Monday, September 7, 2015

Nice Catch

A gift for CobaltClaw19

Reads from left to right

Panel 1
Kevin and Ring: *walking home hand in hand from the grocery store* ^w^

Scooter: Good afternoon, lovebirds~ ^^

Kevin: Hi Scooter; are we still on for Smash Bros. later on today?

Scooter: Of course; have you gotten used to the, you know? *motions towards the Aquitican antenna on Kevin's head*

Kevin: Oh that? I honestly forget that it's there most of the time now.

Tsuyu: *croaks happily*

Kevin: Ah, a Palpitoad! *crouches down and pets Tsuyu* I've always wanted one of these.

Tsuyu: *enjoys being petted as she wags her tail happily*

Kevin: Hahaha, so cute. You just got back from Unova, right; how did you meet this cutie?

Scooter: I caught her when she feel from the sky *points upward*

Panel 2
???: *faint screaming high up in the sky*

Panel 3
Kevin: *looks skyward* Huh?

Panel 4
Shiny Tympole: KYAAAAAAAAA!!!

Panel 5
Shiny Tympole: *crashes onto and bounces off of Kevin's face*

Kevin: *knocked out* @ _ @

Shiny Tympole: *spins about unconsciously and lands in Ring's cleavage*

Ring: KYAA!! O//o//O

Scooter: ...actually I caught mine with my hands when she bounced off my fro but your way is good too...


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