Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Yani's Plight! The Fairy Rescue Mission!

Travel Multiversal
Neo Hero Chronicles
“Yani’s Plight! The Fairy Rescue Mission!”
An RP between Flashshadow and eshonen

*Cheeko D. is seen running down the road as fast as his legs could take him. He then stopped for a moment to catch his breath.*

Cheeko: Man, this is nuts! I need to find a place to lay low for a bit.

*Cheeko then stops when he hears the squeaky, cockney sound of Yani Muffy calling out for him.*

Yani: Cheeko! Chee-ko! Where are ya?

Cheeko: Oh, man. O_O;

*Cheeko looks for a possible place to hide and sees a nearby forest. He quickly ran into the forest, but not before Yani caught a quick peek of him running into the woods.*

Yani: There 'e goes! ^o^

*Yani quickly flies after Cheeko into the forest. Once she's inside she loses sight of him, seeing nothing but trees.*

Yani: Huh? I could'a sworn I saw him come tru here...

*Unbeknownst to Yani, Cheeko was using his shape-shifting powers to disguise himself as a bush resting at the base of a tree. He tries to remain silent so Yani doesn't notice the grey tinted bush.*

Cheeko: .... >///<

Yani: *looks around* maybe he went further in...

*Yani flies further into the forest.*

Cheeko: Phew! That was close.

*Meanwhile somewhere in the forest, two men were digging around in the dirt as if they were looking for something important. Or at least one of them was... *

Hackney: Hey, could you hurry up with the digging! Bandita's not gonna wait all day for us to get the treasure!

Hugo: Well, maybe if you get off your skinny-butt and help, we'd get it done faster!

Hackney: Sorry, but digging is not my forte, now how about you be a good little mole-man and get back to digging.

Hugo: How about I bury you in the dirt with the other scrawny little worms!

Hackney: Who are you calling a worm, you meat-headed moron?!

*The two begin pummelling each other with shovels until they notice Yani flying in the distance.*

Hackney: Hey, get a load of that.

Hugo: *looks in Yani's direction.* It's one of them little pixie-sprite things.

Yani: *looks around, not noticing Hackney or Hugo* Chee-ko! Where are you?

Hugo: What's a Cheeko? Do you think there's another one of those things around here?

Hackney: Never mind, that. There's one right in front of us!

Hugo: Right, let's get her!

*Hugo begins to run after her, but Hackney quickly blocks his path.*

Hackney: You lame brain. We can't just charge in after her. She'll get frightened and fly away.

Hugo: Well, what's your brilliant solution, Smart-guy?

Hackney: Ku ku ku ku. *Hackney opens his backpack and hands Hugo an empty jar and lid.* You go and head her off at the pass, and I'll hit her with my stun ray.

Hugo: Hehehe. You got it. *Hugo slinks off into the woods while Hackney quietly sneaks after Yani.*

Yani: *sniffs the air* I know 'e came in here...I wonder if 'e left already... Oh well, I'm sure I'll see 'im again soon 'nough. In the mean time I'll just enjoy me surroundins. *flies high into a tree and lands on a branch that's several feet above the ground*

Hackney: Crap! She's too high. I can't zap her from down here.

*Hugo appears next to the tree and looks up and sees Yani.*

Hugo: Hehehe, piece of cake.

*Hugo winds up his arm and throws a powerful punch that snaps the tree from its trunk causing it to slowly fall down, spooking Yani.*

Yani: AAH! *quickly flies out of the tree*

Hackney: AHA! Good work, Hugo!

*Hackney fires his stun ray at Yani, immobilizing her body and causing her to fall from the sky. Hugo then dover for Yani with the open jar and slides towards her landing position. Yani dropped safely inside the jar with her body still intact.*

Hackney: And... SAFE!

*Hugo quickly screws the lid over the jar, trapping Yani inside of it.*

Yani: @w@ *looks dizzy*

*At that moment less than a mile away was Sashi who was in the forest collecting materials that she needed for her designing projects.*

Sashi: What was that? It came from over there...

*Sashi goes over to where she heard all of the noise come from and sees Hackney and Hugo; she quickly dodges out of sight to make sure that she's not seen.*

Sashi: (Who are those two...and was that Yani they had trapped in that jar?)

Hackney: I can't believe it! We captured a pixie-sprite!

Hugo: This little lady is our ticket to easy street!

Hackney: Banditta is gonna so proud of me when I tell her how my genius just raked us in a fortune.

Hugo: Whaddaya mean "Proud of you"?! I was the one who knocked down the tree that pixie-sprite was sitting on!

Hackney: But it was my plan that got her captured!

*The two blundering kidnappers argued the whole way, revealing more than enough of their nefarious scheme to the listening Sashi.*

Sashi: *takes out her phone and takes photos of Hackney and Hugo's faces* (I better keep an eye on these two...but I should really get some back-up to help me. I would call Ashuro but he's visiting his parents on the Planet Ookami...and Shonnie and Jimmy are there too visiting their dad. Batou and Klarina are planning their wedding...and Emerald is doing the same thing with Trey. Rocko and Snoopy are out of town, Ring doesn't do well under pressure and Hayama and Ookahara aren't exactly the fighting types. Who else is there...? Scooter! He's a bounty hunter...and Cheeko; him and Yani are dating...I think. I need to find them!)

*Sashi carefully makes her way out of the forest without being spotted. On her way back to town she happens to see Cheeko and runs up to him.*

Cheeko: Whoa, Sashi? Where's the fire?

Sashi: Cheeko, it's Yani; she's been kidnapped!

Cheeko: WHAT?! When did this happen?!

Sashi: Just a few minutes ago back in the forest not too far from here. I was there gathering some raw materials that I needed when I heard a tree falling. When I went over to investigate I saw these two guys and they had Yani trapped inside of a jar. *shows Cheeko the photos of Hackney and Hugo she took earlier*

Cheeko: I don't know what those creeps are up to. But they are not taking Yani!

Sashi: By the way they were talking they're not going to keep her for long; they were talking about selling her and making their boss, Banditta, proud of them.

Cheeko: Banditta... I don't think I've heard of her. Maybe she's one of Cyber Knight's enemies. But, it doesn't matter! I'm going to clobber those guys and rescue Yani!

*Cheeko begins sniffing around for the two kidnapper's scents.*

Sashi: I'm gonna call for some back-up on this one *calls Scooter on her phone* c'mon, pick up...

Scooter: Hello?

Sashi: Scooter, it's me Sashi; what are you doing right now?

Scooter: Hey Sashi, I'm just hanging out playing some video games with e-chan, e-kun and Snow.

Sashi: Listen, Yani has been kidnapped and I could use some help. Can you help me?

Scooter: That's terrible, of course I'll help; where are you?

Sashi: Just outside of town close to the forest.

Scooter: I'll be right there!

Sashi: Great! See you soon. ^o^ *hangs up* Scooter is coming to help us, Cheeko.

Cheeko: That's good to know. Are those guys really that tough?

Sashi: One of them did look pretty strong. From what I gathered one of them is the brains while the other one is the brawn. It shouldn't be too hard to find those two again. Yani was always getting lost when we all travelled together so Ashuro had a tracking chip implanted in her so that we'd always be able to find her.

Cheeko: Wow, really?

Sashi: Yep; it happened so often that Rocko even created an app for our phones that could track Yani whenever she got lost *activates the app on her phone* see, she's not too far from here; when Scooter gets here we'll start following them.

Cheeko: Hmm, I may have to get that app for my communicator... Y'know, in case she ever gets kidnapped again, that is.

*A few minutes later both Scooter and e-kun arrive at Cheeko and Sashi's location.*

Sashi: e-kun, you came too?

e-kun: Yeah, it's been a while since I've been in action and this seemed like a good way to get some action.

Scooter: How far away is Yani?

Sashi: Not too far from here; according to the reading I've been getting from her tracking device Yani's kidnappers have been going around in circles since I called you up here. I think that they're lost.

Cheeko: I suppose it's lucky we're not dealing with some criminal masterminds, here. Now, let's go save Yani!

*Cheeko and the others start following Yani's signal; by the time they're halfway close to her Hugo and Hackney manage to find their way out of the forest and make their way to the shipyard. Once they arrive they contact their boss, Banditta, and inform her of their find. Little do they know that Cheeko, Sashi, Scooter and e-kun are watching them both from afar.*

Banditta: (on speaker) A fairy you say?

Hackney: Yeah, one that looks like a little kitten with six little wings.

Hugo: And some kind of wierd British accent.

Banditta: Does it have some kind of special powers?

Hackney: Um, we can't confirm that yet...

Banditta: No matter. I'll bring the ship down there soon to pick you both up. Stand by, until then.

Hackney and Hugo: Yes, ma’am!

Banditta: Oh, and before I forget.... DON'T LOSE THAT FAIRY!!

Hackney and Hugo: Yes, ma’am!

*The two sit down patiently (and in terror) with Yani still sitting in the jar, awaiting their boss' arrival.*

Sashi: So...does anybody have a plan?

e-kun: We go in there, bang some heads and rescue the fairy girl; simple as that. ^w^

Scooter: *looks at e-kun* anything that gives you an excuse to fight, eh?

e-kun: No, that just seems like the most straight-forward approach to take.

Sashi: ...yeah...what about you, Cheeko; what do you think we should do?

Cheeko: I'm not really sure. Shonnie is usually the "plan-guy" in our operation. Although, they don't look particularly tough... I saw we go with e-kun's plan.

Sashi: ...are you sure about that?

e-kun: You got a better plan?

Sashi: *thinks for a bit* ... actually, I do. Gather 'round.

*Cheeko, Scooter and e-kun huddle closer to Sashi as she explains her plan to them. A few minutes later both Sashi and Scooter approach Hugo and Hackney.*

Hugo: Hmm? *smacks Hackney's chest to let him know they have guests.*

Hackney: OW! What?! *sees Scooter and Sashi.* Hey, who are you two?!

Sashi: Sweet, a Nekofi fairy!

Scooter: The very species that we're missing from our collection! ^o^

Hackney: Sorry, sweet cheeks. This nickle-nike-knuckle... Ahem, this fairy is the property of our boss. ^^

Hugo: Yeah, she'll be here any minute to pick her up. So, clear out! *shoots at them*

Sashi: WAiT-WAiT-WAiT! Hear us out at least!

*Hackney and Hugo exchange glances and whisper.*

Hugo: Maybe they have something worth more than a fairy?

Hackney: I don't know, the boss said she'd be here soon...

Hugo: Let's at least see what these kids got to say.

Hackney: Fine.

*Hugo and Hackney turn back to Scooter and Sashi.*

Hackney: Okay, what is it? :Sherlock:

Sashi: I'm Elaine.

Scooter: And I'm Bo.

Sashi & Scooter: We're collectors of rare and exotic objects!

Sashi: Y'see, we've been looking for a Nekofi fairy for quite some time now and we're willing to trade you something of greater value for it.

*Hackney and Hugo look at each other in excitement.*

Hugo and Hackney: What? What? WHAT?!

*Scooter takes a bottle out of his afro containing a grey-colored fairy; it was actually Cheeko in disguise.*

Scooter: This is a Morph Fairy; they're a bit temperamental but if you can befriend one they'll become loyal allies that can transform into just about anything.

*Hugo and Hackney grew wide-eyed at the thought of their own shape-shifting fairy. They ran over to get a closer look at the false fairy.*

Hugo and Hackney: Wow, so cool!

Sashi: And to sweeten the deal even further we'll even throw in these.

*Sashi and Scooter call out their Penswords in their base form.*

Scooter: They're called Penswords; they are weapons of great power that can transform into something more based on the person who wields it.

*Hugo and Hackney began to drool over the wonderful treasures and the oppritunity to enhance their reward.*

Hugo: You got a deal!

*As Hugo reaches for Cheeko and the swords, his hand is immediately swatted away by Hackney.*

Hackney: Hold your horses, meat-head!

Hugo: Hey, what's the idea?! *rubs his hand.*

Hackney: *turns to Sashi and Scooter.* Something's fishy here? You seem a little TOO quick to give us all these things for one fairy. How do we know you're not trying to pull a fast one?

Hugo: Hey, that's right! OoO How do we know those swords even work?

*Sashi and Scooter activate their Penswords' Lv. 2 forms; Sashi's Pensword turns into a giant pair of sewing needles and Scooter's Pensword turns into a beam katana.*

Scooter: Is this proof enough?

Hugo and Hackney: *jaws drop comidically*

Hugo: Whoa, these guys might be on the level.

Hackney: Yeah, I think so.

Sashi: we have a deal~?

Hackney: Okay, fine. *heads back to pick up Yani.*

Hugo: But the swords and fairy, first!

Scooter: ...Okay.

*Sashi and Scooter hand over their Penswords and Cheeko to Hackney and Hugo. Hackney hands Yani over to Sashi.*

Hugo: Now, you two clear out. Our boss will be here any minute.

*Suddenly a large ship appears to be floating over head. Using the camera on board the ship Banditta zooms in on Hackney and Hugo's location to get a better look at the two strangers next to them. She quickly identified both Sashi and Scooter as members of the Checkmark Pirates, the very same group of pirates that had cost her several valuable heists in the past; their captain, Ashuro, had recently stopped her from collecting a rare Shiny Ninetales the previous year.*

Banditta: What?! What are those two Checkmark brats doing here?! No doubt they are trying to dupe, Hugo and Hackney. *She looks at the captured Cheeko D. in the fairy cage being held by Hackney and the penswords with Hugo.* Hmph, at least they still got the fairy and even disarmed them of their blasted penswords. Perhaps, those two are good for something after all.

*Banditta hits a button on the ship's control and suddenly she teleports down in front of Hugo and Hackney.*

Hugo and Hackney: BOSS, YOU MADE IT!

Scooter: Sashi, let’s go.

Sashi: Right.

Banditta: What were those two doing here?

Hugo: Oh, don't worry boss. Those two were actually pretty generous. Look at the two penswords they gave us! *holds up Sashi and Scooter's penswords.*

Hackney: Yeah, they even got us an even better fairy than the one we found. *holds up Cheeko in front of Banditta's face.*

Banditta: Hmm?

*Cheeko begins changing into several random objects, from the letter "U", to a screw, and then a baseball, and finally a miniature Banditta.*

Banditta: Hmph! While, I suppose that was courteous of them. But, knowing those Checkmark brats, I'm sure they are up to something. C'mon, boys. Let's see how much we'll get off these things.

Hugo and Hackney: YES, MA’AM!

*Banditta hits a button on her remote and they all teleport onto the ship.*

Cheeko: (So, far so good... )

Sashi: *opens the jar holding Yani* Yani, are you okay?

Yani: *flies out of the jar* yup, I'm fine I am. But wasn't that Cheeko that you just gave those bloomin' bullies? 'ows he gonna get out of there?

Scooter: Don't worry, we've got a man on the inside to help him out.

*On board the ship, Hugo, Hackney and Banditta take a closer look at the items they just scored.*

Hugo: Hahaha! What a haul! What a haul!

Hackney: I know, right?! We not only scored a fairy, but imagine how much someone would pay for these Pen Swords!

*Hugo and Hackney have a play sword fight while Banditta looks over the disguised Cheeko D. fairy cautiously.*

Banditta: Hmm...

Hugo: Hey, boss. What's the matter?

Hackney: Yeah, you're usually the first to celebrate such a big score.

Banditta: Something seems familiar about this fairy. But I can't seem to put my finger on it...

*Banditta suddenly feels that there is another presence on board the ship.*

Banditta: Hmm... Hackney!

Hackney: M-ma’am?! O_O; *stands at attention.*

Banditta: Are you sure there were only two people around when you obtained these items?

Hackney: Well, not that I immediately noticed, boss.

Banditta: Hmm, I see... Hugo!

Hugo: Y-yes, ma’am?! O_O;

Banditta: Do a little perimeter check on the ship's deck. I'd hate to think there were any unwanted stowaways onboard...

Hugo: I'm on it!

*Hugo exits the meeting room and heads out to the deck. After inspecting the deck thoroughly Hugo was about to head back into the meeting room until he is hit with a huge electrical blast, sending him down to the ground out cold.*

Hugo: AAARGH! >O< Nap time...

*Meanwhile, in the meeting room.*

Banditta: Did you hear that?

Hackney: Yeah, the weather report didn't mention any possible thunderstorms...

Banditta: Go see what's keeping Hugo, Hackney.

Hackney: Yes, ma’am!

*Hackney runs out to the deck. After a little bit of searching Hackney finds Hugo passed out on the deck floor. When he goes over to check on him he is shot a blast of ice, freezing him up to his neck in place leaving him unable to move.*

Hackney: WAAAH! What's going on here?! Who's doing all this?!

*Hearing the commotion happening on the deck Banditta arms herself with a shock pistol and carefully makes her way towards the deck.*

Banditta: I should've known. Someone else IS on my ship!

*Banditta looks around on the ship deck until she sees A charred and barely conscious Hugo trying to break Hackney out of his icy prison.*

Banditta: What happened here?!

Hugo: I got struck by lighting...

Hackney: I got frozen in a block of i-IIIIII! Ouch. >_<

*Hugo accidently pushes Hackney over when trying to break the ice.*

Hackney: Ice....

Banditta: Dammit, who's there?! Who dare invades my vessel?! *Aims the shock pistol around the vessel trying to see who else was around.*

*Hugo bends over to try and stand Hackney back up until he notices the two Penswords that they had just gotten were floating in midair behind Banditta.*

Hugo: B-b-b-boss....

Banditta: Hmm? What is it?

Hugo: *points behind Banditta.* G-g-g-GHOST!!

Banditta: What nonsense are you... *Banditta turns around to see the Penswords floating as well.* WAH! GHOSTS!

*The Penswords disappear into thin air, leaving Banditta, Hugo and Hackney with no idea where their "ghost" had gone.*

Banditta: Wah! My ship is haunted by a ghost! A theiving ghost!

Hackney: W-what do we do, boss? I haven't perfected my anti-ghost equipment, yet!

Banditta: First things first! Hugo, make sure to secure that fairy!

Hugo: Yes, mam!

*Hugo runs back into the meeting room to get Cheeko. Hugo finds the fairy cage containing Cheeko and picks it up. The cage's door is suddenly pried open and Cheeko flutters out of it.*

Hugo: NOOOO!

*Hugo tries to desperately grab Cheeko, but Cheeko quickly flutters above Hugo and turns into an anvil. He then falls down on Hugo's head knocking him out.*

Hugo: Not again...

Cheeko: *turns back into a fairy.* Thanks for the save, big guy. *flies out of the room.*

*Cheeko flies back towards the deck where Banditta and Hackney are. Seeing that Cheeko had gotten free from the cage, Banditta takes aim at him with her shock pistol. Before she is able to fire it of it gets knocked out of her hands by an invisible force and then a pillar of fire shoots upward creating a hole in the ship's ceiling that Cheeko flies out of.*

Cheeko: Later Days, suckers!

Banditta: Grr! I can't believe this! What is going on here?!

Hackney: Don't tell me our ship's posessed by a demon!

Hugo: *pokes his head out the door.* Boss! Boss! The fairy escaped from the--!

Banditta: I KNOW THAT!!

Hugo: Yikes! *ducks back into the room.*

*Meanwhile, far away from Banditta's ship, Cheeko meets up with Sashi and Scooter.*

Scooter: You're back!

Sashi: Looks like my plan worked after all. ...say, where's e-kun?

e-kun: *becomes visible* I'm right here. I'm glad that I held onto this invisibility cape of mine; it really made all of the difference.

Cheeko: It sure did, pal. Hey, wait? Where did Yani, go? *looks around*

Yani: *glomps Cheeko from behind* Cheeko, me love~

Cheeko: Glad to see you're alright Yani. ^_^;

Yani: Wot were you doing in the forest anyway, Cheeko?

Sashi: Huh?

Yani: Yeah, I saw Cheeko dosh into the forest earlier so I followed him inside. I didn't find him so I decided to take a nap in one of the high trees. That's when I got caught.

*Sashi, Scooter and e-kun look at Cheeko, figuring out what had happened.*

Cheeko: Er... O_O; Just getting some fresh air. Being cooped up at the HQ all day gets pretty boring after a while.

Sashi: ...Cheeko...

Scooter & e-kun: Uh-oh...

Yani: Huh?

Sashi: *grabs Cheeko by his right ear* I think that the two of us need to talk.

Cheeko: Oh, boy...