Thursday, June 26, 2014

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Slumber Party Time

Soon-to-be-sisterly bonding ^^


Nothing like a DNA switch to give you a new perspective on things. ^^

Don't Play Ball in the House!


Slime Nekofi Beach

 Sandy Fun with Eis and Baum
 Surfing with Strand and Koralle
 Sunbathing with Blume and Giftig
 Lunchtime with Naht and Pilz
 Water Fun with King Neko-slime and Techno
 Ice Cream break with Edelstein and Alt

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Enter the Dream World

Time for a dreamy new adventure!

Lesson Two Start! The Art of Ninja Pursuit!!

Travel Multiversal
Neo Hero Chronicles
“Lesson Two Start! The Art of Ninja Pursuit!!”
An RP between Flashshadow and eshonen

*Over the course of the next week Shonnie practiced his new technique quite rigorously. With everyday he grew stronger and found ways to improve the technique and use it in other ways. His confidence and determination grew too but he knew that he still had a ways to go before he even thought about having a rematch with Oriyame. So, exactly one week later, Shonnie went back to the same place in the woods as last time and sure enough Annette and Baron were there waiting under the exact same tree.*

Annette: *hanging upside-down from a tree branch with her eyes closed*

Baron: *sleeping*

Shonnie: Yo, everybody!

Annette: *opens her eyes and seems to defy gravity as she flips from upside-down to right-side up on the tree branch so that she's standing up on it* welcome back, detective *bows*

Baron: *sleeping*

Shonnie: Good to be back. *bows.* Yo, Baron!

Baron: *wakes up* Whuzzat? ...oh, it's you, Shonnie; how you doing, buddy?

Shonnie: I'm doing well, Baron. How was the nap?

Baron: Pretty good; strange thing is that I never seem to remember my dream unless I wake up naturally *tilts his head to the side as he tries to remember his dream*

Shonnie: Bummer, dude.

Annette: Now, before we get started, let's see where you are with last week's lesson *creates four water clones that take to the trees and hide* begin...

*The four water clones begin shooting water balls in Shonnie's direction.*

*Shonnie remains in place and his body is once again surrounded by his aura. He then raises his arms up and the water balls stop mid-air around him.*

Shonnie: ......

Annette: ... *looks on with interest*

Baron: *whistles, impressed by the feat*

*The water orbs began to form into a large sphere of water. Shonnie began moving around in several intricate tai-chi stances, with the large water ball mimicking his motions before flowing around him in a ring shape.*

Shonnie: A while back, I used a device known as the "F-Glove" which gave me the power to move and levitate objects. During my training, I took your advice and found a way to further utilize the energy within my body. By harmonizing my energy with the energy from the world around me, when I project my energy into other objects, they become one with my aura and therefore a part of me...

Baron: Sweeeeet...

Annette: Very nice...let's see it in action, shall we?

*All four of the water clones land on the ground and surround Shonnie, poised to attack.*

Shonnie: *nods*

*The ring of water began to glow with the same blue energy that Shonnie's aura was made of. Shonnie then swung his arms out to the side causing the water to shoot out into the clones and blasted them each into a nearby tree. Shonnie then exhaled before deactivating his aura. But, no sooner did he do that he dropped down to his knew.*

Shonnie: Hehe, so what did you think?

Annette: I like it; you took out all four of your opponents simultaneously. That part at the end, does it usually take that much out of you?

Shonnie: Well, to be honest, this was a fairly recent discovery on my part. It takes a lot of energy and concentration to hold something as unstable as water with my aura alone.

Annette: I see; you truly have been working hard. Keep up the good work, okay? ^^

Shonnie: Will do. *rises back to his feet*

Annette: also said that you had trouble landing attacks in your last battle with Oriyame, right?

Shonnie: Worst than that. Not only did my attacks fail to connect, but Oriyame blew away my strongest move like it was nothing! I have never seen "Neo Giga Blast" fail before that day...

Annette: Hmm...this "Neo Giga Blast," show it to me; try it out on me as if I'm your opponent *moves out into the open woods where Shonnie would have a clear shot*

Shonnie: *waves his hands around and forms a large ball of energy. He then launches it forward towards Annette.*

Annette: ... *takes her katana and slices the large energy ball in half, causing both halves to explode behind her*

Baron: ...I see what the problem is...

Shonnie: Eh?

Baron: The attack is powerful...but due to its size it's sort of slow when launched from a distance. A slow moving projectile isn't going to hit an agile ninja so easily, no matter how powerful it may be. I'm not saying that it's a bad technique; I'm just saying that there is a certain time when you should use it.

Shonnie: I don't... She didn't actually dodge the attack per-say. She used some move called the "Mystic Wind" and sort of destroyed it. In fact, Annette you literally just cut my attack in half. Maybe there is something wrong with the technique...

Annette: ...I'll have to do some thinking for this the meantime, let's start with the second lesson.

Shonnie: Okay.

Annette: We'll be working on your speed, accuracy and strength. Once again, Baron will be your training partner...

Shonnie: Okay, then.

Annette: But first... *with a quick hand movement, makes a Poke Ball appear in her hand* a little exercise in the art of the pursuit...

*Annette tosses the Poke Ball in the air and out of it comes a Ninjask.*

Ninjask: *buzzing*

Shonnie: Aww, sweet! A Ninjask! I used to train and catch these little guys all the time!

Annette: That may be so...but have you ever caught one by hand?

Shonnie: Can't say I ever tried.

Annette: Well, that's what you'll be doing today. This Ninjask has been trained to be especially evasive; try your best to keep up with and catch him.

Shonnie: Well, okay then.

*The Ninjask speeds off deep into the forest at ground level.*

Shonnie: Well, nothing worth doing is ever that easy...

*Shonnie dashed off after the Ninjask. Shonnie quickly catches up to the Ninjask. When the speedy Bug-type notices that Shonnie is right behind him he flies higher into the trees, gaining a speed boost in the process.*

Shonnie: Oh, man, Speed Boost. How could I forget Speed Boost? *facepalms*

*Shonnie leaped upward between the trees after Ninjask, desperately trying to keep up with the Pokémon's gradually increasing speed.*

Shonnie: Man, I don't remember catching Pokémon to be THIS exhausting!

*Shonnie leaps from tree branch to tree branch trying to keep up with the Ninjask. Seeing that Shonnie was still behind him, the Ninjask speedily loops around and goes past Shonnie; it had used U-Turn.*

Shonnie: Oh, great. Now I'm having a Pokémon battle without a Pokémon.

*Shonnie stopped leaping and then dived down after the Ninjask.*

Shonnie: Man, oh man! What was I thinking?!

*Suddenly, something grabs Shonnie's leg and stops him from falling; it was Baron, standing on a tree branch in Shonnie's falling path.*

Baron: Looks like I caught up to you just in time *places Shonnie on the branch with him*

Shonnie: Thanks, Baron. In hindsight, that plan was rather excessive.

Baron: Yeah, even I would think twice before jumping out of a tree from that high up if I couldn't fly.

Shonnie: Well, I didn't want to risk cheating. But I am open to suggestions.

Baron: ...have you ever tried the Rokushiki technique called Geppo?

Shonnie: Geppo? That does sound familiar.

Baron: *jumps off of the tree branch and rhythmically kicks downward one foot at a time to stay suspended midair*

Shonnie: Whoa! (Note to self study up on Rokushiki. )

Baron: *continues to air hop* this is the ideal way to dart between the trees in this dense forest; it's also the best way to deal with Ninjask's tricky U-Turn since you can change direction just as fast as it can. Give it a try. ^^

Shonnie: Um, okay...

*Shonnie leaps off the branch and tries to perform the Geppo move.*

Shonnie: Okay, so I just kick my foot out and...

*Shonnie is suddenly propelled high into the air, but accidentally hits his head on a branch above him.*

Shonnie: DOH! >o<

Baron: Maybe dial it back a little...

Shonnie: Right. Right... w@ *rubs his head.*

*Shonnie shakes himself off and attempts to do the technique again. He takes a deep breath and channels a small amount of energy into his legs. This time as he kicks off the ground he manages to leap high into the air, he continues kicking off the air until he eventually makes it to Baron's branch.*

Shonnie: I may need a bit of practice gauging my range, but I think I got the gist of it.

*The Ninjask speeds by below Shonnie and Baron.*

Baron: Time for Round 2

Shonnie: Let's go! *leaps after the Ninjask*

*Shonnie is in hot pursuit of the speeding Ninjask. Seeing that Shonnie was behind him, the Pokemon weaves in between a thick cluster of trees. Using his excellent power of observation to find a path and his newly acquired Geppo, Shonnie manoeuvres through the trees with ease, keeping up with the Ninjask and narrowing the gap between them. Seeing as how he couldn't lose Shonnie in the trees, the Ninjask suddenly makes multiple copies of itself; it was using Double Team.*

Shonnie: Oh, great. Double Team... just as effective as it is annoying. That is, if I didn't know "Foresight".

*Shonnie used his aura to scan the flying Ninjask clones, until he found the real one.*

Shonnie: You're mine now, Ninjask!

*Shonnie combines Soru with Geppou to increase his speed as he closes in on Ninjask. Seeing that he was about to be caught the Ninjask spins around rapidly as sand starts flying in all directions; it was using Sand Attack to try and disorient Shonnie.*

Shonnie: Oh-no!

*While Shonnie's bionic eyes were safe from the sand, the blast of sand managed to get into his nose and mouth.*

Shonnie: Aww, man, oh man! Gross! XP

*While Shonnie was trying to get the sand out of his face. He accidentally crashed into the trunk of a tree with a loud thud.*

Shonnie: Oww.... TTxTT

Baron: *winces* Ooh, almost; but if Ninjask was desperate enough to use Sand Attack then you must've been incredibly close to catching him. Don't give up, you're almost there!

Shonnie: (high pitched voice) That's good to know... TTuTT *slides off the trunk*

*After taking a few minutes to recover, Shonnie is back in hot pursuit of the Ninjask, determined to catch it this time.*

Shonnie: Alright, Ninjask. You got me last time, but this time I'm going to catch you!!

*Shonnie uses his newfound skills to air dash after Ninjask with newfound confidence and enthusiasm. Seeing Shonnie close in on him, the Ninjask does a series of U-Turns to try and get away but to no avail. It tries Double Team again, but Shonnie easily sees through the tactic; he even tries using Sand Attack again but Shonnie was ready for it and successfully shielded himself from its effects. It looked like the speedy Bug-type was finally out of tricks.*

Shonnie: Now to bag the bug-type!

*Shonnie channels his energy into the palms of his hands and launches a blast of energy propelling him within grabbing distance of Ninjask.*

Shonnie: You're mine now, Ninjask!

*The Ninjask quickly rises upwards to try and avoid getting caught but Shonnie simply uses another Geppo to gain the same amount of height and at long last finally catches the elusive Pokemon.*

Shonnie: I DID IT! I caught Ninjask! *lands back down on the branch*

Baron: *catches up to Shonnie* Bet you never thought that you'd be catching a Pokémon like this today.

Shonnie: Not at all!

Ninjask: *buzzes happily then flies out of Shonnie's hand and perches atop his afro*

Shonnie: Hey, you're actually a pretty friendly little fella aren't you?

Baron: Well, let's head back to where Annette is. ^^

*Shonnie and Baron begin walking back to where they originally started off.*

Baron: got any family?

Shonnie: Yeah... Yeah, I do; my kid brother, my grandfather, and recently a puppy.

Baron: That's nice. I had a big family myself but I don't know what's happened to them. It's been 10 years since that day I first went into hiding with Annette. Despite everything in our minds telling us that the rest of the family is dead, in our hearts we believe that they are alive and well somewhere.

Shonnie: Hmm I'm sure that they are still out there, Baron. My friend Skylar once thought he would never see his family again, but soon enough he was re-united with two of his elder siblings. But, if you'd like, I'd be happy to lend my assistance in finding the rest of your family.

Baron: Thanks

*Within minutes Shonnie and Baron are back where they started with Annette waiting for them there.*

Annette: Ah, it looks like you indeed caught him.

Shonnie: It wasn't easy, let me tell you. Your Ninjask really gave me a run for my money.

Annette: Did you find your partner helpful?

Shonnie: Partner?

*Shonnie rose an eyebrow in confusion of Annette's question. He then looked over at Baron since he was the only one around to his knowledge.*

Shonnie: You mean, Baron? He was very helpful. I'm not sure how well I would have done without his advice. Nor, would I have learned about the Rokushiki style.

Annette: Excellent. ^^ Now you are truly ready for the next lesson; let me know when you're ready to begin.

Shonnie: I'm as ready as I can be.

Annette: Alright then...Ninjask, Baton Pass.

*The Ninjask suddenly returns to its Poké Ball then Annette takes another Poké Ball and tosses out in front of her; out of it comes a jet-black Greninja.*

Greninja: *stands in a meditative stance*

Shonnie: Whoa, a Greninja! Personally, I have a Chesnaught.

Annette: That's nice ^^ Now, try and land a hit on Greninja; don't worry, he's very sturdy and quick.

*Shonnie walks up to the Greninja who still has his eyes closed and seems to be in a meditative state of mind; he throws a jab at the Pokémon but only hits air as the Pokémon somehow managed to sidestep the attack entirely without him seeing how he did it.*

Shonnie: Man, oh, man! What speed!

Annette: Oh, and one more thing; if you pause for too long after an attack he'll take that as a sign for him to counter attack.

*After finishes delivering that piece of knowledge, the Greninja quickly forms a spiralling ball of water and shoves it into Shonnie like a Rasengan, sending him flying backwards into a tree; it had used Water Pulse.*

Shonnie: DOH! >.< *Shonnie slumps down to bottom of the tree.* Man, I can't remember the last time I took a direct attack from a Pokémon. @_@

*Shonnie shook the water from his hair and leaped back on to his feet. He then turns to face what seems like Greninja.*

Shonnie: Alright, Greninja. I'm not done, yet! WA-TAAA!

*Shonnie leaps into the air and delivers a strong drop kick followed by a rapid volley of punches.*

Shonnie: C'mon, it's like you're not even trying to dodge my attacks! You can't expect to stop me by using Protect forever!

*To Shonnie, what appeared to be Greninja was actually a nearby tree that stood right across from Greninja.*

Greninja: ...

*The Greninja emits a powerful force of energy at Shonnie that sends him flying into another tree; it had used Extrasensory.*

Baron: Ooh *winces* not off to a good start...

Shonnie: *shakes his head and cracks his knuckles.* Man, oh man. That was embarrassing.

*Shonnie charges his body with his vibrant blue aura and resumes his fighting stance.*

Shonnie: But my head is clear and my body is charged up! BRING IT ON!

*The Greninja rubs its palms together in a spiralling motion as water forms between them. The water quickly takes on the form of a shuriken; Shonnie recognized the technique: it was Water Shuriken.*

Shonnie: I don't think so!

*Shonnie's eyes glow and suddenly the water starts to become unstable until the shuriken bursts into a puddle around Greninja.*

Shonnie: You're not the only one with some sweet moves, Greninja.

*Shonnie is suddenly grabbed from behind and is restrained by a pair of black arms. Looking down he sees that the Greninja's shadow had stretched behind him. Shonnie realizes that this Pokemon was indeed clever; it had formed the Water Shuriken slowly like that to act as a diversion from what it was really doing: Shadow Sneak. The Greninja quickly forms two Water Shurikens and hurls them towards Shonnie.*

Shonnie: N-no, not again!

*Shonnie struggled violently against the Shadow Sneak hold, but to little avail. Not seeing any immediate way to escape before the Water Shurikens struck him he decided to launch a desperate attack to save himself.*


*While Shonnie was still restrained he leaped as high as his restraints would allow and then stomped down hard on the ground with his aura concentrated on his legs. This launched a large shockwave from where he landed, which disrupted the Water Shurikens and the Shadow Sneak attacks. Shonnie then fell to one knee as blue sparks discharged from his legs. Annette and Baron could tell from Shonnie's last move and his expression that something had spooked Shonnie.*

Greninja: O_O;

Baron: WHOA!

Annette: ...did that attack just now bring back a bad memory?

*Shonnie's aura faded as Shonnie took several deep breaths. As Shonnie slowly rose back up he leaned back against a tree, as his legs were still rather weak from the last attack.*

Shonnie: I couldn't do it... I couldn't do a thing to stop it.

Annette: What couldn't you stop?

*Shonnie gives a deep sigh and reluctantly looks towards Annette.*

Shonnie: My fight against Oriyame wasn't the first time I felt completely helpless... Before that there was another adversary that I dealt with. It was some evil bastard that everyone was calling "Mysterious Spanker". But, don't let that dumb name fool you, M.S. is FAR from a joking matter. He was this bizarre creature that has been going around and viciously assaulting a lot of my friends. Like, Marius, Kevin, and Ashuro, I too promised to help put a stop to his wicked attacks. But, I wasn't nearly as lucky as any of them...

*Shonnie slumped back down to the ground, his face warped into a heart wrenching frown.*

Annette: I see...I remember having to face off against several tough foes as well...and I lost to many of them too. Whenever that happened I thought that I just wasn't getting any stronger. But whenever I started thinking like that there was something that my old sensei would always tell me...

Shonnie: Hmm?

Annette: "You only truly stop getting stronger when you stop learning." For a while I didn't understand what learning things had to do with getting stronger. But one day when I was sparring against an old rival of mind that I always lost to I was able to counter a few techniques of hers that I usually never saw coming. That's when it I got it: I may get defeated several times but if I could learn something from those defeats then I've gotten stronger than I was before. Think back to when you were chasing Ninjask earlier; how many times did you fail before you actually caught him?

*Shonnie remained silent for a moment. Mulling over Annette's wise anecdote.*

Shonnie: Hmph, I suppose it took a few tries before I caught Ninjask. I had the opportunity to learn from my mistakes and devise a way to correct them. I appreciate you trying to cheer me up Annette... But, I can't view the previous exercise in the same light as my encounter with M.S. When I failed to catch Ninjask I had a chance to try again. But, when I failed to apprehend M.S. it nearly cost me my life. I was unable to fend off his vicious onslaught and I was left a blood soaked mess. If it wasn't for Sarna miraculously learning to use ki, M.S. would've surely slain me... All my efforts to further improve myself, to help protect those I care about, were once again horrendously tarnished. At least Oriyame wasn't trying to kill, as far as I can tell, anyways...

Annette: ...

Shonnie: I'm sorry, Annette.... Baron... I'm not sure how effective I can train in this mental state. I better take my leave for the day.

*Shonnie slowly hobbles away from the tree and starts to leave.*

Baron: *turns to Annette* don't you think you should say something?

Annette: needs time to recover. It doesn't look like we're going to make much progress until he gets past this...

*As Shonnie heads home he gets the feeling that he should stop by the Excel Detective Agency. His feeling was warranted because waiting there was none other than the little Nekofi, iDEAL.*

iDEAL: Shonnie, you're here! ^o^

Shonnie: Oh, hello, iDEAL. Is there something I can help you with?

iDEAL: It's my sister, Dream; she's in trouble and we need your help, but... *looks around* we can't talk here. Can you meet up with us at Blitz' home?

Shonnie: Um, sure. No problem.

iDEAL: Great, I'll see you soon *turns to run off and nearly trips as she stops herself suddenly* Oh, and if you know anybody who can possibly create barriers, bring them too *turns and runs off*

Shonnie: Okay, I'll see!

*Shonnie returns to his HQ and begins making some calls to his friends.*

To be continued...