Sunday, September 27, 2015

Villainous Defeat

A commission for Flashshadow

MissFortune defeats the Nekoichi Gang and claims their heist.

Raptor Aftermath

A commission for Flashshadow

Sashi sees Shonnie after his first encounter with Don didn't go well as he suffered multiple various injuries. The sight of her battered beloved brings tears to her eyes as Sashi embraces Shonnie, glad that he was still alive after such a brutal thrashing from the criminal Don Raptor.


The twelfth member of Ashuro's Mono-Normal team, Sophie the Heliolisk.

During their travels Ashuro and his companions befriended an Elekid named Sparkplug who was looking for a serious Pokemon trainer to be with. After some thinking Ashuro got in contact with his friend, Scooter Bo who was in Kalos at the time training for the Kalos League and they decided on a trade. Scooter traded his Helioptile, Sophie, who was looking for a more laid back life, for Sparkplug. Sophie became fast friends with everybody, especially Jane who she also has a friendly rivalry with in the form of an ongoing prank war. When she evolved Sophie became very beautiful and flirty and likes to flirt with any cute boys she meets. So that she absorb sunlight more easily she wears very little in the way of clothing. Sophie is also quite mischievous and loves to sneak the delicious candies and cakes that Elise keeps for herself even though it almost always ends badly for her in the end.

Sophie's ability is Sand Veil and her current moveset is:
-Volt Switch
-Hyper Beam


The eleventh member of Ashuro's Mono-Normal team, Berry the Audino.

At Pinky's request Ashuro and his companions travel to Village Bridge in Unova in hopes of sampling the local cuisine at the famous restaurant there. Upon arriving they find that the restaurant is no longer there but there was an Audino cafe in it's place. The group stayed at the Village Bridge for a few weeks and were regular customers at the Audion cafe where they made friends with one Audino girl in particular named Berry. They would tell Berry of their travels and their lives back home and she would happily listen to them and even tell them of her dream to one day travel and build up her cooking skills. When Ashuro and them were about to leave he offered her a chance to travel with them, promising that even when the journey was over that if she came back home with them all that she could continue to learn and improve her cooking skills with the help of Elise; she happily and gratefully accepted the offer. Berry is a very sweet girl who loves to cook and is very good with various household chores as she takes care of many things within Ashuro's home with Elise.

Berry's ability is Healer and her current moveset is:
-Misty Terrain
-Secret Power
-Disarming Voice
-Simple Beam


The tenth member of Ashuro's Mono-Normal team, Boa the shiny Bunnelby.

Ashuro and his companions decided to see a little bit more of Kanto before they left and headed over to Saffron City. When they went by the Saffron City gym to where the town's previous fighting dojo was they met a shiny Bunnelby named Boa decked out in the famous Street Fighter Ryu's outfit. In an attempt to revive the dojo by getting more people to show up she was taking on all challengers. All of the Pokemon with Ashuro challenged her and each of them lost. Jane was determined not to leave Saffron City until she defeated the powerful Bunnelby; after training for a full week Jane challenged Boa to a one on one battle and managed to defeat the brawling bunny. Although she was defeated her goal was an overall success as it got the people of Saffron City interested in the dojo again. With her mission complete, Boa decided to travel with Ashuro to find and fight more powerful opponents. Boa is a tomboy who loves to fight and isn't a fan of girly stuff. However if you beat her in a fight you can order her to wear more girly clothes and she won't complain...much.

Boa's ability is Huge Power and her current moveset is:
-Bulk Up

Mint and Digibeam

The eighth and ninth members of Ashuro's Mono-Normal Team, Mint and Digibeam.

Ashuro and his companions made a detour over to Celadon City in Kanto in hopes of getting a special new team member. Once arriving there everybody got separated when they all ran off to explore different parts of the city. While searching for everybody, Ashuro met a little Deerling girl named Mint who decided to help him search. After a few hours of searching Ashuro manages to find everybody and even manages to find his destination: The Game Corner. When he was down to his last game coins, Mint gave him some game-changing advice about the game slots and after a few more minutes of gaming he managed to get all of the coins he needed to get what he came for: a Porygon. Just before Mint left the group Ashuro offered her the chance to travel with him and she happily accepted. Mint is a very polite and sweet girl who often uses titles like Mr. and Miss when addressing others; like all Deerling, Mint's fur changes color with the seasons. Digibeam doesn't have much in the way of personality and often speaks in a robotic way.

Mint's ability is Serene Grace and her current moveset is:
-Nature Power
-Leech Seed
-Seed Bomb
-Last Resort

Digibeam's ability is Trace and his current moveset is:
-Tri Attack
-Zap Cannon


The seventh member of Ashuro's Mono-Normal Team, Macaroon the Bibarel.

After cutting his Mono-type journey short in order to return home and care for a sick Elise, Ashuro and the rest of his Normal-type companions later resumed their journey. Along the way they met a friendly little Bidoof caught in a hunter's trap. After freeing her, she invited them all back to her home where her family welcomed them and thanked them with a feast. Before leaving the little Bidoof expressed how she wanted to join them and Ashuro gladly accepted her. As a Bidoof, Macaroon was a friendly, eager and always hungry for PokePuffs girl who was always open with her emotions and ready to make new friends. When she evolved, however, she became incredibly shy and self conscious about her very plump and chubby body. Even with this personality change, Macaroon was still a very sweet girl deep down inside. As a fighter, Macaroon is more of a defensive wall than an offensive battler. She also seems to have a big crush on Kevin. ^^

Macaroon's ability is Simple and her current moveset is:
-Hyper Fang
-Aqua Tail
-Defense Curl

Monday, September 7, 2015

Nice Catch

A gift for CobaltClaw19

Reads from left to right

Panel 1
Kevin and Ring: *walking home hand in hand from the grocery store* ^w^

Scooter: Good afternoon, lovebirds~ ^^

Kevin: Hi Scooter; are we still on for Smash Bros. later on today?

Scooter: Of course; have you gotten used to the, you know? *motions towards the Aquitican antenna on Kevin's head*

Kevin: Oh that? I honestly forget that it's there most of the time now.

Tsuyu: *croaks happily*

Kevin: Ah, a Palpitoad! *crouches down and pets Tsuyu* I've always wanted one of these.

Tsuyu: *enjoys being petted as she wags her tail happily*

Kevin: Hahaha, so cute. You just got back from Unova, right; how did you meet this cutie?

Scooter: I caught her when she feel from the sky *points upward*

Panel 2
???: *faint screaming high up in the sky*

Panel 3
Kevin: *looks skyward* Huh?

Panel 4
Shiny Tympole: KYAAAAAAAAA!!!

Panel 5
Shiny Tympole: *crashes onto and bounces off of Kevin's face*

Kevin: *knocked out* @ _ @

Shiny Tympole: *spins about unconsciously and lands in Ring's cleavage*

Ring: KYAA!! O//o//O

Scooter: ...actually I caught mine with my hands when she bounced off my fro but your way is good too...
