Friday, November 29, 2013


e-chan's fifty-sixth Pokemon, Gon the Chesnaught

e-chan first met Gon when he was still a Chespin. After taking a look through his PokeDex, he saw all of the Pokemon that resided within the Kalos region. He decided that he wanted a Chespin but didn't know where to look for one. He decided that he would most likely have to trade for one but didn't have a Pokemon that he wanted to trade on him. That's when from out of the grass came a shiny Gulpin; e-chan battled the Gulpin and caught it and put in a trade request through the GTS when he got to the next town. It didn't take long for his request to be answered and e-chan found himself in possession of his new Chespin. Gon is the muscle of e-chan's Kalos team and loves to work out and spar with his teammates; he is sort of oblivious when it comes to romance. Gon evolved into a Quilladin while battling Korrina's Mienfoo and evolved again into a Chesnaught while training to battle against Wulfric.

Gon's ability is Overgrow and his current moveset is:
-Needle Arm

-Solar Beam
-Spiky Shield
-Power-Up Punch

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