Saturday, March 21, 2015

Giant Dream World Battle! Dream VS Colossal Nightmare!!

Travel Multiversal
Neo Hero Chronicles
“Giant Dream World Battle! Dream VS Colossal Nightmare!!”
An RP between Flashshadow and eshonen

Answering his master’s call, Darkrai appears to fight Shonnie and Negumi...

Negumi: Oh-no! It's Darkrai, again!

Shonnie: Darkrai... Darkrai!

*Shonnie suddenly remembers what Nightmare had said about Darkrai, earlier and hoped to appeal to the horrifying Pokémon's feelings.*

Shonnie: Darkrai, wait! We aren't your enemy!


Nightmare: Darkrai, use Psychic!

*Darkrai uses Psychic to levitate both Shonnie and Negumi midair.*

Shonnie: Whoa! O_O

Negumi: Hey!

*The two frantically struggled to escape Darkrai's Psychic, but to little avail.*

Shonnie: Darkrai, listen! I know you aren't a bad Pokémon! You do not have to serve this man!

Negumi: Shonnie...?

Shonnie: A Pokémon like you should not be forced to follow the wicked ambitions of someone like Nightmare!

Darkrai: ...

Nightmare: *frees himself from the vines binding him then jumps down the hole he made earlier to get to the bottom floor and activates one of the machines* I should have enough to make at least one...

Negumi: Nightmare is getting away, Shonnie!

Shonnie: Darkrai, please! Nightmare cannot be trusted! As long as he needs the energy that comes from bad dreams, he'll never let you go! You and the other innocent Pokémon will become slaves of Nightmare's greedy ambitions!

Negumi: He's right Darkrai! You have to help us release his hold on this realm and the dreams of everyone on Earth!

Darkrai: ... *looks conflicted* ... *lowers Shonnie and Negumi to the ground then releases them from its hold*

Negumi: Thank you, Darkrai.

Shonnie: We promise to put a stop to Nightmare, soon. So you and your little friends can finally be free again. ^w^

*A knocking noise could be heard coming from behind the walls in the room that Shonnie and Negumi were followed by a familiar voice.*

???: Now that I'm full I have the strength to get you all out of here...okay...everybody aim your attacks at this spot. Ready...GO!

*The wall explodes and out of the hole comes several Munna and Musharna and finally one shiny Cresselia. The Cresselia lies around the room happily for a little while before landing in front of Shonnie and Negumi. On the shiny Pokémon's back is none other than Dream.*

Dream: Hallo, guys ^o^

Negumi: Dream! You're okay!

Shonnie: Where have you been and where did this Cresselia come from?

Dream: I followed the scent of pleasant dreams through an air duct that led to a holding area filled with Munna and Musharna; this Cresselia was with them. They each gave me a good dream to eat and once I was full I helped them escape from the other side of that wall by finding a weak spot.

Shonnie: Ha-Ha! Brilliant, kiddo!

Negumi: Now, we just need to find Nightmare and stop him!

*After opening all of the windows to allow the Munna and Musharna to escape, Shonnie, Negumi, Dream and their new ally Cresselia all make their way back down to the factory where they find Nightmare at one of the many machines.*

Nightmare: ... *grabs the product made by the machine then turns to face Shonnie and the others*

Shonnie: Nightmare! This is your last warning! Surrender, now! It's all over!

*Negumi stops and sees Nightmare holding something in his hands.*

Negumi: What the...?

Nightmare: So I see that you managed to free the Pokémon I had been collecting. That's rather annoying; it took me quite a while to gather them all up like that *sees Dream* Ah, and I see that the little Dream Warrior is here too; wonderful!

Dream: Dream Warrior? Is he talking about me?

Nightmare: *notices Negumi staring at what is in his hands* Oh this? *holds what looks like a shadowy jawbreaker in his hand* this is the power of 200 nightmares all compressed into one neat little package.

Negumi: N-nightmares?

Shonnie: Crap! This isn't good... >_<;

Nightmare: With this I'll get rid of all of you in one fell swoop *pops the nightmare ball in his mouth then crunches it* Hahahahahahahahaha!! *turns into shadow then flies out of the factory*

Shonnie: After him!

*The heroes ran outside of the factory to confront the shadowy Nightmare. Once outside they track the shadowy Nightmare to the dreamy version of the town square. As Nightmare's power continues to grow the very atmosphere of the Dream World begins to change; the once colorful, warm and vibrant atmosphere becomes dark, cold and frightening with an incoming dark storm.*

Dream: ...this is bad...

Shonnie: We have to stop this madman before he rips this realm apart!

Negumi: But, how?

Shonnie: There has to be some kind of clue in all this. Something that we can use to solve this dilemma...

*Shonnie quickly mulls over the information and clues he gathered over the course of his investigation. Until he suddenly remembers something.*

Shonnie: I GOT IT!

Nightmare: *begins to grow larger and larger as he brims with nightmare power*

Dream: So...what's the plan?

Shonnie: Okay, we know he gets power from nightmares. So we just need some way to siphon the power out of his body. Maybe Darkrai and Cresselia can use their powers to drain all that power out of Nightmare.

Negumi: That's just crazy enough to work!

*Darkrai emerges from the ground in front of Shonnie and the others and looks at Nightmare as he continues to grow in size.*

Darkrai: ...Darkrai...

Dream: Cresselia, Darkrai, can you help us?

Cresselia: *nods*

Darkrai: ... *nods*

Nightmare: *doubles in size and exudes an even more powerful nightmare energy*

Shonnie: Cresselia if you can purify the nightmarish energy that is radiating off from Nightmare's body, we can maintain the Dream Realm's stability. And Darkrai, we need you to absorb the nightmare core inside his body. Without that core, he should turn back to normal.

Negumi: But, he's not going to just stand there and let them purify him.

Shonnie: That's why we need to keep him distracted so our legendary friends can do their thing.

*Darkrai and Cresselia fly over towards the still growing shadow of Nightmare and get to work; Cresselia starts trying to purify the nightmare energy radiating from Nightmare while Darkrai goes about trying to absorb the concentrated nightmare core that Nightmare consumed earlier. However despite their best efforts they weren't making much of a difference, Nightmare wasn't even bothering trying to fight them off and his energy was still rising. Something was definitely wrong...*

Shonnie: What's going on?!

Negumi: It doesn't look like any of their moves are affecting Nightmare!

Shonnie: This cannot be... There's gotta be something we can do to stop Nightmare...

Nightmare: *grows to absolute gigantic proportions* just so you know, I had already eaten four of those compressed nightmares before you made it down to see me eat that final one.

*Shonnie and Negumi were at a loss as to what to do; if what Nightmare said was true then he would soon have the energy from 1,000 nightmares. That's when little Dream remembers something and steps forward with her knowledge.*

Dream: I thought I recognized this guy from somewhere; he's the fallen Dream Warrior from the story that Granny Breeze told me some time ago.

Shonnie: *jaw drops open wide*

*Upon hearing that name, Shonnie had stopped dead in his tracks.*

Negumi: Um, Shonnie? Are you okay?

*Shonnie quickly spun around to Dream.*

Shonnie: Did you say "Granny Breeze"? Like Granny Autumn Breeze?!

Dream: Yep; she always has a neat story to tell me whenever I go visit her. ^w^

Shonnie: You met my GRANDMOTHER?!

Negumi: Your grandmother?

Shonnie: Yeah, she died several years before my parents had me. When I first asked about her, Grandpa told me. "She has become one with the great spirits"...

Negumi: My mentor always told me the realm of dreams shares a strong connection with the spiritual planes.

Shonnie: To think, I always thought he was just trying to spare me the pain of losing her. I never imagined he meant that literally.

Dream: I'll have to take you with me next time I go see her then. Anyway, the short version of the story she told me was that a once noble Dream Warrior wanted to get stronger by trying to build up an immunity to nightmares by consuming them in bulk. In the end he did build up an immunity to them but at a cost: he was no longer himself; he turned his blade on friend and foe alike. Other Dream Warriors tried to capture him so that they could purify him of all of the nightmares he had consumed but all fell to him and he took their powers away from them. Soon the fallen Dream Warrior went into hiding and the remaining Dream Warriors till this day try to come up with a plan for when he reappears. That's why Granny Breeze told me to never eat nightmares because they end up corrupting your very being in the end.

Negumi: Granny Breeze was quite the wise lady.

Shonnie: Yeah, she sure is. ^w^ *wipes his teary eye.* So, we have to somehow find a way to purify Nightmare. Darkrai and Cresselia can't do it alone...

Dream: ... Maybe I can help. Granny Breeze told me a little about the Dream Warriors when I asked her about them. She told me that they use swords and other weapons made up of their own dream energy to slay nightmares and purge those infected by them. That Nightmare guy called me a Dream Warrior earlier so maybe I could actually be one.

Shonnie: Hey, that's right! He was worried that your power would exceed his own.

Negumi: But are you sure you can handle this, Dream?

Dream: I won't know until I try. *concentrates and tries to focus her dream energy and quite easily creates a sword made entirely out of dream energy.* wow, that was easier than I thought.

Negumi: Excellent job, Dream!

Shonnie: Let's just hope it's enough to stop Nightmare's reign of terror.

Dreamy Annette: *appears next to everybody in a puff of smoke* your dream blade does have the power to purify him but this one is far too small to do that; the most you can do to him at this size is give him a paper cut.

Dream: ...this size...

*Dream looks up to the sky and sees that there are still many particles of Dream Energy floating in the sky despite the current instability of the Dream World.*

Shonnie: Perhaps, if we used some of those Dream particles floating up above...

*Dream concentrates and the sparkles in the sky float down and are absorbed into her body. As more and more of the sparkles are absorbed into her body, Dream begins to glow brightly and then starts growing. Once she had absorbed enough of the sparkles Dream suddenly grows to the same size that Nightmare currently is: gigantic. Holding her now equally giant-sized dream sword in one hand, Dream stoops down and lowers her free hand, motioning for Shonnie, Negumi and Dreamy Annette to get on board. Once they do, Dream puts Shonnie on her right shoulder, Dreamy Annette on her left shoulder and Negumi on top of her head then gets back up ready to face Nightmare.*

Nightmare: I've had several Dream Warriors come after me and they've all fallen by my hand; what makes you think that you can succeed where they failed?

*Shonnie could sense the uncertainty in Nightmare's voice, reminding him that Nightmare had done everything he had did up to this point because he was afraid of Dream's potential and giving the detective the reassurance that he needed that this battle could be won.*

Negumi: Don't worry, Dream. We are all behind you.

Shonnie: It's time we show Nightmare the errors of his ways.

*After growing a bit more Nightmare's body forms out of the shadow it once was. Using the abundant amount of nightmare energy within him Nightmare creates another more wicked-looking shovel to arm himself with. He then forcefully stabs the ground with the shovel; having seen him fight earlier, Shonnie and Negumi knew what he was about to do. Negumi had to protect Dream with a barrier but was sure she could make one big enough for Dream's current size on her own...but then thought that maybe if she used the Dream Energy in the atmosphere like Dream and Shonnie had earlier that maybe she could give her powers the boost they needed. As Nightmare scoops upward quickly to send shockwaves riddled with debris at them all, Negumi acts fast to put her theory to the test.*

Negumi: Well, here goes nothing... Tower Shield!

*Negumi raised her staff high into the air as she did so, the dream particles begin to gather around Dream's body creating a sort of aura barrier in the shape of a large tower around them all. The shockwave upon impact appeared to be absorbed into the barrier, protecting everyone from the massive attack.*

Negumi: Wow, so wizard~!

Shonnie: You never cease to amaze us, Negumi.

Dreamy Annette: ...left shin...

Dream: Huh?

Dreamy Annette: Strike his left shin.

Dream: Oh, okay!

*Dream dashes towards Nightmare as he swings his shovel at her; she parries the strike with her dream sword then just as quickly slashes his left shin.*

Nightmare: ARGH! *recoils backwards*

*A shadowy lump that resembles the shadowy jawbreaker that Nightmare consumed earlier pops out of the area on his shin that Dream just attacked.*

Dreamy Annette: There's one of the cores you seek. Neko wizard, destroy it!

Negumi: R-right! BULLET STORM!

*As Negumi shouted those words, more dream particles formed around her wand and began firing large shards of concentrated magic in a machine gun like fashion. In an instant the shadowy core was reduced to nothing.*

Negumi: Wow, these dream particles synchronize well with my magical wavelength. I can't wait to study dream magic when I get home.

Dreamy Annette: Focus and you'll be able to see the remaining cores.

*Shonnie focuses and syncs himself with the Dream World and activates the Dream Vision technique that Dream showed him earlier. His eyes see the remaining four nightmare cores on Nightmare's body; there was one on his right thigh, left forearm, right elbow and one huge one in his chest. He just had to tell Dream where to aim her strikes then he, Negumi and Annette would be able to destroy them. Shonnie figured that if they could get rid of all of the cores that Dream would be able to purify Nightmare much easier.*

Shonnie: Hey, Dream. I've managed to get a glimpse into Nightmare's body. He has a few more cores left inside of him. They're in his left arm, right elbow, his right thigh and the main core is still in his chest. If you can take out those parts, Negumi can blast them to bits. After that, purifying Nightmare should be a cake walk.

Dream: Got it!

*Nightmare jumps on the shovel like as if it were a pogo-stick then leaps into the air and begins to spin around rapidly until he looks like a spinning top. Aiming at Dream he shoots off like a rocket at her but Dream swings her sword with all of her might just like a baseball bat as he makes contact; after a brief power struggle Dream comes out on top and stops Nightmare's spin, causing him to fall to the ground. Once on the ground, Dream slashes his right thigh with her dream sword and exposes another nightmare core. Negumi prepares her next attack.*

Negumi: ION ARROW!

*With a mighty swing of her wand, Negumi launched a massive arrow head projectile surging with electricity at the exposed nightmare core. With a bright flash of light the attack struck the core causing it to explode in a burst of electrostatic discharge that surges through Nightmare's shadowy body.*

Nightmare: *struggles as the electricity pulses through his body but manages to charge his shovel with a massive amount of energy and raise it skyward* Lightning Spade!

*A huge bolt of lightning shoots into the sky and hits the already stormy clouds above causing them to rain down countless thunderbolts. Dream is at a loss on how to deal with or dodge this attack.*

Dream: O_O;

Shonnie: Hang on, Dream! *Shonnie's hands glowed with dream particles as he drew his metal rake from earlier and leapt onto Dream's head and then with a powerful bound, Shonnie jumped high above them to meet the thunderbolts.*

Negumi: Shonnie are you crazy?!

Shonnie: Crazy like a fox!

*As Shonnie jumped he raised his rake high into the air towards the incoming thunderbolts.*


*The rake handle stretched several dozen feet in what seemed like seconds. Soon the thunderbolts all redirected themselves into the rake. As Shonnie held on tightly as each bolt struck the rake, he could feel the heat of the electricity and the intense voltage surge through his body like a conduit. Despite the pain he held on tightly until the electricity was completely absorbed into the rake.*


*Shonnie then launches the electrified weapon down at Nightmare's forehead. Upon impact, the rake exploded in a blast of hot metal shards temporarily blinding Nightmare.*

Negumi: Nice move, Shonnie! But, how are you getting down?!

Shonnie: Eh?

*Shonnie looks down in fright, as if he forgot he was high up in the air and soon plummets down to the ground.*

Shonnie: Why don't I ever think about the landing?!

*As Shonnie begins to fall back down to the ground, Dream leaps up high and uses her puffed out ponytail to catch him. While in the air she notices that Nightmare's right elbow was within striking distance as he was rubbing his blinded eyes. Dream swings her dream sword with all her might to send a sword beam of energy at Nightmare's right elbow that exposes another nightmare core. When Dream lands she sees another ideal opportunity and slashes Nightmare's left arm to expose another nightmare core. To destroy both of these cores on two constantly moving areas, Negumi would need to use a homing attack of some sort.*

Negumi: This one might be a little tough, but maybe the dream particles can take some of the edge off...

*Negumi once again channelled the dream particles into her wand to prepare for what seemed like a more powerful spell. As she held her wand into the air, what appeared to be a large arcane portal formed above the wand. Her eyes changed into a piercing yellow glow and her voice*

Negumi: Mighty Ifrit, lord of the Blaze. A wicked foe is within our gaze. When evil dares to tread our path. May we consume them in our fiery wrath! INFERNO BARRAGE!!

*Out of the portal, several fireballs blasted out towards both the exposed nightmare cores protruding from Nightmare's arm and elbow. Each fireball exploded in a fiery blast, reducing the nightmare cores to ashes. When the attack had ceased Negumi collapsed on Dream's shoulder, her body smoking and her wand seemingly worn from the event.*

Shonnie: Negumi! Are you alright?!

Negumi: Y-yeah... I'm fine. Even with the dream particles, spells like that really take it out of me.... I just need to rest a moment...

Nightmare: AAAAAGH!! *drops his shovel as his arms go limp from pain and loss of power*

Dream: An opening! *slashes Nightmare's chest with her dream sword to reveal a massive nightmare core* Whoa, that one is huge...

Dreamy Annette: This one is all yours, detective; allow me to assist you with this one.

*Dreamy Annette turns back into Dream Energy that swirls around Shonnie until it is absorbed into his body, giving him a massive power boost.*

Shonnie: Thank you, Annette.

*Shonnie leaps high into the air until he is directly above the last nightmare core. With his body pumping with dream particles Shonnie begins spinning around in place until he appears to resemble a cyclone.*


*With that Shonnie launches himself downward like an asteroid crashing through the Earth's atmosphere. The speed of his descent and the momentum from his intense rotation turned his body into a white hot energy projectile that was coming straight for the final nightmare core. Shonnie then struck the final core, his rapidly rotating body acted as a sort of laser drill splitting through the Nightmare Core. In a brilliant flash of light, the final core burst into pieces that faded into dust.*

Shonnie: May the Mirage Star of Justice, guide you back to the light, Nightmare.

Dream: HYAA!! *jabs her dream sword directly into Nightmare's chest* Purify!

*A giant steam of energy surges from Dream's sword into Nightmare.*

Nightmare: AAAAAAHHHHH!! NO!! This can't be happening!! And to this decrepit trio...HOW COULD I LOSE!?!

*Nightmare energy starts shooting out of Nightmare like pressurized steam until there is a giant explosion of nightmare energy. Once the dust settles, Nightmare lies on the ground unconscious and the Dream World returns to its natural and original state. Dream's sword vanishes and she shrinks back down to her original size as all of the Dream Energy she had absorbed leaves her body. Shonnie, Negumi and Dream all approach the downed Nightmare as he begins to wake up. He is no longer Nightmare Alto, but his original self: Dream Warrior Anthony Arcadia Alto.*

Anthony: *groans as he wakes up* what...what happened to me?

Negumi: It's a long story.

*Shonnie helps Anthony on to his feet.*

Anthony: Why am I dressed like this...and... *looks in the glass of a nearby building then takes off his mask* Whoa! When did I get so old? I must've aged at least 20 years...

Negumi: Well, the short version of the story. You sort of lost sight of who you were...

Shonnie: Until, this little "Dream Warrior" helped bring you back. *rubs Dream's head*

Dream: Hehehehe~

Anthony: Is that so? Then I must thank you from the bottom of my heart, little one. I must repay this debt somehow...

Shonnie: I'm sure Dream will think of something in time. But for now we have a bit of a night terror epidemic going on in the real world that needs attending.

Cresselia: Kyuun~ *flies down next to Shonnie*

Darkrai: *emerges from the ground next to Shonnie* Darkrai...

Shonnie: Oh, Darkrai. Cresselia. I'm glad you two are alright.

Negumi: I don't suppose you two would be willing to help us out one last time?

*The two Pokémon fly off and get to work; Cresselia flies over the silhouettes while sprinkling dream particles over them that dispels the nightmare aura surrounding them while Darkrai begins absorbing the nightmare aura surrounding them. The Munna and Musharna that had been released soon join them and begin eating the remaining nightmare aura surrounding the Dream World silhouettes.*

Negumi: With all the Pokémon working together, everyone should be back to sleeping peacefully in no time.

Shonnie: Indeed. And what about you Anthony? What will you do now?

Anthony: I don't know. Maybe I'll go back to being a solo Dream Warrior... *looks at Dream* ...or maybe I could try my hand at teaching a new generation of Dream Warriors.

Shonnie: That sounds great. What do you think, Dream?

Negumi: Shouldn't we be sure this okay with iDEAL, first?

Shonnie: R-right, of course.

Cresselia: Kyuuun!

*Cresselia flies above Shonnie and Negumi, causing them both to look up at the sky. They see two glowing object floating down towards them. Holding out their hands they each catch one of the floating objects: they were Lunar Wings.*

Negumi: Wow...

Shonnie: *looks over the Lunar Wing for a moment.* this is nice and all, but what are we supposed to do with them?

Negumi: *Negumi places the Lunar Wing on her hat.*

Shonnie: Well that's one option.

Anthony: I see that you received a gift from Cresselia. Those are Lunar Wings, they are said to be able to dispel nightmares so people sleep while having them some place close to them to ensure that they have pleasant dreams every night.

Shonnie: In that case, Cresselia has my eternal thanks!

Negumi: Ditto.

Dream: I can take you guys back to the real world anytime you're ready. ^w^

Shonnie: Well, as fun as this place is. I think it's time we head back.

Negumi: Agreed. Take care, Anthony.

Anthony: You too, my friend.

*Dream leads Shonnie and Negumi back to Blitz' home where the multi-colored portal was still open. She waves goodbye to them as they jump back through the portal and end up back in Blitz' home in the real world. The portal then closes as Dream wakes up to join them.*

iDEAL: So how did it go; did you find out what was really happening?

Negumi: We certainly have. Shonnie?

Shonnie: A dream warrior named Anthony had been corrupted after consuming excessive nightmares. While in his wicked state he was forcing people to have constant nightmares to feed his power. But thanks to your sister Dream, we managed to stop his evil plan and returned him back to his old righteous self.

Negumi: Yeah, we couldn't have done it without her.

iDEAL: Really?! Oh, I'm so proud of you, sis~ *hugs Dream*

Dream: Hehehe~

Negumi: Well, I better make sure things are alright back in my dimension. It was great working with you again, Shonnie.

Shonnie: Likewise, Negumi.

*Negumi goes over and gives iDEAL and Dream a big hug.*

Negumi: It was really nice to meet you both. We should really hang out sometime.

iDEAL: Sure thing ^w^

*Negumi creates a magic portal in the floor and with one last wave goodbye to her friends, she leaped down back to her own dimension.*

Shonnie: Another case closed, another problem solved.

iDEAL: You'll make sure to explain everything that has happened to the police and other authorities, right? Until they know what really happened Dream is still considered a criminal by them.

Shonnie: I will do my best, iDEAL. Hopefully, they will be in a better listening mood once everyone is rested.

iDEAL: Let's hope so.

Shonnie: *nods*

*As Shonnie starts to head out he stops midway and looks back at iDEAL and Dream.*

Shonnie: We saved a lot of people today and guided a fallen warrior back to the righteous path. I got a feeling things are finally looking up for a change.

*Sure enough, after everybody gets a few nights of good sleep, Shonnie comes forward to the authorities and announces what had happened, clearing Dream of all charges against her. Shonnie's hard work didn't go unrewarded either; he had several people coming in with cases of their own for him to solve regularly. Even the police were coming to him with cases that they were having problems solving. Using the skills he learned from his two training sessions with Annette, there wasn't a perp he couldn't catch, track down or fight. Three weeks since the Dream World incident, Shonnie finally manages to get some time off and he uses it to meet up with Annette and Baron at the usual training spot to continue his ninja combat lessons; he finds them under the usual tree.*

Annette: *hanging upside-down with her eyes closed*

Baron: *snoring*

Shonnie: Hey, folks! *sees them both asleep.* Gee, hope I didn't keep you waiting too long.

Annette: *opens her eyes and seems to defy gravity as she flips from upside-down to right-side up on the tree branch so that she's standing up on it* welcome back, detective *bows*

Baron: *wakes up* *sees Shonnie* Yo, Shonnie bro

Shonnie: How have you two been?

Baron: Can't complain; I got a cute girlfriend since last we met ^//w//^

Shonnie: Ooh, you don't say?

Baron: And that's not all; Annette got a boyfriend, too~

Annette: ...yes...

Shonnie: *looks at Annette then back at Baron.* For real?

Baron: Yeah, I was surprised too; those two just really hit it off, like being together was natural for them.

Shonnie: Huh, well if you say so, pal. Either way, it's nice to hear. ^^

Annette: And it's nice to hear that you've been busy, good detective.

Shonnie: Yeah, it does feel nice to be needed for a change. Thankfully, my schedule still allows for training and social calls.

Annette: I've studied some of your most recent cases. A lot of the opponents you were up against were extremely skilled in combat but you were able to handle them with relative ease; you've really been putting your lessons with us to good use. Let's see just how well you've perfected what you've learned *takes out two Poké Balls*

Shonnie: Man, I really need to start bringing my Pokémon with me when I leave the office. Show me what you got.

Annette: *tosses on Poke Ball in the air and out of it comes a Ninjask* first, catch Ninjask.

*The Ninjask flies off at top speed.*

Shonnie: Guess it's time for round two, little fella. *Shonnie races off after Ninjask.*

*The Ninjask speeds through the forest only to see that Shonnie was quickly closing in on him. The speedy Bug-type Pokémon performs U-Turns, Double Teams and Sand Attacks but Shonnie is able to adjust quickly, see through, evade and predict everything.*

Shonnie: Nice try, Ninjask. But the same tricks won't work twice.

*Shonnie leaps up into the tree branches and continues pursuing Ninjask from above. The Ninjask continues to fly straight ahead as fast as it could to try and lose Shonnie, but in its haste it flies right into Shonnie's arms when he suddenly appears in front of it, getting caught by Shonnie.*

Shonnie: Good effort, little fella. You've sure gotten faster since our last training session. That gave me quite the workout. ^^

*Shonnie rubbed the Ninjask's head affectionately, before letting it go.*

*Both Shonnie and Ninjask return to where Baron and Annette are.*

Annette: Impressive, you've caught Ninjask almost immediately. Alright then, Ninjask, Baton Pass!

*Ninjask goes back into its Poké Ball and out of Annette's other Poké Ball comes a jet-black Greninja, having received all of Ninjask's speed buffs.*

Annette: Now let’s see just how far you've come since last time.

Shonnie: Right! Let's see what you got, Greninja!

Greninja: *forms a Water Pulse orb and charges at Shonnie*

Shonnie: Uh-oh! Gotta time this just right! O_O;

*Shonnie charges his fist full of ki and punches the ground hard, launching a seismic shock wave at Greninja.*

Greninja: *stops in its tracks then leaps high in the air to avoid the shock wave, creating a second Water Pulse orb in its free hand*

Shonnie: Right where I want you!

*Shonnie stood in a kempo stance, once again charging his fist with ki. He then threw a single punch and launched several energy blasts at Greninja.*

*The Greninja tosses the two Water Pulses at the energy blasts in attempt to shield itself but because there were several energy blast coming in it manages to get hit by many of them and falls to the ground; the ninja frog Pokémon quickly gets back on its feet and begins preparing a super-sized Water Shuriken. Instead of preparing a counter attack Shonnie appears to watch Greninja prepare its Water Shuriken attack.*

Shonnie: Hmmm...

*Shonnie was right to watch Greninja as he saw its shadow stretch towards him; it was using Shadow Sneak while making the oversized-Water Shuriken.*

Shonnie: Annette really knows how to raise brilliant and tactical Pokemon. That makes this all the more effective a training exercise.

*In a shocking twist, Shonnie remains in place. In fact, he appears to drive his fists into the ground, as if he were welcoming the Shadow Sneak attack.*

Shonnie: ...

Greninja: ...

*Greninja's Shadow Sneak reaches Shonnie and ensnares him. With the Water Shuriken finally ready, it takes aim at Shonnie and tosses it at him. Shonnie appeared to remain in place even as the Shadow Sneak ensnared his body. His eyes remained closed with his expression calm and composed, as if he were meditating.*

Shonnie: I will face my fear... I will permit it to pass over me and through me...

*The massive Water Shuriken was about to immediately connect with Shonnie's body. Just before the watery projectile hit, Shonnie's body began to blur for a brief second, causing the Water Shuriken to seemingly pass right through him. In an even more shocking turn, Shonnie stood up with hands and body free from the ground and Shadow Sneak attack.

Shonnie: Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

Greninja: O_O; ...

*The Greninja creates multiple copies of itself using Double Team that circle around Shonnie, then each of the copies creates a Water Pulse as they begin to close in on him. Shonnie once again stood in place with his eyes closed. As he stood in place he listened for the sounds around him; listening to the sounds of the water swirling around in a circle from the Water Pulse. But only hears the actual sound from one spot. Believing that spot to contain the real Greninja, he launched a ki blast in that direction. Unable to react quick enough, the real Greninja is hit with the Ki blast which cause its attack to fail and its copies to vanish. Before Greninja could recover and start another counter attack, Shonnie closes the distance between them with his palm aimed directly at Greninja, ready to fire another Ki blast if needed. Seeing that he had been outspeed with no way to counter, Greninja gets down on one knee and bows slightly, submitting the match to Shonnie.*

Baron: Whoo! *applauds Shonnie's victory*

Annette: Congratulations, good detective ^^

Shonnie: Thanks, everyone. Your training has really helped me out a lot. *rubs Greninja's head.* It also helps having such effective sparing partners.

Annette: Glad to be of service. Now we can focus on one of the last remaining problems you had in your last match: your Neo Giga Blast. I took your advice and contacted the one you recommended to me before: Ashuro Kamaké, was it? I got together with him on what could be done with your attack to improve it. He said that he thinks he knows of a way to do just that and that he'll show you how to do it himself. He's all yours, Mr. Kamaké.

*Ashuro leaps down from the tree tops, having observed everything that had happened so far.*

Ashuro: Hey Shonnie, long time no see; I see that you've been keeping busy.

Shonnie: Ashuro! It's been ages, buddy! How've you been? *bro-hugs Ashuro*

Ashuro: I've been great; I got a feeling that things might get crazy pretty soon but otherwise I've been great. ^^

Shonnie: Um, crazy how?

Ashuro: It's just a feeling I get when I sense something big is about to happen; I don't know when it’s going to happen but I know that it'll happen in due time. Anyway, let's get back to the matter at hand: improving your Neo Giga Blast. I heard from Annette your concerns about it and I think I may know of a way to make it WAY harder to destroy and counter.

Shonnie: Oh? Do tell!

Ashuro: It's the same method I use to make my strongest attack, Galaxy Bang-Bang: compression *creates a giant ball of E-nergy that's equal in size and power to Shonnie's Neo Giga Blast* okay, here is you Neo Giga Blast; what you want to do is try and push all of that energy together as best you can until... *compresses the large E-nergy ball until it is about the size of a baseball* it’s one super-concentrated ball of power. When your attack is so dense like this it is a lot harder to slice, deflect or disrupt with energy waves.

Shonnie: Hmm, I see...

Ashuro: Here *passes the compressed E-nergy ball over to Shonnie* try to get a feel for what a compressed blast is like; once you think you have it try making one of your own.


*Shonnie stood in place with the E-nergy ball, watching it closely as he felt the aura of the ball. After analyzing it for what seemed like several minutes he finally released the compressed energy.*

Shonnie: Okay, I think I got an idea on how to do it.

Ashuro: Then give it a try ^^

Shonnie: Right!

*Shonnie began channelling his ki energy into his hands, until he formed a large energized orb.*

Shonnie: Now, to compress it!

*Shonnie tried to compress the energy of the orb into a smaller size. But something appeared off.*

Shonnie: Eh?

*The orb had compressed to a smaller size, but the orb soon exploded launching Shonnie backwards like a rocket.*


*Thankfully, Shonnie stopped, when his body got stuck half-way through a tree.*

Shonnie: o@

Baron: *goes over and pulls Shonnie out of the tree, places him on his feet then dusts him off*

Ashuro: Okay, good attempt; this time try compressing just a small amount of power and hold it for as long as you can so that you know how your own energy works.

Baron: *gets behind Shonnie, prepared to catch him if the attempt fails again*

Shonnie: Don't worry, Mama. I'll have the book report ready by Monday.

*Shonnie was still slightly dazed, but had managed to regain his footing and tried again. He slowly channelled his ki energy back into his hands forming another energized sphere. This time as Shonnie tried to compress the energy, the orb began to successfully shrink in size.*

Shonnie: Mazel Tov, it's a boy!

*After holding the compressed orb for a while and getting a feeling for how his energy in this state was he releases the compressed energy into the air. He then creates a Neo Giga Blast and begins on compressing it. Ashuro crosses his fingers while Baron steels himself to catch Shonnie in case something goes wrong.*

Ashuro: C'mon Shonnie, you got this...

Baron: *ready and determined to catch Shonnie*

*Shonnie shook his head seemingly getting his senses back after his collision with the tree earlier. After resuming his compression for a moment, he then launched the orb into the air, which eventually exploded into a sort of fireworks-like explosion.*

Shonnie: Excellent~! *gives his friends the victory sign after the seemingly successful attack.*

Ashuro: Great~! Your Neo Giga Blast should easily be able to endure Oriyame's Mystic Wind and any other attack that's thrown at it; just make sure to keep practicing.

Shonnie: Will do!

Annette: And with that, good detective, I don't believe there is anything more I can do to prepare you for your rematch. You've taken all of the lessons to heart and found ways to make them all work for you; what's more you've managed to apply what you've learned in your work. All I can do now is provide my and the young master's services as sparring partners until you're 100% certain that you're ready for your rematch.

Shonnie: Thanks for everything, you guys. Your kindness and assistance mean the world to me and your training and lessons have been invaluable. Y-you... you... YOU'RE ALL SO AWESOME! *cries tears of joy*

Baron: Let's celebrate; I say we go out for pizza!

Annette: You would suggest that... -_-

Baron: Hey, it's the perfect celebration food~

Shonnie: It certainly is!

*As Shonnie walks off with his friends to go party he can't help but realize that things have been looking up lately. With his newfound strength and wisdom he was determined more than ever to succeed in his work and everyday life. He was certain that the next time he and Oriyame fought that things would definitely turn out differently than last time.*