Friday, April 12, 2013


e-chan's nineteenth Pokemon, Toko the Blaziken

e-chan first met Toko when she hatched from an egg as a Torchic. e-chan had met a trainer that had a huge collection of Pokemon eggs. When e-chan learned that he had a Larvitar egg he asked what he could do to obtain one. The trainer wanted a Lotad in exchange so e-chan went out and caught a Lotad for him. A trade followed and e-chan found himself in possession of a Larvitar egg...or so he thought until it hatched into a Torchic, but he loved it nevertheless. Toko was originally a shy and timid Pokemon but when she evolved in a Combusken she gained more confidence in herself and became more outgoing. By the time she became a Blaziken her whole personality had changed. She was confident, flirty and even a little silly. e-chan often calls her "Karin 2" after his Fox-HI friend. Toko evolved into a Combusken during a training session to prepare for battle against Brawly and evolved into a Blaziken during battle against Norman's Slaking.

Toko's ability is Blaze and her current moveset is:
-Blaze Kick
-Sky Uppercut
-Brave Bird

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