Friday, November 29, 2013


e-chan's sixty-second Pokemon, Raine the Goodra

e-chan first met Raine when she was a Goomy on Route 14 in Kalos. e-chan noticed a Goomy being bullied by a group of Karrablast and used his Pokemon to battle and chase the Bug-type bullies away. The Goomy was very thankful to e-chan and vowed from that day to get strong enough to protect herself. Little did e-chan and Cinder know, the little Goomy followed them everywhere they went from that moment on for the rest of their journey. To get extra training in before the Kalos League, e-chan and Cinder go to Kiloude City to challenge the Battle Maison. It is there that the Goomy confronts them and asks to join e-chan and he allows her to, catching her in a Repeat Ball. Raine is a very sweet and affectionate Pokemon, often hugging e-chan, Cinder and his other Pokemon and leaving them covered in slime. Raine evolved into a Sliggoo while battling Pokemon in the Friend Safari and evolved again into a Goodra while training on a very rainy day in Kiloude City.

Raine's ability is Hydration and her current moveset is:
-Dragon Pulse
-Aqua Tail
-Sludge Wave


e-chan's sixty-first Pokemon, Echo the Noivern

e-chan first met Echo when she was still a Noibat in Terminus Cave in Kalos. While exploring the Terminus Cave, e-chan and Cinder encountered a quirky little Noibat that loved to perch upon people's heads. e-chan had always wanted a Noibat when he saw how cute they were in his PokeDex and immediately caught it while it was perched upon Cinder's head with a Quick Ball. Echo is a playful, tomboyish Pokemon who likes to swoop down from the sky and tackle people to the ground; it's her way of saying hello. Echo evolved into a Noivern during a Sky Battle against another trainer.

Echo's ability is Infiltrator and her current moveset is:
-Steel Wing
-Dragon Pulse


e-chan's sixtieth Pokemon, Cannon the Clawitzer

e-chan first met Cannon when she was still a Clauncher in Cyllage City in Kalos. After a tough battle against Grant e-chan knew that he was going to need a Water-type to help his team out with future battles. After consulting his PokeDex for possible candidates he decided he would catch a Clauncher. Since he was still in Cyllage City, e-chan takes his Good Rod and does some fishing; after some time passes he hooks something and pulls it up. It was a Clauncher...that immediately opened fire on him with torrents of Bubblebeams! However, with Gon's help, e-chan managed to catch the trigger-happy shrimp in one of his Dive Balls. Cannon is a very skittish Pokemon who prefers to shoot at where mysterious noises come from first before checking out to see if it's from a friend or a foe. Cannon evolved into a Clawitzer during a training session to prepare for Olympia.

Cannon's ability is Mega Launcher and her current moveset is:
-Water Pulse
-Ice Beam
-Dark Pulse
-Aura Sphere


e-chan's fifty-ninth Pokemon, Claymore the Aegislash

e-chan first met Claymore when she was still a Honedge outside of Parfum Palace in Kalos. Out in the open field in front of Parfum Palace, e-chan noticed a sword laying on the ground. Knowing how much Cinder liked swords he thought about giving it to her if it didn't already belong to somebody. Picking the sword up, he unsheathes it and inspects it to see if he can find anything on it to possibly identify an owner. To e-chan's surprise, an eye opens up on the sword and then it screams and calls e-chan a pervert before it starts rapidly tackle into him. It turns out that the sword was actually a deep-sleeping Honedge! It took some time, but e-chan finally managed to battle and catch the feisty lady sword. Claymore is very self-conscious about herself and will often refuse to unsheathe herself to battle and use certain attacks. She will often call e-chan and the other male Pokemon who look at her in her unsheathed state a pervert (although they really can't tell what they're looking at ) and try to cover herself up with her cloth arms. Claymore evolved into a Doublade during a training session to prepare for battle against Korrina and evolved again into an Aegislash after e-chan managed to convince her that evolving would be beneficial to her.

Claymore's ability is Stance Change and her current moveset is:
-Sacred Sword
-King's Shield
-Iron Head
-Shadow Sneak


e-chan's fifty-eight Pokemon, Sherri the Meowstic

e-chan first met Sherri when she was still an Espurr. While still in town checking out the GTS, e-chan noticed a new trade feature known as the Wonder Trade, a trade in where you trade your Pokemon for a random Pokemon from another trainer. Before e-chan logged-off from the GTS, he was checking his Poke Ball supply when he noticed that one of the ones that was supposed to be empty felt heavier than the others: it had a Pokemon in it! Letting the Pokemon out, he saw that it was a Bunnelby; e-chan figured that it was the same Bunnelby that stole his backpack back on Route 3 and then disappeared somewhere when he found his bag in a stache of other stolen items. Seeing as how he hadn't formed a bond with this Pokemon yet he decided to partake in a Wonder Trade and got a cute little Espurr in exchange. Sherri evolved into a Meowstic after her very first battle against another trainer. She doesn't show emotions and it is nearly impossible to scare or surprise her. Sherri loves to suck on suckers and always keeps a good amount of them with her at all times and usually only shares them with Candy, who happened to be the one to introduce her to the delicious hard candies.

Sherri's ability is Keen Eye and her current moveset is:
-Charge Beam
-Shadow Ball
-Signal Beam


e-chan's fifty-sixth Pokemon, Gon the Chesnaught

e-chan first met Gon when he was still a Chespin. After taking a look through his PokeDex, he saw all of the Pokemon that resided within the Kalos region. He decided that he wanted a Chespin but didn't know where to look for one. He decided that he would most likely have to trade for one but didn't have a Pokemon that he wanted to trade on him. That's when from out of the grass came a shiny Gulpin; e-chan battled the Gulpin and caught it and put in a trade request through the GTS when he got to the next town. It didn't take long for his request to be answered and e-chan found himself in possession of his new Chespin. Gon is the muscle of e-chan's Kalos team and loves to work out and spar with his teammates; he is sort of oblivious when it comes to romance. Gon evolved into a Quilladin while battling Korrina's Mienfoo and evolved again into a Chesnaught while training to battle against Wulfric.

Gon's ability is Overgrow and his current moveset is:
-Needle Arm

-Solar Beam
-Spiky Shield
-Power-Up Punch


e-chan fifty-fourth Pokemon, Candy the Slurpuff

e-chan first met Candy when she was still a Swirlix just outside of Camphrier Town in Kalos. e-chan and Cinder were just outside of the Battle Chateau, taking a look at the impressive building, when Cinder realized that they were not alone. Standing behind them was a hungry-looking Swirlix; it had sniffed out the sweets in e-chan's backpack that he had gotten from Lumiose City. e-chan decided to share some of his sweet food with the Swirlix before continuing on his way. As e-chan and Cinder kept walking they noticed that the Swirlix that e-chan shared his sweets with was following them. Having taken a liking to the sweet-loving Fairy-type, e-chan battled the Swirlix using Twig and caught it in one of his Premier Balls. Candy is a sweet Pokemon that loves to bake cakes and other pastries and share her food with others. Candy evolved into a Slurpuff to prepare for battle against Olympia.

Candy's ability is Sweet Veil and her current moveset is:
-Hidden Power
-Draining Kiss
-Calm Mind
-Play Rough


e-chan's fifty-third Pokemon, Twig the Braixen

e-chan first met Twig when she was still a Fennekin in Lumiose City in Kalos. When first arriving in the Kalos region, e-chan and Cinder's plane landed in Lumiose City. He heard that the region's Professor was stationed in Lumiose City and decided that the Professor's Lab would be his first stop in the city. However, due to how big the city was, e-chan and Cinder soon found themselves lost. That's when a helpful Fennekin appeared and offered to take e-chan and Cinder on a tour of the city. While touring the city, the three of them had fun and the Fennekin enjoyed hearing about the many adventures of e-chan's journeys. To end the tour, the Fennekin led e-chan and Cinder to their original destination, Professor Sycamore's lab, which was also where the Fennekin lived. After Professor Sycamore handed e-chan an upgraded Pokedex, he handed him the Fennekin's Poke Ball and suggested that e-chan take the Fennekin with him, seeing as how the two had already formed a bond with one another. Twig is very brave, taking on any challenge that comes her way, and seems be a natural leader just like e-chan's Pikachu, Zapple. Twig evolved into a Braixen during battle against Korrina's Hawlucha.

Twig's ability is Blaze and her current moveset is:
-Fire Blast

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Tubfull of Roxie

A request from Shirokku-D

Roxie: *feeling through the bubbly water* are you sure you saw the soap over here, e-kun?

e-kun: Yeah, it should be over there; keep looking and I'm sure you'll find it ^^

Roxie: Okay *resumes searching*

e-kun: *turns to you* Shh...*hiding the soap behind his back* I just want to enjoy this view for a little bit longer... :3

Sisterly Mooning

A request from Shirokku-D

Sashi and Alexa moon their loved ones, Shonnie and Marius ^w^

Yakaru Hearts - Starry Sky Night

A request from Shirokku-D

Date night under the starry sky
Jake, the moon isn't down there... |D

Nekofi Tickle

A request from Shirokku-D

Ashuro: *sees Annaliese in the distance* .w. *stretches his arms over to where Annaliese is* Nekofi Tickle Attack! ^w^

Annaliese: AHAHAHAHAHAHA!! >w<

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Hungry Surprise Visitor - e-hime Appears!

Travel Multiversal
Friendly Chaos Chronicles
“The Hungry Surprise Visitor – e-hime Appears!”
An RP between RaijinSenshi and eshonen

After a long day of gaming, Max and Harold finally took some time off to eat one of Max's homemade meals, more specifically: "Norwegian Lapskaus", a stew that the two took a liking to after Kevin served it to them. During their meal, they let the window stay open, and as they both went out of the kitchen they had an unusual visitor. When they came back, they see e-hime scavenging through the fridge and eating the leftovers of the meal. While glad that his cooking was good enough for someone to break into his house to taste it, the whole idea of someone breaking into the house was bad in both Max and Harold's minds...

e-hime: *happily munching on Norwegian Lapskaus*

Max: ......Okay, I'll go.

Harold: *nods him over*

Max: *walks up behind e-hime and leans a bit over her, as if trying to peek inside the fridge, over her shoulders. In reality, he was just trying to lean close enough for her ears to pick up his voice.* ...Excuse me miss, may I ask you why you've broken into my house? *backs away quickly so e-hime doesn't jump into him by accident*

e-hime: *turns around and looks at Max with her mouth full of food, making her look like a chipmunk with full cheek pouches* hoy vere *swallows* hi there ^^

Max: ...Um...hi. First most, why have you broken into my house?’re flashing your bottoms at us due to your tail...

e-hime: Oh, this is your place? I didn't break anything, did I? *looks around* Good, nothing broken this time. I'm sorry if I scared you; whenever I get really hungry my mind sort of shuts down and I go into something of a hunting mode for food. I guess your place just happened to be the closest to me. ^^

Harold: Or maybe your nose just followed the scent of the nearest food...... *walks over to them* I say we just throw her out right now...

Max: Harold, that's not how we treat ladies, is it? *places a hand on e-hime's head and pets her.* May I ask: Do you have a name, or are you fine with everyone just calling you "cutie" all the time...?

e-hime: I am Erza Jaclyn Cook, but you can call me e-hime. ^w^

Max: What an interesting name. You can call me Max, because that is my formal name. And Mr. Grump over here is my buddy, Harold.

Harold: *blows* Tsk...

Max: ......He is nicer than he lets on... -w-;

e-hime: Now that my stomach is full *rubs stomach* and since I got to taste that tasty dish once, how about I cook you two up a fresh batch of it...or I can even cook you up one of my specialties? ^w^

Harold: That would be a nice and splendid offer, if we didn't already ea-

Max: Yes please, we'd love to taste what food you might cook up for us, e-hime. Please do.

Harold: ...... -_- (You serious...?)

e-hime: Great! I need to go and get a few things to make the dish I have in mind but I'll be back in a few hours; make sure to work up an appetite. ^^ *takes off her boots and leaves them in the kitchen before leaving out the way she came in: the kitchen window*

Max: Ah, the window...left it open <w<

Harold: *whacks him at the back of the head with his crowbar* -_-

Max: Ow! Dude, what the heck!?

Harold: You honestly need to open your eyes. She broke in here. We should call the police or something...and get an alarm system. I don't like having the house un-secure...and get the lady out of your head; you just met her and don't know anything about her.

Max: W-what are you talking about...? I do not have-

Harold: Don't try to lie to me, I know you better than your own mother. -_- You like that nekomimi girl, admit it...

Max: .......No.....Uh...maybe a little...? .//~//.;

Harold: Exactly. We'll eat whatever she makes, but after that, get her out of your head.

Max: .....okay... T~T

*About two hours later the sound of knocking on the front door can be heard by Max. When he opens the door, in front of him stands a man with orange hair and a fox face.*

???: Good evening, sir. Might I have a few minutes of your time? ^w^

Max: .....Um...okay, I guess. What's the matter?

???: I'm searching for a certain jewel for a project that I'm working on. You haven't happened to have seen a jewel like this, have you?

*The fox-faced man takes two black diamond-shaped jewels out of his pockets and shows them to Max. Max actually recognized them; a few weeks back he had found a jewel like that while he was helping Harold with digging his underground shelter. He thought that the jewel looked cool but decided to give it to Harold.*

Max: Yeah, I know of one. I dug one up and gave it to my pal just recently. Why?

???: I am willing to pay you $5,000 for that jewel. Is it okay if I talk business with you and your friend? ^w^

Max: Sure, I'll just......did you say five...FIVE THOUSAND!? O__O

Harold: *comes down the stair* what's the racket? <_<

*Harold immediately recognizes the fox-faced man at the door as somebody to really be feared: Pyro Darkesis.*

Harold: ...... *reaches behind his back and pulls out his crowbar* What. Do. You. Want?

Max: ...Harold, what are you...? >.>

Pyro: Me? I just came to talk business. ^w^

Harold: Just some simple business, huh? I'm not so sure. There's always a hook attached to your deals...

Pyro: Such hostility, just like that cat who's always getting in my way. ^^

Harold: I'm hostile of nature...and you can just leave. I have no intentions of doing anything for or with you...

Pyro: *sighs* and you're sure you don't want to rethink that decision? If you really know me like you seem to think you do then you know that you're going to need something greater than that crowbar to keep me from getting what I desire. -w-

Harold: ....It never hurts to try.

Pyro: *chuckles the flash steps past Max and up to Harold in the blink of an eye* you want to know the funny thing about all of this? I was really going to pay you $5,000 for your cooperation *pulls $5,000 out of his pocket to show that he was serious* oh well, I do have to admit that doing things the hard way is a bit thrilling for me. ^w^

Harold: Now that would be my pleasure...

Max: *claps with his hands* Gentlemen, please. Let's just breathe in for a second and lay all murder thoughts on ice...okay?

Harold: ...Tsk...

Pyro: Let me think about ^w^ *shadow splits in two then connects to Max and Harold's shadows, causing them to lose all feeling in their bodies*

Max: Ngh...Why do I feel so...numb...?

Harold: Darn it all...!

*Max and Harold fall to the ground, unable to move a single part of their bodies.*

Pyro: Hmm, it's going to be a pain trying to find that jewel in this big of a place. If only I didn't need all three of those jewels to bring out their power *picks Harold up by the collar of his shirt* okay, I'll try once more to be civil about this; tell me where you have the jewel hidden and I won't have to mess your place up...and you. ^^

Harold: *winces a bit, having problems speaking due to Pyro's powers.* B...ox...

Pyro: Hmm? *puts Harold down and cancels his shadow hold on him, allowing him to move about freely again* can you repeat that?

Harold: ...the box upstairs... *cracks his neck a bit* the one with the red lid...

Pyro: ^^ Thank you so much for finally cooperat-

???: I'm back, guys! ^o^

*In the doorway stands e-hime holding a bag stuffed with various food and a net stuffed with fresh caught crabs over her shoulders*

e-hime: Oh, is he another friend of yours? Well, I'm sure I've got enough food for all four of us. ^^

Pyro: ...why is it that wherever I go there must be a Nekofi somewhere along the way? -_-

Harold: Maybe you're covered in some sort of catnip like stuff that attracts Nekofi to your location...?

Max: *holding in a laugh* >w<;;

Pyro: Haha, so you're a funny guy now... ^w^ *powerfully kicks Harold, hurdling him into the closed front door behind e-hime*

e-hime: OoO Omigawd! Are you okay?

Harold: ...It's not a zombie bite, I'll survive...

Max: ... >_> ...a...lil' help...?

e-hime: Huh? *sees how Pyro's shadow is connected to Max's shadow* Hey... *channels E-nergy into her right arm and karate chops the shadow, severing the connection between Pyro's shadow and Max's shadow, allowing Max to move freely again*

Pyro: What the...!!

e-hime: You're not friends of theirs at all, are you? >_<

Harold: Gee! Nice observation skills, air-head!

Max: *gets up on his feet* ...In other words: No, he is not.

e-hime: Alright, I'll get rid of him for you then; the sooner he's gone the sooner we can eat, right? *limbers up*

Pyro: Please, YOU get rid of ME? The only Nekofi around that can go toe to toe with me is Ashuro, and that's only because of all of the experiments I ran on him when he was younger. What can a petite thing like you possibly...

e-hime: *delivers a powerfully speedy punch to Pyro's gut*

Pyro: DOOOOO~! O3O

*e-hime's attack sends Pyro crashing through the wall and several fences and houses in the way. Harold couldn't believe what he just saw while Max loved what he just saw.*

Harold: ...... O_O ......Is she using Haki or something...!?

Max: OwO ...... (She's amazing~!)

e-hime: *looks down at her feet and sees the two jewels that Pyro had brought with him* Pretty *picks them up then accidentally crushes both of them in her hand* Oops...I hope that those weren't important...

Harold: ......... I he.........WHAT HAPPENED NOW!?

Max: Someone sent us a guardian angel, that's what happened...

*Several yards away...*

Pyro: can there be another one that strong? If this keeps up there'll be no end to those who will get in my way from preventing me from accomplishing my goal. I know where the jewel is, at least;*reaches into his pockets* as long as I have the other two I can come back and get the remaining one at any...time? *frantically feels around for the jewels but can't find them* Oh no, where are they?! ...O_O; *dashes back towards Harold's house*

*Back at Harold's house...*

e-hime: *examines the hole in the wall made by Pyro* ...I can fix this ^w^

Harold: Sure you can, but can you do it with your tail NOT raising your skirt...? -~-

Max: Shhhhh...! Let her do as she pleases. ./w/.;

e-hime: *goes over to one of the bags she brought with her* it should be in here somewhere *starts looking through the bag, taking out food and various different objects*

Pyro: *dashes through the hole in the wall* where are they-where are they?! *sees the crushed black diamond jewels on the floor* NOOOOOO!! What the heck happened to them?!

e-hime: Oh, were those yours? Sorry! ^w^ Wait, didn't I just send you flying away? Guess I didn't hit you hard enough... -3-

Max: *pulls out his elemental daggers* e-hime, don't say anything stupid. ._.;

Pyro: It's official: I HATE NEKOFiS! Do you have any idea how special those jewels were? I needed all three of them in order to bring out their hidden, unbelievable power! Now that these two have been destroyed the remaining one is useless! I may be leaving without what I came for but I'm not leaving without causing some major damage here! *begins to flash step over to Max and Harold*

e-hime: *intercepts Pyro and prevents him from getting to Max and Harold* >_< *uses and open palm shove to send Pyro back out of the hole in the wall*

Pyro: That darn cat!

e-hime: *instantly appears outside in front of Pyro and shoots and intimidating glare that halts him in his tracks*

Pyro: Irk! O_O; (What was that?! The only one who's ever been able to make me feel like this is Ashuro! Is it possible that there's another one just as strong and dangerous as him?)

e-hime: *stretches her arms backwards until they reach all the way back to Max and Harold back inside the house* I'm really gonna send you flying this time! *has her arms recoil back to deliver a stretching two-fist punch that sends Pyro flying far away and high into the sky until he disappears from sight in a twinkle of light* -w- *looks satisfied with herself*

*Max and Harold just stand there, staring at e-hime in silence*

e-hime: *stomach growls loudly* O3O *chuckles* I guess gathering groceries and bashing bad guys made me hungry again. ^^

Harold: D| ......She's a glutton...

Max: Well, I'd say that after saving the two of us, this little sweet heart deserves a good meal. *pets e-hime and starts to scratch her behind her ears*

e-hime: *purrs happily* <3

Max: Seems like you got a more fierce side hidden behind this innocent smile of yours, hmm? ^-^

e-hime: Hehehe *goes over to the bag she brought with her and searches through it* ...found it ^w^ *pulls out a pen and blank sticker and draws a repair symbol on it then goes over to the damaged wall* ...about right here should do it ^w^ *places the sticker on the wall and channels her E-nergy into it as the wall is instantly repaired* Wow, e-chan was right, I CAN use his special stickers. ^w^ Well now that that's done, I'll get started on that meal I promised the two of you ^w^ *picks up the bag and net of crabs and happily skips into the kitchen*

Max: *looks after her and sighs a bit, with a smile and a blush on his face.* ^/-/^ Take your time, e-hime...

Harold: (Okay, he has lost it. He's gone. Fall victim to the cute girl for all I care!) -_-; ......

*While Max goes into the kitchen to watch e-hime in action, Harold decides to try and get some more information about the hungry Nekofi. He recalls the name that e-hime mentioned earlier and after doing so making a few calls he managed to get e-chan's contact information. He gives e-chan a call.*

e-chan: *hears the phone ringing then answers it* Hello?

Harold: Hello, this is Harold speaking. Details about me aren't that important. What is important is someone named 'e-hime'..."sigh" She is here now, and I just need to get some information...can you tell me a bit about her?

e-chan: Oh yeah, you're one of the guys she's cooking for, right? About e-hime...well...she's the fifth being to come out of my head that was born from a certain aspect of me...which happened to be my appetite this time.

Harold: ......uh-huh......? *peeks into the Kitchen for a moment* Geez, and my buddy is all over this woman. If anything, I need something to get her out, because I can't stand watching Max being all flirty and's just disturbing... -_-;

e-chan: I don't know what to tell you in that regard; she pretty much comes and goes wherever she pleases.

Harold: Oh you gotta be kidding....if she is throwing Max off of his A-game, then I'll have to take matters in my own hand if needed. -_-#

e-chan: Throwing him off his A-game? What do you mean by that?

Harold: What I mean, is that this nut-ball of a glutton is being too cute for Max to handle, and he is starting to "like" her...

e-chan: What's not to like? I mean, yes, she does have a bottomless pit for a stomach, but she can cook, she can clean, she's very strong and capable of defending herself and she's quite handy. ^^

Harold: He is going to get burned again, ad that is the worst of it...he's way too attached to someone he just met...and if said person doesn't want him around as much, he gets so depressed that......ugh, I get a headache from remembering it... *rubs eyes* "love at first sight" is a stupid trope...

e-chan: Oh, so it's like that, huh? That would definitely complicate things...okay, how about this? Why don't you take her aside and explain the situation with your buddy. Let her know how he seems to feel about her because I'm pretty sure she hasn't noticed it yet. -w-; Let her know that if she wants to be friends with the two of you what she needs to do.

Harold: ...Alright...I can try, at the least.

e-chan: And in case you're wondering, no, e-hime isn't the gold digger type and she won't rob you of your valuables; she's only a danger to any nearby food when she's hungry.

Harold: ...Yeah...thanks anyway... *hangs up* ....Ms. e-hime....can you come in here for a moment? I need to speak With you. <_<

e-hime: Just a minute~ ^^ Max, can you watch this pot of crabs for me for a while? They'll be done within another 10 minutes; I should be back by then. ^^

Max: Alrighty, that I can~

Harold: (Ugh...that flirty and playful voice... -~- ) ....*walks out to the living room*

e-hime: *walks into the living room wearing a pink flower-print apron over her clothes* How can I help you?

Harold: ...e-hime...let me ask you something. Have you noticed how Max is behaving towards you, with all the compliments and cutsie talking...?

e-hime: Yes, he's been such a gentleman. ^w^ Is he like this with everyone?

Harold: He is, just not this much. might not notice, but I think he's been smitten by you and that cute face of yours. *motions to her face with a pencil*

e-hime: ...Really?! O//o//O

Harold: ... *nods* Really. And to tell you the truth, I can understand why...but he's got to learn that love at first sight isn't just something that happens. Since I had to even inform you off of this before you noticed it, I'm afraid you two might not hit it up together, and that would hurt his feelings. *turns his back to her for a moment* I dunno, but it won't be the first time...

e-hime:, I had no idea...

Harold: Great. Just gently tell him off and say that you just want to be friends and we can all continue with our lives, easy as that. >_>

e-hime: I thought that I had just made two new friends today...when in reality I made one new friend...and a boyfriend~ Thank you so much for telling me, Harold; Max is truly lucky to have you as a friend. ^//w//^ *hugs Harold and happily skips back into the kitchen*

*Harold feels as if his entire body has just turned to stone as it seems his worst nightmare has just become reality*

Harold: ...... *petrifies* ......I......don't...even......

*Nearly two hours later, e-hime has finished cooking and she, Max and Harold sit down together for their first dinner together. e-hime had prepared some wonton soup, a noodle stir-fry that had chunks of crab meat throughout, crab meat egg rolls and a strawberry-loaded cheesecake for dessert.*

e-hime: Alright everybody, dig in~! ^o^

*They both hesitated at first, due to the food just looking too good but eventually they both take a bite.*

Max: Marvellous~! This tastes amazing~

Harold: .... *doesn't show it as well, but he had a face of satisfaction on him when he tasted it*

*Everybody thoroughly enjoyed the meal. Sometime later e-hime serves Max and Harold the strawberry cheesecake dessert she had made. Harold takes a bite out of the cheesecake and is overcome by the delicious flavor; so much so that he can't hide how much he enjoyed it. He starts to think that maybe it wouldn't be so bad if e-hime was around more often...that was until he saw Max and e-hime feeding each other the strawberries from their cheesecake to each other...*

e-hime: Open wide, honey~ ^//w//^

Max: Do the same and I will~

Harold: Guys, seriously!? Warn a buddy beforehand! D|< *takes the plate and turns his chair away from them, frowning a bit*

*Harold erases the previous thought from his mind; it WOULD be as bad as he originally thought if e-hime was around more often...but if he got a chance to eat food like this every now-and-then he would just have to find a way to deal with the guaranteed loving couple moments.*

Harold: ...... (Find a way to cope with it...and hope they eventually just end up as friends when the sweetness wears off...) -~-;

The Hungry Nekofi, e-hime

Don't let that cute face fool you; she has a bottomless pit of a stomach ^^;