Wednesday, April 10, 2013


e-chan's tenth Pokemon, Sonar the Crobat

e-chan first met Sonar when she was just a Zubat in the Dark Cave in Johto. e-chan had gone into the Dark Cave without a Pokemon that knew the move Flash. Armed with only a flashlight he stumbled through the cave looking for Pokemon to catch. He sees a Wobbuffet and immediately sends Milao out to fight it. After weakening it some he tosses a Premier Ball to catch it only to see the wild Wobbuffet smack the ball away and into another Pokemon, catching it. After leaving the Dark Cave, e-chan called the Pokemon out of the Premier Ball to see that he had caught a Zubat. Although it wasn't what he had originally wanted he was happy with the catch and decided to keep it. Sonar evolved into a Golbat during a battle against Bugsy's Scyther and evolved again into a Crobat during a training session to prepare for the battle against Chuck.

Sonar's ability is Inner Focus and her moveset is:
-Cross Poison
-Confuse Ray

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