Friday, February 22, 2013

Plan for the Future! Trey VS Link Kula!!

Travel Multiversal
Friendly Chaos Chronicles
“Plan for the Future! Trey VS Link Kula!!”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

*While Trey and Emerald snuggle together thinking about their future together they hear a knock on their door.*

Emerald: I'll get it, honey; be right back~

*When Emerald opens the door she sees that it's her cousin, Jamie.*

Emerald: ...Jamie, what are you doing here?

Jamie: I'm here to see the red-head.

Emerald: ...okay...Trey, it's for you.

Trey: Coming. ......Jamie? Hello there, haven't seen you in a while.

Jamie: Yeah, yeah. Look, I'm not here because I want to be; I was sent by my uncle to give you this *hands Trey a letter*

Emerald: My dad? He sent you here?

*Trey opens the letter and reads it; Emerald's father, Link Kula, wanted to meet Trey in the town park at 9 P.M. that night for a duel.*

Trey: ...Your father is challenging me to a duel...

Emerald: What the...seriously?! What are you going to do?

Trey: ...I'll ask him how he knew who I am, first of all. >.>; Then, I can try to talk to him...and then I might have to accept the duel...whatever his reasons may be.

Emerald: ...

Trey: I'll be fine, I promise. *pets her* It's not like he wants to kill me or something.

Jamie: So you're going to show up? Good; I can't wait to see my uncle wipe the floor with you. I'll go let him know that you'll be there *leaves*

Emerald: *looks nervous*

Trey: Emerald, honey, I will be me. *raises her face to look at him* If I need to, I will surrender...

Emerald: ...okay, I feel better now.

Trey: That's good...Kissy face~ *kisses her on her lips*

*Later that night both Trey and Emerald head to the town park. There they see Link Kula and Jamie waiting for them. Link was a tall dark-skinned man who wore a blue outfit and had his part of his long, flowing hair in a bun and a bandana covering his eyes.*

Emerald: ...Dad...

Link: ... *remains silent as he looks in Trey's direction.*

Trey: Mr. Kula, I assume? Glad to finally meet you. *bows* (stay calm man, just f***ing stay calm! O_O; )

Link: *bows to Trey* we'll talk later; right now... *draws his sword* me your strength.

Trey: Straight to the point? O_O; And here I thought I'd get an explanation first... *draws his sword*

*As the duel begins the sound of clashing metal can be heard throughout the park. Emerald the fight feeling slightly worried about both her father and her fiancée while Jamie watches hoping that Trey suffers a humiliating loss at the hands of Link. As their swords clashed Trey had to admit that Emerald's father was definitely skilled, especially since he still had his eyes covered.*

Trey: Well, at least I know Emerald wasn't bluffing. You're really good with that sword, wonder I got the shivers from just looking at you.

Link: Thank you, you're quite skilled with a blade as well.

*Link's attacks start to get faster and harder as the duel continues.*

Trey: Okay, time to work up some friction, it seems...

*Trey bites his lower lip a little bit as he tries to keep up with Link's agility and force*

Link: ... *gets faster*

*The duel gets fast and furious as metal clashes even more quickly and rapidly. If Trey wanted to come out on top in this duel he would have to think of something quick.*

Trey: (He's becoming so much faster...! No, I ca't stop here...accelerate...accelerate...accelerate..!!)

*Trey grips his sword firmly with both hands, concentrating on blocking instead of attacking, looking for an opening, or just a slight delay in Link's swinging, anything, before he lost the speed match. Just when it looked like Trey was about to lose the speed match Link suddenly stops his rapid assault and backs off. He then takes a quick-draw stance and attacks Trey with a lightning fast strike that he barely deflects.*

Trey: O_O *looks at the rip in his jacket and shirt* (That would've stabbed me! Okay, he asked for it...)

*Trey snaps his fingers, the ground around him getting quickly sat ablaze and burning the grass in a 50 cm radius around him. Afterwards, he tries 3 flash strikes, 2 of them failing to do anything, but the 3rd and last sword swing lightly burnt the side of Link's left arm, where the sword nearly made contact.*

Link: *looks at the slight burn on his left arm* ...hmm...

Jamie: You better watch out, red; he's about to get serious! >w<

*A chill can be felt in the air as an icy cold wind blows by and ice starts to form around Link's sword. With a mighty swing of his sword Link sends dozens of sharp ice shards flying towards Trey who quickly uses his own sword to bat them away.*

Trey: Ice? Ho-ho, great...I'm used to this match-up... *slides his fingers over the edge of his sword, causing the entire blade to be set ablaze until he swings it at Link, shooting the flame as a crescent shaped fire-energy attack, both attacks cancelling each other out.*

Link: ... *raises his sword in the air and lets the ice grow on it, giving him an ice long sword with extra long reach. He swings rapidly at Trey, keeping him at bay and leaving him unable to get close.*

Trey: (Okay, you have to figure out a way to get close to this guy...just fight until then...) *tries to hack the icicle sword up, but fails to do so, eventually just resorting to dodging and deflecting*

Link: *thrusts his sword out towards Trey but misses him, impaling a tree* ...drat... *struggles trying to pull his sword out of the tree*

Trey: (Chance!) *slides his sword's flaming edge against Link's ice sword and moves towards him, causing ice to get shredded off of the sword, down to the hilt, as Trey stabs lunges at his shoulder, aiming to stab him*

Link: !! *releases his sword in order to dodge being stabbed in the shoulder, backing away from Trey* ...

Trey: *swings his sword at Link over and over, trying to score a hit on the agile man, adding in a couple of kicks and punches to make it harder for Link to dodge.* You can't dodge forever!

Link: ... *takes the pic holding his hair in a bun out of his hair and uses it as a make-shift sword to parry against one of Trey's attacks, throwing him off balance long enough for him to circle around and pull his sword out of the tree.*

Trey: Wow... *stabs the ground with his sword to regain balance, swing around, and land face-to-face with Link, clashing their swords again, resulting in a little stalemate that lasted just long enough for Trey to ask a question.* Why are you duelling me, anyway? Did I do something wrong?

Link: ...this is a test.

Trey: ...Good thing it's not a test you write the answers for, because of my dislexia, it would most likely end up very messy... -.-; *skids away from Link, grasping his sword with both hands now*

Link: *steps back and encases his entire left arm in ice to act as armor*

Trey: "Burning Soul!" *dashes forward with his body surrounded by a flaming aura and his sword raised, swinging it down and forward to hit Link with it, full force, gritting his teeth.*

Link: *blocks the sword strike with his ice-covered left arm, stopping the attack completely. After a few seconds the ice armor cracks and shatters, falling off of his arm* "Snow Cloak." *body glows with an icy blue aura*

Trey: Come on... *sets his sword ablaze and tries slashing him again*

Link: *flash freezes his sword in ice and blocks Trey's attack*

Trey: What-!? O_O

Link: *gets in close and head butts Trey's head hard*

Trey: Ugh...! Wha... @~@; *stumbles about, dazed by the attack*

Link: ...Icicle Blitz... *stabs the ground with his sword, causing icicle spike pillars to pop up from the ground in Trey's direction*

Trey: *regains senses just in time to dodge out of the way and flip backwards to increase distance.* Phew. Okay, thou asked, and thou shall re- *a spike pop up from under his foot, stabbing it* YEOWCH!!! Ah, god damn it!!! *hacks away at the pillar to get his foot out of there*

Link: you plan to continue?

Trey: Of course I am! I'm not lettin’ a stab wound slow me down! *chops the spike off and pulls his foot off of it, clearly having a little bit of difficulties standing on that foot right now.*

Link: ...I like your spirit; let's see just how long it can last... *thrusts his sword into the air, starting a large blizzard in the area* ... *disappears into the blizzard*

Trey: *grits his teeth and shields his eyes from the blizzard* darn it...I lost him...have to figure out a way to deal with this blizzard...

Link: *attacks Trey from his left side then disappears back into the blizzard*

Trey: *got cut* Ngh... ! *slashes in that direction* dang...!

Link: *attacks Trey from his right then disappears back into the blizzard*

Trey: *got cut again, spinning around in an atempt at spotting him* Come out, damnit...!

Link: I'm not hiding, I'm standing right in front of you.

*Trey looks in front of him and sees nothing but the blizzard. Then, just for an instant, Link was visible right when he attacked Trey again. That's when Trey figured it out: thanks to his Snow Cloak and the blizzard going on Link was only visible to the eye when he was attacking.*

Trey: It's almost like the Pokémon Ability, eh...? Well then... *he closes his eyes, not going to rely on them at the moment*

Link: *gets behind Trey, preparing to strike him from behind*

Trey: (Behind!) *spins around and blocks the strike from Link's sword*

*Before Link could back off from the blocked attack Trey grabs a hold of one of his arms, preventing escaping.*

Trey: Not this time...! *pulls him in close and delivers a punch to his gut, avoiding cutting him for now*

Link: *groans then drops his sword and goes down to his knees*

Trey: Had enough...? *pointing his sword at Link's chest*

Link: ... *chuckles* I yield; you win.

Jamie: WHAT?!?

*The blizzard stops and the surrounding area is covered in snow.*

Emerald: Trey! *runs over to Trey* are you okay?

Trey: Never been better, my love...though, he gave me a run for my money... ^w^ *picks Emerald up and holds her close* and we might need to see a healer to fix my foot. *chuckles*

Link: *picks up his sword and sheathes it* come with me, we'll tend to your wound and then we'll talk.

Trey: Gladly. Just a second... *picks Jamie up on his shoulder and Emerald on the other* There, I'm set to go.

Jamie: I can walk perfectly fine on my own! >///<

Emerald: Oh stop being such a sourpuss and let him do this for you.

Jamie: Hmph! ...fine.

Emerald: ...tsundere~

Jamie: Shut up! *sulks*

*Link leads Trey to a simple little dojo located far outside of town. The medics there treat Trey's injuries then he meets up with Link, Emerald and Jamie in the main room. Jamie sits next to Link while both Trey and Emerald sit across from them while facing them.*

Link: Trey, was it? You had some questions for me?

Trey: I have 3...I'll start with this: Why did you challenge me like that? What kind of "test" was it really?

Link: Not only did you defeat Jamie, my top student, you're also the man my daughter wants to marry. As a swordsman I wanted to see just how strong you were and as a father I wanted to see if you were capable of protecting my daughter if she was in trouble. I must say that I'm pleased with what I've seen from you.

Trey: Well, thanks. It feels good to hear that from you. ^w^ Moving on as quickly as possible to question number *looks over at Emerald just briefly.* ...I want to know if you're fine with I have your blessings, and so on...? *looks back at Link, one of his hands now holding one of Emerald's*

Link: ...

*Link removes the bandana from around his eyes, revealing a scar on the left side of his face. Looking at his face Trey could tell that Link was blind in his left eye. Link looks Trey in the face with his good right eye then smiles.*

Link: ...of course, you have my blessing.

Trey: ... Thank you! You will not regret this, I promise. *In his excitement, he lifts up Emerald and gives her a big hug, cuddling her close enough to squeeze the cuteness out of her, but was still gentle enough so she wouldn't get hurt either.*

Link: ...that brings me to the other reason why I wanted to duel you.

Trey: Oh? *puts Emerald down*

Link: Although this dojo is simple in appearance it has many students. I often wonder what's going to happen to this place once I'm forced to retire years from now. That why when that time comes I would like to entrust the dojo to you, Trey.

Trey: .....Excuse me, what did you say? a dojo...?

Jamie: Uncle, what are you saying?! He can't run the family dojo!

Link: Oh, and why not? I can't ask Emerald because of her fear of swords and you said on many occasions that you want to travel and face strong opponents. Why shouldn't I at least offer Trey the chance to run the dojo?

Jamie: Because...he...I mean, I never said that I...y'know...

Link: Yes, what is it?

Jamie: I...I...

Trey: .....Geez, I's so sudden and all... *places his hand on his forehead* I...I need time to think...

Link: That's okay, take all the time you need; I don't plan on retiring any time soon. Just know that the offer is always there for you.

Jamie: ...

Trey: thanks... *looks at Jamie* got something on your mind?

Jamie: ...uncle, I want to run the dojo.

Link: Hmm?

Trey: ...And here I thought she didn't want to do just that... *scratches the back of his head*

Jamie: The reason that I want to travel so badly is because I want to get stronger and wiser; strong and wise enough to run this place when you retire. There's only so much that I can learn here...I learned that after I met this guy and lost to him *point to Trey*

Trey: Well, from the experience of our fight, I'd say you are very strong already. However, we can all continue training and become better in time. ^w^

Jamie: I'm going to get stronger...and when I do I want a re-match with you.

Trey: Gladly. ^w^ But, don't get mad when I snag your bottom clothing again.

Jamie: You were planning on doing that again?! You fight dirty!

Link: *chuckles* ...Jamie, there's something else that I want you to learn when you start your journey.

Jamie: Really? What is that, uncle?

Link:; I want you to learn what love is.

Jamie: Love? Alright, if you think it'll make me stronger then I'll learn what love is. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going out to train for a while.

*When Jamie gets up and leaves the room Trey decides to ask Link about why he told Jamie to learn love.*

Trey: "Love"? Exactly why do you want her to learn about that?

Link: That girl only seems to have interest in fighting and swords; I'm beginning to worry about her.

Trey: ...Which brings up a question: Does she even have friends, outside of her family?

Link: She doesn't let herself get close to anybody; I honestly think that she's afraid to get close to people.

Trey: .....May I be of any assistance? ^w^ you see, I do want to get along with her, despite what has happened between the two of us. And...I guess I was right when I thought she seemed lonely...

Link: ...alright. If you're willing to help I'll take you up on your kind offer.

Trey: Thank you sir. ^w^ I won't let you down.

Link: *smiles* well, it's getting late and I've got a busy day ahead of me tomorrow. Emerald, before you go...I want to apologize to you for working you so hard all those years back; I truly am sorry, honey. And I am proud of you, I always have been; I love you, honey.

Emerald: Th-thank you; I love you too, dad.

Trey: D'aww... ^w^ Come on you two...hug one another.

*Link walks over to Emerald, crouches down and hugs her warmly; Emerald returns with a heart-felt hug of her own.*

Trey: ^w^ That's good.

*Link walks with Trey and Emerald to the main entrance of the dojo to see them off. Saying their good-byes the couple leaves the dojo for the night. Before they get too far they hear a noise coming from nearby; upon inspecting the noise they learn that it is Jamie training her swordsmanship on a training dummy. Seeing Jamie gets Trey to thinking: just how is he going to help this tiny, stubborn Nekofi girl learn love?*

Trey: ...Hmm...It won't be easy, but I guess I could figure something out for the little swordsman...but, I need to read up on some stuff for that first. Yay...

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