hit Shonnie point blank sending a powerful shock through his body.*

Shonnie: YEEeEEEoOOOooOOoOW!

*Shonnie ricocheted off the walls and all over the room until he collapses to the ground.*

Negumi: Shonnie! Are you okay?

Shonnie: Don't worry, chief. I'm always on duty... o@

Nightmare: *charges energy into his shovel then grabs it with both hands as if he were about to shove it into the ground* Frost Spade!

*Nightmare Alto jams the shovel into the ground causing a bluish energy rushing towards Shonnie. When it reaches him, giant icicles surround and trap him in an icy tomb.*

Nightmare: *slowly starts walking towards the trapped Shonnie, casually twirling the shovel between two fingers*

*Negumi leaps between Nightmare and the frozen Shonnie Flash. She then aims her now glowing wand at Nightmare.*

Negumi: Hold it, creep! You'll have to go through me, first!

Nightmare: *smirks* so the little kitty cat is finally going to join the fun, eh?

Negumi: I wanted to let Shonnie have his moment, first. ^^ But, you can save yourself the arcane assault and give-up now.

Nightmare: If you're anything like your friend here I think I'll take my chances *grasps his shovel and takes another offensive stance*

Negumi: I may not be a martial artist, like Shonnie. But my magic is more than a match for you!

*Negumi waves her wand and launches a spiralling blast of fire at Nightmare.*

Nightmare: *charges energy into his shovel then grabs it with both hands as if he were about to shove it into the ground* Frost Spade!

*Nightmare Alto shoves his shovel into the ground and causes a giant icicle erupt from the ground to shield him from the incoming fire. Negumi's fire was so intense that it instantly melted the icicle upon impact; she knew that if she wanted to turn the tide of battle in her favor she would have to free Shonnie and somehow disarm Nightmare Alto. The solution to one of her problems came when the ice surrounding Shonnie glowed bright with his aura before shattering in an explosion; the detective had managed to free himself from his icy prison.*

Negumi: Shonnie, you're alright!

Shonnie: Heh, not the first time I was frozen solid. *brushes ice off his shoulder.*

Negumi: I think I have a way to stop Nightmare. But I'll need a distraction.

Shonnie: I'm on it, Negumi.

*Negumi waves her wand above her head and seems to vanish in a glittery puff of smoke. As the steamy clouds from Negumi's attack fade Shonnie stands to face Nightmare Alto, with steel*

Shonnie: Hey, Nightmare! You said earlier that you had your own company. Sounds like you've done pretty well for yourself. Why throw all that away for these senseless crimes?

Nightmare: Hunger. Sure, I've got money and I can buy pretty much any food you can think of but my body doesn't get nourishment from it; I can only eat dreams. In the beginning I couldn't stand the taste of nightmares and they made me very sick. I thought that if I ate enough of them my body would eventually grow a tolerance for them and I would be able to consume both good and bad dreams when pickings were slim. After consuming a few of them I indeed did grow a tolerance for them, but I also began to crave them like crazy. The Dream Warriors considered me a threat and set out to neutralize my powers but I managed to steal their powers and make them my own. I don't know why they fear nightmares so much; you actually get stronger from eating them as opposed to regular dreams.

Shonnie: Hmph, I guess I'd have more sympathy for your plight... If you weren't causing so much destruction to the outside world. Not to mention using an innocent little girl as a scapegoat.

Nightmare: It can't be helped; I barely won my battles against the Dream Warriors so I thought that it'd be better to get rid of this one before the Dream Warriors found her and trained her. Her power right now actually rivals mine; if she is trained in how to properly use those powers then I'm done for.

Shonnie: I see. Well you won't have to worry about that. *Shonnie whirls his rake and points it at Nightmare Alto* me and Negumi will defeat you here and now!

Nightmare: O_O The cat... *looks around frantically* where is she; why can't I sense where she is?

*As Nightmare stops to seek Negumi, Shonnie quickly slammed the handle of the rake into the ground. A Green portal formed under Nightmare and several vines ensnared his arms, legs, and torso.*

Shonnie: Negumi, now's your chance!

*Negumi appeared in a puff of smoke above Nightmare. With a swift kick, Negumi knocks the shovel out of Nightmare's hand and into the air. Shonnie then leaped up to grab the shovel.*

Negumi: Not so tough without your magic shovel, eh Nightmare?

Shonnie: It's over, Nightmare. Surrender quietly and we can end this now.

Nightmare: Heh-heh-heh, you haven't won yet, detective. Oh Darkrai~

*The Darkrai that Shonnie and Negumi saw earlier appears in the room before Nightmare.*

Darkrai: ...

To be continued...

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