Friday, February 13, 2015

The Battle for Slumber Gigas! Kevin and Ring VS Shiro Gecko!!

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 3
“The Battle for Slumber Gigas! Kevin and Ring VS Shiro Gecko!!”
An RP between RaijinSenshi and eshonen

From out of the royal palace come the usurper of the throne and boss of the Gecko Family, Shiro Gecko...

Shiro: *smirks* Welcome to the greatest island on this planet: my kingdom, Slumber Gigas!

Ring: ...

Kevin: .... *positions himself between Ring and Shiro* Greatest island unless you live on it, you mean...?

Shiro: Such harshness, and after such a nice welcome. I see that you're not another clueless tourist. Tell me, what do you hope to accomplish by coming here?

Kevin: Keeping your blood-stained hands off of this girl...who blindly went here despite the danger... >_>#

Shiro: Girl? I see no girl here; just a deserter who left her people to fend for themselves when they needed her most *chuckles smugly*

Ring: *growls*

Shiro: Don't even think about it, girlie, you saw what happened to you when you got here. I have power over every giant here. And as for everybody else, well, they know what'll happen if they try and get outside authorities involved.

Arthur: At least make sense with your taunting!

Samantha: Yeah, as a little kid, what was she going to do? Cry "Help us" to the people??

Amethyst: *sticks her tongue out*

Kevin: Kids, hush! ......Pretty amazing how full of themself people can get when they get their hands on something powerful, isn't it? Sad that I can't really find your words intimidating, knowing that the mouth can't properly support the weight of them....but I do know what will happen, yes.

Shiro: I can see how I may not look especially intimidating right now but I assure you that you don't want to see me when I get serious. But fortunately for you it won't have to come to that because this ends now.

*Shiro snaps his fingers and several powerful members of the Gecko Family file out through the palace doors and hundreds of officers surround the group from all sides.*

Shiro: Consider this an act of mercy; this way you don't have to die by my hands.

Kevin: .......*closes eyes and crosses arms* I wouldn't do that, if I were any of you officers....

Officer 1: Shut it, blondy! I'm not scared of...wait, that cat from earlier looks familiar now that I see him up close... O_O; That's Checkmark Ashuro! No wonder Bufo was downed by a single hit! What the heck is he doing here!?

*The very sight of Ashuro makes the officer's morale plummet.*

Ashuro: Wow...didn't think my reputation was THAT good~

Kevin: Better than mine, I hardly exist in this damned world. <_<;

Arthur: ._.; time and place?

Kevin: I'll mope when I want to mope!

Officer 2: And now that I look at him isn't that blonde haired guy the one who fought against Pyro Darkesis, some of Crimson Mahiru's guys and keeps gaining new powers after every battle he's ever had?

Officer 3: Oh man, not him too; I don't get paid enough to take on jokers like these guys... -o-;

*The officers drop their weapons and back away in fear. Although he thought that at least one of those rumors was a bit exaggerated he was happy none-the-less that he had an effect by being there.*

Kevin: Well....thank you, unknown officer dude...? But it is more like I reveal more of what I'm capable off, to be perfectly honest. -3-

Shiro: Spineless cowards! There's only two of them and hundreds of you!

Officer 4: ...he's right! With all of us here we're sure to overpower them!

*The morale of the officers rises again as they pick up their weapons with renewed zeal. Rocko looks at Samantha and winks at her as his hand sparks with electricity; Samantha smiles as a devilish look creeps across her face. Rocko shoots a huge electrical beam in one direction while Samantha shoots a huge electrical beam in the opposite direction at the group of officers. Together they defeat over 100 of the hundreds of officers already there.*

Officer 5: OwO; Who are they!?! We don't even know them and they did this much to us with one attack each!? Screw this, I'm out of here!!

*The hundreds of officers drop their weapons and flee the area.*

Shiro: ... I'll deal with ALL of them later...

Kevin: Oh, we'll see about that.... *takes a few steps closer as his eyes spark up and turn blue, signing that his Raijin-power was charged up* I'll give you one chance: Fork over the gem-a-majig you use to control the giants and leave, then we'll leave you alone.

Shiro: Sorry, don't have it on me. It's in the palace being guarded by some of my best men. I suppose if you managed to defeat my elites here and inside you could get the jewel. But know that I have things set up so that the jewel is constantly emitting its power throughout the island and only me and my elites can draw power from it. So, do you think you can take all of us on knowing that we all possess the power of the giants and succeed?

Ashuro: *looks up* ... *smiles* now I do.

*Directly above them was Ashuro's ship, the Sea Galaxy. A blue beam shoots down and many familiar faces start walking out it. They were some of the reinforcements Ashuro's cell clones had gathered up: Batou, Snoopy, Zero, Ruby, Sally, Gaura, Rocky, Claire, Fuu, Cinder and Estella.*

Batou: We're here, Ashuro.

Snoopy: We came as soon as we could.

Claire: There's no way we would miss a chance to help our little Ring~

Cinder: I can't wait to bust some heads!

Estella: Same as ever I see, captain. -w-

Ruby: Been a long time since I got to shake loose~

Fuu: I called Rex with the emergency line. He had to delay a meeting, but he is coming in as backup as well.

Ashuro: Oh, and Shiro, this is just the advance squad; there are more on the ship that are very strong as well.

Shiro: ...well, don't just stand there, you idiots, attack them!

*The many Gecko Family elites begin advancing on Ashuro's group and they in turn begin fighting back as an all out war broke out. The Gecko Family elite utilised various elemental E-nergies along with their Pridescale breed features and the ability to enlarge parts of or their entire body at will. Ashuro knew that if things kept going as they were that Shiro would definitely have the upper hand in time. He finds Arthur, Samantha and Amethyst amongst the chaos and leads them to the back entrance of the palace.*

Ashuro: I've got a special mission for the three of you.

Arthur: W-what kinda mission, sir?

Ashuro: We're going to give Kevin, Ring and the others the winning edge by destroying whatever it is that Shiro is using to amplify the Giant's Crystal's power. Without it, Ring and the other giants throughout the island will be at full strength and be able to fight back without restraint.

Samantha: Then spit out, what do we need to do here?

Ashuro: We're going to go inside the palace and locate the Giant's Crystal and when we find it we'll destroy it *notices that Amethyst is definitely feeling the effects from the Giant's Crystal* you'll be able to tell us how close we are to the crystal *picks Amethyst up and carries her piggyback style* Hold on tight, alright? I'll take care of any baddies we meet along the way.

Samantha: Hey look, she's actually useful for something... <w<

Amethyst: Meeeaaanieeee..... =~=;

*Ashuro and the three kids begin their mission inside of the royal palace. Meanwhile back on the battlefield, the battle between Kevin's forces and the Gecko Family was progressing nicely. The Gecko elite were seeing that their opponents were no slouches in battle and found themselves relying mostly on the Giant's Crystal's ability to give them the power of the giants than using their own natural abilities and fighting experience.*

Claire: You know, Fuu... *makes two of the Gecko elites fight each other through her scent combat technique* ...these guys aren't as tough as they're letting on.

Fuu: You can say that again. *knocks a ball of wind in the face of one of them* We're getting a harder workout in bed. This is pathetic.

Ruby: *drops kicks another elite in the back of his neck* Phew. You guys must be really going at it, huh?

Fuu: Not really your business, blondie. *performs a lariat and a pinning hold on another elite*

Rocky: *absorbs minerals from the ground to strengthen his arms and then powerfully punches some elites in Gaura's direction for her to finish them off* this is what happens when you rely on a powerful relic for too long.

Gaura: *elegantly swiping down enemies with her halberd* Tsk.....weak....

Sally: Ei! Oh! O.O; *stumbles and falls onto an officer, sitting on his face* Aye...I'm a bit rusty myself.... =~=;

Zero: *helps Sally up* you'll find your rhythm if you keep at it and I'll be right here by your side every step of the way *kicks the elite that Sally fell on over to Cinder*

Cinder: *uses her ball and chain to take out the elite coming her way with one hit* YEAH!! WHO'S NEXT!?

Estella: *stands on the Sea Galactic as it hovers high up in the sky and snipes various Gecko elites with her E-nergy rifle* Heh...

???: Mind if I drop in?

*Rex stood beside Estella, looking down towards the battle field.*

Rex: Hmm...seems like Trent needs to be a bit faster when she brings me to places....

Estella: It seems as though the enemy was insufficiently prepared to handle an attack from non-giant attackers. Either that or the leader here has another plan ready to go.

Rex: Tsk, either way, I'm not sitting round doing nothing...

*Rex jumps down and proceeds to use his fist to create a partially large crater in the ground upon impact with it, knocking a good chunk of people over, allies included*

Kevin: Ey! Do you always need to be so destructive?

Rex: Do you always need to comment it...?

Shiro: least NOW I know who has been training and who hasn't...which is EVERYBODY! Looks like I'll have to handle this myself *leaves the palace entrance to approach Kevin and the others*

Kevin: !! As Beetlejuice would say: It's Showtime...! *initiates "Raijin Kaizer" form and starts to approach Shiro*

Shiro: *transforms his arms into impressive dragon arms as he dashes towards Kevin*

Kevin: Byakurai no Tekken!! *shrouds his arms in white lightning and makes a dash towards Shiro in response*

*Shiro's dragon arms light up with Fire E-nergy as he and Kevin both attack simultaneously. When both of their fists collide there is an explosion of energy. Meanwhile back inside the palace, Ashuro and the kids continue to navigate through the maze-like interior trying to find their way to the well protected Giant's Crystal. As they got closer to the crystal Amethyst started to feel weaker and more light-headed and dizzy.*

Ashuro: How are you holding up, kiddo?

Amethyst: Uuuuuuuuuu...... =~=

Samantha: Sick. .3.

Ashuro: Try to hold on just a little longer, okay?

*As they turn a corner, they see a big group of Gecko Family elites standing in front of the entrance to a chamber.*

Ashuro: Looks like we're here *sets Amethyst down* excuse me while I clear the way

*Ashuro charges the Gecko Family elites and quickly defeats them all with a flurry of rapid, stretching punches. He then returns to the waiting kids.*

Ashuro: Were those truly his best men? *picks Amethyst up and carries her piggyback style again* Let's go guys!

*Ashuro and the kids enter the room that was being guarded and see machines everywhere with an even bigger machine housing the Giant's Crystal.*

Ashuro: This is it, this is definitely the place *places Amethyst down and pats her head* thanks for your help, sweetie ^w^ as for you two... *pulls two mallets out of the stone in his left hand and hands one each to Arthur and Samantha* get to smashing stuff!

Samantha: Yay! Daddy never lets me smash stuff!

Arthur: Because last time you broke my arm... >~>;

*Ashuro, Arthur and Samantha got busy smashing up everything within that room. Meanwhile back on the battlefield, Kevin and the others were finding out that Shiro Gecko was nothing at all like his many so-called elites. He was fighting both Kevin and Rex simultaneously and was having no trouble at all keeping up with them; also unlike his elites he only used the power of the Giant's Crystal for defensive techniques and relied on his own combat skill and experience. And from what Kevin and Rex could tell he hadn't shown them everything that he could do just yet.*

Shiro: *expertly attacking, dodging and countering all of Kevin's and Rex's attacks*

Kevin: One. Of. These. Will. Hit. You!!!

Rex: Keep your cool, Norway...!

Shiro: *inhales deep then exhales a powerfully intense heat stream of fire on the surrounding area*

Kevin: Guh! >_<; *backs off*

Rex: *stands firm* ........

Shiro: *smirks then switches from shooting fire to molten magma balls*

Rex: !? *starts to attempt deflecting the balls, trying to block them from reaching the others.*


*Two dragonic wing plates erupt from Shiro's back as they shoot several magma balls high into the sky that explode like a Draco Meteor and fall back towards the battlefield. Everybody is forced to scatter about to avoid being hit by the magma. Shiro continues shooting magma balls into the sky that turn into molten meteors. Snoopy tried to use his Pensword to create shields for everybody but was having trouble keeping track of where everybody was due to how chaotic the battlefield was. Kevin and Rex needed to come up with a plan quick before the battlefield became a lava pit.*

Kevin: Okay genius, how do we fight this!?

Rex: Simple: Get him into a confined space so he can't use large scale attacks like this!

Kevin: So, plunge him into the building?

Rex: Plunge him into the building.

*The two of them clenches their fists and let's their powers coat them both. The Raijin powers' white lightning and the Dinosaur aura's destructive force. But instead of charging straight at Shiro, the two of them utilize a combo attack by having Kevin sending Rex flying forward with as much force behind him as possible, and eventually sending either Rex or Shiro crashing into the walls behind them.*

Shiro: Ugh!

*Shiro makes his dragonic arms gigantic then he grabs Rex and begins forcefully squeezing the life out of him. After a few seconds his arms suddenly go back to regular size.*

Shiro: What? *releases Rex from his grip* I don't feel the power from the Giant's Crystal anymore...but that means...NO! *sprints off up a staircase*

*Meanwhile back with Ashuro and the kids all of the machinery has been smashed up and Ashuro is retrieving the Giant's Crystal from the machine it was housed in.*

Ashuro: *pulls parts of the machine apart then pulls out the Giant's Crystal* got it! *turns to Arthur and Samantha only to see that Samantha is still smashing stuff with the mallet while Arthur looks at her*, you can stop now; there aren't any functioning machines left...

Samantha: Still funny!

Arthur: .......See what I have to deal with...?

Amethyst: ...nyeeeeeeh....

Ashuro: Yeah...I think it would be best if I shattered this thing to pieces.

*Just as Ashuro is about to shatter the Giant's Crystal, Shiro busts into the room and swipes the crystal from his hands.*

Ashuro: Whoa! What the...!!

Shiro: ... *looks at the Giant's Crystal* ...I didn't think it would all have totally pissed me off! I was going to slowly torture you all once this was all over but...BUT NOW I'M JUST GOiNG TO OUTRiGHT KiLL YOU ALL!! And why stop there? I'll ravage this entire island until nothing is left but a molten wasteland! Today Slumber Gigas will become just another Punk Hazard! *takes the Giant' Crystal and literally eats it whole*

Ashuro: !!


*Shiro's roar echoes throughout the entire island as the sky darkens and the weather gets stormy. Everybody could feel a new rising power coming from within the palace. Shiro exits the palace brimming with a powerful aura cackling wildly. When some of his elite plead for him to help them in the battle he responds by simply shooting a wave of magma at them.*

Snoopy: Whoa, harsh...

Batou: ...

Fuu: I'm starting to think coming here might've been a bad idea......

Kevin: *crackling with electricity* ......This guy needs to be put down now, and fast.

*Shiro wastes no time in bringing out his full power by transforming into the true beast that he was: a rare but extremely powerful Dire Miralis Pridescale. What was left of his elites fled the battlefield having no desire left to fight. Shiro scans the battlefield for his next target and sets his sights on Ring.*

Shiro: And with this, the remains of the Diamond Royal Family will finally disappear.

Ring: *stands frozen in fright and terror*

*Unknown to Shiro, Rex had already prepared one of his strongest attacks and was quickly closing the distance between them.*

Rex: Time for us to bring out the showstopper...... Terra!!

*Rex's body emits a purple light as a Tyrannosaurus Rex made out of energy emerges from his body and rams into Shiro as Rex starts to deliver a barrage of kicks and punches to him, which actually manages to push him back. The combo attack ends when Rex lands on the energy T-Rex's tail, positioned to Shiro's chest with his arms thrusted forward. Those who knew of it, would say he was in position to use a "Final Flash" on him.*

Rex: "Tyrant's Blaze: Meteor Impact!!" *Rex flashes crimson red for a moment before he unleashed a red energy beam right into Shiro's chest, which actually sent the Dire Miralis airborne briefly before the attack blew up in his face. Rex lowers himself to the ground as the dust kicks up.* I'll notify the company of your sudden termination of contract....

*When the dust clears, instead of a downed dragon, there was a Dire Miralis with a big wound on his chest. Shiro lets out a thunderous roar that shakes the ground before he starts growing. As a Dire Miralis Shiro was already giant but now he was double that size! He turns his attention to Rex and then slams him with his gigantic tail, knocking him out. Shiro then returns his attention to Ring who finally snaps out of her state of terror and tries to run away. Taking only a few steps forward he catches up with her and raises his right arm to try and stomp her. His attack misses when he is hit with a gigantic stretching punch delivered by Ashuro. Ashuro delivers a volley of gigantic stretching punches to Shiro in an attempt to wear him down but another swipe from his gigantic tail knocks him out as well. Turning his attention back to Ring he delivers a claw strike to her that gets blocked by Kevin but the force of the attack severely injures him and sends him into the ground, creating a small crater upon impact.*

Ring: KEViN! *runs over to Kevin and wraps her arms around him* I...I...I'm sorry, Kevin; this is all my fault. I never should have come here by myself and had you all come out to get me. Everybody on this island is in danger now all because I didn't know how to handle my feelings for revenge. I should have come to you first when I learned about my past and we could have done something different, together, like it should have been. Please don't die on me, there are so many years we still need to have together. I need you...I love you...

*Ring embraces Kevin and kisses him tenderly as Shiro positions his foot over both of them, preparing to end them both in one stomp. Just as Shiro's foot comes down Ring begins to glow brightly as a new kind of energy flows from her and into Kevin. Bathed in this new energy, Kevin quickly gets up and catches Shiro's foot as it comes down, stopping it completely. No matter how hard Shiro pushed down, Kevin didn't budge or buckle from the immense pressure. That's when something amazing happened: an Aquitican antenna appeared on Kevin's head as he began to grow to giant size and toppled Shiro. The phenomenon was quite common in Aquiticans and was one of the main ways that their species spread; it was called the Aquitican Bond, a technique where an Aquitican passes on their species DNA to another person, usually somebody they care greatly about. Ring then grew to giant size along with Kevin.*

Ring: OoO ... did...did I do this?

Kevin: ....Yeah, it seems that way, Ring. I don't know how, but you did..... However, this is not enough to ensure our victory here, as this giant scaled beast can take more hits.... *he gently grasps Ring's hand and looks her in the eyes* Just this one time....I ask you to borrow me your strength, so I can help get rid of this menace before he can spread more harm.

Ring: Right!

Kevin: Give me one clear shot at his chest. That is all I need.

*Ring nods then puts her arms out to the sides as ribbons come out of her sleeves. She tries to use her ribbons to restrain and flip Shiro over but he unleashes some magma from his body to burn the ribbons. Next Ring prepares her beam cannons by aiming at and shooting Shiro's front legs which causes him to rear up and expose his chest.*

Ring: NOW!

Kevin: "Byakurai: Discharge Lance!" *Kevin fires his signature white lightning right through the center of Shiro's chest and then discharges a couple lightning strikes through the insides of his body. If the initial stab didn't stop him, this electric attack would at least stop his nerves from functioning.*

*Shiro roars an agonizingly painful roar as the magma in his body starts to circulate and overheat his body. Kevin, Ring and Shiro then begin to shrink back down to their original size and Shiro transforms back into his human form. Shiro writhes in agony on the ground as Kevin and Ring surround him.*

Shiro: *struggles then sees Ring* accursed giant; you think that you've beaten me? Like a lizard's tail the Gecko Family will grow and rise again! I won't be beaten here; once I heal up I'm coming after all of you! You will not know peace, you will experience pain like never before, I will make you wish for death with every fiber of your being! I... *feels a powerful presence walking towards him* so, the prodigal son returns, huh?

*Kevin and Ring look to the side and see none other than Spike Gecko walking towards them with Grin and Artisha by his side.*

Spike: ...

Shiro: Never thought that you'd show your face in front of me again. Don't think that you'll have the same privileges you once had but we can work something out once you do away with these threats to the Gecko Family. Go on, son; time to make daddy proud.

*Kevin and Ring watch to see what Spike will do but both get into battle ready position just in case.*

Kevin: *stares at Spike for a moment, remembering Grin and Artisha's words from earlier* you want us to move out of the way....?

Spike: can do what you want *walks right up Shiro* I'm here for one end the Gecko Family's curse...

*Spike charges his right fist with E-nergy then jabs Shiro in his chest and through his heart.*

Shiro: *gasping for breath* y-you miserable traitor...

Spike: You knew that this was coming; after all, you did the exact same thing to grandpa. But know that I'm not doing this to you in order to take your position and power; it is to put an end to the teachings of the Gecko Family and the cycle of madness that originates from it. I'm going to disband the Gecko Family until I'm sure that the poison of it's teaching are out of my system; the last thing I want to do is be responsible for another generation of Gecko's like you and me being brought into this world.

Shiro: *reaches for Spike and weakly grasps his shirt* ... *vision dims as he closes his eyes, releases his grip and takes his last breath*

Spike: ...goodbye dad...

Grin and Artisha: -_- ... *pats Spike on the back*

Kevin: ...... *walks over and pats his shoulder* You've taken the first step. Now, follow your own way.

Spike: Thank you. You take care of that Ring; I couldn't give her what she needed but I see that you can and have. Don't ever let her go.

Kevin: Of course I won't. Well...guess it's time to search the place for possible prisoners and such, right?

Spike: Yes. I have a lot of cleaning up to do: rounding up the remaining Gecko Family members, removing the restraint collars from all the island's giants. There's a lot to be done. But there is one good thing about all of this. Knowing my father he definitely kept the former king of this island alive; once he has his strength back I'm sure he'll be able to return to ruling this place.

Ring: *gasps* you mean...?

Spike: That's right; you have one remaining living family member here: your grandfather.

Kevin: .... *smiles a bit* Care to show us where he might be held?

Spike: Of course.

*Spike leads Ring and Kevin down to the palace dungeons. In one of the cells stood a tall, muscular Aquitican Norwegian Forest Cat Nekofi that was restrained by his arms and legs by chain shackles. He had scars on his chest and short brown hair with a sea green streak.*

Spike: Owain Diamond, it's been a while.

Owain: your father finally come for my life now?

Spike: Nope, he's dead now. As the now acting Boss of the Gecko Family I'm relinquishing control of Slumber Gigas back to its rightful king, you.

Owain: ...what sort of trickery is this?

Spike: No tricks *unlocks the cell door and walks inside and unlocks Owain's shackles* you are a free man once again; as soon as I can round up what remains of the Gecko Family and tie up some other loose ends we'll leave this island and never return to it.

Owain: ... *grabs Spike by his neck* you honestly expect me to believe that after everything the Gecko Family has done to me and my people!? My family is gone; killed right before my very eyes! What good reason can you possibly give to stop me from snapping your neck this very instant?

Kevin: I have a very simple reason as to why, your majesty. *moves aside and let's Ring inside* your granddaughter wouldn't want you to kill one of our allies, even if he has done wrong in the past. Shiro Gecko is dead, Spike has no intention of doing anything ill minded. So please....let your feelings speak from the gentle and positive spectrum of emotions, instead of the negative ones.

Owain: *sees Ring and releases his grip on Spike* OoO really is you... *walks over to Ring and lightly touches her face*

Ring: *looks deep into Owain's eyes* I...I remember you, grandpa.

Owain: *hugs Ring as tears flow from his eyes* I've missed you so much, dear; I always prayed that you were somewhere safe. TwT

Kevin: She had a rough way, but she's safe, I promise. *kneels down* you're a princess Ring....shall I start addressing you as such?

Ring: .///. Y-You don't have to do that...

Owain: And who is this young man, Ring?

Ring: Oh, grandpa, meet Kevin Aasheim; he's my fiancé. ^///^

Owain: Oh really now? *inspects Kevin* Hahaha, this one has great potential.

Kevin: Oh, t-thanks, I guess? Great potential, sir...?

Owain: Yes, you have a nice feel to you; like you would make a great...oops...I'm getting ahead of myself. There is much that needs to be done right now; I need to let the people know what has happened and reassure them that everything is going to okay from now on. And we're definitely going to have a celebration in honor of you and your companions.

Kevin: Oh, that isn't needed sir. We're just glad to help......buuuut I want to request a private room. *he stands up and his expression turns a bit more serious and grumpy* You see, I'm still a bit miffed someone decided to take off like she did, and put herself and others in danger, even if everything went well in the end...

Ring: O_O; *heart sinks*

Owain: ...Oh, I see. There are several bedrooms on the third floor, including Ring's old bedroom; feel free to use any of them. Please excuse me...Spike?

Spike: Ready, your highness?

Owain: Yes, let's go *leaves the dungeon with Spike*

Kevin: As for you, Ring. You come with me. *takes hold of her hand and starts making his way to the third floor with her*

Ring: *feels a bit of fear in the pit of her stomach but obediently follows Kevin*

*The two of them make it to a door with Ring's name spelled out on it and enters. The room was pretty big...a bit dusty after all the years, but it was still a nice and colorful room, complete with a huge bed, you usually see princesses and royalty sleep on in the stories.*

Kevin: ...hmm...too bad I can't offer you the same amount of luxury, huh? *closes the door behind them and leads her onto the bed*

Ring: *remains quiet and obediently follows*

Kevin: .... *sighs and pulls her into a hug, petting her back and stroking all the way down to the base of her tail* What you did today really scared me, Ring. When I learned where you were heading, I was afraid that when I found you again, it would've been too late. There's a difference between being brave and being reckless. *he pulls a bit away and looks her in the eyes, showing he was getting teary eyed.* don't ever do something like this again...I'm not sure if I can handle that stress...

Ring: I'm sorry, Kevin; it was a foolish thing to do and I'm sorry I made you worry about me... T_T

Kevin: It's okay Ring, it's okay. But this time, I need to make sure the lesson sticks, because I really don't want this to happen again.... *he fiddles with Ring's belt and takes it off of her and sets it aside* ...Take off the skirt, please.

Ring: T_T *timidly unbuttons her skirt and lets it fall to the floor, revealing a pair of cutesy light blue panties with pink frills* .///.

Kevin: *blushes a bit and lets her snuggle up against him as he started to gently pat her butt* ...Okay kitty... 30 slaps, then it's over...

Ring: O-Okay... -///-;

Kevin: .....Starting now.

*Kevin reared his hand back and slapped Ring's buttocks fairly hard, causing the nekomimi's bottom to bounce a bit, even. And each slap that followed was just as strong and precise. He got to 15 before slowing down.*

Ring: *whimpers a bit with tears in her eyes*

Kevin: Now Ring, tell me exactly why you're being punished. *he spanked her a few more times, but a bit more gently so she could actually speak without squeaking too loud.*

Ring: F-For leaving home without telling you and going someplace dangerous by myself?

Kevin: Exactly. And for scaring me by doing so. *hooks his fingers onto her panties and peels them down just enough for her bottom to stick out in the open*

Ring: *squeaks cutely with embarrassment* >///<

Kevin: *laughs a bit* Anybody ever told you that you sound like Hinata Hyuga? That little reaction there makes it more obvious~ *softly pats her exposed butt*

Ring: *pouts a bit* >//3//<

Kevin: *smiles a bit and starts to slap her butt again, and almost stopping right away.* 5 more. Count them down, Ring.

Ring: Okay... ;~;

Kevin: *nods and proceeds to slap her bared bottom 4 more times. Each slap slower than the last, and teasing Ring with when they were going to come, all while he held her close and snuggled with her a little bit between her whimpering.*

Ring: F-Four... Q~Q

Kevin: ....... And we'll skip the last one. *smiles and pulls her into a kiss while gently rubbing her reddened bottom* All is forgiven, sweetie.

Ring: *wiggles her bottom in response to Kevin's rubbing*

Kevin: *slips her undies back up into place* I love you, Ring.

Ring: *wipes a tear from her eye* I love you, too.

Kevin: Come now, we've got to ask the kids a few questions. Like, how they seem to know you, and who their parents are. *picks up the skirt and teasingly keeps it away from Ring* Hey, I think you should walk around like that~

Ring: O//~//O; *quickly gets her skirt back from Kevin and puts it on while blushing madly*

*When Kevin pull open the door to exit Ring's room both Samantha and Amethyst fall forward into the room. Apparently the two of them slipped away from Arthur and went off on their own to explore the palace. They heard the commotion coming from Ring's room and their curiosity got the better of them as they decided to listen in on Ring's punishment.*

Samantha: I told you not to push so hard.... >~o;

Amethyst: Nyah, I wanted to hear more squeals and lovey-dovey talk....

Kevin: -.- .....Well, at least we don't need to find you two anymore.

Both: ....Hey. ouo;

Ashuro: *walks up to Samantha and Amethyst* found them, Arthur; they're over here!

Arthur: *walks into view again* Damn it, why do you always run off...?

Samantha: Because it's fun to spy on these two.... ou<;

Ashuro: I see that you're feeling a lot better now, little giant *helps Amethyst and Samantha up*

Amethyst: Y-yeah......

Kevin: Okay, now I need to start asking the questions: Who are you kids, and why do you seem to know me and Ring so much?

Arthur: ...Oh, I told you I would say it, didn't I...? ._.;

Samantha: .......Are you sure you want to know...?

Kevin: Yes. And I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Ring: I-I too would like to know more a-about you three...

Arthur: ....we.....are really from the future. We came back to help you avert this little crisis.

Samantha: As hard as it might be to believe, it is. You two....w-we....didn't want to lose, that might've messed the timeline a bit too, but....

Amethyst: We just wanted to help you, mommy, daddy! QnQ

*Kevin's eyes widen as all color disappear from his face. He was pale, speechless, shocked, and anything between as he stared at the three.*

Ring: Y-You mean that Kevin and I have a little family of our own? ;w;

Arthur: Y-yes...just, look at the evidence in front of you....

Kevin: *still a bit speechless, but starting to shed tears* ....And...there's even three of them...

Samantha: You didn't want to stop at one, as our neighbors say... *snuggles up against Kevin, with Arthur joining in*

Amethyst: *walks over and reaches up to Ring* Mommy... QnQ

Ring: TwT M-My little darlings~ *stoops down to pick Amethyst up in her arms and snuggle her*

Kevin: *pets Samantha and Arthur* ....... I......I'm sorry if I've been a bad parent to you at some point. I mean, I'm not the most ideal-

Samantha: Shut up. You were didn't have a lot of confidence until I was born into the world..... -3-

Kevin: ....... *smiles weakly and snuggles Samantha and Arthur closer* .....thanks for coming here....

*Arthur goes on to explain the second reason why they came back in time: Benjamin Koco. He talks of how Benjamin Koco came into power after an encounter with Rex Tyrant and his conquest throughout the universe began. In the future, Benjamin Koco would've eventually come to Slumber Gigas and taken control of the island, the Giant's Crystal and even the Gecko Family after battling and killing Shiro Gecko himself. By coming to this time to help Kevin and Ring defeat Shiro Gecko and destroy the Giant's Crystal they had hoped to take away a portion of power that Benjamin gains in the future. They also mention that they didn't travel to the past alone and that many of their friends also came with them to this time period but they seemed to be arriving on different days within this time period. Benjamin Koco would make his move within the current year to the next year and they were going to need everybody's help to take him down before he got too powerful. But until that time came they also let Kevin know that they would be staying with him until then and until the next time gate back to their original time period opened up again.*

Kevin: ....that is a lot to take in....but...I guess we can at least find some space for you kids to stay with us until further notice.

Ashuro: I can have a quality job addition put on your place within the week if you'd like. ^w^

Kevin: ....Yeah, something more...fitting for the family of a princess, perhaps? *smiles at Ring*

Samantha: Well, princess until she can step up to the role as queen.

Kevin: ....Didn't really think of that.

Ashuro: To think that all this time that you were a princess, Ring; how does it feel?

Ring: I still d-don't think that it has f-fully sunk in just yet...

Ashuro: Yeah, I know what you mean. When I finally got to meet my parents again and they told me their story I learned that I was actually a prince; it still feels unreal to me when I think about it.

Kevin: *pets Ring and smiles* You're still my adorable wife-to-be, though. Nothing changes that.

Ring: *giggles* ^///^

Kevin: Well Ring, you decide what we do next. If you want to stay with your grandpa, we understand that. You two might have a lot to talk about.

Ring: I wouldn't mind coming here to visit him whenever I could...but you're where my home is, Kevin.

Kevin: That's sweet of you. Thank you, Ring...

*And with that Shiro Gecko's decade of tyranny over Slumber Gigas ended. Spike Gecko gathered all of the island's giants together and freed them from the restraint collars that they were forced to wear. He then rounded up all of the Gecko Family, which included all of the officers and elites, and left the island with them, disbanding the Gecko Family later until further notice. Within days life on Slumber Gigas returns to the way it was before Shiro Gecko took over: an abundant and peaceful island paradise. Kevin, Ring, Ashuro and the others are later invited back to the island for a celebration in their honor for returning peace back to the island. Everybody has a lot of fun as the celebration goes into the night. As Kevin sits with Ring and watches his three kids have fun with the others, Owain approaches and sits next to them.*

Owain: So how is everything? ^^

Kevin: Oh, everything is well, thanks for asking. We've been taking it a bit easy since that ordeal. Spent some time with the kids another, obviously. *blushes a bit and nuzzles against Ring's cheek*

Owain: Hahaha~ at one time I never thought that I would have grandchildren, and now... *looks at Arthur and Amethyst playing with Ashuro and Claire and Samantha climbing all over an annoyed Rex* I have great grandchildren ^w^

Kevin: Well, they still need to be born in this timeline, but I see what you mean.

Rex: -___-# .........

Ring: S-Samantha, sweetie, please don't do that; if you want to p-play go and join your brother and sister with Ashuro and Claire.

Samantha: Nuuuuuh.... -u-

Rex: ....... *sighs*

Ring: Oh dear, excuse me, please *gets up to go deal with Samantha*

Owain: Hahahaha-ha...say Kevin, what do you think of this place?

Kevin: The island in general or this place? Hehe, both are great, honestly. Your home is a bit bigger than what I am used to, but from what I've seen it is a comfy place. The island itself has really many nice people, and that is good.

Owain: That's great. You see, when I lost my family I feared that there would be nobody left to take care of and love this place the same way I did. But now that I know that Ring is safe now, that fear has been eliminated. When the time comes I would like to leave this kingdom in her capable hands...but I don't want her to do it alone. How about it? When the time is right would you like to be the next King of Slumber Gigas?

*Kevin is taken aback by Owain's offer; him...a king?*

Owain: You don't have to answer right now; take some time and think about it. I don't plan on retiring for a very long time, especially now that I've got a lot of time to make up for. Talk it over with Ring when you think the time is right and just know that even if you don't want to rule that I'll support you two and your family in any way that I can.

Kevin: .....I....I shall think about it sir, and thanks for such an offer. I really...don't know how to respond....... *looks to Ring, who was now joined by the kids after she had pried Samantha off of Rex* ......While taking that position would help my own problems financially and objectively....what decision I make will ultimately be for what is the best, not for me, but for my family...and the people around us. Heh, I feel a bit like Kyros from Dressrosa right now~

Owain: Well said, young Aasheim. When Shiro came into power he disabled and destroyed all of the teleporters here to limit how others got here. Within the next few days we'll be repairing and replacing them all so that you and everybody else can get here quicker and easier. So when that happens, feel free to come back and visit with us whenever you'd like. ^w^

Kevin: You bet we'll come and visit as often we can, old man. Try to not over-work yourself, please. *lightly hits Owain's shoulder*

Owain: Hahahaha! I can tell that we're going to get along just fine.

*As the celebration party draws to a close everybody goes home for the night. That night, as with the previous one, Kevin, Ring and their children all slept together in the same bed once again as the new addition that Ashuro was adding still two more days away from being completed. Looking at Ring fast asleep by his side, Arthur sleeping between them, Amethyst sleeping on Ring's puffy tail and Samantha sleeping in an odd position at his feet he couldn't help but feel happy and accomplished; that he had something to live for and see to all the way to the end. But he knew that in order to keep all of this he would have to deal with Benjamin Koco when the time came...and for a reward like this, it was a battle he had no intention of losing.*

Kevin: .......When that day comes, and I'll have to face the guy, I'm not going to be the one falling...I promise all of you that...

*He yawned, finally letting his exhaustion get to him as he fell asleep and rested together with his future family. And as it turned out, no one had a single nightmare that night.*

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Recurring Nightmare! The Origin of Ring Revealed!

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 2
“Recurring Nightmare! The Origin of Ring Revealed!”
An RP between RaijinSenshi and eshonen

Lately every night, Ring Diamond has been plagued by a series of nightmares. In them she and others she can't quite recognize are tormented by a towering man in a blue jumpsuit. Near the end of said nightmares she ends up floating away as the others that were with her are slowly silenced one by one until nothing can be heard and she finds herself in an empty void. After waking up in a fright, Ring seeks out Kevin for comfort and safety; tonight is just another one of those nights...

Ring: *walks into Kevin’s room and stands before him with tears in her eyes* ...

Kevin: ....Another nightmare? Aw, you poor's the 8th time this month...

Ring: *nods her head*

Kevin: Well my bed always has space for you, come here. Let's cuddle those bad dreams away, hmm? *he moves over and makes space for her on the bed*

Ring: ^w^ *gets in bed with Kevin and curls up next to him*

Kevin: *holds around her with one arm*

Ring: ...t-these nightmares feel t-t-too real to be j-just dreams...

Kevin: Whatever it is, right now, it's only in your head, and it can't hurt you there. And if something bad does happen...I'm here... *holds her hand*

Ring: ^///^ Yeah~

Kevin: Now, please purr for me, you cute fuzzball~ *gently strokes her tummy and starts to playfully nibble on her ear* Cuddle attack~

Ring: Kyaa~ >w< *giggles and purrs happily*

Kevin: Hehehe~ I love you, you adorable kitty-cat~ *nuzzles her cheek*

Ring: And I l-love you, t-too~ *cuddles Kevin*

*Soon enough both Kevin and Ring are fast asleep and Ring starts to dream again. The nightmare begins again for Ring but with a difference: this time she is able to make out the faces of those around her. She felt as if she should have known who these people were because they had a comforting, familiar feel to them; they were the same species of Nekofi that she was as well. There were three men, two women, two teenage boys and a young girl; she felt as if she knew them but just couldn't remember them. As the nightmare progressed to the part where it would normally end something else new happened. A new person came into view, snickering evilly; it was the one person she actually wanted to forget: Spike Gecko. After that she woke up with a gasp. Looking around it was still night and Kevin was still fast asleep. Ring knew that she couldn't continue living with these nightmares so she decided to go out and get some answers. Quietly slipping out of bed so as to not wake Kevin, Ring goes to her room to get dressed and pack a few things before returning to Kevin's room.*

Ring: *looks at Kevin fast asleep* ... *sweetly kisses Kevin then leaves a letter on the bed before leaving his room*

*Morning comes and Kevin awakens to see that his bed is empty aside from a letter where Ring once was.*

Kevin: ....Has she gone out or something...? *yawns and grabs the letter, trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes before reading it.*

*Kevin opens the letter and begins to read it. It reads "Dear Kevin, the more these nightmare happen the more I'm convinced that they aren't just nightmares but are forgotten memories from my earlier childhood that I can't remember anything about. When I just had the nightmare again I got to clearly see the faces of those around me; I am certain that I knew these people and was close to them. But a new face appeared in my nightmare last night and I think he might have the answers I need. So I've gone to see Spike Gecko and get the answers out of him by any means necessary. I'll be back as soon as I get the closure I need. Love, Ring." Just reading the mention of Spike Gecko set Kevin's alarms off. He shot out of bed and rushed to get dressed and get his stuff with him.*

Kevin: No way in this side of Cosmos am I letting Ring look for that guy by herself! No bloody way!

*As soon as Kevin was dressed and had everything he needed with him he bolted out of his front door and began searching for Ring. The only thing is that since he made it a task not to get involved with Spike Gecko he had no idea where he might find him. But along the way he spots Ashuro talking to a little boy trying to comfort him. Knowing what he was sure to be up against he decided to get Ashuro's help.*

Kevin: Ashuro! *runs up to his Aquitican friend* Ashuro, I need help, ASAP. It's dead serious.

Ashuro: Let me guess: Ring has sought out Spike Gecko?

Kevin: No, Ring s- Wait what? How did you know!?

Ashuro: This little guy just told me.

*Ashuro motions to the little boy in front of him. Upon closer inspection Kevin realizes that the boy had the signature Aquitican antenna on his head. He had a brown with blonde hair coloration and wore thick frame glasses, a violet long sleeve shirt, black pants and white tennis shoes.*

Ashuro: He says his name is Arthur ^^

Kevin: Arthur? You know where Ring went? How?

Arthur: H-how I know is...not important right now. What's important is that you help her...right?

Ashuro: That's right. According to Arthur, he and his two sisters spotted Ring confronting Spike. Afraid of what might happen he decided to come and get help from somebody strong. He tried to get his sisters to come with him but they insisted on staying to keep an eye on the situation.

Kevin: Already!? Damn that girl, she can get herself hurt...!

Arthur: B-but you still care for her, right? :<

Kevin: Well of course I do little guy!

Ashuro: We'd better hurry though; according to what Arthur told me it has been a few hours since then. Follow me, I know where he's been skulking about lately.

Kevin: Yes, come on!

*Kevin and Arthur follow after Ashuro as he dashes to where they'll find Spike Gecko. They eventually arrive at the outskirts of town where a grand house stands but the front yard looked like a battleground.*

Ashuro: ...some fighting definitely happened here recently...

Kevin: I swear to Atheist-God, if something happened to Ring.....!

Arthur: *holds his hand, a bit worried about Kevin's anger*

*After doing some searching around the area Ashuro found something in the massive backyard that was even more battle-scarred than the front yard.*

Ashuro: Kevin, over here!

*Kevin and Arthur join Ashuro in front of a massive crater. Lying inside motionless and writhing in pain was none other than Spike Gecko...except he was all bent, broken up and heavily injured.*

Spike: *laboured and pained breathing*

Ashuro: ...

Arthur: *hides behind Kevin, trembling a bit*

Kevin: ...Spike...what happened here...??

Ashuro: My guess: Spike lost.

???: You're right, he did.

*Stepping out from the shadows were Spike's only friends and companions, Grin and Artisha.*

Artisha: Long time no see, you too.

Grin: *nods*

Kevin: .....He had this shit coming for a long time....but what actually happened in here...?

Artisha: Your little girlfriend happened here. Spike refused to talk and she refused to leave until he talked. In an attempt to scare her off he attacked her; it had the adverse effect. She fought like a warrior possessed.

Kevin: ....Ring....did this..?

Arthur: ...!! L-liar! She's too good a person to commit such a vile act...!

*Kevin turns his attention to Arthur, as he is right about Ring's personality....but how the heck does this kid know so?*

Artisha: Believe what you'd like, kid, but it was definitely Ring who did this. It's not surprising in the least though considering the history she and Spike share. Even the gentlest of birds can turn complete predator when pushed far enough.

Arthur: *firmly gripping Kevin's leg*

Kevin: ....Where is she now? Even if you don't know, you should've seen what direction she went in.

Grin: ...Slumber Gigas...

Kevin: ........Say what now?

Artisha: That's where she went: an island named Slumber Gigas. The island itself is actually a partially submerged sleeping titan floating out in the open sea. In terms of how huge it is, this titan would be on par with the Bionis and the Mechonis.

Kevin: God damn it, Ring.....when I get my hands on you-

Arthur: Don't hurt her!! O~O;;

Kevin: .......UGGGH!!! I'm afraid something bad will happen! She scares me by just running off like this!

Artisha: You're right to be worried. That floating island is the last place Ring should be; I'm beginning to regret telling her about the place.

Ashuro: You told her? But what about Spike?

Artisha: We told her so that she would stop whaling on Spike. He refused to tell her because, believe it or not, he was trying to protect her.

*While Ashuro looked doubtful about Artisha's claim Kevin outright didn't believe her.*

Kevin: ....Don't you dare spew that bullshit in my face...the same guy that drives someone to nearly commit suicide, is trying to protect that one person? And the guy in question is Spike? Forget you guys, I have to get going... *turns around and starts to leave*

Artisha: Yes, I don't blame you for not believing me. Spike's mind is as twisted as they come; even after all of the time we've spent together even Grin and I can't figure out what's going on in his mind or why he does the things he does. You think Spike is bad, you should meet the rest of his family; they're even more messed up than him. That's why he has separated himself from them, to stop their poison from spreading within him any further. I'm not trying to justify anything he's done to Ring but I am saying that it could've been a WHOLE lot worse.

*Kevin begins to walk off.*

Artisha: *sighs* these nightmares she's having; in order to help her I think you need to know about the origin of these nightmares.

Kevin: *stops* and you oh-so-suddenly know so much about Ring? Well then, this one time, and only this time, I'll listen to you. And you better tell me everything you know...

Arthisha: Right. Grin, that's your cue.

Grin: ...Slumber Gigas was a paradise where individuals of all races came together to work as one. Human, non-human, it didn't what you were; as long as you desired a peaceful place free from discrimination, you were welcome there. The people there worked together to make that place a paradise. One of the main attractions for the huge island were the noble giants; you see, some giants are actually cannibals but the ones on Slumber Gigas were always very gentle, kind, protective and inventive. The giants of Slumber Gigas were a driving force for the island and helped keep the peace and settle disputes. Among them was the Royal Family. They were the best out of all the giants; and despite being royalty, they would meet with the people in public often, personally assist in building and restoration projects and even fight with the people to defend the island. With their knowledge, understanding and love for others they led the inhabitants of Slumber Gigas into a golden age. But alas, all ages must unfortunately come to an end. That day nearly 10 years ago the Gecko Family invaded, being led by Spike's father, Shiro Gecko. Prior to the invasion he had stolen a dangerous crystal that had been sealed away deep within Slumber Gigas: the Giant's Crystal; a crystal that grants the bearer the powers of the giants while negating the powers and strength of actual giants. He used it to completely overthrow the current King of Slumber Gigas; he took over everything and enslaved the Royal Family who powerless to do anything against him. Shiro Gecko became known as Mad King Shiro and ruled like the heartless, ruthless monarch he was. His son, Spike Gecko, saw all that was going on and fearing that he would end up as corrupted as his father he left the Gecko Family to find his own way. Shiro did everything he could think of to thoroughly humiliate the Royal Family. The former king wanted so much to spare his family from further torture so he tried to strike a deal with Shiro for their freedom; so just because he could, Shiro ordered for the Royal Family to be executed. The former king's son fought back by freeing the rest of the family and acting as a diversion while they escaped. One by one, the members of the Royale Family were caught until it was just the former king's daughter-in-law and her young daughter. Knowing that they would be caught soon the mother secured a small boat leaving the island and put her daughter on it; the mother was caught soon afterwards...the name of the Royal Family was Diamond; the young girl that escaped was Ring...

*Kevin's jaw steadily dropped as Grin went on. By the end of the explanation, his jaw was closed again, but he was just staring blankly into the air.*

Arthur: ...... *sniffles a bit, trying to fight back tears*


Grin: ...when Spike saw Ring again he knew what must've happened back on Slumber Gigas. His intention was to take the young girl in and give her a good home...but he himself was unable to do that given how he was raised. He basically treated her the same way he was treated as a child, thinking that it was normal...

Artisha: Whenever Spike did cruel things to her or left her in a humiliating situation it was the two of us who bailed her out. I wish that we could've done more but Spike's mind is a dangerous and unpredictable one; we want to help him but at the same time we fear him. If the two of us sticking with him all this time isn't a sign of friendship on our part I don't know what is. But anyway, does this help; do you now understand why you need to find and stop her from reaching Slumber Gigas?

Kevin: ........She'll be killed if she makes it back....

Arthur: NOOOOOOO!!!! She can't die!!!

Ashuro: ...

Artisha: It takes a long time by boat to reach Slumber Gigas so you still have some time to catch up to her if you hurry.

*After quickly composing himself Arthur looks to where his sisters were the last time he saw them and sees that they are no longer there.*

Artisha: Oh, if you're looking for those two little girls that were here earlier they went and followed Ring after she left. Were they friends of yours or something?

Arthur: T-they are my sisters....

Ashuro: ...Shiro Gecko...I take it that he can't be reasoned with, huh?

Artisha: Nope; a man like that won't stop the path he's on until the day he dies.

Ashuro: ...right...Kevin?

Kevin: *mumbles a whisper* Then I'll make sure that day comes quicker than expected......

Arthur: ..... *looking up at Kevin*

Kevin: .....We need to find those girls. Come on. *walks off*

Ashuro: *follows Kevin* you intend to take on the entire Gecko Family by yourself?

Kevin: I can break my entire body down to electrons and attack them as a living lightning bolt......only problem with that is that I need to fully undo the Thunder God seal and release the Black Lightning, and that can set my powers into a non-stop thunder storm...

Arthur: .....I suggest you don't do that...take Ring with you and plan ahead.

Kevin: Arthur, not now. I can understand you're worried, but this-

Arthur: Would Ring want you to murder someone, even if for her sake?

*Kevin stops. He stands there for a good 20 seconds as he turns to Arthur*

Kevin: .....Who...are you, anyway?

Arthur: ....I'll tell when you and Ring are safe at home....

Kevin: Sounds fair enough, to me.

Ashuro: Beside, if what I heard from Grin's story is true, we don't have to kill him...this time. We just need to get that crystal away from him. The giants might be affected by the crystal's power but we're not. But before we go after her might I suggest we get some backup?

Kevin: Let's find Ring first, so she doesn't make it off while we get help...

Ashuro: Yeah, you're right; when you think about it she does have a remarkable head start even if it does take a while to get to where she's going. Guess I'll do this the speedier way...Cell Bunshin! *claps his hands and makes several cell clones appear* you all know who to contact so hurry up and get to them ASAP!

Cell Clones: Right! *speeds of in various directions*

Ashuro: Our reinforcements will meet up with us on Slumber Gigas so all we have to do is focus on getting there and finding Ring.

Kevin: Yes. You don't happen to know the fastest way to get there, do you?

Ashuro: The most standard way is by boat but that takes a long time so the next fastest way is to fly.

Kevin: ...Since Ring has no legit way to fly, she must be at the pier to rent a boat or something, right?

Arthur: Seems logical.

Ashuro: Yeah, let's just hope that there was a long wait for a boat to leave to where she wants to go.

Kevin: Spurt to the pier then. Andale andale!

*Kevin, Ashuro and Arthur rush over to the pier as quickly as possible. When they arrive they ask around and find out that the next boat for Slumber Gigas won't be leaving for another two hours. As they were considering an alternate means of crossing the water, they see a yellow cloud speeding through the sky that circles their location before eventually landing next to them. The person on the cloud was none other than Rocko Yemma.*

Ashuro: Rocko? I thought you were going to be travelling with the others to Slumber Gigas in the ship.

Rocko: I was but after checking the boat schedules I saw that it would be a while before the next boat took off for there, which would leave you two... *sees Arthur standing with them* without a way to get there quickly since we were taking the ship. So I came here to help you with something I've been working on for quite some time *takes out what looks like a small fog machine* The Portable Nimbus Maker!

Kevin: You guys keep surprising me more and more. One day, I'll be the one surprising you guys, and you'll be like "Whoa! That is amazing!" But alas... -3-;

Arthur: *chuckles*

Rocko: It runs on electricity and needs water to make the nimbus clouds.

Ashuro: But don't you need to be pure of heart to ride a Nimbus cloud?

Rocko: Not all of us are Goku. I made it so that anybody could ride these clouds; it's my way of giving back to the environment. ^w^ *uses his machine to create three Nimbus clouds* hop on, they're very cushy to get it to do what you want just will it to where you want to go.

Kevin: ... *gets on a cloud*

Arthur: ! *gets on Kevin's cloud with him*

Ashuro: *gets on a cloud* All right, let's go; to Slumber Gigas!

Kevin: ...Rocko, did you see Ring on the way here...?

Rocko: Nope; if anything she's probably on one of the boats going in the same direction we are so be on the lookout for those as we fly. I've got a GPS lock on Slumber Gigas, so I can direct us right to it.

*The four take off on their Nimbus clouds in the direction of Slumber Gigas. Kevin was definitely enjoying the feeling of flying around in this manner but kept his eyes peeled for any boats below him.*

Kevin: ......

Arthur: You seem troubled? Not just because of Ring....

Kevin: ..Huh? Um...yeah...maybe.... I promised her I'd be there for her when she needed me. But, seeing her going out and doing something like this worries me with the fact that...she'll be able to move off without me. She has earned a following as a contest star, she's able to take care of herself....the world is vast, and maybe she wants to explore people more suited

Arthur: ...... *looks at him with a sad expression on his face*

Ashuro: Don't think like that. It is true that Ring gained some confidence from her solo journey but she still hasn't learned what sort of things she can do on her own and what things she can't. Becoming a contest star is something completely different from taking on an entire mafia family by yourself; when we find her be sure to teach her that since it seems that I failed in doing so somehow. She's at that time in her life right now where she's going to need your love and guidance more than ever.

Kevin: ..... *pulls out the box he was carrying Ring's wedding ring in and looks at it for a brief moment.* .....Right.

*Half an hour later Ashuro, Kevin, Arthur and Rocko come across a spectacular sight: a gigantic landmass, nearly humanoid in shape, floating in the middle of the ocean.*

Ashuro: Man, this place is huge...

Kevin: It is a home for giants, what did you expect...?

Arthur: *scouting in Kevin's place*

Rocko: *scouting the area* ...hey, there's the port...and it looks like it just arrived and is letting people off!

Ashuro: That's as good as any place to start our search.

*The four descend towards the port and land in the square connecting to the port. While there they see many different types of people walking about; there were even some wearing collars similar to the one Ring wears.*

Ashuro: ...the emblems in those collars...they're the same ones that were in Ring's collar when I first met her...

Arthur: *scurrying through the crowd* Amethyst! Samantha! You here!?

Kevin: Don't get lost, Arthur! *scouting for Ring* Come on....come on...!!

Rocko: ...the energy here feels weird as well...

Ashuro: You can feel it too, huh?

Rocko: Yeah; there's something permeating the air here...but what?

*Just then several officers rush the scene and make their way towards the port.*

Kevin: ...Officers...?

*Kevin and the others follow the officers to the port to see what was going on.*

Officer 1: What do we have here?

Officer 2: Two giants seem to have gotten loose and have had their collars altered.

Officer 3: Ooh, Boss Shiro is gonna have fun "educating" these two, heh-heh-heh!

Officer 2: Yeah, I feel sorry for the poor sap of a guard that let them slip by them and leave this island.

Officer 1: Boss Shiro will probably gut them all and then appoint new ones. Hahahahaha!

Officer 3: It's a good thing there's always one of the Gecko Family's higher-ups on each boat wearing an amplifier that makes nearby giants weak in the knees, otherwise we would've never found them.

Officer 2: Yeah, you got that r...wait, that tall one looks familiar...WAiT! She's the one that escaped from Boss Shiro's grasp years ago!

Officer 3: Yeah, you're right!

Officer 1: If we turn her into him it could mean big things for us!

*Looking through the crowds of people and officers, Kevin and the others see none other than Ring and another little girl who looked like her in handcuffs, both looking very tired. There was another little girl with blonde hair that was being restrained by a high-ranking member of the Gecko Family.*

Officer 1: What's up with the kid, Bufo?

Bufo: Not only is this one with the giants she blasted me with electricity; too bad for you that my E-nergy element is Earth, you little brat.*

Samantha: My name is Samantha. Is that so hard to understand? I've told you five times already, dummy. >3<

*Arthur makes it to the front of the crowd and stares blankly at what is going on in front of him. Terrified by the officers to the point of trembling where he was standing.*

Bufo: Why you little...! *flings Samantha down to the ground and pulls back his right leg, preparing to kick her* Shut your mouth!

Ashuro: *delivers a speedy, stretching punch to Bufo's face*

Bufo: AHH! *lands with a thud*

Ashuro: You would attack even a little girl? For shame~ -w-

Bufo: What the...who's the wise guy who did this to me?!

Ashuro: Right here The name's Ashuro Kamaké and this girl and the two you have in handcuffs are with me. So if you could see your way to letting them go we can put all this ugliness behind us.

Bufo: Attacking a high-ranking member of the Gecko Family such as myself is punishable by death! You're not leaving this island alive, cat!

Ashuro: -w-'t want to do that.

Bufo: *powers up with Earth E-nergy and forms rock gauntlets around his fists*

Ashuro: *sighs* Alright then *charges E-nergy into his right arm and then delivers a powerful stretching punch to Bufo's face, sending him flying into the group of officers, bowling them over and getting knocked out*

Bufo: @ o @ ...

Kevin: *runs up to Ring and the young girls* don't worry girls, help is here.

Samantha: !! Y-you are-

Arthur: *runs up as well* Yes Samantha, it is him. Gimme your hand now, I'll help you up.

Ashuro: *walks up to Ring and Amethyst and breaks their handcuffs freeing them*

*Within seconds of being freed from the handcuffs both Ring and Amethyst manage to get to their feet as their energy returns.*

Ring: I-I still feel a b-bit weak but I'm otherwise o-okay.

Ashuro: There's some sort of energy being emitted all over the island; if I had to guess, it must be to negate the abilities of giants.

Kevin: That includes you two...

Amethyst: ...But...I'm no giant......or am I?

*The officers get up and begin advancing on Kevin's group.*

Ashuro: Looks like they're not going to let us go peacefully; looks like the way to end this is to take it up with the big boss. Excuse me...

*Using a flurry of rapid stretching punches Ashuro quickly defeats all of the officers.*

Ashuro: ... *picks one of the officers up by the collar of his shirt* tell me, where can we find Shiro Gecko?

Officer 2: The...near the head of the island...

Ashuro: Thank you ^w^ *drops the officer* let's go, guys.

Kevin: *holds Ring's hand* ......Don't run off like that again. I'm really angry at you right now........

Arthur: *holds Ring's other hand as his sisters hold onto him, walking with them*

Rocko: *uses his portable Nimbus maker to make a huge Nimbus big enough for everybody to ride on* All aboard! Next stop...where are we going again?

Ashuro: Near the head of Slumber Gigas; if anything, that's around the area the royal family lived. Just look for anything that looks like a palace or the like.

Rocko: Right; next stop, near the head!

Kevin: *helps Ring and the kids onto the nimbus* Careful now, careful.

*Once everybody is on board the Nimbus takes in the direction of the head of the island. Meanwhile, within the royal palace, Shiro Gecko walks into the palace dungeon and walks up to the cell containing the one remaining member of the original Royal Family: the former king, Owain Diamond.*

Owain: ...

Shiro: *cackles wildly* Oh Owain, you never seem happy to see me when I come to visit; it's starting to hurt my feelings~ *fake cries then cackles wildly*

Owain: ...

Shiro: Anyway, you'll never guess who paid a visit to my humble little island today; your escapee of a granddaughter.

Owain: !!

Shiro: Oh, I knew that would get your attention. Yeah, she came here with a motley crew of one man, one cat, one hamster and three little kids. I guess that this is supposed to be some sort of retaliation against me or something, I don't know. But don't worry, I'll continue to hold up my original deal to our promise made years ago. I'll let you see all of your family one last time before I kill them right before you; and once they're all gone THEN I'll kill you. See, aren't I a nice guy? *cackles wildly* well, I've got to go; I'll make sure to leave your granddaughter intact enough for you to meet with her one more time. Till then, ta-ta~ *cackles wildly*

Owain: ...Ring...

*Within minutes, Ashuro and the others land in the plaza surrounding the huge royal palace.*

Rocko: We have arrived at what looks like the royal palace, enemy HQ! Please be careful when disembarking the Nimbus and thank you for flying Air Yemma today~ ^o^

Kevin: Is it a good idea to take the kids with us...?

Arthur: We can help!

Samantha: Besides, you can't afford to let even one of you leave and keep us safe, right?

Kevin: "sigh" Just don't tell your parents we took you on this mission....

Amethyst: ...hehehe, ok~

*They all giggle*

Kevin: I fail to see the fun in that. -_-

*Ring takes a long look around her. The sights, the sounds and smells were all very familiar to her; she had definitely been here before.*

Ring: ... *looks lost in her thoughts*

Ashuro: ...whatever that weird energy is its definitely coming from inside that palace.

Rocko: The others should be close by now; I'll send out the tracking signal so they know exactly where we are *activates a gadget that begins beeping*

Kevin: *stares at Ring as Rocko explains* Yeah yeah, what you can..... *places a hand on Ring's back* you alright, Ring?

Ring: I...I've definitely been here before. I can't b-believe it, this p-place was my home...

Kevin: Yeah.....I learned of it just recently feels like a fairy tale story, doesn't it? Or a well written manga with complex characters, give or take...

Ring: I know, r-right? ^w^ ...I'm s-sorry for not c-coming to you about all of this. W-When Grin and Artisha t-told me that story I f-felt all kinds of things I n-n-never felt before. Feelings of anger, rage, wrath; I just wanted to hurt this Shiro Gecko for all of the hurt he caused me. W-Why was that? Is there s-something wrong with m-me?

*From what Ring had just described Kevin identified that feeling as the desire of revenge.*

Kevin: The desire for revenge. You want him to pay for what he did to your family. This place. It's an understandable feeling....I've felt it before as well. It can be over something small and trivial. Say, you want revenge on a guy who beat you in a game, by beating him in the same game, right? But over the course of human history, there has been bloodshed over bigger matters of, riches, family. In this specific scenario that we find us in now.....I at least want Shiro to pay for the lives he took, with his own might have a different look on the situation, but I want to completely do that guy in..... Remember though, revenge isn't almost never the answer. That's your lesson for today.

Ring: *nods in understanding*

*The palace doors open and out of them comes a large man in a blue jumpsuit. He had snake-like eyes, a green and yellow mullet and build that suggested that he was a bit fat but muscular at the same time. It was the Mad King himself: Shiro Gecko.*

Ashuro: Looks like the big boss himself has come to meet us.

Shiro: *smirks* Welcome to the greatest island on this planet: my kingdom, Slumber Gigas!

To be continued...

Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Mirror World and the Wishing Jewel! Bastion's First Adventure!!

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 1
“The Mirror World and the Wishing Jewel! Bastion’s First Adventure!!”
An RP between RaijinSenshi and eshonen

While walking down the sidewalk on his way to the park Bastion trips and drops his 3DS in the street and before he can retrieve it the handheld gets run over by a passing car, getting destroyed in the process. Majorly depressed, Bastion arrives at the park and is approached by a small, floating stranger in a cloak. She presents him with a brand new 3DS and says that as her first customer he gets to have it for free. Bastion is overjoyed but can't shake the feeling that there was a catch. It turns out that he was right; the merchant did indeed have a task for him.

Bastion: A task....? What kind of task..? .n.

???: I want you to deliver this map to somebody in town for me *floats the map over to Bastion*

Bastion: Um...okay, I can do that. *takes hold of the map*

???: The person I want you to deliver this map to is named Renezmay. She's quite easy to identify; she looks like Midna in imp form but with a blue and white coloration. Oh, but before you go...

*The huge backpack opens up and out of it flies a smaller backpack that opens up to reveal several other unique items inside.*

???: I'm lending you some of my finer products, I have a feeling that you'll need them.

Bastion: ....Dually noted. *he put on that smaller backpack*

???: To find her easily I suggest you contact the man named e-chan; he'll know how to get in touch with her.

*Bastion immediately knew who the merchant was talking about since e-chan was on his friend list on his previous 3DS and often played games with him online and that one time in person.*

Bastion: Alright, I know who you mean. I'll try my best.

*With map in hand and backpack in tow, Bastion makes his way over to e-chan's home. Upon arriving he had to admit that he enjoyed visiting his gaming buddies, especially when they had their own Pokémon ranch for a backyard. After knocking on the door, the one who comes to answer it is another one of his gaming buddies, Scooter Bo.*

Scooter: Yo, Bastion, what's up? -u-

Bastion: Oh hey Scooter. Not much, just looking for e-chan. How are you and Chispa doing?

Scooter: Chispa and I are doing great; that little trip we all took out to Hoenn definitely helped. But come on in, e-chan is in the back with the Pokémon relaxing and thinking about stuff hoping that one of those random thoughts will give him some inspiration.

Bastion: Oh, I see. I just need to speak to him really quickly *walks in*

*Bastion walks inside and makes his way towards the backyard door then out of it. He finds himself on the Pokémon ranch and sees both e-chan's and Scooter's many Pokémon on the property.*

Bastion: Yo, e-chan~!

e-chan: Over here! *waves to Bastion*

*Bastion walks over towards e-chan who is over by the tall waterfall with some of the Water-type Pokémon. He also notices that e-chan was holding a light blue Pokémon egg in his arms.*

Bastion: My my, is someone gonna be a parent?

e-chan: *chuckles* e-kun gave it to me as a reward for having seven full battles with him throughout the week; knowing the Pokémon he has I'm pretty sure that this will be a Water-type when it hatches. So what brings you out this way? Want to play? I've got a free demo code left for Monster Hunter 4~ ^w^

Bastion: Really!? I've been dying to- No. Nonono. I'm here on a task. Not for games.

e-chan: Okay, task first, games later; what can I do for you?

Bastion: I need to find this Twili named Renezmay. I heard you could help.

e-chan: Renezmay, eh? Yeah, I know her; a real adventurer she is. Always out looking for something that'll give her an edge against Midna. I've been on many an adventure with her for ancient artefacts but never found any...except for one that grants wishes that she didn't get to use. She hangs out around here somewhere but she's never shown me where. But she does come by often to play with the Pokémon around this time of day so you might be able to see her today.

Bastion: That's good. I guess I'll wait for the girl to arrive, then.

*The egg in e-chan's arms begins to pulse with a glowing light; it was trying to hatch!*

e-chan: OwO *makes an excited squeal* this is always the exciting part!

*A few seconds later the glowing slows and then stops; the egg wasn't quite ready to hatch just yet.*

e-chan: Oh well, maybe next time...

*A twilight portal opens up and out of it comes a blue and white Twili with orange hair.*

Renezmay: Hey, Big e, what'cha doing today?

e-chan: Just waiting for this egg to hatch.

Renezmay: Taking it easy as always, I see... *looks over and sees Bastion* You're a new face...

Bastion: You Twili are all so adorable, aren't you? owo Anyway, my name is Bastion, and I was sent to deliver this map to you. *he hands her the map that the cloaked individual gave him earlier*

Renezmay: Map? *opens the map and inspects it* ...strange...this looks like a map of a place I've already been that held an amazing treasure but it looks...reversed... *opens a twilight portal and out of it comes a hand mirror* more like... *holds the map in front of the mirror* mirrored! If this means what I think it means...why didn't I think of this before now? It makes so much sense! Yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes!

Bastion: Can the nudist-imp please share her findings with the peanut gallery?

Renezmay: A few years ago e-chan and I explored this abandoned fortress.

e-chan: Our first adventure... -w-

Renezmay: Yeah...there were two keys hidden on the first two floors of the fortress that were needed for the chest on the top third floor. Unlocking the chest would activate a trap, calling forth a mechanical guardian. The guardian itself isn't hard at all with the right equipment. Once it is defeated you open the chest and take the treasure inside: a wish granting jewel. Hold the jewel skyward, make your wish and it will come true! ^o^

Bastion: *turns to e-chan* The one she never used, right?

e-chan: Something like that.

Bastion: Well then. So....what now, then?

Renezmay: Well here's the thing; the jewel at the place has already been used so there's no point in going there again. However, there is still a way to get another one. Have you ever heard of the "Mirror World" theory?

Bastion: The Mirror World theory is basically the fact that every place has its own parallel world that is exactly the same, except that it is mirrored. Where left is right and right is left.

Renezmay: Correct! ^o^ It is also theorized by some that the choices and actions are mirrored as well. For example, the you of this world decides to go get something to eat, like a grilled cheese sandwich; the you of the mirror world might get something different or nothing at all. You see where I'm going with this?

Bastion: .....So....there would be a wish granting treasure that is possibly left unused in the Mirror World?

Renezmay: Exactly! ^o^ Well aren't you the smart one. ^w^ Yes, my hope is that the me of the Mirror World to this world didn't seek out the jewel and that nobody else has gotten to it yet.

Bastion: Well, fingers crossed. .3.

Renezmay: The only problem is that I can't warp to this Mirror World if I haven't been there and the only way I know how to get there is by entering through a mirror portal...but unfortunately I don't know where to find one... -_-

*A beeping sound can be heard coming from Bastion's backpack. He takes it off of his back, opens it and begins taking items out trying to find the source of the beeping; among them was a peculiar, shiny and highly reflective crystal.*

Renezmay: Wait, that crystal in your hand, may I see it?

Bastion: Um...yes ma'am. Do as you want.

*Renezmay takes a closer inspection of the crystal and a huge grin makes it's way across her face.*

Renezmay: OwO...eeeeEEEEEE!! *makes another excited squeal* I can't believe that you just happened to have something on you~ This crystal when charged with my power will lead me to nearby mirror portals! Kyaaaa~

*Bastion couldn't help but think that Renezmay was a bit cute with the way she was getting excited.*

Bastion: Hehe, you...sure get excited about adventures and stuff, don't you?

Renezmay: How can you not get excited about adventure? The journey, the locales, the unexpected twists and turns; it's like living the books and video games you enjoyed as a kid~ *spins around excitedly* ... ... Ahem, you understand right?

*Seeing her embarrassed side made Bastion think that she was even cuter.*

Bastion: *blushes* Well, of course I understand. A long and exciting adventure is amazing. You never know what's gonna happen until you go for it! only know from my video game experiences, saddly...eheh...

*Renezmay takes a look at everything that Bastion took out of the backpack.*

Renezmay: Wow, you've got some choice gear here. You're perfectly equipped to explore the fortress...and it IS a two person job... tell you what: you come with me and help me find the jewel and I'll let you make a wish after I make mine; doesn't that sound grand? ^w^

Bastion: I-I...sure, that sounds good to me. ^^

Renezmay: *charges the crystal with some of her power then points it in every direction until it starts glowing slightly when pointed in the direction of the waterfall* ...huh... *looks behind the falling water but sees nothing* ...bummer... *looks up at the falling water* ...hey e-chan, do you know what is beyond this waterfall?

e-chan: Up there? I know there is some forest and possibly some caves since I sometimes see swarms of Zubat fly from that direction.

Bastion: Hey, we should at least try to look in this general direction, right?

Renezmay: Right; if it's responding to something over in that direction then it is definitely worth checking out.

*Renezmay opens a twilight portal that warps both her and Bastion up to the top of the waterfall. Using the crystal as their guide the two of them follow the stream of water through a nice patch of exotic forest. Bastion was surprised that they found such a beautiful, hidden area.*

Bastion: ....Wow....guess what they say is true: You can find true beauty in everything if you look hard enough.

Renezmay: Uh-huh, this is one of the small rewards of adventure. ^w^

*The crystal shines very brightly as the two stand before a cave where the entrance has been blocked by some rocks. Looking up they saw another hole higher up on the cave where Zubat were flying in and out. Peering through the holes in the rocks both Renezmay and Bastion could see there was a path through.*

Renezmay: Hmm...

Bastion: Seems like we need to get past here.

Renezmay: ...Mr. Bastion, time to break out the bomb bag.

Bastion nods and reaches into the bag and pulls out a bomb, with its fuse already lit.

Bastion: .....Well ain't that something? *sets the bomb down and ducks into cover with Renezmay*

*The bomb explodes and clears the entrance to the cave.*

Renezmay: Excellent, the way is open for us~ ^o^

*Renezmay and Bastion enter the cave and begin exploring. Once again Bastion is impressed with how beautiful the cave looked with the shiny jewels in the walls lighting the way and the sparkling spring water flowing down the spring.*

Bastion: My word.....everything looks

Renezmay: Yeah, it is nice; it's not always like this but when it is it makes the trip that much more worth it. ^w^

*As they get further in the cave they come across a chamber full of reflective mirror slab embedded in the wall.*

Renezmay: *looks at the gem as it shines the brightest* this is the place; somewhere in here is the portal to the Mirror World of this place *looks around the room and sees all of the mirror slabs* one of these is the portal; got anything in that bag of yours that'll let us see which is the real one?

Bastion: *looks in the bag* ....Ironically enough: A "Mirror of Truth" *holds up a mirror*

*Bastion looks through the mirror and scans the room with it. After nearly circling around the whole room Bastion sees that one of the mirror slabs was in fact an illusion hiding a sliding door.*

Renezmay: See anything?

Bastion: Yup. Sliding door behind that slab over there.

Renezmay: *goes over to the slab and flies through it to find the sliding door* ...clever... *opens the door* this way!

*Bastion follows Renezmay through the hidden door and they find themselves inside a room with another mirror on the wall. This one was different in that there was also a slot next to it where a crystal could be placed. Renezmay places the glowing crystal that guided them there in that slot and the mirror gets a shiny outline around it, signifying that there was power going to it.*

Renezmay: Here we are, one of the many gateways to the Mirror World; are you ready to take the first step towards a new adventure?

Bastion: ....Depends, are you going to suddenly morph into a nude human? Because in that case, I would appreciate a warning. But yes, I guess I am ready.

Renezmay: ...I don't think I can do that...can I? *thinks for a bit* ...huh...anyway, let's go: to the Mirror World~ ^o^

*Both Renezmay and Bastion walk through the mirror and end up in a room identical to the one they were in. After exiting that room they navigated through the cave noticing that they were taking the opposite directions they took to get there. Eventually they make it out of the cave and follow the stream of water back to the waterfall that led to e-chan's and Scooter's home.*

Renezmay: Doesn't seem too different from our world, does it?

Bastion: Well it is a mirrored version of our home...

Renezmay: We might run into a few of our friends along the way and they might be a bit different from how we know them; if that happens try not to let on that we're not from here.

Bastion: Hard to do if I don't know how I behave around these parts...

Renezmay:'re right...guess we'll just have to roll with it and see what happens ^w^

Bastion: Not like we have much of a choice in the matter.

*Renezmay warps both her and Bastion down the waterfall and onto the Pokémon ranch. They see all of e-chan's and Scooter's Pokémon running about. As they make their way to the fence they spot e-chan who seemed to be bench pressing some weights while Scooter spotted him; while still chubby he was indeed more muscular.*

Scooter: And that's...10, you did it *helps e-chan set the dumbell then spots Renezmay and Bastion* Oh, hey guys! I didn't know you were here. ^w^

e-chan: *wipes the sweat from his brow then drinks some water* Hey ^o^

Bastion: Hello. *simply waves*

e-chan: So what are you two up to today?

Renezmay: Oh, nothing much; just hangin' out~

e-chan: Well, you two have fun; if I stop now I'll never finish my exercise session for today *gets up and starts jogging with some of his Pokémon by his side*

Renezmay: Will do ^o^

Bastion: Yeah, what she said. Will do.

*Renezmay and Bastion leave e-chan's and Scooter's home to continue on their journey. While going through town Bastion could definitely tell that they were in a mirror world; everything and everyplace in town was opposite in both position and direction to what it was back in his world. This was a place that was definitely easy to get lost in if you forgot where you were. As they were passing the game shop a thought occurred to him; if the rare game he had been searching for wasn't available in his world, just maybe it would be here.*

Renezmay: *sees Bastion looking at the game shop* you want to go in? We've got time if you'd like to.

Bastion: Well, I don't want to stall us. But, if we can spare a minute or 5, theeeeen....yes please.

Renezmay: Go ahead

*Bastion immediately storms inside the store.*

Renezmay: Guess I'll see what's so appealing about this place *follows Bastion inside the game store*

*The store was filled to the brim with shelfs of games, consoles, controllers, accessories, guidebooks, etc etc etc. Bastion was eagerly looking through all the different shelfs as he looked for that one game he wanted.*

Renezmay: *looks around and sees a copy of Twilight Princess on one of the shelves* ...Midna, your throne will be mine...

Bastion: Renezmay, don't make that face. People who don't know you might think you are evil. <.<;

Renezmay: *snaps out of her trance* O.O Huh? Sorry, that's been happening a lot lately whenever I think of "her."

Bastion: Midna, you mean? She hangs around with my friend Kevin once in a while. What do you have against her...? *keeps looking through the shelfs* Not here either...

Renezmay: ...I...I really don't know. I can't remember anything about myself or my past nor do I know anything about it either; it's like a huge part of my life is missing. Whenever I saw "her" in the beginning it was like "Oh, a rival appears" but lately it’s like it has morphed into "I will break you!" It feels as if some unknown force is compelling me to defeat her for some reason that I don't understand...

Bastion: ...... *steps over and pets her lightly on her head* So...if you don't remember you not have a place to stay at either?

Renezmay: ...I pretty much spend every night camping out in various places wherever I go. .///.

Bastion: Is that why you want that wish? To remember who you are....?

Renezmay: Actually I was going to wish for the Fused Shadows so that I could overthrow Midna and take her throne...but that's an even better wish, actually; maybe if I knew that I'd know why I'm so obsessed with overthrowing Midna.

Bastion: *smiles a bit* Then you get obsessed with the power you then posses, leaving me, your trusty partner, to save you from your new and corrupted self. *chuckles*

Renezmay: *chuckles* Yeah... *blushes slightly* did you find what you were looking for?

Bastion: Sadly no... "sigh" Highly sought after games are such a pain...

Renezmay: Bummer...well then, shall we continue then?

Bastion: Yeah. Let's at least find what you are looking for.

Renezmay: Alright, let's go.

*Renezmay and Bastion leave the game store to continue their journey. They eventually make it out of town and into a forest where they come across what looks like several circular ponds.*

Renezmay: One of these ponds is actually a direct link to the abandoned fortress; I'm pretty sure you know what to do. ^w^

Bastion: Mirror-mirror in my hand, who is the pretties maiden in this land~? "Renezmay~!" And don't you forget it.

Renezmay: Oh you~

*Using the Mirror of Truth, Bastion scans all of the circular ponds until he finds the one that is indeed the portal. The both jump in and swim downward until the surface on the other side in a circular pond surrounded by other circular ponds in front of the abandoned fortress.*

Renezmay: We're here.

Bastion: ....I'm speechless. This is quite the place.

Renezmay: The last time I was here was it was with e-chan years ago; I never thought that I'd get a do-over.

*Both of them walk up to the front door of the fortress.*

Renezmay: Now the last time I was here these doors were locked and we needed to search for a key. If I remember correctly it was...

*Bastion pushes the doors open; they weren't locked.*

Renezmay: did you...?

Bastion: ...... *shrugs* the doors are not locked.

*Both Renezmay and Bastion enter through the front doors and inside the fortress; the inside was quite grand and impressive.*

Renezmay: Just as I remember it. ^^

Bastion: Except mirrored.

Renezmay: Yeah...well I hope you're ready for some puzzle solving. The door to the staircase over there is locked and we need to solve the puzzle in order to get the first key to unlock that door and the final...

*Bastion opens the door to the staircase; it too wasn't locked.*

Renezmay: ...what the...again!?

Bastion: ..........I don't want to suggest anything, but...if these are open, doesn't that mean someone has already been here, or...?

Renezmay: No-no-no-no, this can't be happening!

*Renezmay flies up the staircase to the second floor and to the door leading to the staircase to the third floor; that door was unlocked too. She flies up the staircase to the third floor to where the chest and the mechanical guardian guarding it lay; the mechanical guardian laid in a heap of scrap, completely destroyed, but the chest remained shut with the two keys in its locks. Bastion soon catches up and finds a very confused Renezmay.*

Renezmay: I...I don't understand; what's going on here?

Bastion: .......Don't look at me, I'm your innocent yet trusty side-kick. How am I supposed to know?

Renezmay: *looks at the chest* ...please be here-please be here-please be here... *opens the chest and sees that the wish granting jewel is still inside* still least I think that this is the jewel...

???: It is indeed the treasure you seek.

*Renezmay and Bastion look behind them and see a figure in a aqua green cloak; Bastion recognizes the cloaked individual as the merchant who gave him the map.*

???: However, I can't let you make your wish; not yet, anyway.

Bastion: You again? I should've known that you had a motive in the back. Shady merchants ALWAYS turn out to be doing something for their own benefit in the end.

???: O_O; W-Wait, it's not what you think! I had a very good reason for doing all of this.

Bastion: ......Go on.

???: I had you both come here so that I can change the future for her for the better. Renezmay, you said so yourself that you can't remember parts of your past and why you feel the need to overthrow Midna, right?

Renezmay: R-Right...?

???: It's were created for the sole purpose of reclaiming the Fused Shadows in any way you could.

Renezmay: ...created?

Bastion: Created? I repeat, confused.

???: The Usurper King, Zant; as childish and immature as he was, he wanted to make sure that he was ready just in case he was defeated somewhere along the way. So, using some DNA he got from Midna and his own dark powers he created you Renezmay and infused you with some of his consciousness which explains why you want to rule the kingdom of Twilight so badly. You were created to retrieve all of the Fused Shadows; once you had them, Zant's consciousness would take over, erasing you completely as your body and mind reformed back into his. Now having Midna's powers he would once again wage his campaign of conquest on both the light and dark worlds, overthrowing Midna and eventually taking over...until he himself is taken over by "him."

Renezmay: O_O ...wha...??

Bastion: Whoa, tone it back. part of Zant?

???: In a way, yes; the majority of him still remains dormant at the moment. But right now he is still weak, meaning now is the perfect time to completely eradicate him once and for all. I needed you at full strength by the time you got here so I came here in advance and solved all of the puzzles and battled the guardian for you. Now I need your strength.

Bastion: If you are able to do all this on your own, what do you need us for?

???: Because I'm not entirely sure I can do this last part on my own. Now please, Renezmay, give me the jewel.

*Renezmay reaches into the chest and takes the wish granting jewel out and heads over to the cloaked merchant and hands it over to her*

???: Get ready...

Bastion: Um...o-okay.

???: ...I wish...that Zant had no control over Renezmay and every last trace of him was expelled from her so that she was free to be herself!

*The jewel shines brightly as a dark aura surrounds and envelopes Renezmay.*

Renezmay: *groans in pain then passes out*

*The dark aura slowly lifts into the air and then begins to take the shape of a person. The aura vanishes to reveal the Usurper King himself, Zant.*

Zant: ... *looks at the cloaked merchant, then Renezmay, then finally Bastion; seeing Bastion's green hoodie seems to trigger something within Zant causing to start freaking out and thrash about*

Bastion: Whoa! Dude, I know your role in Hyrule Warriors was shafted and short, but you're still a great fighter there, so chill! o_O;

???: *levitates a sword and shield in front of her* his mind must not be at 100% just yet; this might be my only chance so I've got to make this count. CHARGE!!

*The cloaked merchant shoots towards Zant like a rocket and stabs him in the chest with the sword, causing him to fall to the ground.*

???: With him moving around all crazy like that I didn't think that...

*Zant, with the sword still stuck in his chest, suddenly springs to his feet and charges at the cloaked merchant. She reacts by countering his strike with the shield but the sheer force of the strike sends her flying backward into a wall hard and getting knocked out as a result, dropping the shield at Bastion's feet.*

Bastion: !! *picks up the shield and positions himself between Zant and his group.* Darn, of all the things, I'm going to be done in by the Usurper King's copy....not the greatest way to go....which just means I'll have to try staying alive so that might not happen...

*Zant pulls the sword out of his chest and tosses it to the side before setting his attention back on Bastion. He walks around Bastion like a predator circling its prey then draws his claws. The sight of this activated an adrenaline rush in Bastion which highly boosted his reflexes as Zant begins his frantic attack, continuously slashing at Bastion as he blocks each attack with his shield. After that short burst of attacking Zant tires out and stops to catch his breath. From looking at Zant's wound, Bastion guessed that the cloaked merchant did indeed strike the right spot but just not deep enough. He had to get that sword if he wanted any chance of surviving this encounter.*

Bastion: ....Do or die, it is!

*Bastion runs past Zant, slamming against the Usurper King with the shield as he does and makes a mad dash to get the sword. When he does, he quickly turns around again and faces Zant. Shield in his right hand, sword in his left.*

Bastion: You want some of this, blank-face? Come on, I'm just a panda, so do your worst...

*Zant throws another mini-tantrum and begins to attack Bastion with more rapid strikes which Bastion successfully blocks with his shield. When Zant tires once again Bastion is ready to counterattack.*

Bastion: Here...goes!! *runs the sword right through the wound the merchant delivered earlier and presses Zant up against the wall like so. Keeping the pressure up, he attempt to drive the sword all the way through and into the wall as well.*

*Zant puffs up and pops like a balloon in a puff of dark smoke.*

Bastion: ....heh....heheheh....HAAAAAAAAAH!! I did it!!! ....I did it.... *slumps back on his rear* Ooooooh maaaaan...that was more than I bargained for....

Renezmay: *wakes up* oh man, I feel so worn out...but refreshed as well ^w^ *gets up and looks around* looks like I missed something big, though...

Bastion: Yeah, I could've gotten myself killed, for your sake. No biggie, just my first real-life boss battle... *wanders towards the still out-cold merchant*

???: ... *groans lightly then wakes up* ...the future has been changed slightly... *gets up and starts floating* ...but not enough for a better future just yet...

Bastion: *places a hand on the merchant's head* Better future, you say?

???: I go any further I would like to thank you greatly for helping me out today *bows* and here, I believe this is what you came for *hands the wish-granting jewel to Renezmay*

Renezmay: OwO *stares at the jewel thinking about everything she could possibly wish for* well, now that I know my origins and I don't desire the Fused Shadows anymore, what should I wish for?

*Renezmay looks up and meets eyes with Bastion causing her to blush bright red and look away just as quickly; he had been a great help to her and she had to admit that she hadn't had this much fun on adventure in a long time. Maybe there was a way she could show him her thanks.*

Renezmay: ...hmm... I wish...that Bastion had the game he was looking for at the game store earlier today.

*The jewel glows and a game box appears before Bastion.*

Bastion: ....? *looks at the game box for a good 5 seconds before bursting into a big grin and cheer, and then quickly turns to Renezmay with a look of shock and confusion on his face.* W....why...?

Renezmay: I...I just wanted to, y'know. I mean, you DiD come all the way here with me when you didn't have to and you even risked your life to protect me just now. I really didn't need anything for myself after everything that’s happened so I thought that I'd use my wish for my... "trusty partner" .///.

Bastion: ...Um...well, geez, I dunno what to say to that.... ^//^; I just thought you might want to wish for a home or something. *smiles a bit* Thank you, though. Or next adventure should be to get you a proper place to stay at, don't you think?

Renezmay: *chuckles* yeah...oh, that's right *hands the jewel to Bastion* I did promise you that you'd get to make a wish of your own when we started. So go ahead, wish for whatever you desire. ^w^

Bastion: ......Tempting to use, but I don't have a wish that is demanding of such usage right now. I do have two wishes that are small in size though.... *looks at Renezmay* ....Do you want to live at my place? At least, until you get your own place?

Renezmay: OoO Th-thank you; I love you...O//_//O; ER...I MEAN I'D LOVE TO!! Y-Yes, that’s what I meant *chuckles goofily and nervously*

Bastion: *smiles and places his hand on her cheek, then quickly kisses her on her lips.* That was the second one~ Hey, I'm an adventurer now. If I see something I like, I'll take it. That kiss being MY first treasure~ *chuckles with blush on his face*

Renezmay: -//w//-

???: ...and with that my personal wish has been granted. Shall we go back to our world? There is still something important that I must discuss with the two of you together.

Bastion: Surely.

*After a lot of backtracking to their world, Bastion, Renezmay and the cloaked merchant now arrive at Bastion's apartment complex.*

Renezmay: OoO You live here?

Bastion: Eh, I live in one of the apartments. It's nothing much, really...

*Bastion leads them to his apartment and lets them inside. Renezmay looks around, soaking in her new surroundings while the cloaked merchant sets her huge backpack down then leans against it to rest momentarily.*

Renezmay: *looks around at her surroundings* this place has a nice feel to it. ^w^

Bastion: .... *shrugs* It's calm and cozy.

???: Nostalgic -w- Anyway, I want to thank you again for your assistance today; your actions today in the Mirror World definitely helped make the future a lot better.

Bastion: And how do you know that?

???: Because... *removes her cloak* that's where I'm from: the future.

*Without her cloak Bastion and Renezmay see a young Twili girl with orange hair, brown eyes similar to Bastion's, a blue and white colored panda pattern on her body and wearing a frilled undershirt with matching panties.*

Bastion: o//u//O; could've just pulled the hood of the cloak back....

???: Oh, this? This is just a formality; I prefer going au natural like Renezmay and Midna. ^w^

Renezmay: Au natural? Are you calling me naked? o_O

Bastion: Yeah, that's kinda what you are: Naked. >/~/>

Renezmay: Really now? Huh...who knew~

???: Anyway, you're probably wondering just who I am. I've been trying to think of the best way to tell you this without possibly blowing your mind...but in the end I decided to just say it as simply as possible. My name is Sui, budding merchant extraordinaire and your daughter from the future~ ^w^

Bastion: .........Wait... OUR daughter or HER daughter...? o/_/o

Sui: The former~

Bastion: ...*looks to Renezmay* Um...whoa, us two...we'll adorable child together... ^//^;

Renezmay: Well this day just keep getting more and more interesting... ^///^;

Bastion: You can say that again.

Sui: I know that I should've let things happen more naturally but me and the others had to come to this point in time to prevent something terrible from happening.

*Bastion couldn't help but notice that Sui mentioned "others"*

Bastion: Rewind that. What did you mean by "others"?

Sui: Oh, that. Well, I alone wouldn't be enough to change the future so a lot of my friends came along with me; we're all about the same age. They're all actually the kids of ones you might know.

Bastion: ....Bringing that up just makes it weirder that at one point, Renezmay and I would produce a kid that...well, is you. ./_/. But, multiple kids of my other friends and their friends again?

Renezmay: Again? Has this happened before?

Bastion: Bad wording on my part. It hasn't, but....continue.

Sui: In our time, about a little over a decade from now, a man of unimaginable power has conquered most of this universe. His name is Benjamin Koco.

Bastion: ....The name doesn't ring a bell, but do go on, kiddo.

Sui: Simply put, the guy is an absolute tyrant that won't be satisfied until he rules everything with an iron fist. A few years back, he was freed from his 1,000 year prison by Pyro Darkesis and he's been in hiding since then, training himself to get stronger and learn new techniques...and enhancing one of his existing one greatly.

Bastion: Hmm...well now.

Sui: The reason that the Koco Family sealed him away was not only because of his lust for power and control but also because of a certain sound wave he could emit. Oh, I should probably mention that the Koco Family are primarily Verdente vampire bats. Benjamin Koco could emit a special sound wave that, when heard by members of the family, gave him control over their bodies yet as of that time not their minds. Using this sound wave he forcibly usurped the current boss of the Koco Family and made them do all sorts of horrible things and wage wars with rival and even ally Families.

Bastion: Oh geez. That is horrible...

Sui: And what's worse is that in the time he's been free he's modified that sound wave in various ways to manipulate those outside of the Koco Family. It...was him who would have originally gotten Mommy to go to the Mirror World and wish for the Fused Shadows. When Zant takes over and fully transforms her body into his, Benjamin Koco would eventually defeat Zant and take his power away from him and add it to his own.

Bastion: Well, one problem solved, at least.

Sui: Thanks to you for defeating the remains of Zant, Daddy~ ^o^

Renezmay: Yes, thank you for that, Daddy~

Bastion: Oh, now you speak up, Renezmay? </_/<

Renezmay: Oh don't be like that; you know we love you~

*Both Renezmay and Sui hug Bastion.*

Bastion: -////- ..... *holds around them, just to smack both of them on their butts* Love you too, you little buggers *then he kisses them on their cheeks*

Sui: *rubs her bottom slightly* Anyway, me and the others all came through the time gate at the same time but we seem to be appearing in this time separated. I'm sure they'll all make contact with their parents in this time soon enough. Like me, some of them have family disasters to prevent from happening...I hope Arthur, Samantha and Amethyst are able to help their mom in time...

Bastion: ...Who knows...? *shrugs*

Sui: Well, it's going to be a little over a year before the next time gate opens up around here so we're all stuck in this time period for the time being. Our goal during this time is to get everybody together to battle and defeat Benjamin Koco before he gets too powerful. But until then, I...need a place stay; you wouldn't mind if I stayed with you all for a little while, would you?

Bastion: I don't really mind... ^-^;

Sui: Oh thank you-thank you-thank you-thank you-thank you! I'll be sure to help out with the housework and cooking...when I'm not out performing my duties as a merchant, that is. ^^

Bastion: Little kids should play with kids their age, not do shady business like that. -u-;

Sui: Shady? I sell on-the-level, everyday, quality items at great prices, just like that Beth girl in the Class 135 stories >w< *pats her huge backpack*

Bastion: .....Say what now? Class 135...? o_O ....Nah, couldn't be. >.>

*Just as Sui had said, more and more of the offspring from the future were arriving in the present. Some may have missions to accomplish but they all have one thing in common: they wanted to change the horrible future where Benjamin Koco ruled over them all and they could live in peace with their loving parents and one another. This story was just beginning...*