Thursday, July 3, 2014

Camilla, Sander and the Double Movie Date

Travel Multiversal
Friendly Chaos Chronicles
“Camilla, Sander and the Double Movie Date”
An RP between RaijinSenshi and eshonen

On her way to the mall, Camilla waits for the pedestrian crosswalk light to light up. When it does, she begins crossing over to the other side while responding to a text on her phone. What she wasn't aware of was that a bus was headed her way; the bus driver was going 65 MPH on a 30 MPH street while texting on his phone. Camilla happens to look up as she's in the middle of the street and sees the bus is upon her with no way for her to get out of the way in time. Suddenly, in a flash, a strong and tall wolf man appears in front of her and stops the bus with a solid, metalized left arm shove. Camilla is quite shaken from scary event but is unharmed. The belligerent bus driver, unaware that he almost hit somebody by not paying attention, steps out to confront the wolf man for stopping him so abruptly. When the wolf man sees the bus driver is only worried about the damage done to the bus he delivers one punch to his jaw, instantly KOing the man. Camilla stands in awe of her cool-looking saviour; just who is he?

Camilla: D8 .........I...eyah...geh......the bus...and you arm...the punch, strong are you!?

Baron: Pretty strong ^^

Annette: *appears in a puff of smoke* Young master, you know that as fast as you are you could've easily picked her up and carried her to the other side...

Baron: And let this guy blow through another red light give him another chance to hit somebody? *points to the unconscious bus driver* Noooooo way!

Camilla: ...... *feels between her legs* (Great, I didn't wet myself...) *shivering a bit* ;~;

Baron: *looks over in Camilla's direction* You alright?

Camilla: *stands up straight, removing her hands from her crotch* YesIamfinethankyou! O/__/O;

Baron: Good ^^ *hears police sirens* I'll leave the rest to them; if anybody asks just say that he busted his face in the crash *quickly leaves the area*

Annette: don't have any reason to run, you know...

Camilla: ...W-who are you guys...?

Annette: That was Baron Quick, the only surviving member of his family. I guess you can call me his assistant, but I'm more like his maid; I'm Annette Splash. I'm helping him to start fresh here on this planet and rebuild his family.

Camilla: I...I see... *stumbles out of the street, sitting on the sidewalk*

Annette: *walks over to Camilla and sits next to her* Are you sure you're alright? I can walk you home if you like...

Camilla: ...Just... a bit shaken, is all...

Annette: Understandable...

*As Camilla and Annette sit on the sidewalk curb, the police and emergency crew arrive sort everything out.*

Annette: I think it's safe to say that this is the last time he'll ever drive a bus...

Camilla: ....Yeah...

Annette: tell me about yourself; what's your name?

Camilla: ...My name is Camilla. There really isn't that much to say right now.

Annette: Well, do you have any family?

Camilla: Well, yes of course I do. Mom and Dad are often out of town on important business meetings and/or Movie shooting....but, I have my Brother, my maid and my butler, so...I Guess that is my Family.

Annette: That's good; always treasure the relationships you have with them. ^^

Camilla: Of course, ma'am.

*Annette smiles at Camilla, although it was sort of hard to tell due to the mask covering most of her face.*

Annette: Were you on your way to do some shopping?

Camilla: Well...window shopping. I don't get my allowance before Friday. ^-^;

Annette: Mind if I join you? I'd love to speak with you some more. ^^

Camilla: Sure enough. ^^ .....Maybe we can find you something more casual than.....Your uniform...

Annette: My uniform? *looks out her outfit* Is it looking worn and faded already?

Camilla: I think you need something more stick out like a sore thumb...

Annette: I never really noticed...

Camilla: Well, better late than never, as they say...

Annette: I have at times wondered what it would be like to wear some other style of clothes; I leave myself in your capable hands. ^w^

Camilla: Great~

*Camilla and Annette walk down to the mall. They go into several clothes stores and Camilla picks out several different outfits for Annette to try on. Just as she thought, Annette looked good in all of the clothes she chose for her...although Annette still chose to wear her mask with all of them. When their shopping was done, Annette had several new outfits to wear. The two stopped by the food court and Annette treats Camilla to lunch for her help.*

Annette: Enjoying your meal? ^^

Camilla: Why yes, yes I am. Surprising how good Food you can actually get at the mall, isn't it? :3

Annette: actually my first time ever doing anything like this.

Camilla: ....What? That's absurd. o_o

Annette: I've always spent my time training, doing domestic chores, helping the heads of the family manage things, helping others that I meet with whatever troubles them...but I've never taken time to do something like this. It's been, how you ^^

Camilla: .... *smiles* Well, glad I could help you, so to say. ^^

Annette: ^^ ...hmm...I have a question for you...

Camilla: Sure sure, ask anything.

Annette: What do you think about the young master?

*Camilla looks confused as to who Annette is talking about.*

Annette: Oh, I'm talking about the man who saved you earlier, Baron Quick.

Camilla: .......What am I supposed to say, he hardly said anything to me before leaving. ._.

Annette: True, but does he seem like one you would like to get to know?

Camilla: Well...yes, I Guess so.

Annette: Wonderful, let me tell you a little about him...

*Annette tells Camilla about Baron. She tells her about his good points like him being strong, hard working and loyal to friends, his annoying traits like talking and acting before thinking things through, how to handle him when he does something stupid, his likes and hobbies and other facts. Camilla was surprised by the fact that Baron seemed to have a lot of the qualities she was looking for in a guy.*

Camilla: My my, he sure seems interesting, Annette. How do you cope With such a guy, though?

Annette: It's easy to deal with him once you assert a certain level of dominance over him.

Camilla: ....I dunno...seems like he is the kinda guy that would take People like you and me and smack Our rears sore...

Annette: It depends on how you assert that dominance; if you just come right out of the gate as bossy he probably would. But there is an easier sure fire way to get him to do what you want while you're getting to know him...

Camilla: Sure enough, sure enough. ^^

Annette: All you have to offer to get him a slice of pizza and he'll do pretty much anything you ask him to. But he's so easing going that you'll probably never have to do that.

Camilla: .......Wouldn't that info be...really bad in the wrong hands? ._.

Annette: Nah; he may be simple-minded at times but he's not stupid. He wouldn't do anything illegal or anything like that just for something to eat.

Camilla: you possibly have feelings for the guy?

Annette: No.

Camilla: Oh? ....Seemed that way. <.<

Annette: It's okay, you're not the only one who thought that. I'm always with him, fighting by his side and looking out for him, so it's easy to think that I might have a romantic attachment to him. But my role is to mould him into a proper leader for his family now that his parents cannot. I made a promise to the first head of the family to serve him and his descendants and I intent to keep it.

Camilla: .......Do you not even have a special someone to share time With?

Annette: ...I can't say that I do.

Camilla: ...... *smirks to herself* You know, I think my Brother would like someone like you. He could need someone to....."inspire" him... >w>

Annette: ...inspire him?

Camilla: You see...he is very......girly. -w-

Annette: Is he...nice?

Camilla: Why yes, almost to the point of awkwardness.

Annette: Well, if he's a nice person...I wouldn't mind meeting him someday. ^^

Camilla: Great. ^^

Annette: ^///^ *smiles*

Camilla: Why don't we finish up here? ^^

Annette: Sure

Camilla: ...Who pays the bill?

Annette: As I said before, it's on me. ^^

*After paying for their meals, Annette and Camilla leave the food court.*

Camilla: Anything else you'd like to do? I'm open for suggestions.

Annette: Hmm... *thinks for a moment* ...I don't have to return home for some time...what would you suggest in times like these?

Camilla: ....Hmm...I usually just walk around and enjoy the day.

Annette: Alright, let's do that then. ^^

Camilla: Yeah, let's.

*Camilla and Annette walk around and explore. While they're doing so they run into none other than Camilla's big brother, Sander.*

Sander: Oh, there you are little sis. I was getting worried. You know how you'd get if you went lost and came home too late. You'd be quite the grumpy face in the morning.

Camilla: ....Sander, please... >/~/>;

Annette: this him?

Camilla: ....Yeah, it's him.

Sander: ...?

*Annette inspects Sander; he definitely had some feminine features but she could sense that he was indeed a good person.*

Annette: Hello...

Sander: Hello. ^^ So you're the one who took care of my sister today? Thanks for that. I hope she wasn't too much a chore. <w<

Annette: She was no trouble at all; in fact, she helped me pick out all of these new outfits for myself and is showing me how to enjoy one's self. ^^

Sander: Oh, that's New. She usually just wants to do stuff for herself. .w.

Annette: Let’s say that we helped each other out today.

Sander: Great, that's wonderful.

Annette: So what brings you here today?

Sander: Well I was looking for my little sis...but before that, I was just strolling about peacefully. I mean, my job hour is over for the day, so.

Annette: What is it that you do for a living?

Sander: Not much, I have a part time job as the Security guard at the local museum. Every Tuesday, Thursday and on the weekend Nights...well, not every, as I share the job With my partners, and I'm not always needed...I'm a back-up in those cases, so.

Annette: Is it pretty tame most of the time?

Sander: No, not really. The museum really comes to life at night.

Annette: Really? Interesting...perhaps you can tell me more about it another time; are you and Camilla doing anything later on tonight?

Camilla: It's Our brother-sister Movie night tonight.

Sandre: But, it is not impossible to make it a brother-sister + friends movie night.

Annette: How would you like to have it at our abode tonight? We're not too far away *hands Sander a mini map with a location circled on it*

Sander: Sounds good to me. It's a date.

Camilla: It is most certainly NOT... >.>;

Annette: Pardon?

Camilla: Nothing. We'll just meet up With you there.

Annette: Okay, great; I must go now to prepare. I'll see you both later then.

*As Annette leaves, Camilla looks over at her brother Sander who has a blush and a smile on his face.*

Camilla: ...What is it With you?

Sander: .....She seems Nice....and she's got a Nice body.

Camilla: ....oh.

*A few hours later both Camilla and Sander stand outside of a nice sized house. While Sander knocks on the door, Camilla notices that her brother is was quite cleaned up and well dressed for this visit; it made her want to tease him a little bit.*

Camilla: Well, aren't we all preppy and presentable. Who are you trying to impress, Mr. Dream~?

Sander: Oh, shut up Camilla.

*When the door opens they are greeted by Baron who also seems to have dressed up a bit in nice clothes. Camilla was actually taken aback with how good he looked now as opposed to his earlier casual wear and made her blush a little. This didn't get past Sander who saw his opportunity to tease her back as Baron led them inside.*

Sander: ~Camilla and Baron, sitting in a tree, K-I-S--

Camilla: *elbows him in the gut* Shut it...! >/_/<#

*Baron leads Camilla and Sander to the living room where they see Annette setting up a wide array of snacks and refreshments on the table; Annette was wearing one of the outfits that Camilla had helped her pick out that really showed off her figure. Even though she was still wearing her mask, Sander found her incredibly attractive and couldn't help blushing again.*

Annette: *sees Sander and Camilla and smiles* welcome ^^

Sander: Heeeey... w

Camilla: ..... >.>;

Annette: So which movie did you bring for tonight? ^^

*Sander was still in awe of Annette so Camilla had to answer for him.*

Camilla: We brought "Blood Diamonds". I think it is a really good move. Leonardo DiCaprio delivers good roles as always. ^^

Annette: Agreed; Baron, could you set us up, please?

Baron: Okay.

*Baron takes the movie from Camilla and readies the Blu-ray player. Annette takes a seat on the loveseat and Sander sits right next to her, leaving Camilla to take a seat on the couch.*

Camilla: *raises herself onto the couch, leaning back against it.* There we go.

Sander: :3

*Once Baron is finished inserting the movie into the Blu-ray player and getting it to play he takes a seat next to Camilla.*

Baron: Would you like anything to drink?

Camilla: Oh, um, Yeah. Sure, I'd love something to drink. ./w/.

Baron: Even had a Boston iced tea?

Camilla: ....No, don't think so.

Baron: You'll like it, trust me *gets up and goes into the kitchen to prepare the drink*

Camilla: I'll trust you on that...

*Baron mixes the drink and brings it back to Camilla. After taking a few sips she finds the drink to be tasty.*

Baron: Good?

Camilla: Well, it most certainly has a lot of taste behind it~

Baron: Perhaps at another time I can teach you how to make it.

Camilla: Oh, that would be most lovely~

*As the movie played Camilla couldn't help but notice how comfortable both Sander and Annette looked together. She also couldn't help but notice that Baron was sneaking looks at her and looking away quickly and blushing when she acted like she was about to look in his direction.*

Camilla: ....? >.> ..... *scoots a bit closer*

Baron: ... <//.//< ... *scoots slightly closer*

Sander: Now kiss. >w>

Camilla: O//_//O Shut it!!

Baron: -w-; (Mood killer...)

Camilla: E-excuse my Brother...he isn't really that well put together, if you get what I mean...

Sander: Hey...! D:<

Baron: *chuckles lightly then notices that Camilla's cup is empty* let me go and refresh your drink for you *takes the cup and heads to the kitchen*

Camilla: *looks after him* ...... >.>

*Camilla decides to join Baron in the kitchen.*

Baron: *pulling two containers out of the refrigerator then notices Camilla beside him* oh, did you need something else?

Camilla: ...Um...n-no, not really... >//> *shuffles her feet at the ground*

Baron: Well, you came at just the right time; I'll show you how to make that drink you had earlier. ^^

Camilla: O-oh, great. ...It will give those two some time to be alone. <3<

Baron: Yeah... First you fill your cup half way with iced tea *pours in the iced tea* then you fill it up the rest of the way with cranberry juice *pours in the cranberry juice* give it a little stir *stirs the drink with a spoon* add ice cubes *puts three ice cubes in the drink* and viola, you have yourself one tasty Boston iced tea ^^ *hands the drink to Camilla*

Camilla: *accepts the drink and starts to drink it again*

Baron: ^///^

Camilla: ... *wags her tail cutely*

Baron: see...

*Both Baron's and Camilla's eyes meet while they're both stammering to speak and they both chuckle lightly.*

Camilla: ....Heh, guess we're both stuttering and blabbering fools.

Baron: I guess so ^^ Y'know...

Camilla: ....Well... *shuffles her feet slightly*

Baron: I didn't notice it when I met you earlier're incredibly cute ^///^

Camilla: Who, me~? *twirls on the spot* Oh Yeah, I Guess that is quite true~

Baron: There's just something about you that makes me want to spoil you rotten ^w^ (...and spank that cute little butt of yours when you get too bratty )

Camilla: Oh, by all means. I love getting stuff~

Baron: I'd like to get to know you better; how about we meet up again at another time in the future? We could go to a movie, go shopping, the amusement park or just hang out somewhere. What do you say?

Camilla: YES! I mean...sure, we could do that... .w. *her tail was wagging rapidly right then*

Baron: ^//w//^ (Man, she's too cute...)

*When Baron and Camilla return to the living room they see that both Sander and Annette have become closer too as the two of them are both lounging on the loveseat cuddled together as if they've been a couple for a while.*


Camilla: ..... ._. Well then.

Baron: ...maybe it was just me she wasn't interested in... ._.

Camilla: ......It's weird seeing a girl on good terms with my brother... -n-;

Baron: ...the feeling is mutual... -o-;

Sander: ...... *taking his chances, he tugs Annette's mask down just enough for her cheek to show, just so he could give it a soft kiss, making himself blush as a result.* I like you, Annette. Can we spend more time together sometime~?

Annette: Yes, let's do so ^w^

Sander: *cuddles up against her, nuzzling her cheek*

Baron: Yep, it's gonna take a while to get used to seeing Annette like this... -.-;

Camilla: *looking away* Brother, you embarrass me. -~-;

*Everybody finishes watching the movie without further incident. Once Camilla and Sander leave Baron has a question for Annette.*

Baron: So, you and Sander...

Annette: What about him?

Baron: For the longest time I thought you wasn't interested in romance.

Annette: Oh I was interested in romance; I just wasn't interested in getting romantic with you.

Baron: -_- what did he have that I didn't have that you were looking for?

Annette:'s hard to say for certain. But to be honest, everything about him reminds me a lot of my first love, Ragnar Quick.

Baron: Ragnar Quick? You mean the original founder of the Quick Family? You two were a couple at one time?

Annette: No; unfortunately for me he was already engaged when he first saved me. Since I couldn't express my love to him directly I decided that I would show it in another way, by serving him and his descendants for the remainder of my days.

Baron: ...hmm...

Annette: I know that he's not Ragnar and I won't expect him to become Ragnar either. I'm just so happy that I get to be around another that was like him after all of this time.

Baron: ...being able to see you smile like that...I'm happy for you too. ^^

*Meanwhile, Camilla has her own questions for Sander...and he has some for her too.*

Camilla: and Annette...?

Sander: Guess so~ ^^

Camilla: God damn it you horn dog, how did you manage that!? She is clearly out of your league! D|

Sander: I guess I just got lucky. She's a really sweet woman, and I like it the feelings of mystique she gives off. It's making me want to know as much about her as possible. ^^

Camilla: Come can't hold onto a girl for a week...! D| You would never-

Sander: Can't you just be happy for me? I'm really glad you and Baron hit it off. :/

Camilla: O//O; ...I-I have no idea what you're talking about, bro... >//3//>;;

Sander: Don't lie to me. I saw how you behaved around him, and how he was-

Camilla: There's nothing! And even if it were anything, I don't want you sticking your dity nose in it! >/o/<

Sander: Oh? Nothing, eh? >w> *holds up a recorder* I think I'll have to get Baron to listen to this over the phone. *picks up his cellphone*

Camilla: What? No! Don't you dare! QAQ *jumps at him and flails to get the recorder*

Sander: So there is something, afterall? |3

Camilla: SANDER!!! TAT

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