Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Attack on Claire! Benjamin Koco's Conquest Begins!!

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 4
 “Attack on Claire! Benjamin Koco’s Conquest Begins!!”
An RP between CobaltClaw19 and eshonen

Claire was fast asleep and dreaming after a fun movie night with Kevin and Annaliese. Her dream was pleasant until she suddenly found herself in a familiar empty wasteland before a familiar face showed up; Nero had returned once again to take her power to Crimson Mahiru. However, things were going to be different this time; Claire was armed with a Dream Charm that prevented him from draining her energy and power, thus putting the two of them on equal terms...or so she hoped. Only time will tell if Claire is lucky enough to survive a second encounter with Crimson's right hand man.

Claire: I knew this day would come again so I made sure to be ready for it! >_<

Nero: Hmm, I do sense that you're not the same little girl I invaded the memories of back then....very well, that makes me smile, seeing that at least one of you are well prepared.

Claire: ...I must ask, just what is it that your Master is after; what does Crimson Mahiru want with me and my friends?

Nero: Well...using the unique powers of separate individuals will allow Master Crimson to call upon an ancient power. He says that it will "bring about the salvation that this planet needs, but doesn't deserve." More I can't tell, because I don't know more, young lady.

*Nero uses his dreamscape powers to make some cups of tea appear. One in his hand, the other floating in front of Claire.*

Nero: I assure you that there's nothing ill in the contents of the cup. Feel free to help yourself with a sip or two.

Claire: *looks at the cup of tea suspiciously and sniffs it a bit before finally taking a sip* Mmm, this is good ^w^

Nero: I tried to replicate Ash's recipe. He's surprisingly good at making this stuff. This and coffee. When he is not busy fawning over Wendy, or arguing with Slayer, that is.

Claire: seem like an interesting guy *takes another sip of tea* you remind me a lot of Dracule Sako now that I've gotten to talk to you a bit.

Nero: Meanwhile, you remind me of one of my previous masters. She was stubborn, full of energy, kind. Tell me your name again, child.

Claire: Claire...Claire Malté Treasure.

Nero: A beautiful name for a beautiful young lady. And as the name also implies: You're unique, a true treasure for the ones around you. Listen child, I don't want to hurt you. Last time, the situation at hand needed me to get physical. So I have a proposal for you, if you're interested.

Claire: Hmm... *thinks for a bit* ...I'm listening...

Nero: Just come with me to Crimson's lair and let us borrow your powers until the deed is done. All you'd need to do is to let my Master tap your powers and put them in a temporary vessel.

*Meanwhile, back at Rex's mansion, Kiki suddenly awakens from her sleep, feeling that there was definitely something wrong. She couldn't contact Claire even though the two of them were connected through Solnar Unity. She rises to her feet and quickly darts to her door to exit her room. Upon opening her door she sees that Fuu was right there about to knock on it; apparently he too felt that something was off and came to see if Kiki could get into contact with Claire. When he learned that she hadn't been able to he thought back to the last time he felt this feeling of unease. His heart sinks once he realizes what must be happening now. Back inside of Claire's dream space, Claire comes to a decision.*

Claire: ...okay, I'll go with you.

Nero: I thank you child. I promise that no one is going to get hurt as a result of this.... *walks over and reaches out to her with his metallic hand*

Claire: *reaches out to Nero*

*Before their hands meet, Fuu and Kiki suddenly appear and put themselves between Claire and Nero, ready to fight.*

Claire: Fuu, Kiki; how did you get here?

Kiki: Our love transcends time and space! *pumps fists with a pout on her face*

Fuu: ......

Nero: ...... *tilts his head* That that behaviour normal...?

Claire: It is since the two of us united

Fuu: And I love you both equally high, but not the time for this conversation. -u-

Kiki: Naw, I wanted to discuss the future honeymoon~

Nero: .......... *rubs the back of his head*

*A portal opens up next to Nero and out of it comes Dean Mori. The overall mood quickly changes as he makes his way towards Claire, Fuu and Kiki with a malicious intent.*

Claire: Wait, what's going on?! I was going to cooperate with you! *takes an offensive stance once again*

*With Dean's appearance and approach, Nero saw his peaceful negotiation go up in smoke. He figured that Dean came on his own to insure that Claire went with them this time since his last attempt was a failure; Nero was definitely upset that his teammate just made things more complicated than they needed to be.*

Nero: Dean, I have this under control! Don't come here, you're just going to-

Dean: Geez, shut up you old geezer. It's clear that this is too hard for you to handle. So I've come to deal with the cuties and the nuisance myself. So just sit back and drink your tea while a real fighter does your job...

Claire: Who is this guy?

Dean: Oh, pardon me, young kitten.... My name is Dean Mori. Painter, fighter, nightmare inducer, etc etc...

Nero: This is a guy that one can't reason with. He has a simple-minded way of thinking. If he decides he wants to do things a specific way, he sticks with it.

Dean: Ey, artists gotta have their own gimmicky behaviour at times. Like that Kevin or whatever his face was....guy put me through the grinder last time I faced him and probed his mind with my nightmare powers. Man, I swear, I was blind for a week after that lightning....

Fuu: You're also known for being merciless to anyone you fight.

Dean: Kinda true, I'll admit that.

Claire: *looks at the Dream Charm on her wrist* (I know I got this thing to help combat against Nero's abilities but maybe it'll be just as useful against this guy. Besides...I owe this guy for making Annaliese cry!) *brims with anger*

Nero: *walks in-between them* Children, please. We were about to solve this calmly....

Dean:'re right Nero. We should all calm down. You know what you can do to relax? *gets all up in Nero's face* Sit. Down.

*And right then and there, Dean fires a point-blank Nightmare Sphere at Nero, sending him flying backwards and causing him to twist, turn and squirm around in pain as his bad memories started to mentally attack him. Dean was joyfully laughing in a psychotic way and started to stomp on the walking-skeleton as he was fighting the attack.*

Dean: KYAHAHAHA!! That's right! You've lived so much longer than anyone in this world, haven't you!? That means you stack up on more bad memories than my usual targets! All you've seen, said, heard, done, take it all and fall to my will, skull-face!

*Fuu slightly backed away at this sight, disturbed*

Fuu: This guy is crazy...

Claire: O_O; And I thought that Pyro was unstable...

Dean: Hehehehehehe.....heeeeeeee.... *turns to the others with a grin on his face* Now....this entire's my canvas, free to be painted in any color that I want~

Kiki: *hisses* >_<

*Dean goes about trying to make the dreamscape more to his liking...but found that he was unable to do anything to it.*

Claire: OwO (It's working; the Dream Charm works against this guy.)

Dean: ......huh.......that's unfortunate. I can't change this, not a big deal. *shrugs*

Claire: You guys ready?

Fuu: As ready as one can get, I think....just be careful, you two.

Kiki: Nyah, we're not helpless, darling. Besides, we are a team!

Claire: You're right, we ARE a team! *limbers up* okay, I'm ready.

Dear: Yeah yeah, so I heard...let me just start by taking out the weakest link of your formation~

Kiki: *swallows* Defensive stance?

Fuu: *nods* Okay, get beh-

*Fuu is cut short when Dean suddenly appears, clean out of thin air, and kicks him right in the gut, blowing the air out his lungs before connecting a fist of his manifested nightmare energy to Fuu's face, sending the Kazejin flying and making him end up squirming at the ground as the special ability kicks in on him as well.*

Dean: Kyehehehehe....!! I said I would start with the weakest link, punk!

Kiki: Fuu-Kun! QAQ

Claire: *moves in quickly and delivers a stretching punch to Dean's left side*

Dean: Hngh... *jumps backwards and rubs his side* Hehehe, not bad kitten, not bad...I really felt that.... *smirks*

Claire: Then you'll really like this next one

*Claire bends over backwards with great ease and when she does Dean automatically does the same thing as his back can be heard cracking a bit and he yells out in surprise.*

Dean: Yeow! Oh! That is NOT pleasant!! >__o;;

*Claire goes from bending over backwards into a handstand, allowing her feet touch her head, causing Dean to do the same. Meanwhile Fuu recovers from Dean's initial attack and gets back to his feet.*

Fuu: *panting as he grips his head, tears rolling down his cheeks* Damn would show me that memory, wouldn't you...? *stumbles forward as he walks*

Kiki: Fuu-Kun, you're okay! QuQ

Fuu: Of course Kiki. It takes more than that to break me......and it seems like Dean is hard to break as well....

Dean: OOOOOH!!! That stings~!! >oO;

Claire: Here's one that Piper showed me when she was still a Meditite ^^

*Claire sits down on the ground and then bends forward as she folds her legs behind her neck and then walks with her hands. Of course Dean is forced to do her every action by some unknown to him force as more of his bone could be heard popping by everyone around him. Knowing Claire like they did both Fuu and Kiki knew exactly what was going on when they noticed that their surroundings smelled exactly like Claire's favorite perfume.*

Fuu: I'll say it again, that ability is kinda evil.

Kiki: Agreed. .w.;

Dean: Yeow! Salsafrazers!! I swear girl, if you don't stop- SWEET NUGGETS, IT FELT THAT! ...I swear that while you're awake, I'll make your days unbareable! HOOOO! That was my shoulder!

Claire: ...okay, I'll stop ^w^

*Claire stops what she's doing and just stands up which allows Dean to stand up too then signals with a wink to Fuu and Kiki to begin their counter attack; when Dean tries to move however he finds that he is unable to do so.*

Dean: What the-

*Fuu interrupts Dean with a kick to the gut, similar to what happened earlier*

Fuu: Payback is a bitch...kinda like Claire when she is in a bad mood. *chuckles*

Kiki: *pounces on Dean and starts to scratch him all over with her sharp claws before starting to pelt him with kicks, all while cutely meowing as well, and shooting a wink back at both Fuu and Claire*

Claire: *looks behind her then smiles*

*Claire sees that Nero is back on his feet and shaking off the final effects of Dean's sucker punch attack. Claire motions for Kiki to knock Dean over to her; Kiki finishes her attack with a mighty dropkick that sends Dean flying over towards Claire who catches him then does a backwards roll to toss him in front of Nero. Dean's and Nero's eyes meet and Nero is none too happy as he glares at Dean while exuding a death energy.*

Nero: ....SIT. DOWN. *smashes his hand into Dean, which causes the guy to vanish out of the dreamscape* He's not coming back anytime soon.... *groans*

Claire: You okay?

Nero: What's more important is this: Are you okay, child? *places his hand on Claire's head and pets her*

Claire: Yeah, I'm fine; it could've been a lot worse if I hadn't made preparations in advance... O_O; oh, Fuu, are you okay? I'm sorry, I got so caught up in fighting off Dean that I nearly forgot that he got you with that worry some attack.

Fuu: Um...yeah, just a bit shaken that's all... *wipes some tears from his eyes*

Kiki: *snuggles up against Fuu* Darling....

Fuu: I promise, I'm okay. Don't worry.

Claire: *snuggles up against Fuu as well* ^w^

Nero: *smiles at the sight* You know what you three? You had a rough evening. Or is it night? Why don't I come and see you in person in the morning and give you some time to rest?

Fuu: ...I for one wouldn't mind waiting until tomorrow... -///- *gently grabs Kiki and Claire's butts as he hugs them close*

Kiki: Nyah! Fuu~! Frisky! >//w//<

Claire: *giggles* Yeah, let's do that >//w//<

Nero: Have a pleasant night, youngsters. *snaps, warping their minds out of the dreamscape*

Claire: *wakes up to see Fuu and Kiki right next to her*

Fuu: *wakes up with a blush on his face* .....Hi sweetie. .////.

Kiki: *wakes up and almost instantly sheds her hoodie and snuggles up against Claire in her panties* Mmmm~!

Claire: *brings Fuu and Kiki close to her as she snuggles them both* thanks for coming to help me out ^w^

Fuu: ...I did say I was going to be there for you when you needed me. *kisses her on her lips*

Kiki: And same applies to me~ *kisses Claire as well*

Claire: -//w//-

*The trio spends a lovely night together. Sure enough the next morning, Nero appears before the three again ready to re-discuss the matters from last night.*

Nero: Slept well, children?

Fuu: Yes yes, of course we did.

Nero: Well, as I said yesterday, just absorbing a fragment of the kitten's powers should help the case, and then I don't need to bother her anymore.

Claire: Well, I guess I'm okay with that if it means that I don't have to fight in my dreams anymore...what do you guys think?

Fuu: As long as you're not in danger or anything afterwards... *pets Claire*

Kiki: *nods*

Nero: It's your decision in the end, child.

Claire: ...if this turns out to be a bad decision on my part I'll make sure to deal with it when the time comes...all right, I'll do. So what do I need to do?

Nero: Well, it's very simple. We need an object that has a lot of value to you. We're going to use that as a vessel to store your powers in, through a little and harmless energy transfer technique.

Claire: Something like that...hmm... *reaches into her pocket and pulls out a plastic toy ring that you would get from a toy vending machine and looks at it, reminiscing about the memories it contains* ...when I first escaped from MASTER HQ with Ashuro and Scooter back when I was a child, Ashuro got friendship rings for the three of us. It was the first time in my life that I felt that I had somebody aside from my uncle that cared about me...will this do?

Nero: That should do just nicely. And don't worry, I'll hand it back when we're done with it. *he takes the ring and encases it in a sphere.* Now, just touch the sphere and think about your good memories while I pull the powers out...

Claire: *slowly puts her hands on the sphere and thinks about her time with the Checkmark crew, Fuu and Kiki*

Nero: Good, just relax and continue like that. You might feel a bit tickling in the palm of your hands, but try to ignore it.

*The sphere lights up a few times only it got a steady pinkish-purple glow as it absorbed Claire's powers and transferred them to the ring. Meanwhile, Fuu and Kiki both leaned on Claire and held around her; their only way to support her in this specific task, right now.*

Claire: *relaxes now that Fuu and Kiki were next to her as she continues to focus on the task at hand*

Nero: ....Alright, that's more than enough, kitten. *moves the sphere away from Claire* You might feel a little weak the following days, but you'll be fine. You'll be absolutely fine with those two around you.

Kiki: Of course she will~

Nero: *chuckles* I'm looking forward to seeing the family you all will have in the near future.

Fuu: o//o, thanks for that...?

*Nero disappears from sight to return to his base of operations. Sure enough, Claire does begin to feel weak and has to rely on Fuu and Kiki to help keep her balance. On their way back to Rex's mansion the three of them get a most unexpected and unwelcome visit in the form of Dean Mori, seeking revenge for being made a fool out of and getting punished by Crimson for interfering with Nero's assignment last night.*

Claire: O_O; Oh-no...

Dean: ...Missed me, kitten?

Kiki: *gets in front of Claire and Fuu, hissing at the nightmare inducer*

Claire: Why are you here? >_<

Dean: I told you, didn't I? And now, until your powers return and you feel better, it's easy for me to torment you in any shape or form I feel like. *smirks*

Kiki: You can just leave Claire alone, you creep!

*Kiki attempts to pounce on Dean to beat him up again. However, she stops mid-air as Dean holds his hand stretched out towards her, seemingly using some kind of telekinesis.*

Dean: Well, now that I'm outside of the dreamscape and able to use the full ability that I can utilize with my canvas....I'd say I'd make it a little breezy for you.

*Dean snaps with his fingers and hits Kiki several times by seemingly just poking her as she stays levitated in the air. And then, a snap with his fingers later, Kiki's clothes all literally shreds themself and leaves her bare, causing the nekomimi to squeal in embarrassment as she covered herself.*

Dean: Seems like my nightmares doesn't work well while actually inside a dream. But see the results~

Fuu: How dare you!! *is about to attack Dean, but nearly drops Claire in the process, so he stops, simply helping her stay on her feet instead*

Claire: *jabs her tail into the ground to help prop herself up* I'll be fine, go help her!

Fuu: *nods and leaps towards Dean* Let her-

Dean: Go? Good idea! *tosses Kiki right into Fuu's arms as he himself dashes past them gets all up in Claire's face* Boo~

Claire: *quickly chomps down on Dean's face with her sharp fangs with a crocodile grip*
Dean: YEOW!! least you're not moving....! *Dean grabs hold of Claire's hips and actually starts to ram his knee into her gut several times, ignoring her fangs biting him* This pain is nothing! It might sting, but I have withstood more!

Claire: QwQ ...

*After taking several more powerful blows to the gut, Claire whites out and releases Dean's face from her bite and slumps down on the ground.*

Dean: *wipes his face and then kicks Claire in the stomach once more* Fuck...I hate cats...

Fuu: *jumps at Dean and and throws a bunch at the guy, just to have it blocked* What-!?

Dean: ...If you value the life of the kitten....both of'll back away now....slowly.....

Fuu: ..... *grits his teeth and does as told, then nearly attacks Dean again in anger as the guy literally rips off Claire's clothing and ties the shreds around his arm* Hey, don't you even-

Dean: As I said, I hate cats. I'm just keeping these as a reminder...a reminder to beat the three of you mindlessly if you step close to the lair. Don't you dare attempt it, kitten.

Kiki: *freezes, having trying to sneak up on him* o___O;;;

Dean: ....Do I make myself clear, Mr. Raien?

Fuu: .....*nods*

???: DEAN!!!

*Dean looks around to see where the angry voice was coming from but couldn't see anybody.*

???: I warned you, Dean; I warned you what would happen if you hurt my friends again!

*Dean then recognized the voice. But before he could do anything else he is sent flying backwards by a powerful kick to the face. Quickly getting back to his feet he sees a hand as it grabs his throat and shoves him down to the ground; it was a very angry Ashuro.*

Ashuro: *growls ferociously*

Dean: *cough* Well shit, if it isn't Checkmark Captain, Ashuro...

*Ashuro raises Dean up by his neck and powerfully slams him into the ground several times then proceeds to savagely beat Dean into the ground. Fuu and Kiki look on at the scene, slightly scared, thinking that it was best not to try to get involved at the moment.*

Fuu: ...... *bends down to Claire and gets her to lay on his lap, gently stroking her belly* Hey girl. Don't you worry, I've got you...

Kiki: *snuggles against Claire* If you can hear us, we're sorry you got hurt....

Fuu: I'm sorry I'm not strong enough to protect either of you anymore....

*Meanwhile, Dean is screaming in a mix of pain and madness in the background*

Fuu and Kiki: .....And it's quite awkward talking to you under these circumstances......

Claire: *wakes up*'s alright, guys, really. ^w^ *reaches up and gently touches both Fuu's and Kiki's faces* both of you are plenty strong; today we were just ambushed by a coward who chose to attack us when we weren't at 100%.

*Ashuro's continued assault on Dean manages to break several bones in his body and drain him of any energy he had to fight back with. Once Ashuro stopped, Dean was on his knees slightly bent backwards and staring at the sky. He managed to look in front of him and saw Ashuro with a LOT of E-nergy surrounding his right arm.*

Ashuro: ...goodbye, Dean...

*The E-nergy surrounding Ashuro's right arm forms into a long, mighty blade. He swings it with all his might at Dean, but before it made contact, somebody warped in front of him to shield him from the attack; that somebody was Crimson Mahiru. Ashuro's E-nergy blade sliced deep into Crimson's body as it cut his left arm off at the elbow and stopped before hitting his spine. To protect himself Crimson had used his powers to harden and reinforce his body mere milliseconds before Ashuro's blade made contact but in doing so used up 75% of his power. Crimson goes down on one knee due to the pain and loss of blood.*

Crimson: Hngh....! Hah.....hehehe...look at that-HNGH!!! I didn't even need to instant-heal to survive that attack....

Fuu: W-what the-

Crimson: *glares a bit at Ashuro* you're starting to annoy me, Kamaké; more so when you hurt my comrades and nearly kills them, especially when they are not aiming to kill either one of you....

Ashuro: I warned him and the rest your comrades what would happen if you messed with my friends! I'm not going through that nightmare again... *shakes his head to snap himself back to reality* and why are you helping him anyway? If you're not careful this guy will stab you in the back and take your powers away from you!

Crimson: Don't be a fool. Do you not think I've already thought of that? Silly kitten...

Ashuro: Hmph, whatever. Just...just get him out of here and don't let me catch him harming my friends again.

Crimson: I can't promise he won’t be a peeping Tom, however. *warps right out of there again*

Fuu: *hands Claire and Kiki his jacket and shirt* Sheesh...

Ashuro: *sighs* I just wish I knew what he was planning so I could have a clear plan of action to take...

Fuu: I feel you, but there is nothing we can do at the time being...

Kiki: Guys, can't we just think of something else for now, nyah? .n.

Fuu: ......I heard Kevin and Ring's children from the future appeared and are living with them? Is that true?

Kiki: That's a good subject to start at.

Ashuro: OoO *suddenly remembers something* oh yeah, I almost forgot. Yeah, it's true; their future children came to this time period to change their future for the better. And theirs wasn't the only can come out now; I stopped Dean before he was able to do anything else.

*From behind some nearby trees come two small girls. One girl looked like Claire and had long green and white hair and fur, was wearing a pink long-sleeve shirt, baggy brown pants and blue shoes. The other girl looked exactly like Kiki and was wearing a long-sleeve blue dress and a big green bow in her hair.*

Ashuro: They told me about what would have happened today. Even though you cooperated with him, Dean still would've continued his attack and sealed Fuu and Claire's powers away; it would've taken several years for us to find a way to unseal them.

Bella: Luckily, we knew just who to contact~ I'm Bella, and this is my half-sister, Silk.

Silk: Nyaro~

*Fuu and Kiki both stared at the little girls in awe. Kiki gasping and covering her mouth as she got teary-eyed, while Fuu got down on his knees, tears building in his eyes as well.*

Fuu: C-Claire...Kiki....these two....

Claire: QwQ *seeing the two girls seemed to fill her with energy as she gets up and cuddles both of them* EEEEEE~ so precious~ w

Bella: Ah! Past-Mommy, you're squishing me! >//3//<

Silk: Yay~! Aunty is happy again~!

Claire: *releases Bella and Silk from her hug* my wish comes true; Fuu, Kiki, we all get to start a family together.

Kiki: *attempts to wipe her tears as she smiles and keeps crying.* T-they are so pretty....I-I can't...I can't.... Waaaaaaah!! T//A//T

Fuu: *hugs Kiki close and pats her back to calm her down* Shhhhh.....

Silk: W-why is mama crying...? QnQ

Fuu: She's always been so unsure and afraid of having a family and that's she'd never actually take part in it, because...well...her own mother didn't survive after giving birth to Kiki.

Kiki: *sniffs and wipes her tears out of her eyes again* N-not the time and place to finally tell anyone about this, Fuu....but, I guess the situation called for it.... *burries her face in his shoulder*

Silk: *walks over and hugs her mother's leg* D-don't cry.... Q/~/Q

Claire: *embraces Kiki from behind with a warm hug* There-there...

Bella: *joins in on the hug as well*

Kiki: "sniff" I'm okay now, guys....I'm fine...

Ashuro: Like Kevin and Ring's children, these two came here to change the events that lead up to the rise of Benjamin Koco, the ancient previous boss of the Koco Family that Pyro freed a few years back. They all came through the same time gate but seem to be arriving here at different times so there's no telling just how many more of them are out there.

Bella: Oh, we have so many funny friends. You'll love them~

Ashuro: I can't wait to meet them all ^w^

Claire: Me too~ ^3^ But first I'd like to get to know you, my adorable little one

Bella: My favorite subject!

Kiki: Meanwhile, I'm gonna snuggle this little pile of cute~ *picks up Silk and starts nuzzling and blowing raspberries at her.*

Silk: Moooooooom! >w<

Fuu: ...... *sighs*

*Claire, Fuu, Kiki and the two young girls leave the area to go have some fun together. As Ashuro was leaving the area he sensed that he was not alone and goes back to investigate; however, after thoroughly investigating the area, he was unable to find any trace of anybody.*

Ashuro: ...maybe I'm mistaken after all...but that energy I felt, I know I felt it somewhere else before...

*Ashuro leaves the area to head home. Later that night at Crimson's lair, after getting scolded by Crimson once again, Dean plots for his next encounter with Fuu, Kiki and Claire. However, while doing this, he senses that he isn't alone.*

Dean: !? *looks around* ........who's disturbing me from planning my next masterpiece...? ....Anyone....? ..... *shrugs*

*Dean then hears some sort of classical melodic sound coming from somewhere around him; he was absolutely sure that he wasn't alone now.*

Dean: Okay, who the heck is playing that music....? As....good as it sounds....this is still a bit weird...

*Dean looks all around and then finally up to see a tall, male, Verdente Vampire Bat standing on the ceiling, looking down at him with a small music box-like device in his hand.*

???: ...

Dean: o_O .......hello?

Benjamin: Good evening, Mr. Mori; my name is Benjamin Koco. I'm here today conducting a little...experiment, if you will.

Dean: Ah, well you're welcome to our little base, as long as you don't get in the master's way.... Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a canvas to finish before the night rings itself in.

Benjamin: I thank you for your invitation; this won't take long.

*Benjamin opens his mouth and emits a supersonic sound wave that fills Dean's room. Dean's body is suddenly hit with sudden paralysis and is unable to move a muscle.*

Dean: *eyes shift about as he finds himself unable to move his mouth too.* (Woah woah woah, what is this!?)

Benjamin: Dean Mori, until further notice your body and mind belongs to me and me alone. Here are your instructions: you are to keep this music box with you wherever you go. When you receive my sonic signal you are to play this music box to whoever is in the vicinity. When I say "sweet dreams" you will go to sleep for an hour and remember nothing of this encounter. 3, 2, 1...Sweet dreams, Mr. Mori.

*Dean immediately goes to sleep and Benjamin exits as mysteriously as he entered. An hour later, Dean awakens feeling refreshed and able to move about freely, remembering nothing that happened in the past hour.*

Dean: ......What the....did I....dooze of again....? Hmm, typical of me. Oh well, nothing to do about that now...

*Looking around, Dean spots a small music box next to him; he didn't think much of it and went back to what he was doing. Soon he gets thirsty and decides to go get a drink but when he tries to leave his room he feels uncomfortable about leaving the music box alone and decides to take it with him; why he felt such an attachment to a music box he had not seen before until just minutes ago he had no idea.*

Dean:'s one of Crimson's tricks.... *shrugs and just rolls with it, taking the box along*

*Meanwhile, Fuu, Claire and Kiki are winding down their day by tucking Bella and Silk in for the night.*

Claire: Did you two have fun today? ^w^

Bella: Yes mommy~

Silk: *reaches out to Kiki and Fuu* Night kisses! Night kisses! =O

Kiki: *kisses her cheek*

Fuu: It was fun for me too. *kisses both Bella and Silk*

Bella: Bleh! Daddy-Cooties! >//w//<

Claire: *chuckles lightly* goodnight, sweeties~

Bella: *yawns* Nighty.... =//u//=

Silk: *sucks on her thumb as she tucks against her sister*

Fuu: .... *strokes their cheeks a little bit* Good night sweethearts...

*Fuu, Kiki and Claire watch as their future children sleep peacefully.*

Claire: You see that, guys? We truly have a worthwhile future ahead of us. Whatever happens, we can't let this Benjamin Koco guy ruin it; let's work together to ensure that he doesn't.

Kiki: *nods* Right.

Fuu: Yeah. We need to do this....For the kids' sake.

*And with that said, Fuu pulls out a pair of mattresses they could lay on, to be close to the kids, and let themselves doze off and fall asleep...*

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