Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Tournament Intermission - Our Plans for the Future

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 30
“Tournament Intermission – Our Plans for the Future”
An RP between CobaltClaw19 and eshonen

Meanwhile, back inside e-chan and Scooter's home a "special" kind of game is being played between Max, Harold, Shark, Flicky, Trina, Angela and Emily with Shuryo, Felix and e-hime acting as spectators; a special 3 VS 4 Smash Bros game devised by Trina where the losing team had to discard an article of clothing with each loss and a final penalty when all clothing was lost to be decided by the winner. Trina had thought that the combined skill of her teammates and the fact that they outnumbered the boys by one that they would be winning constantly; she hadn't factored on the high skill level of Max and Harold combined and forgotten how Shark knew their play styles inside and out as the girls now find themselves down to their last layers of clothes after several repeated losses.

Flicky and Angela: ^//~//^; *struggling to put up a fight with Mario and Toon Link respectively*

Emily: Q//^//Q *struggling to put up a fight with Zero Suit Samus*

Trina: C'mon girls, don't lose heart; I have a good feeling that this is where we turn things around for ourselves! *playing pretty well as Peach*

Harold: Comebacks have happened... *Playing well as Meta Knight*

Max: However we have stablished how even one of us can win against the four of you. *Playing almost flawlessly as Ryu*

Shark: Heh, that said, you girls are not that bad. You could easily improve in the future. *Having a good run and streak as Bayonetta*

Felix: .... *Looks to Shuryo and e-hime* I get why you two are here, but I don’t know why I am here...

Shuryo: Does it matter? You can go back soon.

e-hime: I'm quite interested in seeing how this all ends

Max: ..Aaaaaaand....That's another life. *Knocks Emily out and off with a solid side-smash*

Harold: I will just deal with pinky over here....

Shark: Or the girls can save time and just strip. -w-

Trina: Walk it off, Sweets; you've still got two stocks left. ^^

Emily: Two stocks to their four and still under 25% damage...

Flicky: Ooh! Smash Ball! Get it-Get it-Get it!! *desperately tries to break the Smash Ball with Mario but misses the final crucial meteor smash needed to acquire it when the ball suddenly floats just a frame out of reach* oh come on! >o<

Harold: *Easily gets it because he is Meta Knight and just floated around the thing* Hrm.

Max: Oh, better prepare the booty. =w=

Shark: I am just going to continue to pelt them with bullets, thank you.

Angela: *nods to Flicky then makes a break towards Meta Knight and with a well-placed attack managed to smack the Smash Ball out of him*

Flicky: *quickly scrambles after the Smash Ball and manages to claim this time* Got it! *gets into the ideal position and fires off the Mario Finale, pushing Ryu and Bayonetta off the screen for a double KO*

Trina: Nice!

Shark: Well, that happened. -w-;

Harold: *Keeps pelting Trina to rank up her damage percentage* Everyone can get lucky once in a while.

Emily: *finds a Gust Bellow and pursues Meta Knight*

Harold: You are starting to get a little bit annoying. -.-;

Shark: *Finds and picks up a Paper Fan* ....Hmmm... -w-

Trina: Way to fight back, Sweets! We're slowly but surely taking back control~

Shark: Time to increase the damage percentage. =w= *Starts to beat on Peach with the Paper Fan, rapidly* Spank-Spank-Spank-Spank-Spank~ >|3

Shuryo: ....That sound effect is quite...interesting. =//I

Trina: Oh-noes, he's got me trapped; I need backup. 8<

Flicky: *has Mario try to rush to provide aid*

Max: *Blocks her advance with Ryu, punching and tossing her back* Nope.

Shark: 80...95...110..look at how quickly it builds up~

Trina: *finally managed to get Peach to break free and quickly retreats when she notices a Heart Container spawn* Mine!

Flicky: No, Mine! I've got 220% damage.

Trina: But even if you do get it you'll still be in knockout range; with me I'll be completely out of knockout range.

Angela: Got it! *claims the Heart Container and goes back down to 0% damage*

Flicky and Trina: Angie~ >o<

Angela: At least this way the guys didn't get it...

Harold: Max, do the honors.

Max: -w- *Side-Smashes Flicky off the map* It's not like we are taking a ton of damage either.

Shark: And I still got the faaaan~ >|3

Flicky: ...there goes my last stock... TTwTT

Trina: Don't worry, we'll avenge you~ ^w^

Shark: Sorry sweetie, no consultation hugs for you, yet.

Emily: *gets Zero Suit Samus a little too close to a lava panel and is insta-killed* Crud, one stock left...

Max: Sorry madame. ^w^;

Harold: You are still doing well, though.

Angela: *at 114% when a Golden Hammer has spawned next to her* Please don't be a squeaky-Please don't be a squeaky... *grabs the Golden Hammer and tries to use it on Ryu...only to see that it was indeed a squeaky hammer* =_=; ...

Max: Aw, unlucky.

Shark: Sorry tubby, not your day today...

*A home-run bat spawns close to Ryu*

Max: ....Meanwhile lady luck loves me. e-hime, dear, you need to step up your game. *Picks up the item*

e-hime: Will do

Angela: Ahh! Run-run-run-run-run! *desperately tries to get away Ryu but can't go very fast due to the speed restriction of the squeaky hammer*

Max: *Tosses the baseball bat at her, catches the bat mid-air, and tosses it at her once more*

*The force of the second strike propels Toon Link into a lava panel for an instant death KO.*

Angela: Last stock, gone... .//3//.

Shark: And then there were two~

Harold: *Jumping and flying after Peach* You must really want me to look up your dress. Get down for once, you floaty pink puff...!

Emily: *tries to get over to help Peach but finds herself boxed in by Bayonetta and Ryu* Crud, I knew I should've picked Power Suit Samus for this stage; she has more crowd control power.

Max: Bye, have a great time. ^u^ *Uses the smash attack of the bat, sending Zero Suit Samus flying* Woooooo....

*After bank-shotting a few times Zero Suit Samus flies off screen.*

Emily: I'm out -//3//-

Trina: ... OwO;

Shark: Now then, pick your poison, blondie~

Trina: Hmm... *sees that the three boy's fighters are about to meet up and triple team her* ...well, I can't beat all three of you on my own but I there is still one thing I can do~ ^3^

Shark: *Rolls eyes* Here it comes...

Trina: I can... *has Peach touch the nearest lava panel and gets insta-killed* take away the satisfaction of making the final KO.

e-hime: But doesn't that mean that your team just lost again?

Trina: Oh, yeah... And you know what that means? Before the penalty you guys get a bonus chance~ ^^ *grabs the pair of dice she had brought with her* as you know from previous round this is your chance to win faster by getting the losing team to discard two articles of clothing instead of one. Roll an odd number and we'll take off to pieces of clothing, roll an even number and we'll only remove the required one piece of clothing but if you roll "snake eyes" we don't have to take anything off. Mr. Max, it is your turn to roll ^^

*Trina gives the dice to Max and he begins to shake them up really well. However before he throws them Shark stops him, because after several rounds he knew for sure what was going on. The dice that Trina had provided were loaded; they only ever rolled even numbers and they rolled "snake eyes" way too often for it just to be a coincidence. With dice like these they would only ever lose one piece of clothing each round or nothing at all. But Shark had an idea of what to do to.*

Shark: You know...I think I have a better idea.

Max: …and...that is?

Shark: *Brings out his deck of cards and starts shuffling* Same rules go here. Even numbers for one piece of clothing, odd numbers for two pieces, but pull a Joker or any of the aces will be the same result as "snake eyes". You know, to prevent any outside interference. And, to make sure that neither of us cheat with the shuffling... *Hands the deck of cards to Felix* Butler boy, do the honors. -w-

Felix: ...Me? ...As you wish, sir? *Grabs the deck and starts to shuffle them, rather slowly and in multiple ways to ensure the cards got properly mixed up*

Flicky, Angela and Emily: *looks at one another, wondering why the structure was suddenly changed*

Trina: OwO;; (Crap, he knows; and all four of us each only have two pieces of clothing left each...)

Felix: *Hands Shark the deck back* Here you go.

Shark: Alright then. *Spreads the deck across the table* Pick any of the 54 cards, Max. You got nothing to lose.

Max: Time. Having to play more rounds.

Shark: ....Don’t test my patience, pretty boy. -w-#

Max: Hehe, sorry. *looks at the cards, trying to decide which one to pick*

Flicky, Trina, Angela and Emily: *hearts beat loudly through the anticipation*

Max: .... *picks up a card* ...... *Flips the card: 5 of Hearts*

Shark: That's an odd number.

Harold: Finally. =.=

*With that card flip the girls' fate was sealed. After removing their final pieces of clothing they were now completely naked; they had lost.*

Trina: Well, you guys won fair and square; as per the agreement, as the winning team, we the losing team, have to do anything you ask of us in a punishment game...

Emily: Why did you have to add a punishment game clause to the challenge? >///<

Trina: To make it interesting and intense; challenges are more exciting when there is something on the line ^^

Harold: I am content with just the view... =//=

Max: Maybe she did it just because she wants Shark to give them attention?

Shark: Hehe, I am not even sure what to do with you four. Besides...taking in the scenery~

Shuryo: *stares at the girls for a bit himself* ....... =//.//=

Felix: Shall I get you a drink, Ms. e-hime?

e-hime: Sure thing

Felix: *Walks out*

Shark: .....Hmmmm....we could have you all help out with the drink serving... Dressed as you are~

Max: Could even as them to give some full-body massages.

Harold: Or the standard spanking punishment that I know a lot of you are high on...

Shuryo: *Looks to Angela and Trina* ...Could also create an embarrassing moment for these two by having them letting you shave their crotch areas.

*The boys all look at Shuryo after making that suggestion*

Shark: ...That's...unexpected...coming from you. ./_/.


Trina: Hehehe; you have a dirtier mind than you let on, Mr. Muscle Man~

Shark: *pinches Trina's ear* No flirty looks, Trina. -w- .....It's really hard to think of something...

Felix: *Returns with a lemonade glass for e-hime* Well then, how about we mix something up. Spank them and have them put on some maid outfits and help me out, like you suggested....and deny them from putting on underwear.

Trina: ...seems fair... -w-

Emily: You mean I have to get spanked twice today?

Flicky: Compared to Trina, twice in one day is actually getting off pretty easy.

Angela: This one will make the fourth one for her today?

Trina: Fifth; you forgot the one I got before we started playing this game

Shark: Regardless of how many times Trina has gotten her butt into attention today... *walks over, puts his arms around and starts to kiss and nuzzle both Angela and Flicky* I finally have a reason to give you two the same attention~

Shuryo: *looks at Emily's butt* ...You are still quite rose colored from earlier.

Max: ...Wouldn't it be more of a punishment for Trina to just watch, if she likes it so much?

Trina: Pay no attention to that last comment please

Shark: ...No no, I am paying attention, go on, Max. >w>

Max: Well...from her behavior, I kinda get the impression she is a bit of a masochist. So having her watching her friends get the treatment she wants...might actually be very frustrating, not to mention "unfair" in her eyes.

Trina: OwO;; L-Lies, all lies; like I would get a thrill out of having my butt smacked and feel completely irritated if I didn't. Something like that wouldn't bother me in the slightest ^w^;;

Flicky: -_-; ...seriously...?

Shark: .....>|3 Harold?

Harold: *grabs Trina's arms and keeps her in place* That's me.

Shark: Now then, let's start with the swimmer~

*Shark grabs Flicky and drags her over on the couch, having her bent over his left knee, grabbing and feeling her round and tan-lined bottom before starting to flick his hand over her buttocks and also pinching her in-between some of the smacks. He even bit one of her ears in a playful manner, all in front of Trina.*

Trina: *tries to look away but can't help but take long, extended looks at the spectacle in front of her*

Shark: *Whispers in Flicky's ear* She is watching.....just give the word if I am going too far...

*And thus he continues the punishing of Flicky's exposed rear, focusing more and more on her sitting spots and nearer her crotch area, biting her ear a bit harder and even tugging her tail a bit as well*

Flicky: Nyaan~ ^//w//^

Trina: *unable to look away as she begins to get a bit fidgety* >_>; ...

Shark: *Lifts Flicky up and leans her over the couch itself* Just a bit longer~

*Now in a standing position behind Flicky, Shark gets a better angle to strike her from, while keeping a firm grip on her tail and tugging on it, making her raise her rear further, he keeps up his actions until her butt was a nice shade of red. The blue-haired card trickster then kneels down and gets closer as he rubs and adores his little masterpiece.*

Shark: A little finishing touch... *Leans in closer and gives Flicky a playful, though a bit painful, "love-bite" on her sore buttocks* Rrr~

Max: Woof, getting a bit steamy in here. ^//^;

Shuryo: ..... =///= *sits down* Ms. Sweets. Come over here, we will get your part of the punishment done as well.

Flicky: Nyaan~ *pants a bit to catch her breath*

Emily: *timidly makes her way over to Shuryo and gets over his lap with no fuss or struggle* well, if I'm going to entrust my heart to you in the future I suppose I can entrust my butt to you right now...

Angela: -///-; ...might as well get my turn done and over with as well... *gets up and makes her way over to Shark*

Trina: *tail flicks about erratically as she begins to whimper slightly* QwQ;;

Shuryo: *Gently strokes his hand over Emily's rather big and fat bottom* That's...one way to look at it... *raises his hand and brings it down on her rear in one swift and hard strike, and it STUNG. So much to the point where Emily could swear she felt the pain throughout her entire body*

Shark: *Smiles and strokes Angela's cheek* I know you like it more when I cuddle with you, so...I have a proposal. *Sits down and motions Angela down so she sits in his lap, straddling him a bit* Hugging and cuddling while I am spanking you. Is that okay? *reaches around and firmly grabs her soft and squishy bottom*

Emily: YEOWOWOWOWOW!! What was that!? *already in tears*

Angela: This...is actually kind of nice...

Shuryo: S-sorry! *sits her up and hugs her close* I-I didn't mean to hit you so hard, really! I...I have never done this before, and...I panicked, I acted on instinct... *carefully moves his hand to her rear and starts to carefully rub and caress her butt*

Shark: *Nods* Now...just close your eyes...let me do the thing. *Leans Angela against him as he starts to gently swat her rear and gradually increase the force of which he spanked her at, causing her fat and jiggly bottom to wiggle against his hands*

Emily: *soon calms down and melts into Shuryo's embrace* ^///^ *looks up at Shuryo's face then plants a kiss on his lips*

Angela: *squeaks every now and then as she holds Shark close* ^n^

Trina: QnQ *begins to whimper as tears begin to stream from her face*

Shuryo: o//.//o *blinks* ....What...was that for...?

Shark: *Looks at Trina over Angela's shoulder as he keeps spanking the chubby rear of hers* Frustrated? Jealous? Lusting for attention? *gently bites Angela's shoulder as he spanks her even harder than before, tanning her butt redder for each passing slap*

Trina: Q~Q N-No fair...

Emily: *looks up at Shuryo* for caring I more reassured that the two of us will get along great now *nuzzles Shuryo before giving him another kiss*

Shark: *Lets Angela up after a bit, not spending as much time on spanking her before getting her bent over the couch with Flicky, giving her buttocks a set of love bites. Four in total, two on each cheek* Juicy hams~

Shuryo: ....*grabs and rubs Emily's butt, carefully swatting it now and then while he kept her cuddled close, even returning one of her kisses* You...sure are fluffy and soft...

Angela: -///-; *embarrassed to admit that she kind of liked what just happened*

Trina: QnQ ...what about me...?

Shark: Yeah, what about you? <w<

Shuryo: *looks up* Shark...-.-

Shark: I am not that mean. *sits down and pats his lap* Harold, let her go.

Harold: *does so*

Trina: Yeee~ *leaps into Shark's lap and gives him a kiss on the lips before taking the desired position across his lap, shaking her bottom happily*

Shark: ...Love you too, Trina. *grabs her tail, yanks it firmly and starts spanking her nice and shapely buttocks as he had done with Flicky and Angela*

Trina: Yeeaa~

Shark: *scratches her ass a little bit, digging into and scraping her skin a little bit before giving her three swift and hard spanks in succession, getting her cheeks rice and red* Your moans are like music~

Flicky: I can honestly say that our foxy friend is most happiest when she's over your lap ^^

Angela: Truly a masochist -w-;

Shark: Heh, yeah... *Gets her posed together with Angela and Flicky, giving her bottom the same love-bite treatment, but just once* I love to give you all attention, too.

Shuryo: That is apparent.. =/u/=;

Trina: *wags her tail happily*

Shark: *blushes as he pets the three of them, gently stroking their exposed rears one by one* Take five minutes to relax a bit, you girls.

Felix: Let me guess: I have to get the outfits now too? -w-;

Flicky, Trina and Angela: We love you, Shark~

Shark: Love you too, girls~ *gives them all a quick kiss on their lips*

Shuryo: ... -/u/-; *kisses Emily again, while patting her exposed rear*

e-hime: If you're looking for maid outfits I think that the little imp girl brought some with her in that huge backpack. ^^

Felix: I will go and ask her, in that case. *walks out*

Max: *Pets e-hime* You are just a freckly, cute and helpful little glutton, aren't ya~?

e-hime: Yup~ ^^ *stomach growls loudly*

Max: Why don’t we get you something good to eat, hmm? Before I decide to join in on the spank-happy show~?

Harold: You are one of the few here who have not spanked his loved one in any shape or form... >_>

Max: Nothing wrong with that, right?

Harold: ...Guess not.

e-hime: Yay, food! ^o^

*Meanwhile, outside with the rest of the party guest, e-chan was talking with Scooter, Chispa and Kevin about various things when e-chan's new Zangoose and Mawile, Katrina and Honaka, approach him with some notebooks that they found among his art folders.*

Katrina: Master, did you draw these?

e-chan: Huh? Hey, my old sketch books from my High School days; I haven't looked at these for quite some time...saying that out loud makes me feel old somehow

Kevin: I know the feeling. Not to mention I know how embarrassing it is to look at your old ideas and go "Wow, that was actually really stupid."

Scooter: Man do I know that feeling...

e-chan: Let's see which sketchbook this one is *takes the sketchbook from Katrina and opens it up* hey, this is the one with all of my old Pokémon drawings. I used to spend all of my free time between classes and lunch time drawing Pokémon.

*Everyone gathers around and sees some of e-chan's early attempts at drawing the first 151 Pokémon of the National PokéDex; there were some hits and misses but overall they were all pretty good.*

Honaka: ...what's that supposed to be?

e-chan: ...Jigglypuff...

Honaka: Oh...it looks more like Kirby with a curly pompadour.

Kevin: It's better than what I could produce with how I drew Pikachu...stupid mouse and it's odd body shape...

Chispa: We all have to start somewhere, boys.

e-chan: Yeah, before I met Renezmay and went on that adventure with her Pokémon only existed to me and many other in the world of video games. But after the end of our adventure all of these different universes got linked together and I met all of you as the years went by so I'm quite happy with how things turned out.

Katrina: *turns through the pages and comes across a rather detailed drawing of a building and then of what looked like a theme park* hey, what's this?

e-chan: Hey, those are my dream drafts of what my own Pokémon Gym would be. And that was the training grounds I would build for trainers to come and train and get battle experience from me when I thought that I would be a champion at that point. I was a bit presumptuous at that point in my life to think that becoming champion would be as easy as it was in the games but hey, it's a dream any aspiring Pokémon trainer would have.

Chispa: Well I'll be. I could never take on such a task. I like the calm and soothing life in my game shop, thank you. -w-

Kevin: Heh. There was a point where I would want to make a Gym as well, but...I just love Pokémon way too much. I would not be able to settle on a single type.

e-chan: Yeah, I know what you mean; I have a wide variety of different types now that I can't choose a favorite type.

Lucca: I'm definitely going to make my own Gym one day but I'm going to do things a bit differently to really test my challengers. For my Gym I plan to have it set up so that ALL of my Pokémon can be used throughout the day.

Kevin: That sounds like it would be rather difficult...

Lucca: It would be but I think that I thought up a way to pull it off. Due to my team composition if I divide everybody into teams of 3 for each type that I have I'll have about 14 different team types. As for making sure everyone gets a fair shot I'll have the challengers do something like reach into a box and pull out a colored ball that corresponds to a Pokémon type to determine which team they'll face. That should work...unless there was a factor I didn't consider...

Kevin: .... *shrugs* I guess that works?

Lucca: Yay!

Katrina: What about this theme park here?

e-chan: Well that drawing was an initial plan I had that eventually manifested itself in the form of the Battle Frontier and Pokétopia; guess that I wasn't the only one who had an idea like this. But you know, deep down I still want to run a facility like the Battle Frontier or maybe even the Battle Maison but do it my way: make it a place where trainers of all skill levels could come, have fun and train. My Pokémon and I could provide knowledge with trainers and their Pokémon just starting out on their journeys or we can become training partners for those hoping to get stronger for the League of their choice. I just love my Pokémon so much that I want to have something I can do with them all the time...

Kevin: Now that sounds more like my style. The Battle Frontier is one of my fondest memories from all the years I have spent with my Pokémon. And yeah, I would not mind setting up my own challenge facilities and stuff like that. Sadly, most of the top honchos are just re-building umpteen Battle Towers without caring about the other possible facilities...

e-chan: Yeah, the Battle Subway and the Battle Maison were kind of the same when you really stop and think about it.

Katrina: Y-You should totally make this dream of yours reality, Master! I heard from some of the others how you all came to make this place here and I-I really think that you can make it happen if you give it a try.

Scooter: I agree with the plump, little cat ferret Pokémon. You're not happy at all with your current job at the seafood restaurant; you even said that you don't like hosting and that they are phasing out your silverware rolling position. Why not switch to something else that you'll enjoy for sure?

e-chan: You really think that I can do this?

Scooter: e-chan, my friend, you love Pokémon with a passion; I've never seen you happier than when you are with them and all love you to pieces. I think that something like this is right up your alley.


Katrina: .///. *nods her head in agreement*

Chispa: It's not like it hurts to at least try?

Kevin: Just need to find the right place and time to do it, you know? ^^

Scooter: We've already got the right place: the land across the street. We're pretty much the only house on this entire street so if we act fast enough we can buy up enough land to get things started. ^^ As for the right time, well, that's pretty much up to you, my friend.

e-chan: Hmm...I would like to take at least one more journey before I get started with a project this big. Have you ever heard of the Alola region? Aside from Orre it is the only other region that I know of that doesn't have any official Pokémon Gyms or even a League. It is a region that is said to live and work side by side with Pokémon and I'd like to check it out before I get started.

Claire: *runs up to the group* did I hear you guys talking about the Alola region?

Kevin: Oh, hey Claire. Yes, we were just starting to talk a bit about it. Why do you ask?

Claire: I heard there are Pokémon there that you can't find any place else. Did you know that certain Pokémon like Raichu and Exeggutor have completely different forms and typing over there? The Raichu becomes part Psychic type and surfs on it tail in the air and the Exeggutor has a mega long and tall neck, a tail and is part Dragon type! Doesn't that sound cool?

Kevin: Exeggutor is a Dragon-Type over there?? This is new to me. But I have heard about the surfing telekinetic Raichu, that I have. But yes, that sounds really cool!

Claire: But the big thing over this is something called Z-Moves. These are attacks where the trainer fills the Pokémon with a special kind of energy through dance. Imagine that: dancing will power up your Pokémon so that they can perform a hidden fifth attack! I want to learn how to do that too!

e-chan: ...Z-Moves, huh...?

Chispa: Power through dancing, you say?

Kevin: Why have we not heard of this before..!?

e-chan: ...what do trainers do over in the Alola region? Since there is no League over there yet just what kind of journey do the trainers over there take?

Claire: The trainers of Alola take on something that they call the Island Challenge. Alola consists of four different islands, each with their own Captains, which are like their versions of Gym Leaders, that give challengers their own unique challenges...kind of like the Orange Crew in the Kanto Orange Islands. Once you complete all of challenges of each captain you get a chance to take on the Kahuna of the island in battle; the Kahuna is hands down the strongest trainer on the entire island and is in charge of taking care of things on the island as a whole. In all there are seven Captains and four Kahunas, and if what I researched is correct, each will teach you about Z-Moves if you manage to defeat them. ^^

Kevin: Seven...four....but that just adds up to 11 types, and we have 18.

Claire: I'm sure there are others around that know the dances for the other Z-Moves types. I hear that there's even a Z-Move exclusively for Snorlax that turns it into a super-fast force of destruction. ^^

Kevin: ...That sounds scary, to be perfectly honest.

Claire: No scarier than waking one up during a nap -w-

Kevin: I can imagine. *Places his hand on Claire's head and pets her* Ring and I were actually thinking of taking a trip over to Alola sometime after we learned of the newly opened air- and sea lines. Just not sure when or if we actually will, however; maybe wait a few years and take the honeymoon there?

Chispa: Boo, live a little while you are young... -w-

Claire: Agreed; I think that this is an experience you both should take part in now. Oh, and take a look at these guys *takes out a photo of three Pokémon* these are the starter Pokémon a trainer can choose from in Alola; aren't they cute?

e-chan: Aww, a kitten...and a seal pup~

Kevin: .... *turns to e-chan* Are you just gonna overlook that adorable little owl?

e-chan: Of course not, the owl is really cute too...especially that little leaf bow tie. ^^

Claire: The owl is called Rowlet, a Grass/Flying type Pokémon, the kitten is Litten, a Fire type Pokémon and the seal is Popplio, a Water type Pokémon. I don't have any pictures of their evolved forms but I can already guess that they're going to be cool. ^^

Kevin: Rowlet, huh...I like it. And I am not just saying that because it is a Grass-Type.

e-chan: ...Okay, I've decided; I'm going to go to Alola and when I get back I'm going to work hard to make my dream of having a special Pokémon facility a reality.

Kevin: Well, best of luck to you with that. I am sure you will succeed.

e-chan: Thank you

Scooter: And just like with your early journeys, the Pokémon and I will support you in any way we can. And while you're gone I can get to work on the other project we've been talking about. ^^

Chispa: Other project...and what might that be, darling...?

Scooter: A second house right next to this one. With me, e-chan, Cinder, Snow, e-chan's kids and now our kids having just appeared, our home is getting pretty cramped. So I want to build a house for the two of us and our future family.

Kevin: Ah, kinda like how my house has expanded, then?

Scooter: Yeah, something like that; instead of roomies, e-chan and I will be neighbors with a shared, massive backyard full of Pokémon. As for me, probably when e-chan comes back from Alola, I actually want to go to Johto and see the sights and Pokémon there. ^^

Kevin: I see, I see....

Ashuro: Looks like we all have plans for the future ^^

Kevin: More or less, so, I guess. *Looks at the pictures of the Alolan Starter Pokémon again*

Ashuro: As for me, I'm going to retry proposing to Annaliese the next time it's just the two of us again.

Kevin: *pats his back* You can do it buddy, I believe in you.

Ashuro: Thanks; this time should go much more smoothly than they did at the restaurant last time.

Kevin: Hmm... On a similar note, I need to find more time to be with Macaroon as well. Just have so many to interact with and get to know better... But uh, what happened at the restaurant again?

Ashuro: Well, Karin kinda wanted to see how things turned out so she disguised herself as our waiter. Nothing wrong with that and I'm actually glad that she was there because I had someone that I could trust that could get to the restaurant's kitchen. When it was time for dessert I slipped Karin the ring for her to place on the cake I ordered for us when Annaliese wasn't looking. According to Karin, just as she placed the ring on the cake she was called away to take an order to another table. She got back as quickly as she could but when she did the cake with the ring on it was gone. Apparently another guy ordered the same kind of cake I did and the one that Karin had prepared for me was delivered to him. Coincidentally he was with his date who he wanted to propose to but was too afraid to take the chance to ask her. However when she saw the ring she was overjoyed and said yes without him even asking. Boy was he surprised yet very happy at the same time. When I asked him about it afterwards he felt sorry for whoever owned the ring but was glad that this mishap gave him the push that he needed; after I heard that I didn't have it in me to ask for the ring back and just let him keep it. Karin apologized repeatedly for the mishap but I think I finally managed to convince her that I wasn't upset with her about the whole thing.

Kevin: ....That honestly sounds like something out of a comedy sitcom. But, glad to hear that everything sorta got solved afterwards.

Ashuro: Yeah; it was kind of a bummer to have to buy two rings in all but I'm actually happy with how that all turned out. ^^

Kevin: *ruffles his hair* Pray that my future plans with Ring doesn't end up stressing me out too much, in that case. So far, everything is well on my end, but I know something is going to happen sooner or later. Be it the humiliating kind of event, or an annoying/frustrating kind of event...

e-chan: Or maybe this universe of ours will decide to cut you a break for once.

*Ashuro, Scooter, Chispa and Claire look at e-chan with a "Yeah, right" look on their faces*

e-chan: Hey, it can happen

Kevin: *sighs* I am a walking and live discord magnet... TwT;

e-chan: We all are to some extent; remember that day when the two of us were just walking along, minding our own business, and then all of a sudden this huge wave of energy just blasts us out of nowhere? -w-

Ashuro: <_<; ...

Kevin: ....Yeah. <.<; I can just hope the stuff leads to some "sexy" scenarios as well....the only silver lining to it. =//=;

Scooter: Yeah, those are some nice benefits

Chispa: Benefits you don’t have. The only times I have been exposed to you, has been when I have wanted to~

Scooter: True, very true; but I do very much appreciate those times

Claire: So...when was the last time she gave you that heavenly view? >v<

Scooter: Uh, let's see...

Claire: If you have to think about it then it's been too long; allow me to help~ *gets a mischievous and pervy look on her face as she eyes Chispa and makes grabby-hand motions*

Scooter: *stops Claire* that won't be necessary, Claire-dear

Chispa: Yes Claire, control yourself....you know I am capable of doing that myself~ *unbuttons and wiggles out of her shorts and her Pac-Man themed panties. Her red tank top following and being flung aside with the shorts and underwear, thus leaving her fully exposed as she starts to take off her socks and shoes as well* I have seen a couple of girls spazzing around in the nude, so...I figured it wouldn't hurt if I showed off a little, for once~

Kevin: o///o; ....I do not understand how you keep yourself so fit.

Chispa: Jogging simulators and routine-visits to the local training center, my friend. *smacks her butt at the group and winks cutely* Heh~

Scooter: So much yes *scoops Chispa up in his arms to carry her bridal style* please excuse us for a while, please ^^ *picks up Chispa's clothes as well then carries her inside the house*

e-chan: ...well...that happened

Kevin: That went from 0 to 100 so damn quickly...

Claire: Just as planned

Kevin: You naughty little kitty, come here~! *Grabs and pulls Claire into a hug and a noogie* You always try to pull these stunts, be it by yourself, or with others! XD

Claire: I do whatever it takes to make my friends happy! XD

Kevin: Okay, you know what? That decides it. We two are traveling together to Alola; the two of us and Ring. *flicks her nose*

Claire: Yay!

To be continued…