Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Shark's Punishment Game! The Cool Guy Club's Dash of Shame!!

Travel Multiversal
Friendly Chaos Chronicles
“Shark’s Punishment Game! The Cool Guy Club’s Dash of Shame!!”
An RP between CobaltClaw19 and eshonen

Trina, Flicky and Angela has been stalking and hanging over Shark for several months now; spying on him wherever he walked or stayed. Shark eventually had enough and captured Angela one day, then got the other two as they eventually showed up as well. Next thing they now, Shark has brought them out of town and dropped them off in the middle of a grassy field, wearing their underwear only. Now, he makes sure to explain to them that he is not going to do anything to them...but he does have something in store for the trio....

Flicky: Nyaa, he wasn't supposed to see us like this for another week... T~T

Angela: *whines* I told you that this was a bad idea, Flicky T~T

Flicky: Then why didn't you say anything? >_<

Angela: I did, several times! But you insisted that we continue observation mode. >o<

Flicky: Next time try harder! >o<

Trina: ...I can work with this; I just wish I wore one of my cuter combos today

Shark: Well well this is the 3 girls that has been stalking me for their own viewing pleasure? Chubby, Tanline and Ribbons. You know, I could've easily just walked to the police with this, as it is an invasion of privacy, or heck, your parents or guardians might have made a much better show for me. But instead, I decided to have some fun, like you guys had. Just different~

Flicky: O~O; No, don't tell my mom! I'll-I'll cooperate...

Angela: *realizes the seriousness of the situation* ...we deserve whatever punishment you give us... T_T

Trina: *imagining what Shark may do* I the only one who's strangely looking forward to this?

Shark: *snaps with his fingers, causing the 3 girls to glow up for a brief moment* You are now in "Mario World Mode". You can only walk forward or slightly to the left and right, but you can't reach or walk backwards where you've already been. If you continue in a straight line from here, you'll end up at a house in middle of town you should be familiar with at this point: My house. To get there, you must pass the forest just ahead, cross the lake, and then walk through the town until you get to my place. Only then will I remove the little "curse" I just placed on you guys. Magic, it's fun. However, there is a time penalty if you spend too much time. I'd say...sunset is the time where you will be out of time.

Angela: P-Pass through town...l-l-like this? O_O;;

Flicky: I'm more concerned about you having to cross the lake seeing as how you can't swim...

Shark: Yes, like that. Your eyes were on me all the time, now I want you guys to feel eyes on you all the time, at least for the day.

Angela: *whines cutely*

Shark: Heh, at least chubby here is an adorable one. >|3 *lightly gropes her butt* Squishy too.

Angela: Eep! O///O

Trina: Lucky... -3-

Flicky: ...question: do all three of us have to get there together or are we each on our own?

Shark: You have to get there together, of course.

Flicky: *gulps* then we'd best get moving; c'mon guys, let's go! *grabs Angela and Trina by their hands and pulls them along*

Angela: Eep! O_O

Trina: Whoa! Slow down, we're comin'...

Shark: *pulls out one of his cards and uses it to make himself float after them at a decent amount of speed* Remember, you can't move back. Be sure to not make any rash decisions on how you move forward.

Flicky: Right

*After a few minutes of walking the three girls reach the forest.*

Flicky: Okay, if we just continue straight ahead and don't deviate from that direction we'll be out of here in no time. ^w^

Shark: Oh, but is it ever that easy, girls? <w<

Angela: ...I've got a bad feeling about this...

Flicky: It'll be fine, Angela, trust me~

Angela: >3< (That's exactly what you said about observing Shark and look where that got us.)

*The girls enter the forest. Shark continues to follow them, and uses his powers to simply go through all trees and other obstacles if needed. With a snap of his fingers, he rearranges the current area so the girls has a bunch of trees at their sides and a whole bunch of bushes blocking their path in the front now.*

Shark: Whoops, forgot I could do that~ Hope this doesn't slow you down~

Flicky: problem...Angela, grow those wings of yours and hover us over, please.

Angela: O~O; W-W-Wha?? Both of you at the same time? I've never carried two people at the same time before...

Flicky: You can do it, Angela; I believe in you~ ^^

Angela: -//w//- Well, if you b-believe in me so much... *grows her wings a bit then takes Flicky and Trina by the hands and begins flying them over the bushes*

Shark: Never thought you could fly that well, tubby....however, I have a few tricks up my sleeve as well~

*Shark crosses his arms and morphs three branches on the trees into hand-like shapes and reaches for the girls, grabbing onto and slowly but steadily attempting to pull their underwear down and off.*

Angela: O_O Eep!

Flicky: Whoa!

*Flicky and Trina use their free hands to grab onto their panties to keep them from being pulled off.*

Flicky: Angela, calm down and take evasive measures!

*Angela quickly regains her focus then uses her nimble tail to grab a hold of her panties to keep them from being pulled off and then nimbly twists and turns to escape from the tree branches' hold and avoid the incoming branches as they reached for the three of them. After what seemed like an eternity to them, but in reality was only about three minutes, the girls reach a clearing free of trees and bushes and Angela lands with her friends to fix their underwear. Aside from a small hole or two and some broken off bits of tree branches stuck in their panties, they escaped from that particular ordeal pretty much unscathed.*

Angela: *huffing and puffing*

Flicky: You were excellent, Angela!

Trina: Hooray for Angela~

Shark: *clapping* Hahaha, not bad at all~ I'd hug you and stall you from completing, but that wouldn't be fair, now would it? .....Want to hug anyway? *smirks and reaches out to her with a chuckle*

Angela: *blushes* ...I do like hugs... *gets up and attempts to reach out to Shark*

Flicky and Trina: !! O_O WAiT!!

*Flicky and Trina quickly grab Angela and pull her away from Shark.*

Flicky: Um, you can't get your reward before the game is even finished, Angela. I'm positive that Shark will still give you that hug once we're back at his house; you know, when we're not exposed here out in the open.

Angela: O_O; *gulps* Raincheck?

Shark: *chuckles a bit more and places a hand on Flicky's head, petting her.* Now then, the next part of the forest is going to be a bit more tricky, and it has a little catch as well, but are you ready for it?

Flicky:'s the catch? >_>

Shark: This. *snaps*

*The girls are transported up and into one of the trees and were now wearing loincloth and tribal garb instead of their underwear.*

Shark: Make your way to the other end of the forest without falling down to get your under garments back. And don't worry about falling, you'll be moved back up in the tree. But I advice not falling too much~

Trina: *examines her new clothes* breezy...I like it~ -w-

Angela: *whimpers a bit*

Flicky: *scans the nearby trees for a path* hmm... I see a path, guys; follow me!

*Flicky nimbly jumps to a nearby tree that was easy enough for Angela and Trina to get to as well. After leading them about 1/4th of the way through the forest this way was when Angela lands on a tree branch and loses her balance. Trying to save her friend, but forgetting that she could fly to save herself, Trina jumps over to try and help her regain her balance but accidently bumps into her which causes both of them to fall.*

Angela and Trina: AAAHHHHHH!!

Luckily for them, they never actually hit the ground. They hear Shark say something along the lines of "Featherweight", and next thing they know, the blue-haired trickster has caught them both in his arms.

Shark: You two alright?

Angela: .///. Y-Yes...

Trina: Thank you-thank you-thank you-thank you! ^o^

Shark: Don't thank me yet, cutie. You still have a bit of forest to climb through. But as I said, don't worry about falling. *sets them off on the tree they failed to jump onto* Now then, better hurry up, the lake gets colder when nearing night time.

*The girls resume their tree hopping to pass through the forest. After several minutes and a few more failed attempts, they all make it out of the forest and have arrived at the lake.*

Angela: *huffing and puffing*

Flicky: That was a bit harder than I imagined...

Trina: Looks like all those hours of playing Rayman actually paid off~ ^w^

Shark: Now, you girls decide if you wanted your warm and cozy underwear now, or AFTER you've passed the cold water in the lake. I for one would wait... But yeah, well done with the jumping and climbing....and that one time I got a face-full of blondie's butt. -//u//-;

*The girls huddle and discuss the matter at hand for a few seconds before answering Shark.*

Flicky: We've decided to wait until after we cross the lake, but that brings up a concern I had earlier. Trina and I can cross this lake without to much trouble but Angela here can't swim really well; she sinks like a rock, unfortunately.

Angela: It t-true; I can't even float... T_T

Shark: Hmm....I...guess I can help by carrying her over, if that is the case. I'm not completely heartless.

Angela: O///O

Flicky: Thank you, that's much appreciated.

Trina: Have fun, Angela~

Shark: *proceeds to pick up Angela and carry her while holding onto her bottom, to actually get a grip on her* Alright, this should do the trick.

Angela: O///O *clings onto Shark and buries her face in his shoulder to hide her blushing face*

Shark: Okay you two, start crossing. -w- *gets in the water and floats with Angela in his arms, dipping her in and out of the water* Hehehe.

Angela: *whimpers cutely as she tries to cling closer to Shark when he dips her in the water* >~<;

Flicky and Trina: Banzai! ^o^ *dives into the lake and begins swimming*

Shark: .......Man the helms! Dive! *ducks underwater while holding Angela*

Angela: O//x//O

Flicky and Trina: *ducks underwater as well to follow Shark*

Shark: *let Angela go at the bottom of the lake, then places a hand on her head, smiling at her* ...........Boo~ My abilities also extend to limited breathing underwater~

Angela: *takes a deep breath then begins breathing normally as she looks around in awe of being at the bottom of a lake*

Shark: And just for the sake of modesty... *strokes his hands along the sides of her hips, then Trina and Flicky's, which keeps the loincloths down and preventing them from being exposed, for now.* It should be easy to cross this lake now if you just walk.

Flicky: Wow, awesome!

Trina: Such a gentleman~

*The girls start walking on the bottom of the lake, stopping occasionally to see the various fish and Water-type Pokémon passing by them.*

Shark: Like being in an aquarium, ey?

*Shark was actually enjoying himself as well, and seeing the girls so excited and happy...made him smile quite a lot. After several more minutes of walking, the girls make it to the other side of the lake and walk out onto dry land.*

Shark: *spits out some water* Nice work you three, you got past the lake. *walks over to a pair of bushes and pulls out three towels AND the girls' under garments* Here you go, dry off and change, then we can get going to town soon, whenever you're ready.

*After a thorough drying off and redressing the girls are ready and continue onward.*

Shark: So, are you three ready to wander through town? I've already prepared the challenging part of this run, and there is no turning back. *he walks backwards while in front of them so he could look at them*

Flicky: Oh boy, I knew this was coming but still...

Trina: It'll be fine as long as we're fast enough so that nobody recognizes our faces...probably...maybe...possibly...

Angela: O///O *trembling while frozen in place*

Shark: Well, it's just a.....2-3km long sprint towards my place....not too far away.

Flicky: A sprint, huh...okay guys, this is the last little bit until this is all over; we can do this, so let's go! ^o^

*Flicky and Trina take a few steps forward only to see that Angela hasn't moved one bit; she was frozen stiff with embarrassment at the thought of having to go through town in only her underwear. And to make matters worse, their time limit was close to expiring.*

Flicky: Angela, c'mon, we're so close!

Trina: You made it this far with Shark looking at you, what's a few hundred more people? ^^

Flicky: Not helping, Trina! >~<

Trina: Oopsy~

Angela: O///O; *frozen in fear*

Shark: ..... *cradling one of his cards* ......Chubby, I can't help you out more than I have. *places a hand on her back* I know you can do this...but you need to believe it least make it to the halfway point before the time expires. I'm not gonna lie, I have one more challenge part in store, but I believe you can make it to that point.

Angela: *blinks as she regains her composure* Okay, I...I'll do it.

Flicky: Glad to have you back with us; c'mon, let's get going before too many people gather.

*The girls get in a sprint start position, giving Shark an excellent view of their butts, as they countdown to begin their mad dash through town.*

Flicky: 3...

Trina: 2...

Angela: 1...

*With three beautiful butts raised in the air at an ideal height before him, Shark couldn't help but want to smack each of them when they reached he did just that.*

Shark: *gives Flicky, Trina and Angela each a warm, hard and firm slap on their panty-clothed bottoms with his palm, leaving a red imprint on one of their buttcheeks each* I would've done more to those tasty asses of yours, but we are in a public place. -//w//-

Flicky, Trina and Angela: YEEP! O_O

*The stinging slap seemed to give the three girls a jump start into town as they begin their sprint. Despite the obvious amount of curious onlookers the girls continued their sprint, trying their best to ignore the many people around them. Shark kept following them from the rooftops, impressed that they were just darting through the city like they did. Not stopping to duck into cover or anything. He then sees that they have passed the middle point, prompting him to grin*

Shark: Last stretch... *pulls out another of his cards* Keep running girls, because now it's showtime..... "Disarm!"

*Suddenly the girls' bra and panties burst into shreds, leaving them completely naked and exposed as an uproar from the crowd could be heard.*

Flicky and Angela: KYAA!! *tries to cover up as they continue to run*

Trina:, no biggie; I wasn't a big fan of that combo anyway~ *shamelessly flaunts as she runs*

*Three of the onlookers happened to be Claire, Angel and Artisha the moment Shark used Disarm. Seeing the three girls run by naked seemed to remind them of that day it happened to them.*

Claire, Angel and Artisha: *shudders* >~<;

Shark: *chuckles and transports himself to his house, sitting down by the stairs and waiting for the three naked girls to arrive* Hehe, that was mean of me~ ....I should use this card more often~

*A few minutes later the three naked girls come into view, running at top speed to reach Shark's home.*

Flicky and Angela: Open the door-open the door-open the door! ToT

Shark: *gets up and opens the door, then steps aside to give at least one of them a smack on the butt when they pass*

*Flicky is the first to make it inside but because Angela trips and falls flat on her face, Trina makes it in second. Since her glasses fell off during the fall and were now behind her, Angela was now feeling around blindly, trying to find the entrance to Shark's home. Angela eventually finds Shark and he motions for her to go inside with one hand while raising his other to get an ideal swing at her bare bubble butt.*

Shark: Whomp~! *slaps the right side of her ass and watches as the entire thing jiggles*

Angela: Eep! O///O *leaps slightly from the stingy slap as she scurries inside*

*After retrieving Angela's glasses, Shark enters his home and closes the door behind him.*

Shark: Good work girls. You made it. And boy, I did not expect that this view would be so pleasing to the eyes~ Good to know your carpets match the drapes as well. *hands Angela her glasses*

Trina: *looks proud of herself*

Angela: *puts her glasses back on* *remembers that she's naked* Kyaa! *tries to cover up*

Shark: And now...I got you here, all for myself~

*Shark steps closer to the three girls with quite the menacing grin on his face which was enough to scare them; quite a lot, actually. That is, until that grin melted away in favor of a goofy smile that appeared when he snatched Flicky and started to cuddle with her. Nuzzling the side of her face while caressing her butt and stroking along her tail, and scratching the base of it.*

Shark: Mmmmmm... You're all so cute and cuddly~!

Flicky: -//w//- *begins to purr affectionately*

Shark: I'm not mad at you guys, I never was; sust slightly annoyed that you wouldn't let me have a moment of time for myself. -/u/- Your reward for actually managing my "revenge challenge", is that I'll be available for you guys until tomorrow. And during that time, I plan to just cuddle you all until you die~ *kneels down and blows a raspberry on Flicky's belly*

Flicky: *giggles*

Trina: Well, I'll admit that maybe we went a bit overboard on the observation of you. You see, we keep tabs on all of the cool guys around here. Ashuro, Marius, Kevin, Xam, Shonnie, Michael and countless others; we observe them all and discuss our findings on what makes them cool and awesome. But out of all of them we just can't seem to get enough of you~ I guess instead of just observing you...we really wanted to be a part of you and your life, y'know... ^w^

Shark: That's what many girls say then they start to ignore me and forget I exist. Anyway, you should've tried talking to me instead, not ogle and drool while I was in the shower... *he grabs Trina and bends her over his up-turned knee and starts to spank her, as she was the one that was pretty much always in the shower and staring at him. He made sure to regulate the slaps to both her cheeks and turn them both a soft shade of red*

Trina: Ooh! Aah! Eee! Please forgive me, Mr. Aikawa~ XD *wiggles her butt cutely*

Angela: B-But it really is true. We saw that you were kind of sad when Angel stopped hanging out with you so we thought that maybe one of us had a chance. So we tried to get to know you the only way we knew how; if you haven't already guessed, we're pretty bad when it comes to getting to know boys through regular means... .///.; *twirls her hair with her finger nervously*

Shark: *spanks Trina a few more times before he heads over to Angela* you've been around for that long, huh?'re right...... *kneels down and holds around Angela as he nuzzles her big belly, while her butt got lightly slapped and squeezed* ......And now I'm here, perving on you guys....I'm kinda pathetic, don't you think? I'm a thief and a very unpleasant person to be with....I admit that...

Flicky: We're not exactly all that different; I mean, we'd be lying if we said that every day we don't look at the many sexy pictures that Trina took of you, dreaming of your embrace and stuff like that...

Shark: ..... *hugs Angela closer* .....

Angela: O.O ... ^//w//^ *warmly hugs Shark back, melting in his embrace*

Shark: ...You girls had a long day. Shall I prepare a warm bath for you along with something to eat, possibly?

Trina: A bath in your tub~

Angela: With food made by your hands~

Flicky: Of course; we'd love that~

Shark: Well then, I'll go and prepare the bath. Try not to rub your scent off on my entire place. *walks off towards the bath*

Flicky, Trina and Angela:

*The bath was soon ready for the girls, complete with bubbles and everything. Shark actually helped them into the tub as if they were little kids and got them started by scrubbing them with the sponge*

Shark: Just squeal if something is wrong or needed. ^^

Flicky: *purrs affectionately*

Trina: ^w^ *wags her tail happily*

Angela: .///. *blushes bright red*

Shark: *chuckles and smirks as he rubs soap all over the girls' breasts* Okay, I'll stop now~ You are grown girls, you want to bathe on your own~

Trina: I suppose so~

*The girls begin washing as Shark heads to the kitchen to begin cooking.*

Shark: *whistles* Hmhm~

*While cooking Shark could hear the various commotion coming from the bathroom like Flicky splashing about, Trina's mischievous giggling and Angela's cute yelps, squeaks and squeals, no doubt caused by Trina's mischief.*

Shark: .... *rolls out a pizza dough* Time for food. ^^

*A few minutes later Shark is putting the last finishing touches on the meal and the girls come out of the bathroom, having finished their bath, wearing only bath towels. However, due to their tails being in the way, their butts were still showing.*

Shark: .........God damn it, you three. Your asses are so distracting....! =//u//=;

Flicky: *notices her butt is showing* whoopsie~ *tries to pull her towel down enough to cover her butt*

Angela: *tries to do the same but realizes that the towel is too small to do so* =~=;

Trina: *wiggles her butt cutely at Shark* X)

Shark: ....Seems like at least one of you wants me to take you to Spanky Town. -//w//-

Trina: Nuuuu, not the smackies~

*Shark chuckles and walks over and gives all of them a sharp and quick slap on their butts, which stung even more now, due to them being a bit wet still.*

Shark: Spanks later, you playful little perv~

Trina: Hehehe~

*The girls sit down with Shark for the meal; he had prepared quite a spread for them.*

Flicky: Wow, amazing~

Trina: Are you sure you're not a professional chef in disguise~?

Angela: ...

Shark: Eh, I'm not that good. It's mostly magic that does the job. -w-

Flicky: *takes a bite of the pizza on the table* Mmm~

Angela: *takes a bite of the steak* Even with magic, it would take some serious skill to make food this well prepared and tasty.

Shark: .... *pets her again* Thanks...

Angela: *giggles happily*

Trina: *nomming on a plate of boneless honey barbeque wings* she's right; have you ever thought about going into catering? You could make a nice profit from one or two good parties. ^^

Shark: Eh, it just doesn't seem like something I would do, honestly. Besides, that Max dude is going to out-do me, if he actually starts this too. -w-

Trina: To keep up with his girlfriend's appetite he just might have to. ^^

Shark: She is a cute one. *chuckles* I rarely see them however....

Flicky: I know, maybe we can go see them, together. ^w^

Shark: Sometime. Eat now, and don't get the towels dirtied.

Trina: >w> *gets a mischievous look on her face then quickly and slyly plucks a glob of barbeque sauce from her wings onto Angela's towel*

Angela: What the...?

Trina: *looks innocent and guilt free as she continues to nom on wings* ^3^

Shark: ...What did I just say? -w-; *grabs Angela's towel and pulls it off of her*

Angela: Kyaa! *tries to cover up* But I didn't...I don't know how... T~T

Trina: *tries to suppress a laugh*

*Trina's suppressed laugh doesn't go unnoticed as Shark looks in her direction and she looks away, playing innocent. Unfortunately, the mischievous vixen forgot to wipe the sauce off of her finger from earlier that had the exact same type of sauce that was on Angela's towel.*

Trina: ... *notices that Shark saw the sauce on her finger* OwO; ... *chuckles nervously*

Shark: ..... *He walks out to put the towel in the wash before he comes back. At which point he pulls off Trina's towel and hands it to Angela...then he picks up Trina and holds her upside-down.* Okay, time for a decent punishment for you.

Trina: ...I do hate homework.

Shark: Nope. *He pins her down to the floor with the magic of a card with the word "chained" written on it. It basically restrained her arms and legs. Then Shark gets a huuuuge grin on his face as he pulls out the device of her torture in this punishment: A feather.*

Trina: Oh no...the ultimate torture tool...

Shark: Take this!

*Trina was unable to fight back as Shark slid the feather from her sole up to her fingertip, against her neck, between her breasts, down her tummy, between her legs even, and down to her sole again, rinse and repeat.*

Trina: *squirms in her restrained state as she laughs and squeals to the feather's caress*

Shark: *grins and kisses her body all over while continuing to tickle her with the feather* You better start begging for mercy~

Trina: *laughs and squeals happily* okay, I give; uncle, uncle~ X)

Shark: *smirks and drops the feather, then slides upwards until they are face to face.* You're mine now~

Trina: *playfully and cutely licks Shark's nose*

Shark: .... *blinks and blushes* ....You want this to be more intimate? -/u/- *he grins and shifts his eyes around to make Trina take notice of the pose they were in...which made the scene even more awkward.* Heheheh~

Trina: It's not fair that only Flicky and Angela got to cuddle with you; I like huggles too~ -3- *cutely pouts a bit*

Shark: I could've joined you in the bath and given all of you some much needed cuddle bombs. -w- *he grabs Trina by her hips and leans back until he pulls the girl up and onto his lap, then shifts his hands to grab her bottom as he rubbed noses with her* Is this better~?

Trina: ^//w//^ Yes~ *snuggles up against Shark*

Shark: Hmhm~ *touches one of her breasts as he starts to kiss her cheek multiple times* you're entire body feels so smooth...

Trina: If you plan on being a top idol then it's of the utmost importance that you take care of your body; I work hard to maintain this level of health. ^^

Shark: ...I like what I'm seeing. Not just for the nudity~

Trina: *giggles cutely*

*Looking up, Shark soon notices that Flicky and Angela have now joined them, having finished their meals long ago.*

Flicky: Hey, don't forget about us~ ^^

Angela: .///. *nervously curls her tail with her finger*

Shark: ...I've got an idea. ^^

*A flip of a card later, and all of them are laying on Shark's bed*

Shark: Better than sitting on the floor~

Flicky: Roomy~ ^3^

Shark: Yeah, hehehe....I salvaged this bed from a hotel that was about to go bankrupt. -w- Good thing I picked the big one, because fatty here is taking up most of the space~ *he smirks and tickles Angela on her belly*

*Angela lets out a rather loud giggle and then quickly covers her mouth; Shark had apparently found a massive tickle spot by accident.*

Shark: .....Trina, Flicky, pin her down. >|3

Flicky and Trina: *glomps Angela and hold her down*

Angela: Kyaa~! OoO

Shark: *now, holding two feathers in his hands, he starts to stroke Angela's belly* Tickle tickle~

Angela: *laughs and snorts loudly to the feather assault on the massive tickle spot on her belly, desperately trying to escape*

Shark: Hehehe, what was that cutie? More tickles~? *keeps going*

Angela: *continues to laugh and snort hysterically* no more! AHAHAHA! Please no more! *continues to laugh and snort hysterically*

Shark: Let's try this area next~ *sticks one of the feathers in her belly button and twirls it around in there*

Angela: O~O; *squeals*

Shark: Not so ticklish there? Eh, whatever. You can let her go now, you two. -w-

Flicky and Trina: -w- *lets Angela up*

Angela: *sits up, huffing and puffing after all of the laughing*

Shark: ...Heh...I'm having too much fun with you nudies.

Flicky: Well, we're having fun too~

Trina: Our everyday lives have become a bit too predictable but this is the most fun we've had in some time. ^w^

Flicky: And...if you'd like...we could all get together more often in the future and have fun again?

Angela: .///. ...

Shark: I'll bring the condoms. *laughs* Kidding, just kidding you guys~! "sigh" ....Yes please, I'd love that.

Trina: Group hug~

*The three girls surround Shark then hug and kiss him from all sides. While experiencing this fleshy assault, Shark couldn't help but feel like a king. He didn't know how long this new relationship with these three would last but he was determined to enjoy every moment of it, even if it meant never letting them go.*

Shark: ......... *flips one last card for now, which causes the girls' clothes to appear folded up on the desk on the other end of the room* ....

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