Monday, July 22, 2013

I Remember You - The Reunion of Claire and Fuu

Travel Multiversal
Friendly Chaos Chronicles
“I Remember You – The Reunion of Claire and Fuu”
An RP between RaijinSenshi and eshonen

Ever since her encounter with Necro, Claire has been having dream after dream about the green-haired boy who saved her from him. She feels as if she knew him at one time. Claire then remembers what Snoopy told her after he had finished the operation to remove Pyro's disease from her body: that some of her memories were lost when the disease was removed. That's when she decided to find the green-haired boy and get some answers about her lost memories. Now they are face to face; what happens now?

Fuu: O_O ...Urm...well, I...gosh, I haven't prepared for this to happen... >~<; *turns away, rubbing the back of his head*

Claire: Please, don't go; I need to know...we were friends...or possibly more than friends some time before my operation over a year ago, weren't we?

Fuu: ..."sigh" ...Yes...we were...We were close...or, I at least hoped that we'd get closer than we already were...

Claire: ...then was it also you who sent me the flowers earlier this year?

Fuu: ...Guilty.....I just...I never stopped thinking about you, thinking "something feels wrong"...maybe I was just being greedy and wanting to see you, the real you...

Claire: The real me? What do you mean?

Fuu: I'll...try to make it as easy as possible...before the operation, you created some-sort of copy of yourself with Solnar Unity, if I remember correctly. A version of you that has traits of our 3rd friend, and that Claire has all memories about us.....I guess I always had some sort of problem with it...

Claire: I did that?

???: You certainly did, Claire?

*Fuu and Claire look behind them and see Snoopy walking up to them.*

Snoopy: I finally caught up to you.

Claire: Snoopy, what's going on?

Snoopy: I think it's about time for me to report my findings to the two of you.

Fuu: ...What "findings"? ._.

Snoopy: My findings on this disease that Pyro infected both you and Claire with.

Fuu: ...Okay...go on. :<

Snoopy: From what I've gathered, Pyro made this disease with the ability to do pretty much anything he wanted it to do once it gets in you. Unless he removes it himself it can do something such as erasing memories or even taking away powers. But, as bad as that sounds, this disease isn't perfect; it seems to have a flaw.

Fuu: A flaw, you say?

Snoopy: Yeah. In Claire's case, although Pyro's disease seems to have taken away her memories of you when it was removed, it looks like it hasn't been able to completely erase them. The two of you meeting again when you did seems to have sparked small fragments of the memories that remained. Although Claire can't remember the details of the time you spent together she does indeed know that those times have happened.

Fuu: Well, that is something. So, what do we do? Pay a huge chunk of money to get a psychologist to help her memories come back...? Jet-start the memory lane ourselves? Or, just ignore it and let time pass until she hopefully remembers it all? >.>

Snoopy: Thankfully before I conducted the operation Claire gave you something very important to look after.

*Fuu thinks for a while then spark goes off in his mind, knowing exactly what Snoopy was referring to.*

Snoopy: Yep, we need Kiki.

Fuu: Alright, we can go to the mansion. Kiki has her own private-time day today, and she uses it to relax at home. She's such a lazy kitten at times.

Snoopy: Let's go see her then. ^^

Fuu: Yes..... *looks to Claire for a moment.* You're coming too, I hope...? *he starts to walk ahead of them*

Claire: Yes.

*After walking for a while, Fuu, Claire and Snoopy arrive at Rex's Mansion. They stand just outside of closed door of Kiki's room.*

Snoopy: So, this is Kiki's room?

Fuu: Yes it is... *knocks on the door* Kiki...Kiki, you there?

Kiki: Nrm...I'm coming.... *the door opens, and on the other side stands Kiki, with her hair all messy and fluffy after staying in bed for a while, and only wearing a pair of pajamas pants with tiger stripe prints.* ...what...?

Fuu: You could've covered your breasts... -/~/-;

Kiki: ..... *sees Claire* ...CLAIRE! OoO *glomps her* It's Claire! It's Claire! I missed you so much~!

Fuu: .....Seems like she forgot about this Claire easier than I did... <.<

Claire: *chuckles and rubs Kiki's head* it's been a long time, Kiki; sorry for being away for so long.

Snoopy: O//O *turns around so he doesn't see Kiki's chest then clears his throat* Kiki, today is the day that we restore all of Claire's lost memories of Fuu. Is Claire-Ki here?

Claire: Claire-Ki?

Kiki: She's right in here. She always sleeps with me... *skips in and pushes Claire-Ki up from the bed; she being more nude than Kiki was.* Up with you, lazy bum. >w<;

Fuu: ... *smiles a bit*

Claire-Ki: Alright, alright, I'm up-I'm up! Geez... >~< *sees Claire and Snoopy* Huh? Snoopy? What are you doing here?

Snoopy: It's time, Claire-Ki; I've removed Pyro's disease from Claire's body; it's safe for you to return all the memories you hold to her.

Claire-Ki: I've got to go back now?

Snoopy: It's the only way that Claire will get all of her lost memories back.

Claire-Ki: ...Okay, I'll do it. Fuu, Kiki, it was fun living with the two of you; please take good care of this one over here *points to Claire*

Fuu: We took good care of you, didn't we? You should know that any Claire is in good hands with us.

Kiki: Most of the time, at least...though, I'm going to miss my roommate, it was fun while it lasted.

*They both hug Claire-Ki and snuggle her close*

Fuu: This isn't good's a "see you later", got it?

Claire-Ki: Right.

*Claire-Ki walks up to Claire and place her left palm on her forehead; she glows brightly then disappears, causing Claire to flinch a little.*

Claire: *looks sort of dazed* ... *looks around and sees Fuu* ...Fuu...? ...Fuu! I remember now! I remember everything! *glomps Fuu*

Fuu: *he is a bit surprised from the sudden glompage, but he smiles and hugs her tightly in return, shedding a few tears* ...I'm glad to have you back...

Claire: Sorry I was away for so long; I've been going back and forth to a special place to learn more about the Solnar and what they can do.

Fuu: You've also been taking care of that Annaliese girl, haven't you? You've been a busy little kitten.

Claire: ^w^ I've also learned that it's possible for me to perform Solnar Unity with more than one person.

Kiki: Ooo~?

Fuu: Hey, that seems cool...

Claire: So...Kiki, I would like to perform a true Solnar Unity with you...if that's alright with you, that is. ^^

Kiki: ...What would that do...anyway? .w.;

Claire: We would share strength, knowledge and natural abilities; in battle I'll be able to protect you or act as a helper. Those are just a few things that would happen.

Kiki: Well, it would be good to have such contact with you, Claire...

Claire: Plus, you'll have yourself a roommate again.

Kiki: Not that I was that long WITHOUT one. .w.

Fuu: Roughly 1 minute... -w-

Claire: So, what do you think?

*Kiki acts like she's thinking about Claire's offer before looking her in the eyes and smiling.*

Kiki: Of course I'll say "Yes"~

Claire: ^w^ Solnar Unity!

*Claire holds both of Kiki's hands in hers as they both see one another's memories flash through their eyes as their minds and hearts sync together, each gaining the knowledge, experiences and strength of one another. Claire's shadow disappears completely and Kiki's shadow stretches out and connects to Claire's feet which would make it look like Claire had become Kiki's new shadow. Releasing one another's hands, the unity was then complete as both girls stood there and smiled at each other.*

Claire: Unity complete; how do you feel?

Kiki: ...Hungry, and Dizzy.

Claire: The dizziness will pass after a few minutes. ^^ But I'm sort of hungry too; let's go get something to eat then, all of us together.

Snoopy: Sounds good, but before that happens, I'd like for Fuu to come with me back to my clinic.

Fuu: Huh? ...O-Okay. >.>

*A few minutes later, Fuu, Kiki, Claire and Snoopy arrive at the clinic. Snoopy has Fuu sit on the hospital bed while he goes and retrieves something from his cold storage room.*

Claire: ...feeling okay, Fuu?

Fuu: Yeah, I've been feeling fine for a long time now...I dunno what it is this time.

Snoopy: *walks into the main room* Ah, found it *shows Fuu a vial containing some sort of medicine* do you know what this is?

Fuu: If I did, I'd have to be a licensed doctor or, I don't know what it is.

Snoopy: This is a cure I made for the disease that Pyro created. It'll kill all traces of the disease in your body; I even modified it quite a bit just in case the disease mutated over time.

Fuu: Wow, you are a smart little guy. No Wonder that blonde heroine likes you so much... .3.

Snoopy: ^w^ Now, just lie down on the bed and get comfortable while I prepare the injection.

Fuu: *nods and does as he is told* ...

Snoopy: *goes over to a table and fills a syringe with the proper amount of medicine, then proceeds to get all of the remaining air bubbles out of it* perfect *walks over to Fuu* this will only sting for a second...

???: Sorry, but I can't let you do that~

*Everybody looks all around them, searching from where the voice was coming from.*

Snoopy: Who's there?!

Claire: That voice... No! Why is HE here?

Kiki: *hides under the table* O^O;

Fuu: *sits up and looks around* Give me a break already...!

*A dark portal opens up and out of it comes none other than Pyro Darkesis.*

Pyro: Hello all~ ^o^

Claire: Pyro! OoO;

Snoopy: What are you doing here? >_<

Pyro: Why am I here? To retrieve the first edition to my new army that I'm having to make since your cat captain turned down my generous offer.

Fuu: New army...? Oh, fuck that! We've had enough of you, alright!? If you're itching so much for a fight, then stop the imitation of "The Joker" and move on already! >o<#

Claire: *whispers to Snoopy* How long will it take for that medicine to destroy the disease in Fuu's body?

Snoopy: *whispers to Claire* About 1 minute after injection; it's really fast acting.

Claire: *whispers to Snoopy* Get it in him; I'll keep Pyro busy.

*The moment Snoopy begins injecting the medicine into Fuu, Claire charges Pyro only to get sent flying through the wall. Outraged, Fuu gets up out of the bed before Snoopy got all of the medicine inside of him and leaps at Pyro.*

Fuu: I've had just about enough of you! You hear me! *throws a tornado-infused punch in Pyro's direction*

Pyro: *dodges the punch* Pause~ ^o^

*Fuu is hit by a wave of Time E-nergy and is frozen in place, unable to move.*

Pyro: Now...come to me, my new warrior!

*Pyro's places his hand on Fuu's chest, causing a small portal to open up. Fuu's body feels like it’s being burned alive.*


Kiki: ....!!

*A beam of red light shoots out of the portal on Fuu and onto the floor, taking the shape of a man. The portal on Fuu's chest closes and his body goes back to feeling normal and is able to move again. The red man-shaped light shines brightly before fading away to show what it had formed. It an exact replica of Fuu, except that his hair was red and his eyes were green.*

Red-haired Fuu: ...Hey...

Pyro: Ah-ha-ha-haaa! Success! ^w^ This is what was living inside you for so long; my special bio virus created him. This was a back-up plan I created in the event that my first plan to get you all to join me fell through. With my stronghold seized and my original forces defeated and scattered about, I thought that now would be the perfect time to see if my investment would pay off...and it did! So, say hello to the first member of my new army: BW001...or Bio-Fuu for short.

Fuu: *staring at the replica of himself with eyes shot wide open, utterly terrified.* T-this is impossible...this ain't happening...ehehe...Yeah, just like one of my nightmares, starts incredibly good, then ends in terror. Y-you guys can Wake me up now...guys...please...?

Snoopy: I...hate to say it, but I see him too.

Pyro: He's got all of your powers, all of your strengths, and most importantly: he works for me. Now, Bio-Fuu, get rid of them all! *points to Fuu, Snoopy and Kiki*

Bio-Fuu: ... *wind surrounds his right fist*

Pyro: Ta-ta~ ^w^

Bio-Fuu: ... *suddenly turns around and punches Pyro hard in the face with a tornado-infused punch*

Pyro: YEOW!! >o-

Bio-Fuu: Don't count on it.


Bio-Fuu: You may be a boss, Pyro, but you're not my boss!

*Bio-Fuu rushes over to Pyro and proceeds to beat him up.*

Fuu: *stands there, with his jaw hanging, and if it could, it would've reached the floor* W-what in the...?

Kiki: I'm confused...! D:

Pyro: *gets some distance between him and Bio-Fuu* YOU TRAiTOR! I'LL GET YOU FOR THiS!! *opens up a dark portal and escapes into it*

Bio-Fuu: Hmph... *turns around and looks at Fuu*

Fuu: ....Uh...thanks? ._.;

Bio-Fuu: *dashes towards Fuu then jump kicks him in the chest, sending him flying into the wall* THAT is for ripping off my look! *transforms into his Wing Form and flies through out of an open window*

Snoopy: O_O; ...

Fuu: *coughs a bit, sitting back up* what the hell...seriously...? *rubbing the back of his head*

Snoopy: *rubs his head* I wonder if that small amount of medicine I managed to get in your system could've been responsible for Pyro not being able to control Bio-Fuu...

Claire: *walks into the room* oh, my head *looks around at Fuu, Kiki and Snoopy* what did I miss?

Fuu: ...The usual: Us almost getting killed...

Claire: is Fuu cured?

Snoopy: Yes, he's cured.

Claire: Yay! You guys want to get something to eat now?

Fuu: ...Yeah, sure. Nothing makes one hungrier than getting their wit scared the shit out of them.

Kiki: <w< ...

*As Claire, Fuu, Kiki and Snoopy decide where to go eat, Bio-Fuu is flying high in the sky with only one goal in mind. But in order to do this, he would need some help in the future. While flying, he spots a potential ally: a boy with long, green hair - Eiji*

Bio-Fuu: This one looks capable; let's see what he's all about. ^w^

Pokemon Luncheon - Samantha's New Friends

Travel Multiversal
Friendly Chaos Chronicles
“Pokémon Luncheon - Samantha’s New Friends”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

Kyle the Oshawott is out training to become stronger when he notices a cute female Oshawott nearby. Upon seeing her, the only thing Kyle can think about her is...

Kyle: WOW!

Samantha: ...?! -^-;

Kyle: (Oh man, she looked my way! Play it cool-play it cool...) Hi...

Samantha: .....Hi. What's up? -3-

Kyle: Oh *shakes his head to snap back into reality* I'm Kyle, Warrior Kyle! I travel far and wide looking for tough opponents.

Samantha: *doesn't seem impressed, or interested, at all* You? Travel? With those whimpy legs?

Kyle: Yep! I walked right next to my trainer throughout his entire journey and battled many tough opponents.

Zapple: I still find that very hard to believe. -w-

Kyle: Zapple, what're you doing here?

Zapple: Sorry, is this guy bothering you? -w-

Samantha: Not yet...but the day is still young... >_>

Kyle: What do you want, Zapple?

Zapple: It's time for lunch, let's go.

Kyle: But I'm not hungry yet... I know; I'll work up an appetite by fighting you. C'mon, get ready to battle.

Zapple: Again, Kyle? You know that you can't beat me; we've battle 49 times so far and you haven't made much progress.

Kyle: Shhh...not so loud...

Samantha: .....Zapple, was it? It seems like you're not getting much respect or progress from talking to this Oshawott...

Zapple: He gets like this once he's made up his mind on something. -_-

Samantha: *looks to Kyle* ..... "sigh" Okay want a fight? come and get one...from me.

Kyle: Really?!? ...alright, if you're sure about this then sure, I'm game!

Samantha: come at me then, hot shot... *waves him over, mockingly*

*Kyle removes the scalchop from his chest and charges towards Samantha using Razor Shell.*

Samantha: Just one thing... *blows an Icy Wind at the ground in front of Kyle, making him slip and slide until he was right underneath and looking up at Samantha* ...I'm not just a weak little girl... *uses her foot to push him back and slide him over the icy ground again.*

Kyle: In that case, hold on one moment.

*Kyle reaches for his ankle and remove an item from it that Samantha hadn't seen earlier: a Power Anklet.*

Kyle: Ah, much better.

Samantha: one of those training accessories...isn't it?

Kyle: Yup, I wanted to become faster so my trainer has me wear it while I'm training. But I always take it off for serious battles.

Samantha: ... (A serious battle for this guy? With 49 losses in-a-row...?) Alright then, if you say so, little guy...

*Kyle removes his scalchop again and rushes towards Samantha again using Razor Shell. When he gets half way towards her he suddenly disappears in a huge burst of speed, getting behind her and attacking. Samantha was actually surprised by how fast he had gotten just then. Samantha didn't react fast enough to the attack. She blocked it partially, but got swiped in the face by the water move, sliding back a little bit.*

Samantha: What...what was that...?

Kyle: (Gotta keep this momentum going!)

*Kyle hits the ground with his left arm to use Water Pledge. Water geysers shoot up from the ground that home in on Samantha, following her wherever she goes.*

Samantha: (Oh, he's going to get it now...!)

*Samantha turns and begins to run in all different directions, closing in on Kyle, preparing to strike with Night Slash...just to jump over him and cause the Water Pledge to hit him instead. The Water Pledge knocks Kyle into the air.*

Kyle: ...*grins*

*Kyle spins to readjust himself as he falls to deliver a flying headbutt to Samantha.*

*Samantha gasps as she gets knocked down, her air having been knocked out of her. Kyle uses Water Pledge again and watches as the water geysers juggle Samantha in the air. Samantha tries to adjust herself back while in the air, but each time she does, she just gets shot up in the air again.*

Samantha: Quit it! I'm not some kind of beach ball! >0<

*Kyle jumps into the final water geyser and uses it to rocket himself right next to Samantha where he uses Razor Shell on her, resulting in a critical hit.*

Samantha: *meets the ground, head-first* Ngh...wha... @.@;

*Kyle notices that Samantha is left in very exposed pose, and her guard is down...*

Kyle: O//O okay?

Samantha: *uses her arms to push herself up.* Nnh...I think so... *on all-fours, her rear sticking out in Kyle's direction*

Kyle: O//O;

Zapple: Perv~

Kyle: >//< SHUT UP!

Samantha: Sss...! >_< *rubs her forehead, having scratched it up when she hit the ground* dang, it stings...!

Zapple: I think that's enough for today, Kyle.

Kyle: ...okay.

Samantha: I have to admit...I underestimated're good...

Kyle: Really?! Th-thanks!

Zapple: ...tell you what, Kyle. I'll be your opponent if you'd like now. ^w^

Kyle: Seriously?! All right!

Zapple: Take your best shot. ^w^

*Kyle speedily sprints towards Zapple ready to use Razor Shell. Just before the attack lands Zapple uses her tail to block it and then uses a humongous Thunderbolt attack on Kyle who had nowhere to run. Even Samantha was amazed with the gigantic amount of power that the Pikachu before her just let out.*

Kyle: ......*faints*

Zapple: Good thing I wasn't wearing my Light Ball today.

Samantha: ...Uh...I'll back away from this challenge...just this once...K-Kyle needs some help anyway... >_>;;

Zapple: *grabs Kyle by his foot* he'll be okay once Lulu takes care of him. Come with us, we're all about to have lunch; I can have Lulu take care of your injury too.

Samantha: Hmmm...sure... *smiles faintly*

*After a bit of walking Zapple, Kyle and Samantha arrive in e-chan's backyard. There Samantha sees a lot of different Pokemon, including a few that she hadn't seen before. There was a Bulbasaur, a Charizard, a Wartortle, a Clefairy, a Dragonite, a Typhlosion, a Crobat, a Bellossom, a Politoed, a Primeape, a Lickilicky, a Swampert, a Skitty, a Blaziken, a Manetric, an Absol, a Latias, a Torterra, a Luxray, a Floatzel, an Ambipom, a Togekiss, a Magmortar, a female Unfezant, a Leavanny, a Krookodile, a Gothorita, a Pansear, a Wynaut, a Riolu, a Gligar, a Weavile, an Eevee, a Zorua, a Cinccino, a Magnezone, an Altaria, a Garbodor, a Vulpix and a Mienfoo.*

Samantha: ._. ...And I thought Kevin had a big collection of Pokémon...

*The Typhlosion approaches the three Pokemon.*

Milao: Zapple, you're back. ^w^ Did you find him?

Zapple: Yep, he's right here *points to a still unconscious Kyle*

Milao: Oh...lost again, huh? I'll go get Lulu; be right back.

Samantha: ... *shyly stays away from making contact with any of the Pokémon, but hiding how she feels behind a serious look on her face. Samantha notices the area around has gotten a bit darker; when she looks up she sees the Lickilicky standing right next to her.*

Fry: ... *looks at Samantha*

Samantha: (W-where did this guy come from..?! ) O__O; ....uh...hi...?

Fry: ... *licks Samantha with his very long tongue*

Samantha: >3<;; ...yeeeaaah...nice to meet you too... *tries wiping some saliva off of her* (Eww! Eww! Eww! T^T; )

Zapple: Fry! Sorry about that; that's just his way of saying hello.

*The Leavanny walks up to Samantha.*

Silk: Hi there!

Samantha: ...Hello...? <_<

Silk: My name is Silk. Welcome to our little family; I hope you have fun here. Here's a little gift from me to you *places a leaf hood usually made for Sewaddles on Samantha's head.*

Samantha: *blushes* Um...thanks...I guess...

Silk: You're very welcome!

*Silk leaves as Milao returns with the Latias by her side.*

Milao: He's right here, Lulu.

Lulu: Oh Kyle; do you have to always go all out on him, Zapple?

Zapple: If I went easy on him he'd never forgive me and would think that I'm not taking him seriously.

Lulu: I guess that is true.

Zapple: So, can you do your usual thing to help him?

Lulu: Okay.

*Lulu uses Wish on Kyle which wakes him up.*

Kyle: ...50-0? -_-

Zapple: 50-0 -w- ...also Lulu, can you heal my friend over here too? She got injured during a battle with Kyle.

Lulu: Sure thing.

*Lulu uses Wish on Samantha, healing her injury and making her feel revitalized.*

Samantha: *blushes a bit more, as that felt very refreshing.* Mmmm....that feels better than they say at the team gatherings...

Zapple: So what's for lunch?

Milao: Grilled cheese...lots and lots of grilled cheese.

Zapple: That's a little unusual.

Lulu: e-chan helped somebody out earlier today and they paid him with a lot of bread, butter and cheese so it was only natural that grilled cheese would be our lunch for today.^^

*The Pokémon look over in e-chan's direction, watching as he uses the Magnezone's magnets to cook the grilled cheese sandwiches. The aroma was very mouth-watering.*

Kyle: *drools*

Zapple: Mmm...smells good, doesn't it?

Samantha: *sniffs the air* ... -//.//- ... *stomach growls* O///x///O;

Zapple: I guess you worked up a big appetite as well.

Milao: I wonder if that Galvantula will show up again today. He always runs away before I get a chance to talk to him; he seems interesting.

Samantha: Galvantula, you say? ...I wonder if it is Lil' Bolt? He's been sneaking away lately...

Milao: Lil' Bolt? Is he a friend of...there he is!

*Zapple and Samantha turn around and sure enough there was Lil' Bolt. Noticing that he had been spotted he quickly runs away.*

Milao: Wait...don't go... -o-

Zapple: He's gone.

Milao: I know. -n-;

Zapple: Maybe he's just shy; why else would he run so fast?

Milao: I guess... -3-

Samantha: .....just a suggestion, but why not play his "game"? *Zapple and Milao turn their attention to Samantha.* Just listen...if he is sneaking around and spying on you, why not return the favor and do the same? Best case scenario, he'll try to make contact with you.

Milao: I don't know...

Zapple: C'mon, let’s give it a try; what have you go to lose?

Milao: ...okay...I suppose it's worth a shot.

Samantha: Nothing ventured, nothing gained, as they say. I guess.

*Samantha looks over to her side and sees an exact copy of herself that mimics her every movement.*

Samantha: ...Okay, quit freaking me out. You've accomplished it. O_O;

Shadow: *breaks Illusion* the look on your face is priceless!

Samantha: And so will yours be, as soon as I'm done re-arranging it...

Shadow: O_O *gulps*

*Samantha chases the young Zorua all around the yard.*

Zapple: Oh dear...

Milao: This won't end well... -_-;

*Samantha uses Aqua Jet and shoots towards Shadow like a bullet. Unfortunately, Shadow jumps out of the way at the last moment and Samantha is unable to stop herself as she rams full force into the Primeape in her path.*

Zapple: O_O;; CRAP!!

Samantha: AGH!! Dammnit all! I'm about to lose my patience here!!!

*Samantha feels herself being grabbed by her head and lifted into the air as she is face-to-face with a frighteningly angry Primeape.*

Primeape: *growls*

Samantha: ... (Oh no...) H...hello there...scary-looking Fighting-Type...eheheh...

Zapple: Prima, calm down! It was an accident!

Prima: *growls louder*

e-chan: Prima!

Prima: *snaps out of her rage*

e-chan: You know that's not how we treat guests.

Prima: ...*looks ashamed of herself*

e-chan: Now put her down and apologize.

Prima: *places Samantha on her feet* Sorry... *walks off*

*Samantha breathes a sigh of relief.*

Samantha: Oh Arceus...I thought that Primeape was gonna smash my face inside-out... -.-;

e-chan: Sorry about that, little one. Prima is usually nice but she still has that Primeape temper.

*Samantha's stomach growls loudly.*

Samantha: O///-///O .....Urm...hate to ask, food a little too much to ask for around here, or...?

e-chan: Well, everything is ready now so...lunchtime, everybody! ^o^

*Everybody sits down to eat lunch. Samantha however chooses to eat by herself but her alone time is interrupted when the Charizard and Absol come and sit beside her.*

Samantha: .....What? Rather sit next to the stranger than your friends?

Fireworks: It's not every day that we get to meet other Pokémon who've had...problems similar to ours'.

Samantha: Problems? ...Do you've been abandoned...?

Fireworks: Yeah; before me and Abby here met e-chan we were abandoned by our previous "trainers."

Samantha: ...I'm sorry to hear that...

Fireworks: Don't be, my first trainer was a total tool. He was a member of that rotten Team Rocket and the reason for this scar over my eye *points to the scar over his left eye*

Samantha: ...Ouch... <_<;

Fireworks: It was a Sandslash; I was only a Charmander with a type-disadvantage and my "trainer" made me fight a powerful Sandslash. After I lost that loser had the nerve to blame me for the loss; I let him know what I thought with a Flamethrower directly to his face. After that I was a free Poké least until I met that guy over there *points to e-chan* and I must say that I'm glad that I did meet him.

Samantha: ...Mhm, that's good. I guess it is a good thing to have someone to stay with.

Abby: My previous trainer only cared about victories. So because I couldn't give her any victories she got rid of me and got an Absol who could. I roamed around the city feeling pretty bad about myself until I met e-chan. With him backing me up I showed my old trainer that there was more to battles than the victories.

Samantha: ...To tell the truth...I kinda started to believe in "victory is everything" myself...but, I'm glad I didn't, in the end.

Fireworks: What about you? What was your previous trainer like?

Samantha: ...I don't remember that much...still, I have some faint memories of spending time by the campfire with the little guy...I guess he was rather kind and nice...until Team Plasma and their shenanigans ruined it all.

Abby: Team Plasma...e-chan told us about how he ran into them too.

Fireworks: The way I heard it is when they couldn't convince him, e-kun and e-sama to release Kyle, Roy and Nik they tried to take them from them by force. e-kun beat all of those Plasma grunts up before they knew what hit them. Since then they were never bothered by them again.

Samantha: I see...those creeps were nothing but manipulated marionettes in the end...but still, what they did is almost unforgivable in my eyes...

Fireworks: I can understand how you feel; the way you feel about Team Plasma is the exact same way I feel about Team Rocket.

Abby: But it’s comforting to know that as long as there are trainers out there like e-chan, Kevin and the others that guys like them will never succeed in their plans. ^^

Samantha: True...true... *smiles a little bit*

Abby: Oh, we forgot to introduce ourselves; silly us~ My name is Abby. ^o^

Fireworks: And I'm Fireworks.

Abby: And...that is, if you want to...we could be...friends?

Samantha: D-don't look at me like that. You're like the youngsters at Kevin's team.....okay, I don't see why we shouldn't be name is Samantha, but people tend to call me Sam, for short.

Abby: *bursts into tears* So wonderful!

*Samantha is surprised by Abby's sudden outburst of tears*

Fireworks: Don't worry, that's just something that she does when she's happy. ^_^;

Samantha: *blinks* ...Heh, first that Oshawott boy, then the long-tongued weirdo, and now her.....I meet some interesting fellas once in a while... -w-;

*Samantha suddenly hears electricity crackling behind her. When she looks behind her she sees Zapple with a very annoyed look on her face using Thunderbolt on the Cinccino she saw earlier; the Cinccino faints when the attack ends.*

Fireworks: Looks like he did it again. -_-;

Samantha: ....What was that about? O_O

Fireworks: Moe just tried to get fresh with Zapple again. Whenever he sees a cute female Pokemon he's always got to flirt with her. He's like Pepe Le Pew in a Cinccino body.

Moe: @w@ *wakes up and sees Samantha* Oolala~ *dashes up to Samantha* and who is this beauty here? ^w^

Samantha: (.....Oh you got to be kidding...) -3-; Ever heard of personal space? Take 3 steps back then maybe I'll tell you...

Moe: But if I back away I can't see the glorious detail in your beautiful eyes~

Kyle: Hey! *pulls Moe off of Samantha* what do you think you're doing, Moe?!

Moe: Kyle...could it be that you are...interested in this one?

Kyle: O///O; That's...none of your business! >///<

Moe: There's no need to be shy about this, friend; anybody would be captivated by such a beautiful...

Zapple: ...worthless flirt!!

Moe: Uh-oh...

Zapple: *charges at Moe and uses Volt Tackle, sending him flying high and disappearing into the sky*

Samantha: .....Excuse offense, but I'm starting to feel un-comfortable...from the icky lick-down, to the near beating, and then this flirt... >~<;

Zapple: I understand; I'll walk you home, just let me go and tell e-chan. *leaves to go speak with e-chan*

Kyle: I'm...sorry your visit with us couldn't have been more normal. Maybe we could hang out another day...possibly? .///.

Samantha:'re one of the few around this Place that I feel like I can trust...and..... *blushes and turns away from him, in the most tsundere way* ...thanks for spending time with me...

Kyle: O///O No problem... ^///^

Zapple: Okay, I cleared it with e-chan; I'm ready to go anytime you are, Samantha. ^w^

Samantha: ...Yeah. The others may be wondering where I am.

*as the two walk away, someone from the bushes face palms himself and lays on the ground. It was Stealth.*

Stealth: Dangit...the one time I get time AND courage to visit Zapple to TRY saying anything to her, she is leaving With a friend! I give up, I just give up... >~<;

???: Calm down, man; she'll be right back :/

*Stealth looks up and sees Fireworks the Charizard standing above him.*

Fireworks: Zapple is just walking a friend home; she'll be back in a few minutes. If you've got some time, feel free to wait here with the rest of us. ^^

Stealth: .....Why even care...? She's Leagues above me, as far as I know... *sits up and shakes his head* And yeah, there's that Cinccino...

Fireworks: Don't think like that. I've known Zapple for years and I can already tell you that she's not one of those kinds of girls who thinks that she's better than others. And you've really got nothing to worry about when it comes to Moe. Zapple can't stand him; she just sent him flying out of here a few minutes ago.

Stealth: ....I'd walk off without saying anything, but since you're a Charizard, who can easily beat my ice-type ass to a pulp...I'll stay... -_-;

*Within a few minutes, Zapple and Samantha reach Kevin's Pokemon Ranch. After saying goodbye to her new friend, she heads back home.*

Zapple: I'm back~ ^w^

Fireworks: Hey Zapple, you've got a visitor.

Zapple: I do? Who is it?

Fireworks: Don't know; he hasn't said much since he arrived. He's over there *points over towards Stealth*

Stealth: *continuously tries to simulate how the conversation might go, in his head, but always ends up at a bad result. He shakes his head With a groan, and then notices that Zapple was back, bursting out in a massive blush as soon as he sees her.*

Zapple: *smiles* Hi there, how ya doing?

Stealth: O//^//O ...H...Hey...urm...m-my name is Stealth...

Zapple: Stealth...that's a cool name. ^w^ So what brings you over this way, Stealth?

Stealth: Y-you actually...I've been seeing you around...and...I...want to get closer to a friendly way, by all means! O//O;

Zapple: Sure thing, we can definitely hang out and become friends. ^w^

Stealth: ...y-you sure? T-that's makes me glad to hear've like to get to know me as well...eheh...heh... .///w///.;

Zapple: *giggles* then how about we go somewhere tomorrow then?

Stealth: Yes! Yes, thank you! That would be most enjoyable! o/w/o;

Zapple: Great, it's a date then! ^o^ *walks up to Stealth* see you then~ *kisses Stealth on his cheek*

Stealth: O///////O ...... *falls back onto his back, his face all flustered* Aie-ya-bhawha-heh... @///~///@

*After Stealth recovers he heads home with high spirits, glad that he made the effort to talk to Zapple. As the day comes to a close, Zapple sits in the yard to watch the sunset, recalling all of the day's events.*

Zapple: *inhales then exhales* another good day... ^w^