Thursday, February 20, 2014

Ride, Pepper, Ride

Pepper rides his custom Extreme Gear, the White Hunter

Racers Get Ready...


Pepper BOOM


Walking with Dragons

For spdy4

Arrow and Dena walk and chat with one another. ^^

Jamie Finds Love!? Encounter with the Time-Stopping Thief!

Travel Multiversal
Secret Door Chronicles
“Jamie Finds Love!? Encounter with the Time-Stopping Thief!”
An RP between ChinchillaKingXam and eshonen

Badi al Zaman makes his way through the street, with his hand on the hilt of his blade. He notices someone pocketing some money and grins, slowing time as he snatches a few bucks, leaving most of his money so he doesn't notice, and then backs away returning the flow of time to normal.

Badi: Well, looks like I'll be eating the dollar menu for dinner. ^^

*Badi hears a lot of commotion coming from a nearby alley and decides to investigate it. What he sees is a small Nekofi wearing a simple white dress and a scarf and wielding a Pensword surrounded by a group of 20 strong looking men. As the men advance on her she easily and nimbly dodges each of their attacks and counter attacks each one with a single OHKO sword slice. When all of the men are down, the Nekofi's weapon vanishes into thin air then she walks over to one of the men and takes the white hat off of his head and places it on hers.*

???: Next time I say don't touch the hat I "mean" don't touch the hat.

*The Nekofi then walks past Badi, only briefly making eye contact with him.*

Badi: *watches her go with a smile*

*As Jamie walks along, she's shocked to see the boy she had just passed by sitting on a bus bench ahead of her. He smiles and stands up.*

Badi: That was impressive what you did back there. Why get so upset over a hat though? Or was it like... taking your hat was like challenging you?

???: ...this hat belonged to my father; he gave it to me before he left on his journey years ago. It's one of the most important things I have and I don't like other people touching it.

Badi: Alright, mentally noted. ^^ *He walks up to her* my names Badi al Zaman. What's your name?

Jamie: Jamie Kula...why are you following me? -_-

Badi: *leans on his sword* you're interesting... and attractive, both very important things in a woman to me. ^^ I'd like to get to know you better. I guess you could consider me... hitting on you? As they say in this age. ^^

Jamie: ... *looks at Badi from head to toe* ...if I were to get involved with anybody they would have to be stronger than me or at least be able to keep up with me... *looks at Badi from head to toe again* ...and from what I see you don't look like you could be anywhere near as strong as me.

Badi: *nods in agreement* you are right. I could never take on ten men at once with brute strength. But! I could keep up with them. And I also think I can keep up with you. So, if I can beat you in a fight, perhaps until one of us is rendered unable to fight, does that mean you'd go on a date with me? ^^

Jamie: Hmm... *looks at Badi from head to toe once again* (I've learned how to use my E-nergy to gauge my opponent's true level of ability ever since my encounter with that red-haired shinigami. This guy doesn't seem to have any sort hidden strength in particular. He might be a little speedy due to how fast he got ahead of me but that shouldn't be too much of a problem. I can take this guy, no problem.) I'll do you one better; since there's no way you can beat me, if by chance you do manage to beat me, I'll become your girlfriend. But if you lose, you’re my lackey for a month. ^w^

Badi: But a girlfriend could last forever. If you win, I'll be your lackey for life. ^^ *gently sheathes his sword but remained gripping the hilt.* Alright. Let's begin, here and now.

Jamie: Fine *raises right arm up in the air and her Pensword appears in her hand* (I shouldn't have to go further than Lv. 1 for this one ^^)

Badi: *smiles and redraws his sword* so it's a swordfight then? I won't take any serious blows at you I promise. So, you going to come at me now?

Jamie: *gets into a quick draw stance* (Seeing as how he managed to get ahead of me so fast he must be speedier than he looks. Better strike fast and hard.)

*Jamie quickly closes the distance between her and Badi and strikes with her Pensword; Badi barely manages to block her attack with his sword.*

Badi: *blocks and grins, slowing time and gently cutting a slit in the chest of her dress, not exposing anything but she might feel a slight breeze there then went back to his blocking her sword stance and un-slowed time.*

Jamie: *jumps back to get some distance from Badi* (He blocked it.) *feels a slight breeze on her chest then looks to seek the slit on her dress* (But somehow he was able to cut me. He's faster than he seems...then I'll just have to be faster!)

*Jamie channels her E-nergy into her arms and legs and charges at Badi with high-speed sword swipes. Badi almost seems to teleport to the side as she swipes rapidly at air. He smiles and is instantly behind her and cuts another slit around the middle of her back of her dress.*

Badi: You seem really intent on hurting me now don't you?

Jamie: OoO What the...!? (How can he be THiS fast!? Does he have some sort of power or something then? If he does, I need to find out what it is. Looks like I'll have to go beyond Lv. 1 on my Pensword after all; but if this doesn't work, as much as I hate to admit it, I'm sunk, especially since I haven't been able to access Lv. 3 yet.) Frost & Flame! *transforms her Pensword into an ice sword surrounded by blue flames*

Badi: *Whistles* that looks menacing. But I got special tricks too! *strikes a pose with his sword* I'll use "Embarrass the cute neko"!

*Badi slowed time, but he had to move fast. He hurried over and since he had to hold his sword while doing this, he used one hand to lift her dress and pull down her panties to her ankles. Removing them completely would be a challenge with her current stance, so he left them there, either to embarrass her, or to make her trip. He then returned to his original pose and let time flow normally again.*

Jamie: Huh? *looks down and sees her panties around her ankles* KYAA!! *frantically tries to bend over and pull her panties up but trips and falls, causing the panties to fly off of her legs and get caught in a passing gust of wind that blows them directly into Badi's hands* OwO;

Badi: *Grins and catches them* Guess fate wants me to hold on to these. -w- Now, are you willing to surrender?

Jamie: O|||O *shakes her head to regain her senses* NO, NEVER! *picks up her Pensword and takes up a fighting stance* I-I fight better without them an-anyway! >3< (There's no way that can be just speed, he definitely has some sort of power. But just what kind of power is it? Whatever it is he still needs to get close in order to attack.) Ice Wall! *jams her sword into the ground and causes a wall of ice to surround Badi*

Badi: Hmmm, quite the clever girl she is. Well, this would hamper my ability if I didn't have a sword. -w-

*Badi uses his sword to cut his way out of the ice prison. With an exit cut out of the ice wall prison, Badi also finds himself surrounded by a ring of blue fire. He touches the blue flames with the tip of his sword and the tip gets surrounded by ice; they were freezing flames.*

Badi: Hmmm, gotta think here. *cuts off some more ice, and tried pushing it into the wall of freezing flames, trying to see if he could make an opening in it*

*Badi's tactic works and he escapes from the ice wall prison surrounded by freezing flames.*

Jamie: (Out already, huh...well, at least that gave me some time to think up my next moves.) *aims her Pensword at Badi and shoots a blast of freezing flames at him*

Badi: She'll attack me as soon as I escape, so I better play it safe. *slows time as he gets out and examines his surroundings, noticing the blast coming at him* Predictable. *steps out of the way of the attack, releasing time and glancing where the attack came from*

Jamie: Give it up! There's nothing you can do now that my ice and flames are on the field! Freeze Dragon!

*The ice flames that were surrounding Badi's former ice prison form into a long snake-like dragon that dives at him from the air. Badi yelps and quickly freezes time, rushing towards Jamie. Time unfreezes just in time for her to see him standing before her, looming over her.*

Jamie: Predictable...Ice Shackle!

*Some of the ice from the ice walls liquifies back into water and turns into a water rope that lassos Badi's arm that holding the sword then takes the sword from him and hands it over to Jamie before freezing back into ice, leaving him with only one free arm.*

Jamie: Maybe it's this sword that's the secret to your speed... *start to inspect the sword*

*Thinking quick, Badi flips Jamie's dress up with his free hand which greatly embarrasses her, causing her to drop the sword as she tries to pull her dress back down before anybody sees her naked from the waist down. While she does that, Badi quickly reclaims his sword.*

Jamie: Pervert! >o<

Badi: *Snatches up his sword and cuts himself free.* Looks like you have at least one exploitable weakness!

*Time almost stands completely still as Badi holds the swords hilt in his mouth, using both hands to lift and slip off her dress. He even makes sure if she's wearing a bra he takes that too, and he gently folds it in his arms, grabbing his sword and letting time flow normal again*

Badi: I may have a perverted tactic, but it works my nude feline. -w-

Jamie: >///< KYAA!! *covers her crotch and tiny breasts with her arms* Pervert! Lecher! Hentai! >//o//<

Badi: Now that you've stopped assaulting me, surrender and you can have your clothes back. -w-

Jamie: @//o//@ ...I...I...I yield, you win -//_//-

Badi: *Nods and immediately gives her clothes back respectfully* Good. At least I didn't take your hat. But you took my sword. That's important to me too. Sorry about that though.

Jamie: *quickly puts her clothes back on then makes her Pensword disappear* Well, I'm a woman of my word; I lost, so I'll be you're girlfriend *has a cute pouty look on her face*

Badi: *Smiles and takes her hand* let's start by going on a date. You can easily break up with me anytime, so I want to give you a reason to want to be my girlfriend. ^^ How about a free meal and a movie while we get to know each other?

Jamie: ...fine -//3//-

Badi: *Chuckles* you know, you're kind of cute when your grumpy. ^^

*Badi gently guides her to a nearby restaurant, deciding it would be best to talk with her and get to know her, as well as stuff her with food on his behalf. He gets them a table to sit at and pulls out her chair, wanting her to be as comfortable as possible. He sits across from her and smiles warmly.*

Badi: It would be rude of me to rant off about myself. Please, tell me about yourself, Jamie. ^^

Jamie: There's really not much to tell.

Badi: Then tell me what little there is to tell. I'm interested, Jamie. ^^

Jamie: Well, I used to be 100% human.

Badi: *Blinks* No way! So you became... cat like?

Jamie: That and I shrunk a bit too. I used to stand a decent 6 ft 2 inches instead of the puny 2 ft 10 inches I stand now -_-

Badi: So you used to be really tall and now you’re really small. Who cares? I don't. You're still a woman. You're like... if I was dating a midget, would I make fun of her height or take advantage of it? No, that's not being very respectful to the one you love. In fact, have I made a single comment on your height since we've met? Honestly I didn't even notice until you pointed it out. *he smiled warmly at her*

Jamie: -//_//-

*The waitress comes and takes their orders for drinks and foods, jotting them down on paper before walking off to get them started.*

Badi: So tell me the story. How did you shrink and grow cat ears and a tail?

Jamie: I was looking for my cousin so that I could bring her back home to the family dojo. I heard how she had become an Aquitican and was travelling with a group of pirates known as the Checkmark Pirates. Knowing how strong Aquiticans were I wondered how I was going to bring her back if she had become as strong as I had heard, not to mention she was already strong before. That's when a man with weird hair and a fox face came to me and told me that he could help in giving me the strength I needed to be equal to my cousin's. He had the antenna of the Checkmark Pirates' captain, the very same antenna that my cousin used to become Aquitican; he installed it into my head and I indeed did get stronger *points to the antenna on her head* What the man failed to tell me was that I would take on the qualities of the antenna's original host: in this case, a Nekofi of the Singapura breed, which explains why I became a cat and grew so short in the process.

Badi: That's an antenna? It looks like your hair is just sticking up. So he was a member of the checkmark pirates. Does that mean that he tricked you? Couldn't you just remove the antenna?

Jamie: I later found out that the guy who put the antenna in me was Pyro Darkesis; he wasn't a member of the Checkmark Pirates, he was just a creep who been causing nothing but trouble for everybody for countless years. Removing this antenna wouldn't do any good, it would just regrow; plus it's already in my DNA so this is permanent. But being a Nekofi isn't all bad; since my body is like rubber now bullets and other projectiles bounce right off of me and electricity doesn't hurt me now.

Badi: Made of rubber? That does sound pretty convenient when it comes to resisting damage. Sounds like this guy did you a favor honestly, but then again there is some negative with the positive. So projectiles bounce off you and electricity doesn't hurt you. What about physical blows?

Jamie: They still hurt but not as much as they would before.

Badi: Ha! I bet any kid getting a spanking would love to have that power. *he joked gently as their drinks were brought out*

Jamie: Surprising enough, damage isn't reduced at all in THAT area *remembers back to her encounter with Trey* >///< *takes a gulp of her drink*

Badi: *Blinks and things it over* you know what, logically that makes sense. It’s one thing to take a blunt blow from a fist, but a smack is a flat surface that on impact would create a shockwave, thus bouncing the elasticated skin and creating just as much pain. The difference is, with rubber skin, it has potential for causing more pain to both parties. Fascinating thoughts, but all just inference, and I'm not going to be running any tests on you anytime soon. *notices her blush as she drinks* though I get the feeling you speak from experience?

Jamie: -///- *nods her head*

Badi: *Frowns gently and reaches across the table petting her hand* Do you wanna talk about it? I promise I'm not a judgmental person, and a good listener.

Jamie: was my cousin's boyfriend. I had finally found her after searching for months. I was only planning to stun her but due to me not being used to the new power that came from being an Aquitican, my strike missed and I ended up demolishing nearly half of her boyfriend's home. I had a duel with her boyfriend and he used his powers to burn up my clothes and render me unable to continue fighting. That's when my cousin made a suggestion to him; the next thing I know, I'm over his shoulder naked and getting spanked while carried through town. >_< *takes another gulp of her drink*

Badi: O_O

*Badi gently stands up and walks over. He kneels down and gives her a gentle hug.*

Badi: I'm so sorry that happened to you. What you did was an accident, and it was wrong of your cousin to make such a suggestion, let alone for her boyfriend to go through with it. That man was a stranger to you, and he didn't just take off your clothes, he destroyed them leaving you naked for an unforseen amount of time. And then he adds insult to injury and spanks you while carrying you naked around town?! That's... that's not right! *takes a gentle breath and lets her go* I'm sorry, it's really not my place to say, but if I was there I wouldn't of let that happen to you.

Jamie: Q//^//Q ...^//w//^

Badi: *Smiles when he sees her smile and goes back to his seat.*

*Their food is brought out to them moments later.*

Badi: Help yourself. It's on me. ^^

Jamie: *takes a bite of her food* this is good ^w^

Badi: Then I'll have to tip them for a good meal. ^^ *He gently eats his food as well* as for my story... Well, my sword allows me to slow down time as long as I'm touching it. I'm actually one of the forty thieves from an Arabian tale. Heh, I still can't get over that we're famous in these times. One day I hit a dead end while running from some guards, and that's when I met a time traveller named Q. Long story short, she didn't like me, and left me here in modern times out of spite. I've had to adapt a lot, but I kinda like it here. I mean, I met you here right?

Jamie: Huh...that explains why you're so fast at least. Heh-heh, too bad you weren't around those years back when I had to do a report on you guys for school ^3^

Badi: From what I've seen in the history books, they rather summarize things as they happened and seem to change details occasionally. So I'm not sure if I would've been able to help you there. So yes, you almost beat me when you took my sword. ^^

Jamie: When my instincts kept telling me that it wasn't possible for you to be as fast as you were the only other thing I could think of was that there was something on you that was giving you that speed. That unusual sword of yours was the most suspicious at the time.

Badi: You are very perceptive *winks to her* so do you have any other family other than your cousin?

Jamie: My dad is off on a journey with my mom; she's a treasure hunter and he acts as her bodyguard. I live with my uncle in his dojo now.

Badi: I hope you still get to see your parents a little more often then. So what is your uncle like?

Jamie: My uncle is a master swordsman; he has many students that he teaches his sword style to. He's a really nice person. ^w^

Badi: Well then I'd love to meet him. Perhaps I could learn much from him as well. ^^

*As Jamie talks to Badi throughout their meal together she feels more and more comfortable around him. When the meal ends the two of them take a walk around town.*

Jamie: ...exactly where do you live?

Badi: *grins and puts on a cool pose* I live where the wind takes me......... wind usually blows under bridges. -w-;

Jamie: ... *grabs Badi's right arm* this way...

*Jamie leads Badi to a nice sized dojo far outside of town.*

Badi: *Blinks as she drags him along* Where are you taking me? Hmm? Is this your house or something? It's big. =O

Jamie: This is my family's dojo that I told you about; we recently finished expanding it. C'mon...

*Jamie leads Badi inside of the dojo and into the main room where a tall dark-skinned man who wore a blue outfit and had his part of his long, flowing hair in a bun and a bandana covering his eyes was sitting on one of the cushions in the center of the room. It was the dojo master and Jamie's uncle, Link Kula.*

Link: ...Jamie, you're back...and I see you've brought company; that's very unlike you.

Jamie: *has Badi sit down on a cushion opposite of Link then sits on the cushion next to Badi* go on *motions for Badi to introduce himself*

Badi: *Blinks, gulping a little bit* Um... hello. My name is Badi al Zaman. I'm a skilled swordsman with no home... and I'm, ahem, Jamie's boyfriend?

Link: Really now?

Jamie: Is it okay if he stays here, uncle? I don't want to have to worry about him getting sick out there with all of these cold fronts that have been moving in recently.

Link: really do care about him, don't you?

Jamie: *nods then grasps Badi's hand*

Badi: *Blinks and smiles holding her hand gently* Jamie... that is so thoughtful. Thank you. I don't deserve a girl who would do such nice things for me, but it makes me so glad to have met you when I did *gently embraces her* I love you ^///^

Link: (To think that she actually found love this fast...) Alright, he can stay.

Badi: I can?! o.o You are too kind sir! Thank you! Perhaps... since I'm staying here, I can learn your swordsmanship while I'm at it. ^^ *takes out his fancy time manipulating scimitar*

Link: ... *takes off the bandana covering his eyes* that blade...where did you find that?

Badi: A thousand years ago in the time I'm from, before I got mixed up with some time traveller. I was a member of the forty thieves, and I pilfered this from an underground Arabian treasure trove. When I look back on what happened to the rest of that treasure in history books, apparently some pirate chick plundered it all. But I got this sword now *trailed his hand over the blade and then offered it to Link so he could take a closer look*

Link: *takes the sword in hand and inspects thoroughly before handing it back to Badi* Keep this sword safe; there many out there that would try to abuse the power of this sword if they got their hands on it.

Badi: *Nods* I know all too well sir. So does this mean you can teach me the art of the sword while I'm staying here? That is, as long as it doesn't interrupt my time with Jamie. *He said this in a teasing tone, wrapping an arm around the small woman*

Link: I'll teach you the way of the sword; but be warned, I'm a tough teacher. ^^

Badi: Hmm, well, I guess I'll learn that the hard way. If you’re anything as tough as Jamie, I'm in for a heck of a workout *nudged Jamie with a smirk*

Link: *chuckles* I'll go and get your room ready; in the meantime, Jamie will show you around *gets up and walks out of the main room*

Badi: Thank you sir! *bows gently before looking to Jamie* so, shall the tour include your room? Or just mine? *He chuckled teasingly*

Jamie: This way...

*Jamie shows Badi around the dojo, showing him the training room, the restrooms, the bath house out back, the kitchen, the dining room, the laundry room, the storage room where all of the gear and cleaning supplies are kept, then finally Link's room, her room and then his room. It was a simple room with a bed with fresh sheets and blankets, a closet and plenty of room to add more things to later.*

Badi: This place is amazing! The forty thieves and I lived in a freaking cave, so this is a huge step up! I really feel like the red carpet was rolled out for me, but you probably had this place set up ahead of time. Still...Jamie, thank you for giving me a home. *gently hugged Jamie off the ground*

Jamie: O///O J-Just get yourself settled in; I-I'm going to go and train for a bit >///<

*Jamie quickly rushes out of the room. Badi could tell that she must still be getting used to being shown open displays of affection like that.*

Badi: *Chuckles gently* It would be mean to follow and tease her right now. I'll do as she said and get settled in. -w-

*Badi examines the room with more detail, thinking about where to place stuff when he's able to get them. After Badi relaxes for a bit he begins to get bored. Not being tired, he gets up and decides to explore a bit.*

Badi: Perhaps I'll check on Jamie's training? Or maybe go relax in those springs Link mentioned. ^^

*Suddenly a large crashing sound could be heard coming from outside the dojo. Badi goes to investigate the outside behind the dojo and finds the outdoors training area. Looking around it looked like a battle zone; there were a few broken bamboo training swords on the ground, there were small impact craters that had training dummies inside of them and there was ice scattered about in various places. Badi scanned the area for what could've caused the crashing sound he heard and soon sees Jamie...or at least her butt; apparently Jamie had crashed through the fence and had gotten stuck there, unable to touch the ground with her feet or hands, with her lower body being the only thing visible from the side of the fence Badi was on.*

Jamie: @~@ ...

*Badi gasped and rushed over to her aid.*

Badi: Jamie! It's me, Badi! What in the world happened here? *blushes and gently tried to pull her dress down over her pantied rump to give her some modesty*

Jamie: *returns to her senses* I...messed up on...trying to improve my high-speed strike. I must've tapped into some speed that I didn't know I had. It all happened so fast so before I knew it, this happened.

Badi: This place looks like a battlefield after the fight. Did you do all of this? o_o *gently takes her hips and tries to pull her out of the fence*

Jamie: Yeah, I did. Whenever I try to do self-improvement or come up with new techniques it gets kind of crazy.

Badi: I think the problem is your concentration. Why else would it go wild all over the place like this? *manages to pull her free and falls backwards on the ground with her*

Jamie: I guess that I am trying to do a lot one time. Controlling my strength, trying to exceed my regular speed and keeping my ice in check does require a lot of concentration when you stop and think about it.

Badi: *Smiles and helps her up, dusting himself off* exactly; Pace yourself sweetie, and your concentration will improve. Build it over time and you'll get better at each of those things! But I think you should take a break for the night.

Jamie: ...hmph...fine -3-

Badi: You're so cute when you're grumpy. XP *He gently lifted her in his arms as he got up* Why don't you join me at the bathing springs? >w>

Jamie: You perv...okay, if that is what you wish...b-b-but this is a one-time thing, j-just know that! >///<

Badi: It's not like I plan on ogling or fondling you, Jamie. -w-; We'll see a lot more of each other being in a relationship, but I can bathe with my back to you if that makes you more comfortable.

*Badi gently nuzzles Jamie, carrying her to the springs. The bath in the hot springs went by uneventful and later that night both Badi and Jamie were together in the main room watching television and eating ice cream. Badi takes a good look at Jamie's face while she's watching TV and takes notice of the scar under her right eye. He was silent for a moment, unsure if he should bring it up.*

Badi: Hey, Jamie? I know this might be rude, but... how did you get that scar under your eye?

Jamie: happened during a duel I had with my cousin during her "Destroyer" period. We had duelled many times before that with the practice wooden swords but never with real swords; I quite sure that she was out for blood that day...

Badi: ...*gently pulls her in close for a hug* It sounds like you have a lot of bad history with your cousin, but at the same time I can tell you care about her. Certainly she wasn't in control of herself at the time?

Jamie: Well...truth be told...I wasn't exactly the caring person you think that I am. I'll admit that I was definitely a bully to her back then. I did a lot of mean things to her...

Badi: *frowns and says* But you're not that kind of person anymore, right? I can tell you care about her. Do you try to make up for who you were?

Jamie: I've tried to but before I can actually do anything she just says that it's okay and to forget about it, like it's water under the bridge.

Badi: *nods gently* Maybe it is to her, but you need to make it clear to her that it's not the same for you. You need closure.

Jamie: ...I suppose...

*As the night goes on everybody heads off to bed. It had been a while since Badi had gotten to sleep in an actual bed and was enjoying the plush comfort it offered. He was so glad that he actually had shelter tonight since the outside temperature had dropped severely due to the incoming cold front. Even though he was under the sheets and quilt he couldn't help but still feel a tiny bit chilly. That's when he had a visitor; it was Jamie. She climbed into the bed with him and snuggled up against him. Badi was still awake when she did this, so he blinked in surprise as he had a visitor. But he didn't complain, he just smiled and wrapped his arms around her comfortably.*

Badi: Hello there my kitty. Couldn't sleep?

Jamie: This room doesn't have a portable heater yet so you must still be a bit cold. I don't want you to get sick so I'll be your heater until we can get you one. -.-

Badi: Well if that's the case, then I hope you guys never get me a heater *smiles and snuggled her affectionately* Mmm, warm. ^w^

Jamie: .///. ...Badi...

Badi: Hmm? Yes Jamie? *looks at her curiously*

Jamie: I...I'm...I'm glad that I got to meet you today. >///<

Badi: Awwww, thank you Jamie. That means a lot to hear you say that. And I'm glad you agreed to be my girlfriend even if by force at first *gently kisses her, rubbing her back and bottom*

Jamie: Y-You perv~ -//3//-

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Slime Date - When Koralle Met Cinder

Travel Multiversal
Secret Door Chronicles
“Slime Date – When Koralle Met Cinder”
An RP between ChinchillaKingXam and eshonen

Xam was walking about thinking about many things. He happened to pass by a blue slime girl wearing a simple pink bikini-like outfit. Thinking back he remembered e-chan introducing her to him; her name was Cinder.

Xam: That Cinder...I’m surprised that she’s still single. She’s very interesting...but them lips throw me off a little.

Cinder: And just what’s wrong with my lips?

*Xam turns around and sees Cinder glaring at him. Although she truly wasn’t angry or anything the facial expression she makes when asking questions sometimes makes her look annoyed or angry.*

Xam: YEEE! I didn't mean it! They're like lipstick! You're beautiful! Errr, how about I hook you up on a date with a handsome Slime-Nekofi boy? owo;;;

Cinder: ...a Slime-Nekofi boy? Never met one of those before...and e-chan has been telling me to go out and meet new people...alright, I'll take you up on your kind offer.

Xam: Okay, well... there's Pilz, he honestly... looks like you when it comes to facial expressions... and eyes. >.> There's Eis, a really calm and quiet guy who likes snow. Giftig is really sluggish, which is understandable since he hangs out near a factory. Alt is older, like has a beard older, and always engrossed in studies. King Neko-slime is... fat... and fancy. And last there's Koralle, great swimmer, great hunter, plenty of energy *shows her pictures of them*

Cinder: *looks at all candidates* hmm...this Koralle one looks interesting...

Xam: Handsome, great swimmer and fisher, a lot more energetic and fun than the other guys. Yeah I can see why you like him. -w- Let me call him up! *takes out an ocarina and plays a tune. After a minute he surfaces, riding two dolphins, his legs doing the splits between them*

Koralle: Hahaaaa! *he has his arms crossed as they swim closer, allowing him to stand up straight and leap off, landing near them on a dock before approaching* Greetings Xam! *Gasps* my word... who is this... beautiful woman!

Cinder: I am Cinder, former Captain of the Ripple Warriors.

Koralle: And I am Koralle, Slime-Nekofi of the ocean. I am a fisherman and a warrior myself. It is a pleasure to meet you. ^^ *takes her hand and gently kisses the back of it*

Cinder: -w- You seem like a guy who appreciates the importance of water.

Koralle: Why yes, I do. Any reason you bring this up?

Cinder: Because, it's something I've fought most of my life for.

Koralle: Really? You... fight for the ocean too? *He smiled warmly hearing this.* How about I treat you to dinner? ^^

Cinder: ...yes, I would like that. ^^

Koralle: Great! It's my treat, and anything you'd like. ^^

Cinder: Hmm...know anyplace that serves good drinks?

Koralle: I know plenty. ^^ *He offers his arm to her*

Cinder: Lead the way ^^ *interlocks her arm with his*

Koralle: *Walks with her* There's a restaurant right this way with over sixty kinds of drinks in fact. ^^

Cinder: Excellent~ ^o^

*Koralle leads Cinder to a mixed cultured restaurant*

Koralle: This place is called "Around the World Eatery". It has various foods, and drinks, from cultures around the world. Every time I come here I get something different.

*Koralle leads her in, asking for a table for two. When they are led to it, he pulls out the chair for Cinder.*

Cinder: Why, thank you~ I've never had this sort of treatment before.

Koralle: We Slime-Nekofi are few in number. As such we learn to be kind towards others. I'm a gentleman m'lady, and I shall treat you like a true date should.

*Koralle gently guided her chair back to the table and sat down. The menu was huge and had a large section for various drinks*

Cinder: *looks at the drink menu* ...they all look so good...what would you recommend?

Koralle: I've taking a major liking to the Baja Bermuda. It's a Hawaiian themed drink and it tastes really good. ^^ You sure like drinks.

Cinder: Back in my home world we didn't have abundant water or tasty drinks like there are in this world.

Koralle: Interesting. Can you get full off water?

Cinder: If I had to I could survive only on water but I still get my energy from other types of food.

Koralle: *nods* we drink a lot too, but we also eat to supply to our consistency.

Cinder: In the worst case scenario, without water I'd shrivel up and go into a sort of sleep mode. It has happened once before...

Koralle: Well then I guess I'll have to keep you hydrated. ^^ I can order an extra drink for you. *catches a waitress and orders them some initial drinks* so tell me about yourself, Cinder.

Cinder: Well, growing up it was just me and my mom. In the world we lived in she taught me that it was important for me to try my best to always be strong and carry on in any situation.

Koralle: That's a very nice morale to live by. ^^ Me and my brethren live life to the fullest and seek our own goals in life. I love to learn more and more about the ocean everyday. ^^

Cinder: That sounds like fun ^w^

Koralle: It is! I make friends with the aquatic inhabitants, and though I sometimes eat a few fish, I make sure it's nothing endangered or anything. I try to learn more about them. Studying the ocean is a passion for me. ^^ What's your passion?

Cinder: In the beginning it was nothing more than fighting with all my might to provide water to all those in need of it. But now, especially after a large group beach trip e-chan and his friends took me on, I've taking a liking to swimming. I just love the feeling of being surrounded by all of that water and moving through it with ease. ^w^

Koralle: I guess that's because you’re not used to seeing so much water at once. It must be nice for you. ^^

*A waitress brings their drinks to the table and serves them*

Cinder: Ooh, this looks good ^3^ *takes a sip* Delicious~

Koralle: I told you so. ^^ *he sipped his own with a satisfied sigh* so, mind if I ask you a more private question?

Cinder: ...I suppose...

Koralle: *nods gently* Feel free not to answer. My question is do you have any hobbies? Maybe kinks?

Cinder: I guess my main hobby is weapon training. Being in charge of a team meant I had to be reliable in combat, so I trained my body and mind everyday at the break of dawn. Just thinking back to those days, it's hard to imagine it's been 300 years since then...

Koralle: *Gently nods, unfazed by her age.* Weapons skills is a worthy endeavour. I've trained in a few myself, but as I have said my focus is in marine life. I wonder if you'd share a passion all us Slime-Nekofi share though.

Cinder: And what passion would that be?

Koralle: *Blushes and sighs* Well... if I tell you do you promise not to judge my kind?

Cinder: You can tell me; I promise. ^^

Koralle: Alright then *leans in close and whispers* my race tends to have a spanking kink.

Cinder: Really? I must admit that does sound interesting

Koralle: *Crosses his arms and nods smiling* you see, since we're made of slime, we can feel the vibrations through our entire body. It creates a very sensual sensation. ^_^

Cinder: Is that so? I never would have guessed.

Koralle: Would you care to give it a try later if we have some privacy?

Cinder: O///O ...I wouldn't mind... .///.

Koralle: Heh, you're pretty cute when you blush. ^^ Alright, shall we order more drinks, or have you had your fill?

Cinder: *finishes her drink* I think I'm satisfied for right now ^///^

*Koralle smiles and pays the bill with a tip, getting up and walking over. He gently takes her hand and helps her up*

Koralle: Then shall we go find a more private place? ^^

Cinder: Yes, please ^w^

Koralle: *Wraps an arm gently around her waist and smiles, walking with her.* I must admit, I love the color of your slime. It reminds me of the ocean of course, as well as the sky on a clear day. It's quite lovely. ^///^

Cinder: O///O ... >//3//<

Koralle: Hahaha! So you can blush. It's cute. ^^ And that's good, because... *Whispers in her ear* I plan on making your bottom cheeks blush a similar color soon *winked and guides her to the nearby docks.*

Cinder: *looks around the area nervously*

Koralle: Here we are: the "Blue Barracuda" *motions to a large boat that has living arrangements inside* I bought this boat since it's kind of hard to build a house underwater. We'll have privacy in here ^^ *gently opens the door* after you, of course.

*The inside was like a studio apartment. There was a bed, a make shift kitchen, a make shift living room kind of area with books, all in the same open space. A single door led to a bathroom. Korralle gave her a gentle swat on the bottom as Cinder walked past him into his home.*

Cinder: *makes a mild squeak in surprise to Koralle's gentle swat* -w-

Koralle: *Chuckles and shuts the door, finding a seat on his sofa and motioning her over* let's have some fun. Go ahead and assume any position. ^^

Cinder: ^///^ *takes a traditional over the knee position over Koralle's lap*

Koralle: *Smiles and rubs her bottom, giving it a few gentle pats* Have you ever been spanked before?

Cinder: No; usually when I did something wrong my Mom usually give me a certain look, send me to the corner, ground me or if I did something very stupid or dangerous she'd bop me on the head.

Koralle" Well good, then you don't have a negative outlook on it. *raises his palm and began giving her light swats over her pink bottoms, slapping the center of her cheeks, the vibrations lightly felt through her body*

Cinder: -//w//- So this is what you were talking about; it DOES feel good...

Koralle: Oh yes, and it can be done in a variety of ways. Harder, softer, different positions; many times with no cover *gives her bottom piece a playful tug before giving her more gentle smacks*

Cinder: =//w//=

Koralle: You have a face that tells me you're pleased as punch right now, so I'll keep going. ^^ *alternates between both of her cheeks with his gentle palm, starting to make the smacks a little more firm* so tell me about this mother of yours.

Cinder: She's great. She was strong, smart and always had the most interesting stories to tell me. She wasn't elegant by any means, but for the kind of person she was that was okay. If there was any one quality about her that I didn't like it was that she couldn't cook to save her life. I love her and all but I honestly wonder how I survived eating her cooking.

Koralle: *Laughs and pauses in what he's doing* Well I assure you I am a great cook, so if you ever want to eat I'll make something for you. Well, shall we end the session here? Or would you like to go a little longer? *gives her bottom piece another gentle tug*

Cinder: *thinks for a moment* I guess we can end it here... *repositions herself so that she sitting on Koralle's lap* but I would like to stay like this for a while longer

Koralle: Oh yes, I would as well. You're very nice to embrace. ^^ *wraps his arms around her and gives her a hug*

Cinder: ^//w//^ I think that the two of us are going to get along just fine.

Koralle: I agree. *kisses her cheek and chuckles gently*

Monday, February 3, 2014

Finding the Teenage Runaway - Please Come Home Rose!

Travel Multiversal
Friendly Chaos Chronicles
“Finding the Teenage Runaway – Please Come Home Rose!”
An RP between RaijinSenshi and eshonen

Arashi was taking some time off and relaxed at the onsen to soften up a little and loosen his muscles after being so tense for quite a while. During his stay there he picks up the scent of a dragon; his sister Rose's scent. Having not seen her in two years he seeks out the source of the scent and sees a female figure in the midst of the steam. He pounces on her through the steam in the onsen only to find out that what he actually smelled was the scent of a Pridescale named Dena...awkward...

Dena: O///O Ex-excuse me, s-s-sir!?

Arashi: ...Ah...Ah...M-my bad...?

Dena: *looks around nervously* I didn't walk into the wrong side, did I? *takes her glasses off and cleans them* I've done that a few times before...

Arashi: Right now, I'm not so sure myself...and I'm pretty sure neither of us want to step up from the water to find out. *he said, quite nervous himself*

Dena: what do we do now?

Arashi: ......Hide in the corner until another person comes by, so we can get to know what side we are on?

Dena: Sounds like a logical plan.

*Both go off into a corner, hidden from the sight of any that may come in. A few minutes later, several people come in, both male and female.*

Arashi: ......Aaaaaaah, it is a co-ed onsen...I'd never have been here, had I known. =//~//=; *rubs the back of his head and leans back against the pools wall, resting his arm on the edge* ......Sorry about that pounce back there, by the way...

Dena: It's okay; did I look like somebody you knew from behind?

Arashi: ...No, but you smell like someone I know...I'm sad to say I am slightly disappointed you were on the other side of the steam, no offense...

Dena: Was the person you were thinking of a dragon-kind? If I smell similar to them it's probably because I'm a Morph Dragon; my species of dragon contains the DNA of all known dragon species out there. ^^

Arashi: Most dragons have their own kind of smells smell exactly like my sister...strawberries and milk with a hint of orange. *pets her*

Dena: *giggles* you must really love her a lot, don't you?

Arashi: ......Right now I just miss her...she's been gone for 2 years...left with a single "Adios" and while flipping her middle talon at me...

Dena: OoO Goodness, what happened? *looks at Arashi with big, blue eyes and her hands clasped*

Arashi: ......She mad at me and left...I dunno why. She might be my only family in this world, and she left me...that’s why I pounced you, it was so good to smell that smell again. If she was here, I'd hug her until she was exhausted, but also give that scaled rear of hers a helping for running off without notice... *wipes a tear and groans* Sorry...

Dena: *sniffles* that's so sad... Okay, I've decided; I'm going to help you!

Arashi: ...Pardon, but how exactly is a little dragon like you going to help?

Dena: I make security systems for many public places around the universe. With the right information I can figure out where your sister has been. ^^

Arashi: ...Before we go further with this, I feel the need to introduce myself *holds out his hand to her* Arashi Scaledge. And you are...?

Dena: And I'm Dena Kazuki; it's a pleasure to meet you, Arashi *shakes his hand*

Arashi: So, how does this system of yours work?

Dena: I take a picture of your sister and feed it into my database. My identification system will go through past security records looking for her. If she's been around any of these areas where my system is installed we'll definitely have an idea as to where she's been going and have an idea as to where to start looking for her.

Arashi: And you made that? You're a smart little one, aren't you?

Dena: I have my moments ^w^

Arashi: *Places two fingers on her back and gently strokes along her spine and tail, radiating some of his Dragon energy to make her body loosen and relax.*

Dena: =//w//= that feels nice...

Arashi: Now, excuse me while I carry you out *lifts Dena out of the water, but using his magma element to create some steam, it blocks him from looking at Dena's body, so she could keep some modesty around him* to the lockers, then?

Dena: Right

Arashi: .........You're kinda light for your size. ._.;

Dena: I'm supposed to be light; I'm not even a full 3 ft.

Arashi: I've held a lot of young girls and you might need to put on some weight... *let her down by the lockers*

Dena: But if I got any heavier my hubby wouldn't be able to carry me around on his shoulder like he loves to do -3- Anyway, I'll be ready in a few minutes; you should get ready too *heads off into the locker room*

Arashi: Sure sure... *nods*

*Arashi gets changed and waits for Dena outside of the onsen. Dena later emerges wearing her usual black and white-striped dress, white kneesocks and black shoes.*

Dena: Did you wait long *adjusts her glasses*

Arashi: Not at all. Even so, it is worth waiting for beautiful women who are taking time to help you *smiles a bit*

Dena: ^///^ *giggles* do you have a photo of your sister on you right now?

Arashi: ... *looks in his wallet and pulls out a photo of the teenage dragon asleep on a bed with a little teddy bear to snuggle against* I was lucky I got to take this...I thought I could use it to blackmail or just tease her later is...also the last photo I got of her, and the only of her at this age.

Dena: *looks at the picture* Aw, cute ^w^ with this I should be able to do a decent search.

Arashi: ......So, you have a husband, you said? Any kids......?

Dena: ...there was one, but I never got to see his face. He was taken from me and my husband before he had a chance to hatch; only THAT person knows where he is now... *looks a little sad*

Arashi: ...Rose is kinda similar to you in that case... *hugs Dena gently* She's never seen her mother...and I dunno where she left either...

Dena: I'm sure that one of these days we'll find them.

Arashi: *nods* Someday...

Dena: Yeah...anyway, come with me; we'll get started with the search at my place. ^w^

Arashi: Yes, yes of course, Dena. Lead the way.

*Dena leads Arashi to a modest looking 2-story house in a decent housing community.*

Dena: Here we are, home sweet home ^o^

Arashi: ...Hmm, nice little place.

*Dena unlocks the front door and opens it to let herself and Arashi in.*

Dena: I'm home~ ^o^

Arzekiel: *sticks his head out of the entrance to the kitchen* Welcome back, sweetie~ ^w^ Dinner will be ready in a little bit.

Dena: I brought a guest over, I'm going to help him search for somebody. We'll be upstairs in my workshop.

Arzekiel: Okay; shall I send your dinner up to you?

Dena: No, it shouldn't take too, too long.

*Dena leads Arashi upstairs and to a door with an electronic hand-print scan lock on it. Dena places her hand on the scanner and once the scan is complete the door unlocks, giving the entrance to her workshop.*

Dena: Right this way ^w^ *steps aside to let Arashi enter*

Arashi: *whistles* you really don't want people peeking in your underwear drawer, do you? With such a security system *chuckles and enters*

*Inside the workshop are many giant computers and the room temperature is very, very cold.*

Dena: There are many who would like to get their hands on the specs for my security programs; gotta keep them safe somehow, y'know. ^^ Try to bear with the temperature as best you can, I have to keep it cold in here to keep the servers from overheating.

Arashi: No problem... *shrouds himself in a thin layer of magma to keep himself warm* I got it covered.

Dena: *boots up her main computer and accesses one of her security camera programs* Okay, I'll need that photo of yours now.

Arashi: *hands it over* Here.

Dena: *takes the photo and feeds it into her scanner* ...okay, that's done. Now to run a thorough search through the databases of all of the places that have had my security systems for the past two years. This might take some time so feel free to head back downstairs and make yourself at home; my husband will fix you up with something good to eat in the meantime. ^w^ *hands the photo back to Arashi*

Arashi: Ok...thanks ......... *hugs her*

Dena: You're sweet ^w^ *returns the hug then turns to her computer* Okay, time to go to work *begins rapidly typing away on the keyboard*

*Dena goes to work on her computer as Arashi takes his leave and goes downstairs. He sits down on the couch to relax and seconds later is handed a plate of food by Arzekiel.*

Arzekiel: Eat up, it's a real good curry recipe that Dena's mom gave me. ^w^

Arashi: ... *takes a taste of it* ...Mhm, it is good; very. ^^

Arzekiel: *takes a good look at Arashi*'re a Dragon, aren't you?

Arashi: Dragon Slayer, with dragon DNA.

Arzekiel: Dragon...Slayer? *looks concerned*

Arashi: It's just my class and title, given because my Magic was invented by dragons, for humans to be able to Battle dragons. My mother, Earthia taught it to me...and she was a dragon herself, so... *leans against the wall*

Arzekiel: Oh, okay you seem look like somebody one of my previous students described. You wouldn't happen to know Ashuro Kamaké, would you?

Arashi: Indeed I do. I've battled by his side a few times...and one of my most dreaded memories were caused by one of his friends... *grits teeth a little at remembering how Claire ripped his wing out of his back* ...but that is all in the past, isn't it?

Arzekiel: Let's hope so. ^^ I'm Arzekiel Kazuki, by the way. Ashuro was like a son to me; I taught him many things from combat to life lessons.

Arashi: Ah, I see. ^-^

Arzekiel: So what brings you to our humble abode today? ^^

Arashi: Well, Your lil' petite wife wanted to help me find my sister...I couldn't say no... she has the exact same scent as Rose, and she...she...she actually reminds me a bit of Earthia.

Arzekiel: Yeah, that's my Dena. I must admit that I am curious as to how both my wife and your sister have the exact same scent. Maybe the two of them are alike in some way.

Arashi: ...Earthia left long before I could learn everything about the dragons and their customs and similar I dunno either...

Arzekiel: I've devoted my life to learning about Dragons and their way of life. My dream is to little by little eliminate the myths, misconceptions and misunderstandings about Dragons and get everybody to see that they're not all that different from everybody else. But with all I've learned in the past years I must admit that I've barely scratched the surface when it comes to learning all there is to know about them.

Arashi: Interesting. *nods*

Arzekiel: ...what about you? Do you have a dream?

Arashi: ...No...I don't have anything I want to do in life, truth be told...

Arzekiel: Perhaps you'll find it one day; everybody needs something to reach for.

Arashi: Not everyone finds it, tho...

*Arashi and Arzekiel continue to talk about various things to pass the time. Before the two of them know it a whole hour passes by before Dena comes downstairs with the news of her search.*

Dena: I've got good news! ^w^

Arashi: Congrats. Will it be a boy or girl? -w-

Dena: W-W-Wha!? O///O Oh you... ^///^ *playfully delivers a light punch into Arashi's shoulder* my security cameras have found your sister a various spots around town throughout this week.

Arashi: ...that close? o_o

Dena: It's only been for within this week. My search has shown that she hasn't been in town for the last two years; she must've recently come back to town sometime this week. If you want to find her we'd best start looking now.

Arashi: ...Yes, of course; right away.

Dena: And we just happen to have an ace dragon tracker with us right here in this room.

Arzekiel: Through my studies I found that some species of dragon are very secretive so learning how to track them was a must. I'm ready to go when you are, Arashi. ^^

Arashi: *nods* let's head out before that brat flies off.

Arzekiel: Dena, where was she last seen?

Dena: Entering the mall about an hour ago.

Arzekiel: Then that's where we'll start.

Arashi: ...Must be sneaking food out of the stores or something.

*Arashi, Arzekiel and Dena rush towards the town mall. Once they get inside Arzekiel gets to work and starts tracking Rose by sensing her aura. He leads Arashi and Dena throughout the mall until the reach the center where Arzekiel stops and look around in confusion.*

Dena: What's wrong?

Arzekiel: Her aura seems to overlap here and go in three different directions *sees a mall map next to them and goes over to it* one aura trail goes to the east of here, one to the west and another to the north. I can't tell which of them is the most recent one...

Arashi: Should...should I try to pick up her scent or something...?

Arzekiel: You can give it a try, but with so many people coming and going do you think you'll be able to pick up on her particular scent?

Dena: He was able to smell me through all of the various scents at the onsen so I think he can do it.

Arzekiel: That's pretty good...wait, what?

Dena: It's nothing, don't worry about it Go ahead and give it a try, Arashi.

Arashi: *Closes his eyes* .......... "sniff" "sniff" ......East! *hurries in that direction*

*Arzekiel and Dena follow closely behind Arashi as he follows his nose. After a little bit of running Arashi turns into what looked like a candy store. Thanks to the large amount of people inside, the three of them could search for Rose without standing out too much. That's when the three of them see Rose looking at some of the candy on the shelves. However, what they saw next wasn't very pleasing. Rose was moving candy bars into a silver purse at such a high speed that even security cameras wouldn't be able to see unless the footage was super slowed down. While it wasn't obvious to those around her what was happening, Arashi and Arzekiel's trained eyes could see that she was stealing from the store. From looking at the purse, Dena could tell that it was one of those special kinds of bags made out of materials that could block electronic signals, meaning Rose could walk out of the store with the stolen goods without setting off the security alarm. The three were at a loss as to what to do next. Confronting Rose now could cause her to run but at the same time they didn't want her to get away with stealing.*

Arzekiel: What do you want to do, Arashi?

Arashi: ...I dunno...there are so many people here...and if she turns into a feral dragon form, it might cause panic...... *bites his finger* Think...

Dena: As much as I don't want to watch her steal, we might just have to wait until she's in a place with a lot less people.

Arashi: Dena is right.....we can't do anything here right now...

*Arashi, Arzekiel and Dena decide to wait for Rose to leave the candy store. Once she does, the three of them follow a good distance behind so as not to alert her. Once she outside the mall she lights a cigarette and continues on her way and enters the park. Since there weren't very many people in the park that day they decided that this was the place to confront Rose.*

Dena: So, how are we going to do this, Arashi?

Arashi: ....Arzekiel and Dena, you take this map and start to ask for directions to Yeah. *hands them the map* Just keep her occupied long enough for me to grab her from behind. And to make sure that my steps aren't heard; swish your tail along the grass, Dena.

Dena: Got it.

*Arzekiel and Dena walk up to Rose.*

Arzekiel: Excuse me, miss?

Rose: *groans and looks to them* What? Can't you see I'm busy here? -_-

Arzekiel: We got a little turned around, y'see...

Dena: We're lost. -w-

Arzekiel: We're not lost we're just not where we're supposed to be. ^^

Dena: In other words, we're lost. -w-

Arzekiel: ...anyway, would you happen to know where the museum is?

Rose: ......I suppose I can show you the way, if I have to... -_-

Arzekiel: Great! I have this map here *pulls out the map* if we can figure out where we are on this map first and then find out the best route to take to get to the museum we'll be alright.

*Dena starts sliding her tail back and forth on the grass rapidly to signal to Arashi to start moving in.*

Rose: Alright, let us see...if you take to left from here...

Arashi: ... *moving in slowly*

Arzekiel: Uh-huh...if we pass by that bakery we'll know that we're on the right track...

Rose: Yeah, and so-

Arashi: GOT'CHA! *grabs her from behind and holds her in a Full Nelson* No more running, or flying!

Rose: W-wha!? Y-YOU......!

Arzekiel: You were definitely a tricky one to track down, Rose.

Rose: ...... *grits her teeth*

*Rose starts to struggle violently, nearly breaking out of Arashi's hold several times.*

Arzekiel: Hold onto her, Arashi!

Dena: Rose, calm down!

Rose: NGH! Let me go! Let me go, you damn dragon-fraud! >0<#

Arashi: You want to play rough, lil' sister? Fine then! *bites onto her neck*

*Rose gasps and let out a little moan as she stumbles forward, allowing Arashi to tie up her arms behind her back, despite her struggling, as she seemed to lose a bit of her energy from said action.*

Arashi: You always liked to fight as a cub, but you had a sensitive neck....still have, in fact.

Rose: *frowns with a light shaded blush on her face*

Arzekiel: *looks around* we better get out of here; people are starting to watch. Let's head back to our place, okay? You two can talk there.

Arashi: If you say so...

*A little while later all four of them are back at Arzekiel and Dena's house. Both Arashi and Rose sit on the couch; Rose avoids making eye contact with Arashi. Arzekiel then brings Rose a plate of the curry he had made earlier.*

Arzekiel: Here, eat up. ^w^

*Rose turns her head away from Arzekiel, looking annoyed and angry.*

Arzekiel: If you've resorted to stealing candy bars from stores I know that you haven't had a decent meal in a while, so I know that you must be hungry.

*Rose continues to look away from Arzekiel...until her stomach rumbles, then she looks him in the eyes and takes the plate of food and begins wolfing the food down like she hadn't eaten in days.*

Dena: Whoa, take it easy! The food isn't gonna get up and run away, y'know...

Arashi: Just let her eat, Dena. You'd do the same were you in her spot.

Rose: ...I don't need your sympathy...

Arzekiel: *chuckles* ^w^ So, Rose, how have you been?

Rose: ...shitty...I can't believe this stupid dragon-fraud let me go... -_-

Arashi: You RAN AWAY...AT NIGHT...While I was SLEEPING.

Rose: Shut up, it's your fault for letting it happen. -_-#

Dena: Was something bothering you at home that made you want to leave?

Rose: *Points to Arashi* -_-

Arashi: ......See what I mean?

Arzekiel: Okay then, tell us about your brother; what kind of a person is he in your eyes?

*Before answering, Rose hands Arzekiel her empty plate back in a way that said that she wanted seconds.*

Arzekiel: *takes the plate then heads back to the kitchen to refill it*

Rose: ...To say the least...he's quite selfish and inconsiderate. He's the kind that ignores his Family just so he can do stuff he wants to.

Arashi: Where does this come from!?

Rose: You know well where it comes from!!

Dena: Would you like to tell him since he can't recall the events that caused you to feel this way?

*Arzekiel returns with another plate of curry and a glass of milk for Rose. While Rose eats, Arashi tries to think back to the time he spent with Rose, trying to figure out what she was talking about.*

Arashi: ......The time when she left...I was also keeping a check on Sarah, Kat's little sister, while Kat was away.

Rose: *spits in his face* Bingo.

Arashi: -___- ...... *wipes his face* ......

Arzekiel: So his attention was divided between you and Sarah?

Rose: He leaves his little sister, a dragon cub, just so he can take care of another girl, to impress the big sister. -__-#

Arashi: I did it because Sarah was lonely, and she couldn't be there all by herself!

Rose: Well what about me!? I was all-

Arashi: Crystal was there to take care of you, so don't try it!

Rose: ......! *grumbles*

Dena: Could it be that maybe you didn't want to share your brother with Sarah?

Rose: ...He could've at least invited me to come along...

Arashi: I DID. But YOU were too shy to come with me...! -_-

Arzekiel: Was there something else bothering you, Rose?

Rose: No...... -_-

Arashi: ... *looks to Dena and Arzekiel, as if asking "what now?"*

Dena: Rose, your brother has missed you for these past two years. And from what I gathered, living on your own hasn't exactly been pleasant. Would you be interested in going back home with your brother?

Rose: .........

Arashi: ...Rose... >_>

*Rose gently grasps Arashi's hand and looks up at him with tears in her eyes.*

Rose: ......Brother......I...I'm sorry? ;^;

Arashi: ... *holds her close in a hug*’s okay.

Rose: I'm sorry! I was jealous of that little girl, okay!? *sobs on his shoulder*

*Rose cries into Arashi's shoulder for the next few minutes as he hugs and comforts her.*

Dena: So does this mean you'll be staying? No more wandering around?

Rose: ... *nods a bit*

Arashi: But you still stole from that store, Rose...

Rose: ......W-what are you talking about? o_o;; I did no such...thing...

*Dena takes Rose's purse and dumps the contents of it onto the table revealing a lot of candy bars and packs of cigarettes.*

Dena: Y'know, for a young lady such as yourself you shouldn't be smoking either...

Arashi: As a dragon, her lungs are strong enough to take it.

Rose: Yeah!

Arashi: But it doesn't help the fact you indeed are too young... -_-

Rose: D=

*Arashi gets up from the couch and shakes Arzekiel's hand.*

Arzekiel: I'm glad that we were able to help you two today.

*Arashi crouches down and gives Dena a hug.*

Dena: It was nice meeting you both. Please come again sometime; we'll all sit down for a meal together one day. ^w^

*After putting the candy bars and cigarettes back into Rose's purse, Arashi takes Rose by the hand as they both leave Arzekiel and Dena's home and head back to theirs. Rose feels a bit nervous about the discussion that she and her brother are bound to have when they arrive.*

Rose: B-Brother, please don't-

Arashi: Before I do anything would you like to have a family to spend some time with?

Rose: H-huh?