Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The Encounter in the Park! Thomas' New Assignment!!

Travel Multiversal
Secret Door Chronicles
“The Encounter in the Park! Thomas’ New Assignment!!”
An RP between MidoriKuroba and eshonen

Thomas was sitting alone in the park, looking out upon the lake which was peacefully still. He was a blonde haired dog boy with brown fur, wearing a green and blue striped shirt at the moment and some navy blue jeans. The sound of people playing sports in the distance, the hills and trees, even the plethora of ducks quacking about, it was all just so beautiful and enjoyable to him. He slowly got to his feet and walked along the side of the lake, coming a little closer to the more forested area at its side. Lots of trees, but despite that, he thought he could make someone out going about within them. He blinked, nobody tended to go into that area, especially since it was supposed to be fenced off for the animals to have some peace in that area. So the dog boy climbed the fence and made his way in to investigate. After walking within the fenced off area for a little while Thomas spots a little squirrel girl wearing a white and pink heart dress and a tiny crown on her head atop one of the very tall trees. The way she jumped and glided from branch to branch showed him that she was a flying squirrel. Thomas blinked in surprise, not expecting to find her up in the trees, let alone gliding between them. But that seemed a little dangerous for a girl her age, despite her species. Maybe he was paranoid, but he didn't want the girl to get hurt. So he called up to her.

Thomas: Excuse me! Little girl? What are you doing up there? Don't you know this area is off limits to anything other than the park animals?

Squirrel girl: Off limits, eh? I guess that means that those two won't be following me in here; thanks for telling me, good sir *continues gliding from tree to tree*

Thomas: I didn't tell you so you could abuse it. I told you because you need to leave this area. >.< And come down from there! That can't be safe! *He scowled, his tail twitching about as he placed his hands on his hips*

Squirrel girl: I'm fine up here; I haven't fallen once since I've learned how to fly.

Thomas: But flying squirrels don't actually fly. They glide, which is basically falling with style. Look, it's not just what your doing is dangerous. Like I said, this area is off limits. Come down before you get in trouble. >.<

Squirrel girl: No. -.-

Thomas: Young lady, I'm only going to ask you this politely one more time. Please come down from there, now. Otherwise I'm coming up after you. )=<

Squirrel girl: *laughs haughtily* you actually believe that you can catch me? Even my so-called bodyguards have a hard time catching me, let alone finding me when I'm out of sight. What makes you think you can do better than them?

Thomas: *He smirks.* I don't know anything about your guards, but I'm incredibly athletic. And I know how to be lightweight on top of that. I was in the military you know.

*Thomas gripped the tree she was currently in, and yanked himself upwards. He flung up a bit, and gripped the tree before yanking himself up again. This motion kept him climbing the tree rather rapidly, like he was sling-shooting himself up. Of course, he was also using his shoe-clad feet, keeping them firmly planted in the tree when not elevating to keep himself from falling down, and pushing up with them to assist in how far he'd rise.*

Squirrel girl: (I guess he isn't just talk...but just because he can climb doesn't mean he can actually catch me!) *jumps mightily high into the sky and catches a wind current to glide on* (HA! He won't be catching me now~)

*Thomas gets to the upper branches of the trees and watches her take off. He inhales deeply, taking a sort of crane stance. Then, he bends his leg, and leaps forward. He jumps from branch to branch, tree to tree, the toes of his shoes being the only thing that makes contact before he propels himself forward. He flies between the branches as if light as a feather, gaining on her swiftly.*

Squirrel girl: (What is with this guy!?) C'mon, wind, go faster!

*The wind suddenly changes direction and blows the squirrel girl off course, causing her to begin falling.*

Squirrel girl: Not like that!! >o<

Thomas: Little girl! I'll save you! *Thomas leaps down, jumping between the tree trunks. He lunges at her, catching her and rolling against the ground, slamming his back into a tree. Thomas pants, breathing heavily from the experience.* Are you okay, miss... miss... what is your name, anyways little girl? >.<

Squirrel girl: I am...


*Looking over to the side both of them see two light blue skinned girls with green hair and wearing similar sweaters and shoes. From the looks of the one with shorter hair Thomas could tell that she was a Cyclops with her one big yet beautiful green eye; as for the other one with much longer hair he couldn't tell if she too was a Cyclops or not due to her bangs covering her face. The one with shorter hair looked quite mad and was storming towards the two while it looked like the one with long hair was trying her best to calm the other one down.*

Izuna: O_O; How did they find me so fast!?

Thomas: *He glanced at the squirrel girl in his arms.* Izuna, huh? And... who are you, ma'am? Are you this girl’s guardian? My name is Thomas. I just save this naughty little girl from falling from the tress. >.>

Short-haired Cyclops: I am Cheryl.

Long-haired Cyclops: I-I'm Penelope...

Cheryl: And the two of us are responsible for looking over this little troublemaker.

Penelope: Tr-Troublemaker might be a little bit much, sis.

Cheryl: No, I think that term is just right for somebody who purposely tries to escape from our sight every chance she gets. >_<

Thomas: So, little Izuna here runs away a lot, huh? Well, she certainly is a troublemaker. Entering a restricted area of the park, climbing and jumping between such tall old trees so dangerously? In fact, I was just about to punish her in a way I thought she had earned. Would you two... mind terribly if I took care of her punishment? She was rather rude to me.

Izuna: What the-!? Unhand me then, you clod! >o<

Cheryl: Be my guest; believe me, she can take whatever you dish out times 10 and she'll still give you lip.

Izuna: What kind of bodyguards are you? You're supposed to be protecting me from harm! >o<

Cheryl: We were VERY specific in our contract: we'll protect you from all dangers to your life, not so much your plump little butt. -u-

Penelope: Those are some exact words from our c-contract... .///.

Thomas: *The dog boy nodded and took Izuna over his lap on the spot, still sitting leaned against the tree he had crashed into saving her. He flipped up her dress, and placed his hand on her back to keep her pinned over his knees.* I still punish my little sister like this to this day when she misbehaves. *His hand raised up, and then came crashing down, smacking against her bottom. He began spanking her firmly over the center of her bottom.*

Izuna: OWiE! Unhand me, NOW! >o<

Thomas: I don't think I will. In fact, that attitude is going to keep you here getting your fanny smacked for a long time. *He reached down to grip her knickers and slide those down too.*

Izuna: Grr...

Thomas: *His palm swiftly comes clapping down again as he spanks her bare bottom. The slaps fill the air as he switches from left cheek to right, spanking her bottom a light shade of pink. The sting slowly begins to build up in her rump.*

Izuna: Th-this is nothing! It-it doesn't hurt! >_o;

Cheryl: -w-# Hey, want to know the trick to making this brat realize that she's actually being punished?

Thomas: Certainly miss Cheryl. That would be most appreciated. ^^

Penelope: Are-are you sure you want to do this here, sister? <_<

Cheryl: There's nobody but us here and even if there were I'd say that she's earned this.

Izuna: O_O; Wait, NO! You're going to let a str-

Cheryl: He's no stranger; while I may not know him personally I can spot a soldier-in-arms from a mile away.

Thomas: *That made Thomas smile and salute the girls.* Former military, yes. I'd never do anything out of line or unwarranted. You girls can trust me. ^^

Cheryl: Well what you want to do is this: see that little crown? Using your fingers push all four of the jewel in then pull to remove it; then the lesson can truly begin.

Thomas: Hm? Like this?

*He gripped the crown as instructed, pressing in the four jewels before tugging it up and off Izuna. Upon removing Izuna's crown her clothes instantly vanish, leaving her completely naked with her pinkened plump bottom on display.*

Izuna: Nooooooo! Q//o//Q

Thomas: Well, I can't say that I saw that coming. That's pretty cool, having holographic clothes generated from this. They even simulated the feel of clothes. Impressive. ^^ *He set aside the crown.* Now, as Cheryl said, the real punishment can begin. *He gently rubbed her bottom up and down, before raising his palm. He paused for a moment so she couldn't anticipate it, and then smacked it down on her left cheek. It was followed swiftly to another smack to the right, and he alternated her cheeks like the naughty girl she was.*

Izuna: EE! OOH! OW! >_Q

Thomas: *He spanked her bottom for a few minutes until it was deep cherry red. He paused and gently, rubbing her hot stinging bottom with a gentle cupped palm.* Have you learned your lesson, Izuna? Because I can keep going if not.

Izuna: *groans*

Cheryl: Sounds like a "no" to me -w-

Thomas: *He sighs softly.* I didn't think that would be enough for a brat like you. Luckily I keep a brush on hand for fur emergencies. *He slips a flat backed brush out of his pocket.* It's not very big though. But it will make a nice warm up. *He began spanking her with the brush. It was slightly harder than his hand but didn't cover as much of her butt.* I don't think this will be enough either. What do you girls think will have a stronger effect? A belt, or a switch?

Penelope: Th-there is this; Cheryl makes me carry one while she carries the other... *pulls a rather wide slipper out of the pouch on the front of her sweater*

Izuna: QwQ *begins squirming, trying desperately to escape*

Thomas: A slipper? That's perfect! ^^ Not too harsh, but still plenty hard to get my point across. Penelope, would you be a dear and bring that over? *He keeps Izuna firmly pinned down.*

Penelope: H-Here you go *gives the slipper to Thomas*

Izuna: Nononononono! >o<

Thomas: Thank you kindly, Penelope. ^^ Now as for you, Izuna, it looks like this will help me get my point across. *He raises it up and begins smacking the flat hard bottom of the slipper down against her red bottom, alternating her cheeks and keeping the fire in them strong.*

Izuna: *defiantly tries to remain silent in an attempt to keep what little dignity she had left as tears began to form in her eyes*

Thomas: *He spanked and bruised her bottom to a nice beet red, working his way down her cheeks to her thighs, beginning to give the unspanked canvas some attention as well.* You're a tough one, Izuna, but it doesn't stop until you're genuinely sorry. *It clapped down loudly and relentlessly.*

Izuna: ... *finally breaks down and begins sobbing quite loudly and pathetically*

Thomas: *Maintains the spanking, but makes the smacks a bit slower and softer.* I expect an apology young lady.

Izuna: *wails loudly* Okay, I can't take it anymore! I'm sorry, sir! QoQ

Thomas: *He finally stops, setting aside the slipper and softly rubbing her bottom in a soothing gesture with his hand.* And what are you sorry for young lady?

Izuna: For-For not listening to you when you told me to come down!

Thomas: And for going into a restricted area, and running away from your guards. *He gave her a couple more smacks before he set the slipper down and then sat her up on his knee. He then gave her a tight hug, rubbing her back comfortingly.* I'm sorry I had to punish you. I forgive you.

Izuna: *buries her head into his chest and cries softly*

Thomas: *Glances at the cyclops twins.* She just needs a moment to calm down. *He continues to pet her and stroke her back comfortingly, embracing her in a rather paternal manner.*

Cheryl: I've got admit, I'm impressed with what I saw there.

Thomas: Impressed? O.O With my spanking? Um... thank you? ^///^;

Cheryl: Well yes, that and what I really mean is how you handled the whole situation; you had this whole fatherly vibe going. ^^

Thomas: Well, I kind of had to raise my sister when we were growing up. I guess it made me sort of paternal. ^///^

Cheryl: And it shows *sighs* if only this kid's parents could've been this firm with her in her formative years... -.-

Penelope: B-But there is only so much they can do when they are working all of the time. O~O

Thomas: Sounds like she needs someone to raise her properly, and you two seem to have your hands full keeping track of her as it is. Hmm... maybe I could help somehow?

Penelope: Oh th-that would be most appre-

Cheryl: What my sister means to say is "Thanks but no thanks." I mean it wouldn't be so bad if she didn’t keep finding ways to exploit our one notable weakness. I need to find out where she's keeping all of those cameras, high-powered flashlights, flash bombs and other things that temporarily blind us. -n-

Thomas: *Glances to Penelope and smiles softly, rubbing her shoulder.* There's nothing wrong with getting help you know. Maybe at the very least I can help you sniff them out? I'm part kobold, which are kind of like dogs.

Penelope: Oh, that would be lovely ^^

Izuna: *grumbles a bit* -.-

Thomas: But of course... It would also just be plain nice working alongside two lovely ladies like yourselves. ^///^ *He rubs the back of his head a bit, looking them up and down briefly.*

Cheryl: Lovely, eh? Well you're quite the hunk yourself *lightly punches Thomas in the shoulder*


Thomas: *Chuckles rubbing his arms.* Careful, or I might 'punish' you two for losing track of Izuna. >w> *He says it in a playful tone with a wink.*

Izuna: O.O ... *gets a devilish look on her face then leaps from Thomas' lap and over to Cheryl and Penelope* then what about being indecent on top of losing track of me? >w< *lifts both Cheryl and Penelope's sweaters up to reveal both of them were currently commando*

Penelope: KYAA!! QoQ *quickly pulls her sweater back down*

Cheryl: Why you little...! It's not our fault that our panties and bloomers keep disappearing and turning up in the oddest places; and how would you know of our condition beforehand anyway if you weren't somehow involved, you little brat? >_<

Thomas: Oh my! That is rather naughty, girls. I think you two need a spanking. *He says this fighting an obvious smile.* I'll hold on to your crown just to make sure you stick around, Izuna. But Cheryl, Penelope? Come here, ladies. *He motions them over with a soft wink.*

Izuna: O3O; ...fine -3-

Cheryl: You'll pay for this later, brat; that I can assure you. -_-; *walks up to Thomas*

Penelope: *timidly walks up to Thomas* .///.;

Thomas: Sorry Izuna, but with all three of us occupied I can't risk you sneaking off. *He gently guides both girls down to their knees, sitting back on the ground. He then rolls up their sweaters till they are just above their tummies, exposing everything below. Thomas gently guides each girl over each of his knees so they straddle them, legs spread. He places his hands on their bottoms, softly rubbing them is a gentle groping.* your bottoms are rather adorable with all those freckles; and rather plump and attractive at that. *He takes a deep breath, banishing his more naughty thoughts, and then begins spanking them both at the same time, alternating their cheeks with sharp smacks.*

Cheryl and Penelope: *winces at the incoming smacks as the pain begins to rise* >_O


Thomas: *His palms clap loudly across each of their cheeks as he switches between them, the sharp sting growing as the heat grows evident on their bottoms. With their bottoms slowly becoming darker shades of pink, which mixes with their blue skin to make a sort of purple color, he takes a glance up at Izuna.* Enjoying the show, squirrel girl?

Izuna: Greatly~

Cheryl: *glares at Izuna and grits her teeth as tears begin to well-up in her eye*

Penelope: *whimpers as tears begin to stream from her eye* TnT

Thomas: *Finally pauses to rub their bottoms, soothingly stroking her fingers and palms around their rumps. He gives them gentle squeezes and even trails his fingers along their cracks.* Would you girls like some lotion? ^^

Cheryl: I'll live... T3T

Penelope: Yes please! ToT

Thomas: I'll take that as tough girl for 'lotion please' Cheryl. *He chuckles and takes some lotion out of his pocket, dabbing it on both of their bottoms. Once there was enough, he gently placed his palms on their bottoms, rubbing them in slow circular motions. The cold cream smeared across their bottoms, cooling them off and relieving some of the sting almost instantly.*

Cheryl and Penelope: *oohing and ahhing with relief*

Thomas: *He adds a little more lotion to their bottoms, rubbing more in. He didn't need to, but he was actually enjoying feeling up their bottoms and just wanted an excuse. But then he realized he had neglected someone.* Izuna, I never did get the chance to give you lotion. Would you like some too? You're bottom has got to still sting.

Izuna: Well it's about time you offered; some gentleman you are... >3< *begins walking over to Thomas*

Cheryl: Hold it! You're not getting any soothing relief until you truthfully tell us what you know regarding where are panties and bloomers are.

Izuna: I know nothing; now make with the lotion! >o<

Cheryl: Really?

Izuna: Really! >n< *walks backwards and sits down on the ground again*

Cheryl: Well, when you decide to tell the truth, we'll be right here. Oh and I'd make that decision quick because you just sat in an ant bed. -w-

Izuna: Say what!? O_o; *looks down and sees that her butt is covered with fire ants* AiEEEEEK!

Thomas: Calm down, I gotcha! *He rushes over and picks her up, quickly brushing her off to get rid of the ants. He accidentally swats her bottom a few times in brushing it off.* Those are gonna leave some bites. >.< I think I have a first aid kit in my bag with some medicine for that. Are you okay though?

Izuna: Stinging; lots of stinging... QnQ *wiggles uncomfortably*

Cheryl: Care to confess now? -w-

Izuna: TnT ...okay, I confess, it was me who hid them; I was mad at you for not taking me out for ice cream yesterday. >n<

Thomas: You know, I think after this hot experience, I should treat the three of you to ice cream. For now. *Takes out his backpack and takes out a first aid kit. He takes out some anti-itch lotion and begins to apply it to Izuna's bottom.* This should cool you off, ease the sting, and keep you from getting itchy for a bit. ^^

Izuna: Aahhh~ *shudders with relief*

Thomas: *Smiles at her relieved reaction to the itch cream, carefully making sure it's all rubbed in properly.* All better? Do you need more?

Izuna: *wiggles her butt a little* maybe just a little more ^^

Thomas: Of course! As much as you need! ^^ And do you girls want more lotion? *He glances over to Cheryl and Penelope*

Cheryl: That's okay.

Penelope: We-We're good...

Thomas: You girls don't have to be shy. *He said as he applied some more of the anti-itch lotion to Izuna's bottom, rubbing it in softly.*

Cheryl: *gets up and smooths her sweater out* I'm not shy, I just think that after a while we're going to attract attention to ourselves if we stay here any longer.

Penelope: *gets up and pushes her sweater down* We-We should get moving p-p-pretty soon...

Thomas: I suppose you are right, even if we're in an area nobody else comes. =O Tell you what, we'll get some ice cream, go back to your place, and see what happens. Sound good? ^^ *He gives Izuna her crown back*

Cheryl: Sounds good to me.

Penelope: *nods in agreement*

Izuna: *quickly puts her crown back on and her clothes reappear in the state that Thomas had left them* O//x//O *bends down and gingerly pulls her panties up over her sore bottom, wincing a little*

Thomas: Well then, come on everyone! *He scoops up Izuna, sitting her on his shoulders.* Lets go get ice cream. ^^ *He reaches out and gently takes Cheryl and Penelope's hands with a warm smile.*

Cheryl: Okay


Thomas: *Leads the group out of the bird sanctuary and towards the exit of the park.* There's an ice cream shop just a block or two from here. ^^

Izuna: Ice cream! ^o^ *starts to run off but is quickly caught by Thomas before she gets far at all* Huh?

Thomas: Not so fast, Izuna. We all are gonna stick together. Besides, I'm paying for it, remember? *He chuckles and ruffled her hair a bit, carrying her to the ice cream shop and motioning the other girls along.*

Izuna: Hmph, fine... -3-

Thomas: *Carries Izuna into the ice cream shop and leads the cyclops girls in.* They have a ton of different flavors so take your pick. I'll go as high as a double scoop for you ladies so don't get too crazy. -w-

Cheryl: Ooh, it all looks so good~

Penelope: I-I wonder what we should try first...

Thomas: Why don't you try some before you decide? They let you have a small spoonful of any flavor you want to try. ^^ Izuna you can try some too if you want. Personally I already know what I'm getting. I've been here before. -w-

*Cheryl, Penelope and Izuna go up to counter to see the many different flavors of ice cream being offered.*

Izuna: Ooh-ooh! Rum, Banana Rum, Pina Colada~ *licks her lips*

Penelope: I-I think that those flavors may be a bit mature for you...

Cheryl: To be interested in such flavors at your age...wait a minute, iT WAS YOU, WASN'T iT!?

Izuna: OxO; *quickly hides behind Thomas*

Thomas: *Blinks looking back at Izuna and then forward at Cheryl.* It was who that what now? O.O

Cheryl: Her dad is convinced that I'm the one taking sips from his private collection of liquors since out of the two of us I'm the only one who normally drinks. Supposedly I'm the only other one who knows where his collection is hidden and how to unlock it but I haven't touched or been anywhere near it; I respect my employers personal property. So I think that a master of hiding and escaping us could easily see where said hidden collection is and how to access it. >_<

Thomas: Oh my! O_O Izuna, have you been sneaking sips of alcoholic beverages? That's extremely inappropriate, you're not old enough! And you're getting someone else in trouble for it on top of that! *He turned back to the squirrel girl, hands on his hips.*

Izuna: *timidly twiddles her fingers* technically I haven't been sneaking sips; Mommy rewards me with sips for finding out where Dad hides his private stash and the combination or key location to them.

Penelope: L-Lady Peach?

Cheryl: ...that makes sense; that woman is the biggest lush I've ever seen. But to use her child to help get herself loaded, that is a new low for her... Sorry for accusing you, squirt.

Thomas: That's actually incredibly irresponsible. Using your daughter to help you find and access alcohol, and then rewarding her with alcohol? I have several choice words for a woman like that, along with several smacks for the posterior of one such. >.> *He gives Izuna a soft pet.* How about you try something fruity, or chocolaty? Heck, even plain vanilla.

Izuna: Okay... *looks at all of the flavors again* hmm...the White Chocolate sounds interesting

Thomas: And I'll be getting Jomoca Almond fudge. What about you, ladies? ^^

Penelope: Ooh~ I-I think I'll try the Banana Pudding flavor.

Cheryl: Hey, they got Red Velvet and Chocolate Peanut Butter; I think I'll have a scoop of both in a cone.

Thomas: *Orders everyone's respective flavors and pays for the whole batch as the clerk hands everyone their cones.* this'll be nice. It's been a warm day. ^^ *Blushes thinking about what just happened between them all.* I mean, warm like... the weather. ^///^;

Cheryl: Yeah, it's been "warm" alright~

Penelope: .///. *timidly licks her cone as she blushes brightly*

Thomas: *Flushes red chuckling and wiggling in his seat a bit when his tail waggles a bit rapidly.* Not that... that's such a bad thing, right? I like to think we all bonded over it. *He glanced at all three girls in turn with a warm smile.* What do you all think?

Cheryl: Yeah, I'd say so; anybody who can keep up with, catch and deal out due punishment to the little princess over here is alright in my book.

Izuna: -3-

Thomas: Heh. Then I have one more thing for you all before we decide what happens next. *He walked around and gave all three of them a kiss on the cheek.*


Penelope: O///O *blushes madly*

Cheryl: *chuckles* I think my sis like ya, Thomas~

Penelope: Ch-Ch-Cheryl! O//m//O;

Cheryl: Oh, so you don't? Then does that mean I can have him?

Penelope: Cheryl! >//O//<;

Thomas: I can be shared if it's an issue. ^///^; *He waggled his tail excitedly at the attention.*

Cheryl: You hear that, Sis? It's all good now ^w^

Penelope: ^//v//^

Thomas: Oh? *He giggled and slid both their chairs closer to his.* If that's the case, come closer. I have a lot of affection ready for both of you cuties. ^^

Cheryl: *sits herself on Thomas' lap* how's this for close~?

Penelope: Cheryl, no fair! >o<

Cheryl: First come, first serve; you should know that by now. ^^

Thomas: *Shivers and stifles a moan when he feels her pantyless lower half press into his lap. He smirks and shifts her to straddle one thigh, gently patting his other thigh invitingly.* Penelope? ^^

Penelope: *gingerly and daintily sits down on Thomas' thigh, still a bit sore from earlier* ^//w//^

Thomas: *He finishes off his ice cream quickly, and then slides up both of their sweaters, exposing their spanked freckled cheeks. He then begins to rub and grope them tenderly before he gives both of them in turn a passionate kiss on the lips.*

Cheryl: Frisky...I like~

Penelope: ^//3//^

Thomas: *Thomas' tail couldn't waggle any faster. But then he blushed and glanced at Izuna.* Oh, um... did you want to get in on the cuddle puddle, dear? ^///^

Izuna: Looks to me that you're out of lap -3-

Thomas: *He spread his legs a bit wider so there was room between the twins.* If that doesn't work, there's room on my shoulders. ^^

Izuna: *hops up on Thomas' left shoulder* I prefer to be up high

Thomas: Fair enough. ^^ *He nuzzled into her affectionately, and the others.* How about we all go back to your place now?

Cheryl: Might as well; people are beginning to get nosy *finishes her cone*

Thomas: I have a car we can take back in the park. Do you three know the way back home?

Izuna: I know the way back. ^^

Cheryl: Of course you do...but I have my doubts as to whether you'll actually give him the right directions. -w-

Izuna: Boo -o-

Penelope: I-I can direct us back, if that helps... .///.

Thomas: Sounds good to me; thank you Penelope. *He helps both girls stand and rolls back down their sweaters. He then stands, wrapping Izuna's legs around his shoulders so he can carry her easier, being safe not to bump her head on anything* everyone ready?

Cheryl: Ready ^^

Penelope: *finishes her cone* R-Ready ^///^

Izuna: *finishes her cone* same here -3-

Thomas: Then let’s go! *He leads the trio back for a short walk through the park to where his car was parked. He let Penelope ride shot gun since she'd be giving the directions, and began to drive them all home.*

Penelope: Do you know where the Willow Heights complex is?

Thomas: Yes I do! But isn't that where a bunch of rich people's manors are? I half expected you girls to live in a palace. ^^

Cheryl: You'd be surprised ^3^

Penelope: Once we get there I'll be able to direct you rest of the way.

*The dog boy nodded and drove to the aforementioned Willow Heights.*

Penelope: Okay, not many know about this but one of the ways to get to the Peach Family home is to turn left on Cress Dr.

*When Thomas pulls up to Cress Dr. he sees that there is no street leading to the left at all; only the high wall surrounding the entire neighborhood.*

Thomas: Er... if you're sure... *Just in case he drove very, very slowly, so that if this was a trick or a mistake he wouldn't be crashing into a wall.*

Penelope: O...kay, stop right here.

Thomas: *He stopped just before the wall and raised a brow.* Um... here?

Penelope: *takes a small remote out of her sweater front pocket and pushes a button* now we wait while the area is quickly scanned to make sure that nobody is looking.

*A few seconds later and wall flickers and then disappears completely, revealing a trail further in.*

Thomas: Oh! Well that's pretty neat. ^^ *Thomas began to drive again, still being careful going down this trail, just not AS careful.*

Penelope: Just keep following the trail and you'll come across our place pretty soon.

Thomas: I don't doubt it. I mean, how many places would be hidden out here but yours alone?

*As Thomas continues to drive down the trail he sees it: on a distant hill he sees...an actual palace on a hilltop.*

Thomas: Whoa! You girls really DO live in a palace! I wasn't expecting to be right. O_O

Cheryl: Yeah, our boss and Izuna's father is a really lucky guy; his luck level transcends even common logic.

Thomas: You're... praising his luck? Did he win all this with gambling or something? >.>;

Cheryl: That's part of how he got his fortune. One day on a whim he bought three different scratch-and-win lottery tickets: each one of them were instant $1,000,000,000 winners.

Thomas: How do you win THAT MUCH from the lottery?! And he used it to make himself out like some sort of king, basically?

Penelope: Oh no, he's not that sort of man. He used ALL of that money to invest in his own ideas: you know, his own homemade alcoholic drinks, his own chain of pubs and restaurants and even an electronics superstore.

Cheryl: THAT is where all of his money came from: the profits of all of these endeavors and other countless good investments. He definitely has a mind for business despite his looks.

Thomas: So the rich man got richer. That's insane. Though, the alcohol thing would explain Izuna and her mother. >.>; Anyways, where do I park?

Cheryl: Anywhere in the visitor lanes is okay.

Thomas: *It took a little more directing to figure out where even those were. But once he had parked the car, he'd insisted and made sure to open the car doors for each of them like a gentleman.* Here we are, ladies. ^^

Penelope: Thank you~ ^3^

Cheryl: A true gentleman through and through; now young lady, I believe that you have a date with some math problems. ^w^

Izuna: Boo! -o-

Thomas: Aww, don't worry, Izuna. If you need any help, just ask me. I'll help you with your math problems. ^^

Izuna: ...thanks... -w-

*They walk in through the front doors and Thomas sees just how deluxe and posh the inside is.*

Thomas: Wow, this place is pretty amazing! Heh, can I live here too? XP *He half joked.*

Penelope: That might be possible; the owner is a very caring and nice guy.

Cheryl: He's a total softy!

???: Cheryl, Penelope, are you two back already; did you find Izuna?

Cheryl: Sure did, sir...but somebody else found and caught her for us first and he's here with us.

???: Really? Somebody other than the two of you managed to catch my little rascal of a daughter? I'll be right down, I have to meet this person.

*Descending from the staircase was a very tall wolf man with an unusual box-shaped snout, standing at least 8 to 9 ft tall. He was wearing a regular gray T-shirt and baggy camouflage jeans and had an interesting scent of cajun spices radiating off of him.*

James: Howdy, the name's James, James Peach *offers his hand to Thomas*

Thomas: Thomas! *He shook the man’s hand sniffing the air a bit.* Oooo, creole. So... you're Izuna's father? Guess that means she gets the squirrel from her mother. ^^

James: Sure does. My Janice is a real peach; so much so that when we married she said that I should take on the Peach last name since I didn't have a last name of my own. ^3^

Thomas: No last name? Crazy! Well you got one now sir! Say, I'd hate to impose, but I'm actually looking for guard work. And after bonding with your other two guards and your daughter over ice cream, I was wondering if I might be able to convince you to hire me on to help look after your girl? ^^

James: Really? No foolin'? That's great! ^o^ I'll finally have another guy around here to talk to and pal around with on his off time. We have more than enough room for you to live on site.

Thomas: Great! With my sister living with her six wives, I get lonely by myself. And I could always use another guy friend too! I accept your offer sir!

James: Great! I've already got a job for you then. Lately some of my private selections of bourbon and other liquors that I've set aside for aging have been disappearing. I've put them in different hiding places but somebody keeps finding them and taking what I leave there. Nobody but me should know about these places so I'm beginning to think that there is somebody else in here spying on me...

*As James goes into further detail about this supposed thief, Thomas, Cheryl and Penelope already knew what was going on from what Izuna had told them earlier: that it was Izuna that was watching James hide away his private selections and she told her mother Janice where they were later where she would "reward" her daughter with sips from said selections, something that the three bodyguards frowned upon.*

Cheryl: Sir, about that...

James: Yes?

Thomas: *He cover's the woman's mouth.*I heard that you originally accused Cheryl of it? I can assure you sir, it's not her. We discussed it earlier, and I'm already on the case sir. ^^

James: Already up to speed, eh? Good work, you two! Now, it is normally calm around here as far a guard work goes. There are many ways to get to this estate, both regular and secret entrances; if somebody manages to find their way onto the estate through a secret entrance where they weren't granted permission it is your job to detain them and get details as to how they found it. You wouldn't believe how many spies I've had at one time trying to get my family recipes for the drinks and food I sell.

Thomas: No worries sir, you can count on me! I'm ex-military. Guerrilla warfare is my bread and butter. ^^

James: Great; as I said before, this doesn't happen nearly as much as it did before so you probably won't have to worry about it too much. And that brings me to the one duty that you'll probably be spending the most time on: my two girls.

Thomas: You mean your wife and daughter, sir?

James: Yes, my sweetheart wife, Janice, and my adorable daughter, Izuna *lifts Izuna up in his arms and nuzzles her lovingly*

Izuna: Daddy... -w-

James: *puts Izuna down* but despite all of their sweetness they both can be quite naughty very often. As you probably already saw, Izuna really doesn't like doing her homework and will do anything to avoid doing it, even if it means pulling pranks or escaping from her room.

Thomas: Well, I know how to handle naughty girls your majesty. Just like when raising my little sister, a good spanking is effective if you ask me. ^^ Not too harsh, and gets your point across.

James: And my lovely wife, she likes dodging her chores and sleeping late whenever she gets a chance.

James: You read my mind, my friend. I would usually do these kinds of things myself but some days I'll be called away for an important meeting or I'll get inspiration for something and get lost in my work, sort of what I was doing just before you all got here; I was working on a new idea for a spice rub just a few moments ago if you were wondering. ^^ So there are times when I simply can't be there to give these two the loving correction that they need. That's why I'm giving all three of you the job of disciplining both of them when the times call for it.

Penelope: R-Really?

Cheryl: You're firm but fair, sir~ ^^ (Your butt is mine now, Janice )

Cheryl: I'm sure you will

Penelope: .//w///.

James: Now, I believe that you have some homework waiting for you, young lady.

Izuna: Boo... -o-

James: Oh, I see, you need some extra motivation; I'm sure that I can provide that

Izuna: OwO;; *covers her butt and takes several steps backwards* th-th-that won't be necessary; will one of you help me, please?

Thomas: I will; so that the twins don't fight over me. >w> you two find the queen. I'd like a word with her when I get a chance. ^^ Then we can get to your... massages. Come on, Izuna. Lead the way. ^^

Cheryl: Will do

Penelope: Check the usual places?

Cheryl: Yup

Izuna: My room is upstairs; this way *takes Thomas by the hand and begins leading him to her room*

Thomas: *He follows after her with a happy chuckle.* I'm coming. ^^

*Izuna leads Thomas upstairs, to the right and down the hall where her room was the third door on the left. The inside was the very essence of a little girl who thought of herself as a Princess: pink and frilly with lots of stuffed animals.*

Thomas: Wow, your room is even more adorable than you, if that's possible. ^^

Izuna: Thanks ^///^

Thomas: So, shall we get to that math homework? *He asked rubbing his hands together.*

Izuna: *directs Thomas to her desk where there was a worksheet full of fraction problems for her to solve* these are way too tedious...

Thomas: Nonsense! Fractions are like doing division, sometimes. *He lifts her up and sits her in the chair in front of the desk.* I won't give you the answers, but, I will help you find the answers easier. ^^

Izuna: Okay... -.-

*Izuna gets to work on the math homework, asking Thomas for help on some of the earlier ones. As he showed her the different ways to solve the problems she asked for help less and less until not at all as she soon finished the rest of the worksheet on her own.*

Izuna: *finishes solving the final problem* huh, that was much easier that I thought

Thomas: You see? You just needed personalized attention, and a guiding hand. ^^ Now that you’re done, you can do what you want with your free time.

Izuna: Yay! *flops down on her fluffy bed* you're way better at this than Cheryl and Penelope, but I guess that is to be expected since they didn't really finish grade school themselves. ^3^

Thomas: They didn't? The poor things. I wonder what happened.

Izuna: Y'know, I never really asked; all I really know about them is that they were sent here from another dimension several years in the past compared to now, apparently after a failed mission.

Thomas: That sounds... legitimately interesting. O.o I'll have to ask them about it later... if they're willing to talk about it.

*Just then the doors to Izuna's room open.*

Cheryl: We're back~ and look who we brought with us

*As the two sister walk into the room Thomas sees that Penelope had a small flying squirrel girl in her arms. She was barely taller than Izuna, her long hair was kind of messy and was wearing a baggy violet t-shirt, light blue short shorts and a mini-crown on her head just like Izuna's; she was fast asleep, drooling slightly and reeking of alcohol. It was without a doubt Janice, Izuna's mother.*

Janice: *snoring lightly*

Thomas: That's Janice? So Izuna isn't gonna get much bigger when she gets older. Why is she asleep? Did you two tranquilize her before dragging her here?

Cheryl: No, we didn't tranquilize her; all of the bourbon she drank beforehand did that -w-

Thomas: Ah. So you found her drunk and passed out. >_>; Lovely. But I can work with this! She needs to be punished, and I don't mind... waking her up. Bring her to the bed.

Izuna: *gets off of her bed and moves to the side to give them room*

Penelope: *gently places Janice on Izuna's bed*

Janice: of course I'd like a refill... *resumes snoring lightly*

Thomas: *Thinks for a moment looking her over and then folds up her night gown.* Her crown work like Izuna's?

Cheryl: They're exactly the same

Thomas: Well then. *He presses in the buttons and removes it from her head.*

Janice: *becomes totally naked as her virtual clothes disappear* ... *begins to shiver softly from the cool air from the ceiling fan then curls up to use her own cape as a makeshift blanket and rolls onto her side* ^w^

Thomas: *Rolls her back onto her stomach and breathes on his hand.* Time to wake up for some discipline, ma'am. *And with that, he smacks his hand down nice and hard over her bare exposed bottom.*

Janice: YEEP! QxQ *awakens and drowsily looks around* where am I? =_= ?

Thomas: Atop your daughter’s bed. Hello by the way. My name is Thomas. I'm you and your daughter's newest guard…and disciplinarian. ^^ *He gripped the base of her tail, raised her hips, and gave her bottom another smack.*

Janice: YEEP! If you're her disciplinarian then why did I just get smacked...and why am I naked!? O///O *tries to cover up and kick at Thomas with her tiny little legs*

Thomas: *He presses into the small of her back, forcing her down on her stomach.* I said YOU and your daughter's. As in, I'm your disciplinarian too. And this is my handy technique for sobering up naughty women like you real quick. *He chuckles and gives her several more smacks over her exposed bottom.*

Janice: Ow-ow-OW! Who gave you this authority? O-Only my husband is allowed to do this to me...and-and only when I let him! >3<

Thomas: Your husband is the one who gave me the authority. In fact, he gave it to Cheryl and Penelope too. Thought it was time someone kept you and Izuna in line in case he wasn't around to. *He continued smacking her bottom as he talked, keeping a steady but slow pace of brisk smacks across her bottom.*

Janice: *continues to struggle to get away* if that's the case then I am entitled to know exactly why I'm getting punished like this now! >o<#

Thomas: Because you've been using your daughter to find secret stashes of alcohol and then rewarding her with some, which is incredibly irresponsible. >.> *He moves his smacks lower, to the undersides of her cheeks where her bottom is more sensitive.*

Janice: OOH! OW! AiEEK! It-It's called positive reinforcement; you're supposed to reward children when they do good, right? >~<#

Thomas: You're rewarding her for bad behavior…and with alcohol no less! Penelope, may I borrow your slipper from earlier?

Penelope: *hands Thomas the slipper that she was holding*

Janice: QxQ !! *redoubles her efforts to try and escape from Thomas' grasp*

Thomas: *Leans into her back to keep the woman down, before he starts smacking the flat and solid bottom of the slipper against her bottom for some loud clopping noises as it makes contact with her fleshy cheeks.*

Janice: OW! OOH! OWWiE! YOW! >oQ

Thomas: Now, you're going to stop using your daughter to find alcohol, and you’re going to stop rewarding her with it. Is that clear, ma'am? *SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK!*

Janice: B-B-But I need something to help me get through the day! My hubby has cut off my supply here and he'll know if I go to a bar; what else am I supposed to do...

Thomas: *Pauses in the spanking* your husband has to cut you off for a reason. Why is drinking so important to you?

Janice: It's...it's not so much drinking in itself; it is the very fact that these are my hubby's drinks. He works so hard on these recipes and is so passionate about them and the results show: they're unbelievably good because he refuses to take shortcuts or accept substitutions for ingredients that'll save him money but lower the quality of his product. Everything he makes is such a labor of love and full of his passion that I can't help myself when an opportunity arises to partake of it; they...just remind me of how much I love him and why I do...

Thomas: *Taken back by this somewhat, Thomas reaches over and begins to pet her head, sitting next to her.* Janice, that's actually incredibly sweet. I would never have expected it to be something... like that! But have you told him about this?

Janice: ...no...I guess not... .///.

Cheryl: Yeah, it can be kind of hard to do that when you're snockered and blitzed like this most of the time... -3-

Thomas: Well, you seem pretty sober and level headed now. *He lifted her into a warm hug, rubbing her back and her bottom comfortingly.* I think that you should take advantage of your sudden level head, and talk to your husband.

Janice: O-Okay *leaves Izuna's room in a hurry, not even bothering, or remembering, to reclaim her mini-crown*

Thomas: Er... I meant to put her crown back on. >///> Well, her husband is in for a nice surprise I guess.

Cheryl: Yep


Thomas: Well. Now it looks like I'm free to give you two lovely ladies some attention.

Cheryl: I'm all over that

Penelope: B-But, um, shouldn't we find where our...you-know-what’s, are hidden first? .///.

Cheryl: Oh yeah, I forgot all about that. Okay, little bit; our panties and bloomers, where did you put them?

Izuna: Hmph, wouldn't you like to know?

Cheryl: Are you sure that's how you want to answer~? ^3^ *motions with her head over to Thomas who was still holding the slipper*

Thomas: Now now, no need to threaten her. *He chuckled and walked over, kneeling before izuna.* Please tell us where they are? ^^

Izuna: .///. ...Daddy's spice room; they're underneath some bags of spice rub.

Thomas: See? That wasn't so hard. ^^ *He gives her an affectionate hug and nuzzle*

Izuna: ^//w//^ *returns the hug*

Cheryl and Penelope: *hurries off to the spice room*

Thomas: Heh, I don't see why those two are in such a rush. I'm just gonna pull them back down when I work on them later... hopefully no spice got in their knickers. *He starts to pet Izuna.*


*A few minutes later both Cheryl and Penelope return to Izuna's room.*

Thomas: Well, you two find what you were looking for? ¬u¬

Penelope: Y-Yeah but... .///.

Cheryl: The seal on one of the bags of spice came undone when we were picking it up and they all got drenched in cajun spice rub so they're being washed now...not that we would've put them on anyway seeing as how we've gone without all day already

Penelope: Speak for yourself... .//n//.

Thomas: You won't need them for what we're doing. *He wraps his arms around them, rubbing their bottoms and kissing their cheeks.*

Cheryl: *chuckles* but before that we've got one more place to show you. ^^

*Cheryl and Penelope lead Thomas out of Izuna's room and over to the room directly in front of them. It was a modest yet spacious room with plenty of the common and even luxurious amenities needed for living including an equally spacious bathroom connected to it.*

Cheryl: This will be your room.

Penelope: Our room is right next door to the right if you ever need us for anything. ^o^

Thomas: Ow wow! My own room in this place! ^^ I guess I can move out of my sister’s place then and bring all my stuff here. Heh, I'm right next to you girls and right across from Izuna. Now I can keep an eye on all of you. And you're all free to visit whenever you want. ^^

Cheryl: Let us know when you want to move your stuff over. My sis and I may not look it but we're mighty strong; strong enough to take down waves of front-line mooks side-by-side with our commander.

Thomas: You'll have to tell me about your histories sometime. But for now, I think I just want to spend some time... with you two. *He wrapped his arms around them, smirking and walking into his room, leading them along.*

Cheryl: Oh, you charmer, you~

Penelope: .//w//.

Thomas: I promised you two some more attention, and the privacy of my new room is perfect for it. What do you ladies say? *He gave them both a soft kiss on the cheek, hands stroking their hips.*

Cheryl: I'm up for a little fun~

Thomas: And Penelope? ^^ *He gave her cheek some affectionate nuzzles to sway her opinion.*

Penelope: .//w//. 'kay~

Thomas: Great! Then let’s get started. >w>

*Thomas double checks to make sure the door is closed and then begins to enjoy some privacy with the girls.*

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