Monday, June 29, 2015

iDEAL Cosplay 7

Sora (Digimon Adventure)
Amy Rose
 Sticks the Badger

Monday, June 8, 2015

iDEAL Cosplay 6

Star Butterfly
Elec Man
Mizuki Ichiro


For Rokku-D

More like cuties X)

Homecare Drama

When Blitz takes both Dream and Kelly to the park to play, iDEAL decides to stay behind and clean house. While washing one of the windows on the second floor iDEAL spies an odd crooked nail poking out of the trim on the outside. Instead of waiting for Blitz to return she takes it upon herself to try and pull the nail out and put a new one in. After getting a hammer iDEAL goes about trying to pull the nail out but ends up losing her balance and falling out of the window! Luckily for her the very nail she was trying to remove catches on her clothes and stops her from falling two stories. Unluckily for her it was her panties that got caught on the nail and now she was exposed with a very uncomfortable, panty elastic stretching, hanging wedgie. Two hours later Blitz and the girl return to find iDEAL still hanging about. Blitz takes his time looking at the sight before him, Kelly explains that this happens more than one time in the future while Dream looks on with a mischievous glint in her eyes. All in all, it was another embarrassing day for iDEAL...poor kitten. ^^;

"Now You're Properly Equipped"

Cheryl shows her newfound love and respect for her soon to be daughter-in-law by giving her some custom made armor just like hers ^w^

Buddy Pack

New buddies being goofy~ XP

Bedtime Story

iDEAL reads to her future daughter Kelly ^^

"You Do Know What Tomorrow is, Right?"

Meant to post this over a week ago... ^^;

e-chan: *playing Puzzle and Dragons on his phone*

iDEAL: ...

e-chan: *playing Puzzle and Dragons on his phone*

iDEAL:, how long will you be playing that?

e-chan: Until I master it.

iDEAL: Uh-huh...well I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to master it in July considering how busy you'll be next month.

e-chan: No, I'm pretty sure I can master it in the next month.

iDEAL: -_- ...seriously? You DO know what tomorrow is, right?

e-chan: Yeah, June; I used to look forward to this month every year when I was a kid because it meant no school. ^w^

iDEAL: -_-# ...doesn't this month remind you of anything else? *extends her claws*

e-chan: (Geez, what is she getting so upset abou-?) O_O; (Oh crap, it's iDEAL Month tomorrow...) Ahahaha, I'm just joshin' you, iDEAL! I've got a lot of things planned for iDEAL Month this year.

iDEAL: Really?! I knew you didn't forget, e-chan ^o^ *gets up, kisses e-chan on the forehead then skips away happily*

e-chan: I really need to start marking this down on my calendar at the beginning of the year...

Sketch - Kobe

A request from Flashshadow