Sunday, February 9, 2014

Slime Date - When Koralle Met Cinder

Travel Multiversal
Secret Door Chronicles
“Slime Date – When Koralle Met Cinder”
An RP between ChinchillaKingXam and eshonen

Xam was walking about thinking about many things. He happened to pass by a blue slime girl wearing a simple pink bikini-like outfit. Thinking back he remembered e-chan introducing her to him; her name was Cinder.

Xam: That Cinder...I’m surprised that she’s still single. She’s very interesting...but them lips throw me off a little.

Cinder: And just what’s wrong with my lips?

*Xam turns around and sees Cinder glaring at him. Although she truly wasn’t angry or anything the facial expression she makes when asking questions sometimes makes her look annoyed or angry.*

Xam: YEEE! I didn't mean it! They're like lipstick! You're beautiful! Errr, how about I hook you up on a date with a handsome Slime-Nekofi boy? owo;;;

Cinder: ...a Slime-Nekofi boy? Never met one of those before...and e-chan has been telling me to go out and meet new people...alright, I'll take you up on your kind offer.

Xam: Okay, well... there's Pilz, he honestly... looks like you when it comes to facial expressions... and eyes. >.> There's Eis, a really calm and quiet guy who likes snow. Giftig is really sluggish, which is understandable since he hangs out near a factory. Alt is older, like has a beard older, and always engrossed in studies. King Neko-slime is... fat... and fancy. And last there's Koralle, great swimmer, great hunter, plenty of energy *shows her pictures of them*

Cinder: *looks at all candidates* hmm...this Koralle one looks interesting...

Xam: Handsome, great swimmer and fisher, a lot more energetic and fun than the other guys. Yeah I can see why you like him. -w- Let me call him up! *takes out an ocarina and plays a tune. After a minute he surfaces, riding two dolphins, his legs doing the splits between them*

Koralle: Hahaaaa! *he has his arms crossed as they swim closer, allowing him to stand up straight and leap off, landing near them on a dock before approaching* Greetings Xam! *Gasps* my word... who is this... beautiful woman!

Cinder: I am Cinder, former Captain of the Ripple Warriors.

Koralle: And I am Koralle, Slime-Nekofi of the ocean. I am a fisherman and a warrior myself. It is a pleasure to meet you. ^^ *takes her hand and gently kisses the back of it*

Cinder: -w- You seem like a guy who appreciates the importance of water.

Koralle: Why yes, I do. Any reason you bring this up?

Cinder: Because, it's something I've fought most of my life for.

Koralle: Really? You... fight for the ocean too? *He smiled warmly hearing this.* How about I treat you to dinner? ^^

Cinder: ...yes, I would like that. ^^

Koralle: Great! It's my treat, and anything you'd like. ^^

Cinder: Hmm...know anyplace that serves good drinks?

Koralle: I know plenty. ^^ *He offers his arm to her*

Cinder: Lead the way ^^ *interlocks her arm with his*

Koralle: *Walks with her* There's a restaurant right this way with over sixty kinds of drinks in fact. ^^

Cinder: Excellent~ ^o^

*Koralle leads Cinder to a mixed cultured restaurant*

Koralle: This place is called "Around the World Eatery". It has various foods, and drinks, from cultures around the world. Every time I come here I get something different.

*Koralle leads her in, asking for a table for two. When they are led to it, he pulls out the chair for Cinder.*

Cinder: Why, thank you~ I've never had this sort of treatment before.

Koralle: We Slime-Nekofi are few in number. As such we learn to be kind towards others. I'm a gentleman m'lady, and I shall treat you like a true date should.

*Koralle gently guided her chair back to the table and sat down. The menu was huge and had a large section for various drinks*

Cinder: *looks at the drink menu* ...they all look so good...what would you recommend?

Koralle: I've taking a major liking to the Baja Bermuda. It's a Hawaiian themed drink and it tastes really good. ^^ You sure like drinks.

Cinder: Back in my home world we didn't have abundant water or tasty drinks like there are in this world.

Koralle: Interesting. Can you get full off water?

Cinder: If I had to I could survive only on water but I still get my energy from other types of food.

Koralle: *nods* we drink a lot too, but we also eat to supply to our consistency.

Cinder: In the worst case scenario, without water I'd shrivel up and go into a sort of sleep mode. It has happened once before...

Koralle: Well then I guess I'll have to keep you hydrated. ^^ I can order an extra drink for you. *catches a waitress and orders them some initial drinks* so tell me about yourself, Cinder.

Cinder: Well, growing up it was just me and my mom. In the world we lived in she taught me that it was important for me to try my best to always be strong and carry on in any situation.

Koralle: That's a very nice morale to live by. ^^ Me and my brethren live life to the fullest and seek our own goals in life. I love to learn more and more about the ocean everyday. ^^

Cinder: That sounds like fun ^w^

Koralle: It is! I make friends with the aquatic inhabitants, and though I sometimes eat a few fish, I make sure it's nothing endangered or anything. I try to learn more about them. Studying the ocean is a passion for me. ^^ What's your passion?

Cinder: In the beginning it was nothing more than fighting with all my might to provide water to all those in need of it. But now, especially after a large group beach trip e-chan and his friends took me on, I've taking a liking to swimming. I just love the feeling of being surrounded by all of that water and moving through it with ease. ^w^

Koralle: I guess that's because you’re not used to seeing so much water at once. It must be nice for you. ^^

*A waitress brings their drinks to the table and serves them*

Cinder: Ooh, this looks good ^3^ *takes a sip* Delicious~

Koralle: I told you so. ^^ *he sipped his own with a satisfied sigh* so, mind if I ask you a more private question?

Cinder: ...I suppose...

Koralle: *nods gently* Feel free not to answer. My question is do you have any hobbies? Maybe kinks?

Cinder: I guess my main hobby is weapon training. Being in charge of a team meant I had to be reliable in combat, so I trained my body and mind everyday at the break of dawn. Just thinking back to those days, it's hard to imagine it's been 300 years since then...

Koralle: *Gently nods, unfazed by her age.* Weapons skills is a worthy endeavour. I've trained in a few myself, but as I have said my focus is in marine life. I wonder if you'd share a passion all us Slime-Nekofi share though.

Cinder: And what passion would that be?

Koralle: *Blushes and sighs* Well... if I tell you do you promise not to judge my kind?

Cinder: You can tell me; I promise. ^^

Koralle: Alright then *leans in close and whispers* my race tends to have a spanking kink.

Cinder: Really? I must admit that does sound interesting

Koralle: *Crosses his arms and nods smiling* you see, since we're made of slime, we can feel the vibrations through our entire body. It creates a very sensual sensation. ^_^

Cinder: Is that so? I never would have guessed.

Koralle: Would you care to give it a try later if we have some privacy?

Cinder: O///O ...I wouldn't mind... .///.

Koralle: Heh, you're pretty cute when you blush. ^^ Alright, shall we order more drinks, or have you had your fill?

Cinder: *finishes her drink* I think I'm satisfied for right now ^///^

*Koralle smiles and pays the bill with a tip, getting up and walking over. He gently takes her hand and helps her up*

Koralle: Then shall we go find a more private place? ^^

Cinder: Yes, please ^w^

Koralle: *Wraps an arm gently around her waist and smiles, walking with her.* I must admit, I love the color of your slime. It reminds me of the ocean of course, as well as the sky on a clear day. It's quite lovely. ^///^

Cinder: O///O ... >//3//<

Koralle: Hahaha! So you can blush. It's cute. ^^ And that's good, because... *Whispers in her ear* I plan on making your bottom cheeks blush a similar color soon *winked and guides her to the nearby docks.*

Cinder: *looks around the area nervously*

Koralle: Here we are: the "Blue Barracuda" *motions to a large boat that has living arrangements inside* I bought this boat since it's kind of hard to build a house underwater. We'll have privacy in here ^^ *gently opens the door* after you, of course.

*The inside was like a studio apartment. There was a bed, a make shift kitchen, a make shift living room kind of area with books, all in the same open space. A single door led to a bathroom. Korralle gave her a gentle swat on the bottom as Cinder walked past him into his home.*

Cinder: *makes a mild squeak in surprise to Koralle's gentle swat* -w-

Koralle: *Chuckles and shuts the door, finding a seat on his sofa and motioning her over* let's have some fun. Go ahead and assume any position. ^^

Cinder: ^///^ *takes a traditional over the knee position over Koralle's lap*

Koralle: *Smiles and rubs her bottom, giving it a few gentle pats* Have you ever been spanked before?

Cinder: No; usually when I did something wrong my Mom usually give me a certain look, send me to the corner, ground me or if I did something very stupid or dangerous she'd bop me on the head.

Koralle" Well good, then you don't have a negative outlook on it. *raises his palm and began giving her light swats over her pink bottoms, slapping the center of her cheeks, the vibrations lightly felt through her body*

Cinder: -//w//- So this is what you were talking about; it DOES feel good...

Koralle: Oh yes, and it can be done in a variety of ways. Harder, softer, different positions; many times with no cover *gives her bottom piece a playful tug before giving her more gentle smacks*

Cinder: =//w//=

Koralle: You have a face that tells me you're pleased as punch right now, so I'll keep going. ^^ *alternates between both of her cheeks with his gentle palm, starting to make the smacks a little more firm* so tell me about this mother of yours.

Cinder: She's great. She was strong, smart and always had the most interesting stories to tell me. She wasn't elegant by any means, but for the kind of person she was that was okay. If there was any one quality about her that I didn't like it was that she couldn't cook to save her life. I love her and all but I honestly wonder how I survived eating her cooking.

Koralle: *Laughs and pauses in what he's doing* Well I assure you I am a great cook, so if you ever want to eat I'll make something for you. Well, shall we end the session here? Or would you like to go a little longer? *gives her bottom piece another gentle tug*

Cinder: *thinks for a moment* I guess we can end it here... *repositions herself so that she sitting on Koralle's lap* but I would like to stay like this for a while longer

Koralle: Oh yes, I would as well. You're very nice to embrace. ^^ *wraps his arms around her and gives her a hug*

Cinder: ^//w//^ I think that the two of us are going to get along just fine.

Koralle: I agree. *kisses her cheek and chuckles gently*

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