Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Fire Guard! The Dangerous and Fearsome Transformation!!

Travel Multiversal
Friendly Chaos Chronicles
“Fire Guard! The Dangerous and Fearsome Transformation!!”
An RP between RaijinSenshi and eshonen

During his training sessions with Ruby and Sally, Gaura has noticed Snoopy has been holding back a lot during his training. After Ruby and Sally have left the training room, Gaura confronts Snoopy and learns exactly why he's never given 100% during training; Gaura decides that she's going to help Snoopy in gain control of his most powerful transformation. After changing into her armor, she hastily pulls all three of the tabs on Snoopy's glove, triggering his transformation into his Unleashed Lv. 3 Form, turning into a living flame of fire. Snoopy struggles to stay in control but easily succumbs to the overwhelmingly powerful flow of elemental Fire E-energy; when the pupils of his eyes turn pure white it is a sign that he's no longer in control of himself. It looks like this may be more than Gaura can handle...

Gaura: *shielding herself from the heat of Snoopy, backing off a little as she looks at him in disbelief.* ......This kid really had that much power sealed inside him? Dangit, I was too hasty on this one... *frowns*

Snoopy: *roars and shoots beams of fire from his arms in random directions*

Gaura: Ugh! "Queen Shield!" *her arms morph into Shields of an unknown hardened armament to guard herself with, making the flame attacks slide off of her*

Snoopy: *holds his head in pain then roars loudly, shooting a massive fireball straight up to ceiling that explodes and sends multiple smaller fireballs falling to the ground like meteors*

Gaura: Hey-hey-hey, we just repaired that roof! >_< *Dodges a couple of fireballs and morphs her arms into a sledge hammer, rushing towards Snoopy* Sorry, but I'll have to hurt you a little..."Queen Mallet!" *swings her arms at his head to hit him as hard she could*

Snoopy: O.O *stunned by the impact of the attack but the white hot fire on his head begins to melt Gaura's hammer*

Gaura: (Tsk...Fire beats Steel...Pokémon Logic again......Once again, I'm sorry, boy...) *shifts her stance and proceeds to kick him as hard as she could...right in his "No-Kick Zone", also known as his crotch.*

Snoopy: *goes down to the ground in pain*

*Gaura slowly walks up towards Snoopy*

Snoopy: *the color returns to his eyes* g-get Ashuro *struggles* Hurry! AGH! *his pupils turn white again and he howls loudly as he begins to burn hotter than ever before.*

Gaura: ...A picture says more than 1000 words... *flips up her cell phone, snaps a picture and sends it to Ashuro* #NeedHelp #HURRY! .... >_<;

Snoopy: *becomes a gigantic fireball that starts flying about, ramming into the walls with great force*

Gaura: OoO; *ducks down to dodge, but gets her hiney fried in the process, starting to jump around and rub her behind to ease the pain* Aie! Aie! Aie! QAQ That hurt!

Snoopy: *growls then shoots two streams of fire from his hands at Gaura*

Gaura: Wah!? Does he ever stop!? O__O; *flips back over one of the streams, but gets hit by the 2nd, making her left leg get scorched, and Gaura crashing into the ground* ARGH! >_<; Darn, he got me!

*Snoopy leaps over to where Gaura landed and aims a fiery fist at her face. Fortunately, the punch lands inches away from her face. Looking up at Snoopy in his eyes, Gaura sees that the color has come back in one of his eyes; Snoopy had regained enough control to aim his attack away enough so as not to hurt his comrade.*

Snoopy: *struggling* run... *forces himself to fall backwards then lies on the ground, clutching his head and roaring*

Gaura: ......Damn...Damn damn DAMN!!! >___< *turns and runs out of there* How could I mess up this badly!?

*As Gaura closes the door to the training room behind her she sees Ruby and Sally running up to her, having come to investigate the roaring noise they had heard.*

Sally: W-what is going on? :<

Ruby: Yeah, what is it now? <.<

Gaura: I...I'm sorry...I managed to get Snoopy to snap...not really snap, but-

Ruby: WHAT!? D8< *runs towards the room to check on Snoopy*

Gaura: R-Ruby, come back! O_O;

*Gaura stops Ruby just in time as a huge pillar of fire shoots through the door to the training room. Ruby looks through the huge hole in the door to see Snoopy in a form she had never seen him in before.*

Ruby: W-what the... Snoopy...?

Gaura: Stay back...Ashuro is on the way to help...

Snoopy: *thrashes about in the training room, roaring and shooting beams of fire in random directions*

Ruby: ......What did you do, Gaura!? What did you do!?

Gaura: Wha-? I was just trying to help him control his own powers; that's all!

Ruby: Next time, if you want to help...DON'T.

???: Don't be mad with her; she really had no way of knowing that something like this would happen.

*Ruby, Gaura and Sally look behind them and see Ashuro.*

Ashuro: Are you three alright?

Sally: Y-yes...Ruby and I weren't close to the dojo at all...

Gaura: A little bit scorched, but I'll be fine.

Ruby: ...

Ashuro: Don't worry, Ruby; Snoopy will be alright, I promise.

Ruby: ...Okay...

Ashuro: *looks through the hole in the dojo door* Whoa...never thought I'd see him in that form again...

Snoopy: *roaring and thrashing about*

Ashuro: that I've got a better look at him than I did the last time this happened...I think I know what's going on...he's panicking.

Sally: Urm...panicking? ._.

Ashuro: Yeah, it often happens to those who are learning to use an elemental E-nergy that's their natural opposite. Each body is adept to a certain type of elemental E-nergy and usually has trouble using an elemental E-nergy that's the opposite of what it's adept to. Hmm...I think I might have a plan...

Gaura: That was quick. Do tell...

Ashuro: I learned that the way I stopped him last time was very risky to his health, so I want to try the method my Master used on me when I had this same problem years back. I'm going to need the three of you to help me though.

Ruby: You can Count on me for that. Totally *holds her orbs for transformation, just in case*

Sally: I...I'll try.

Gaura: ...Okay, I'll help.

Ashuro: I'm going to cloak you three with my Fire E-nergy so you'll be able to touch Snoopy without being burned. I'm going to wear him down a bit and once I'm done that's when the three of you will move in behind him and then grab hold of him; hold on to Snoopy tightly so that he doesn't get away and just talk to him, try to calm him down.

*The three of them nod in agreement.*

Ashuro: Alright, we'll do this together! ^^

*Ashuro channels his Fire E-nergy into Ruby, Sally and Gaura; they each become surrounded in a thin veil of fire. All four of them enter the dojo and confront Snoopy.*

Ashuro: It's been a while since you did this transformation, eh?

Snoopy: *roars then blasts a stream of white fire at Ashuro*

Ashuro: *blocks the stream of white fire with an open palm* I see you're not up for talking right now, buddy. That's okay, we can just spar instead.

Snoopy: *shoots two streams of white fire at Ashuro*

Ashuro: *stands in between the streams of white fire to dodge them then shoots a powerful stretching punch into Snoopy that sends him flying back into the nearby wall*

Snoopy: *shoots a massive fireball up to the ceiling that explodes into flaming meteors that fall to the ground*

Ashuro: *effortlessly moves through the falling flaming meteors to close the distance between him and Snoopy and delivers another powerful punch that drives Snoopy back into the wall*

Snoopy: *glares at Ashuro then charges at him*

*Ashuro and Snoopy fight in speedy close combat while Ruby, Sally and Gaura watch on, waiting for their opportunity to grab Snoopy.*

Sally: ...Ashuro sure agile...

Ruby: focus and wait.

*Ashuro and Snoopy continue with their rapid barrage of attacks until each one lands a big hit on the other simultaneously, pushing each one back quite a bit.*

Ashuro: *wipes the sweat off of his face* You guys see this? Snoopy wasn't anywhere near this strong when we travelled together; this is must the results of all of the time you four spend training together.

Ruby: Well, he insisted to train with me, that little sweetheart... <w<

Sally: I-I didn't anything...I

Gaura: Sally, you've helped just as much.

Sally: If...if you say so.

Ashuro: Okay, I think I've got his pattern down. I'm gonna try and make it so that he can't resist you as much when you three grab him...although I must admit that I've never tried this before on a living flame. Oh well, here goes nothing! *charges E-nergy to his fingers then flashsteps over to Snoopy* There! *jabs Snoopy's flaming left shoulder with his E-nergy-charged fingers*

Snoopy: *entire left arm goes limp*

Ashuro: Whoa, it worked! ^w^ *jabs Snoopy's flaming right shoulder with his E-nergy-charged fingers*

Snoopy: *entire right arm goes limp*

Ashuro: *stretches out his left arm to wrap up Snoopy then pulls his arm back to make Snoopy spin around rapidly*

Snoopy: *spins rapidly for a few seconds*

Ashuro: NOW!

*All Three of the Girls pounce on Snoopy to hold him down. Gaura grabbing and restraining his left arm, Ruby doing the same to his right arm, and Sally using her body weight while sitting on his legs*

Sally: S-sorry...sorry... >~<;

Ruby: We don't want to hurt you, please, calm down.

Gaura: I shouldn't have forced this on you, and I'm sorry for snap out of it.

Snoopy: *struggles to break free for a while but slowly begins to settle down as the color finally begins returning to his eyes*

Gaura: *Places a hand on his head while locking his arm with her legs* There we go...easy now...

Sally: ...

Ruby: ...And here I thought the Girls and I were the hot ones. *giggles a bit* little fire-boy...

Ashuro: How are you, buddy? ^w^

Snoopy: ...I...I know how to control it now.

Gaura: Good.... *pinches his cheek a bit hard* that was for scorching my rear. -w-;

Sally: Don't be mean~

Ashuro: Oh yeah, here; I grabbed one of your spare gloves before I came here.

*Ruby, Sally and Gaura let Snoopy up*

Snoopy: *puts on the glove and transforms out of Fire Guard and back into his regular form* Thank you, all of you; sorry for losing myself like that.

Gaura: No, I should apologize...I guess I just...wanted to be of importance to anyone...Ruby here is Your girlfriend and trying her best to train with you, while Sally is just...loved by anyone due to her cuteness and will to never give up...

Sally: .///.;

Gaura: ...While I...heh, I don't do anything except train myself to sleep every day, if I'm not out getting groceries, that is... *let off her transformation from "Victory Knight" and back to herself.* ...I shouldn't have forced you into that...

Snoopy: But I was happy when you wanted to help me. When I travelled with Ashuro and saw everything that he and my fellow crewmates could do, I believed that things like getting stronger were out of my grasp. But after joining up with you, Ruby and Sally, and seeing how you always pushed yourself past your limit and beyond, I started to believe that maybe it was possible for me to get just a little bit stronger. You were an inspiration to me; that with hard work that even somebody as weak as me could get stronger little by little.

Gaura: ..... *scratches her nose, visibly blushing* S-shut were already strong, you little nut... >//^//>;

Ruby: *whispers* She doesn't show it, but she is overjoyed by the compliment. ^w^

Snoopy: *whispers* Really? That's good. ^w^ *in his regular voice* And even though things didn't go as smoothly as you had hoped, you helped me to find out how to control myself when I'm in my most powerful transformation; this never would've happened if it wasn't for you. ^w^

Gaura:'re welcome? >//>;

Ashuro: Oh yeah, Snoopy, I just remembered *takes an envelope out of shirt* this was sent to me to give to you.

Snoopy: *opens envelope and reads the letter inside* ...hey, it's from Rocky!

Sally: Who? ._.

Snoopy: I can't believe I haven't told you guys about him. Rocky is one of my cousins; he was sort of like a big brother to me. He's also something of a hero in his hometown.

Sally: Oh?

Ruby: ....It's not the "Eye of the Tiger" it? .w.;

Gaura: -___-;

Snoopy: ...he says that he's seen broadcasts of the four of us in action on TV...and he's coming over to visit sometime next month! Cool! It's been so long since I've last seen him! You guys will really like him, I promise.

Ruby: ...You introducing me to your family already~? You little sweetie~ >w<


*Meanwhile, in another town...*

Rocky: *looking at a picture in the newspaper featuring Snoopy and the three heroines* you've come a long way, cousin. I just hope this new guy that's suddenly appeared doesn't get to you or your friends before I get a chance to warn you about him... *looks at a picture of Benjamin Koco*

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