Sunday, May 25, 2014

One Prank Too Far

A request from Shirokku-D

It's the first morning of summer vacation and e-chan and a few others are going to the beach.

Lalao and Mizuki arrive at e-chan's home early to have breakfast with him, Scooter, Cinder and Snow. Knowing that Lalao was coming over, Snow devised a sneaky prank. While everybody was eating breakfast she would sneak out of sight, go into Lalao's bag and lace her bikini bottoms with a transparent dye that change skin green that she stole from Hayumi's lab. Snow would then pants her at the beach to expose her then green butt.

Sure enough, after breakfast, when everyone changed into their swimsuits before leaving for the beach, Lalao put on her bikini without realizing that anything was wrong...for a few seconds that was; Lalao's butt was getting burning hot and itchy. She quickly takes the bikini bottoms off to see that her butt is beet red; apparently there was something in the dye that Lalao was allergic to. Seeing what happened, Snow accidentally said "Red? It was supposed to be green." Now knowing what had happened, Lalao frantically chases Snow around the room trying to catch her.

Hearing the commotion, e-chan rushes to see what had happened. When Lalao told e-chan what had happened he gave her the okay to punish Snow any way she saw fit. The red-bottomed Suku wasted no time in taking the naughty puppy over her lap, baring her bottom and spanking her naked butt. It looks like they might be getting to the beach late today, especially now that Mizuki wants in on the action... ^^;

Lalao: >_< *spanking Snow*


e-chan: *notices the brush in Mizuki's hand* What's up with the brush, Mizuki-chan?

Mizuki: This naughty doggy didn't learn her lesson from the time she tried to bite a bum!

e-chan: Really now? *looks at Snow* (Sounds like there was an incident that Snow didn't tell me about...) Well, before we leave for the beach I'm going to help Lalao take care of the symptoms she's feeling. We'll be upstairs in the other bathroom so I won't be able to hear you calling me if you're down here. You'll be okay by yourself for a while, right? *winks at Mizuki*

Mizuki: ... *understands what e-chan was hinting at* Yes, I'll be fine.

Snow: Nooooooo! WAAAHHH!!

Play with Me

A request from Shirokku-D

Rocko: *playing Kirby: Triple Deluxe*

Maggie: when are we going to go out again?

Rocko: Soon, real soon... *continues playing*

Maggie: You've been playing for over an hour already! Besides...if you're going to play with something... *gets up, takes off her pants and panties and sits on Rocko's chest* with me~

Rocko: O///O *pauses the game and places the 3DS down* Now THiS is my favorite game: Connect the dots...

Maggie: ^//w//^

Rocko: ...and... *smacks Maggie's butt* Taiko Drum Master! *grins pervertedly*

Maggie: Yike! O///O; Wait a minute...!

Tubful of Adeleine

A request from Shirokku-D

Adeleine: Is the water nice, Kirby?

Kirby: Hai~ ^o^

Adeleine: ^w^

Nekofi Lick

A request from Shirokku-D

Annaliese: *licks Kevin's nose*

Kevin: Oh you snuggly, little... -//w//-

Scare FAiL 2

A request from Shirokku-D

Oh Boo-chan, you just can't catch a break, can you? XP

Monday, May 19, 2014

Baron to the Rescue

Stopping a bus with one arm is nothing for Baron...Camilla is grateful for that fact ^^;

Learn the Ninja Way! Enter the Mysterious, Helpful Kunoichi!!

Travel Multiversal
Neo Hero Chronicles
“Learn the Ninja Way! Enter the Mysterious, Helpful Kunoichi!!”
An RP between Flashshadow and eshonen

While walking through town, many thoughts weigh upon the mind of Shonnie Flash. Among them is the battle loss he had to a kunoichi named Oriyame. The loss was so devastating that he began viewing all kunoichi as evil. And much to his dismay, what should he encounter during his walk to clear his mind; a kunoichi by the name of Annette Splash.

Shonnie: Oh, great. Another kunoichi...

Annette: *looks in Shonnie's direction* ...

Shonnie: Yipe! *backs away*

Annette: *takes a few steps towards Shonnie*

Shonnie: *takes a few steps back.* ...

Annette: ... *takes a few more steps towards Shonnie*

Shonnie: *takes a few more steps back before he stops.* S-stay back! I don't want any trouble!

Annette: Trouble? Why would there be any trouble? I do not sense any danger nearby... *looks around for anything possible dangerous*

Shonnie: Don't patronize me! I'm looking right at you! *points to Annette*

Annette: The dangerous one Hmm... I guess that is true to an extent; I do take care of the foes that the young master can't handle on his own but that's incredibly rare. But you have nothing to fear right now; I mean you no harm. -.-

Shonnie: You'll forgive me if I don't take a kunoichi's words at face value. Wait, "young master?"

Annette: Yes, my master. Maybe you've heard of one by the name of Baron Quick?

Shonnie: Nope, can't say I have.

Annette: It's okay; I can't say that I'm not surprised seeing as how just the two of us have been in hiding the past few years. >.>

Shonnie: In hiding? Are you guys being targeted by someone? Mobsters, bounty hunters, other kunoichi??

Annette: It was a family that was one of our allies at one time. We don't know which one though; I could sense no hostility from our allies so this took even me by surprise. Surely they think that the Quick family has been completely wiped out since we've been laying low for the past few years. We're currently trying to figure out which family betrayed us back then.

Shonnie: Oh, my condolences... It always hurts when people you've once trusted betray you. If you--ahem. If the Quick Family needs any help investigating, I can lend you my assistance. After all, I am the head of the Excel Detective Agency!

Annette: Thank you, we appreciate your help... *looks deep into Shonnie's eyes* ...but I think there are more pressing matters to attend to first.

Shonnie: *takes a step back, his face visibly blushing.* Um, like what? O///o

Annette: There seems to be something...troubling you, like a traumatic life experience.

Shonnie: Well, yeah. I have had plenty of those...

Annette: Hmm, yes, but this particular one seems to have a profound hold on you; so much so that the energy you're putting out is all out of sync.

Shonnie: W-what? How do you...?

Annette: With age comes wisdom and experience. I've seen many like you who have had something traumatic happen to them and it affected them a lot more than they originally thought.

Shonnie: I suppose...

Annette: So tell me...what troubles you? Tell me...about the...kunoichi that haunts your memories.

Shonnie: *lets out a heavy sigh.* her name is Oriyame Urehari. A name I wish I could forget.

Annette: Was she a friend of yours at one time?

Shonnie: Hmph. A "friend" would imply that there was a level of mutual fondness or a positive relationship... Oriyame is a blight! A blight that I was too enchanted by, to notice!

Annette: Okay, so not a friend. Tell me what happened to create such negativity.

Shonnie: Well, for starters... I used to be in love with her. -///- I would try very hard to try and impress her, but I have failed each time. Eventually I would accept that she would never have romantic feelings for me, so instead I would settle for trying to be her friend. Sadly, it went as well as when I tried to court her. So as a last resort I tried to appeal to her fighting spirit and challenged her to a friendly sparring match. And that's when the real source of my hatred happened...

Annette: ... *motions for him to continue*

Shonnie: What was supposed to be a friendly sparring match gradually turned into a full-on grudge match. Every move I used failed to connect, my own bionic eyes couldn't locate or detect her, and my strongest attack was blown away like it was nothing. If not once again seeing myself utterly fail wasn't devastating enough. It was what she did to me that I just couldn't forgive... *Shonnie begins tearing up.*

Annette: ...what happened?

Shonnie: S-she... She... *points to his afro.* SHE SLICED-OFF HALF MY HAIR!

Annette: ... I see; your hair is part of your pride... this Oriyame, she sounds formidable. I'll have to see for myself how strong one day. I can see why you're not too fond of kunoichis right now.

Shonnie: It wasn't fair... I was utterly humiliated and disgraced. And for what? Wanting her to like me? Wanting to be her friend? Is that really so wrong? Did I seriously deserve that?

Annette:, no you didn't. I've encountered many ninja in my time and some just have a constant chip on their shoulder and also those who don't know how to deal with loss. One thing that I can tell you about ninjas is that when they fight, they fight to win. Not mainly due to pride but for their very survival; they treat every fight like a life and death matter. That doesn't mean I approve of what she did to you, though...

Shonnie: I suppose I can understand that mindset about shinobi... I guess my endeavour was doomed to fail, anyways.

Annette: Because our lives are fraught with danger we will often push others away so as not to endanger them; I can't even begin to tell you how many of my young master's affections I've had to turn down. My job, my oath, was to protect and serve my master's family; if I were to have gotten romantically involved with one of them and then I end up dying in battle not only would it crush them but I wouldn't be able to keep my promise.

Shonnie: You're right. As a detective and crime fighter, I can empathize with wanting to keep your loved ones out of harm's way. Though I doubt that Oriyame did what she did because she cares...

Annette: ...would you like to find out?

Shonnie: Eh? What do you mean?

Annette: I mean...

*Annette throws a smoke bomb on the ground that surrounds Shonnie in a cloud of smoke. When the smoke vanishes he finds himself wearing a ninja outfit.*

Annette: ...ask her what she was thinking during your last match...after you win your rematch with her, that is...

Shonnie: Whoa, what?! *looks at his new ninja-like get up*

Annette: Like it? I can get you one more to your liking if you don't. ^^

Shonnie: It is very nice.

Annette: Then it's settled; I'll teach you want you need to know to fight ninjas. I'm sure you're much more studious than the young master... ^^

Shonnie: Excellent! *bows*

Annette: We begin tomorrow morning *hands Shonnie a map with several spots circled* meet me at the middle location that's circled there. Get plenty of sleep and have a hearty breakfast; until then... *disappears in a sudden burst of steam*

*Looking at the map Shonnie recognizes it as the woods not too far from where he currently was.*

Shonnie: Well, looks like I am doing this. I just hope I don't regret trusting another kunoichi.

*Shonnie heads back home for the night, still pondering over the strange ninja woman he had met. The next morning Shonnie heads over to the designated meeting site in the woods. As he walks through the woods he soon finds Annette hanging upside-down off of a tree branch by the soles of her feet. Also lounging under the tree was a tall, muscular-looking wolf man with long spiky grey hair and furry forelimbs.*

Annette: *hanging upside-down with her eyes closed*

Large wolf man: *sleeping:

Shonnie: *looks at the wolf man for a moment and then back at Annette.* Hey, I made it! *knocks on the tree trunk*

Annette: *opens her eyes and seems to defy gravity as she flips from upside-down to right-side up on the tree branch so that she's standing up on it* welcome, detective *bows*

Large wolf man: *sleeping*

Shonnie: Thank you.

*Shonnie bows back then looks over at the wolf man.*

Shonnie: So, is the wolf a friend of yours? Or are you two just sharing the napping tree?

Annette: Oh, him? This is the young master I mentioned the other day; the only remaining member of the Quick Family, Baron Quick. He's going to be your training partner *jumps down from the tree branch next to Baron* Wake up, young master~ *shakes Baron a little*

Baron: *remains asleep*

Annette: Wake UP, young master... *pinches Baron's face cheek and pulls it, causing his face to stretch a little bit then slaps him a few times*

Baron: *remains asleep but has a swollen, puffy face*

Annette: -_-# ...

*Annette walks a short distance away from Shonnie and Baron, acting like she's going to leave. In reality, she was just getting some aiming distance as she takes a kunai and chucks it at Baron's forehead, hitting it like the center of a dartboard.*

Baron: O_O *eyes open wide from the sudden sharp pain in his forehead* YEOUCH!!! *jumps up and does a pain dance, pulling the kunai out of his forehead* Geez, Annette! How many times have I told you not to wake me up like that!? That would kill a normal person!

Annette: Agreed, but you're not exactly normal, are you?

Baron: *grumbles and rubs his forehead*

*Surprisingly, there is barely a scratch on Baron's forehead which makes Shonnie wonder what exactly Baron is made of.*

Shonnie: Man, oh man...This guy must have an iron body, or something. I wonder if he's anything like Skylar and his kin.

Baron: *looks over at Shonnie* is this the guy?

Annette: Yes; this is Shonnie Flash, the detective. He has offered his services in our search for your family's betrayers; as thanks for his offer I'm going to teach him how to battle ninjas...and you're going to help out until his training is complete for blowing off your training session yesterday.

Baron: *flinches* I-I had a duel with Pepper; it ran long and I was exhausted afterwards...

Annette: But not too exhausted to eat pizza and party with until late in the night?

Baron: O_O;; ...were you following me again?

Annette: So you admit it then...

Baron: *flinches*

Shonnie: Um, Baron, was it? If I may ask, might you be an Ookami?

Baron: I'm half Ookami on my father's side; my mother was a Lobinu. ^^

Shonnie: Oh, okay. *turns to Annette.* So, what do we do first?

Annette: Hmm...first... *looks around for a few seconds* if I remember correctly, you said that when you fought this Oriyame you had trouble locating her, correct?

Shonnie: Yeah, that's right. Normally, it would make sense to have trouble spotting a ninja. But my eyes are bionic and specialize in seeing hidden people and objects (among other things). I basically have super vision, but I may as well have been blind, all the good they did me... -_-;

Annette: I see...then the first thing we'll work on is strengthening your instincts. When battling ninjas you can't always rely on your eyes since they specialize in staying hidden; a ninja is always moving so they'll never stay in one place for too long. When you can't see your opponent you have to find a way to sense where they are and where they'll attack from next. So with that... *jumps high into the treetops* I'll be up here attacking from afar; when you're able to not only sense where I am but find me as well, you will have completed the first lesson *disappears higher into the treetops*

Baron: Man, I remember this lesson...

Shonnie: (Man, oh man. Relying on my other senses for combat... Its been years since I've ever had to do that. I sure hope this works. )

*Shonnie gets into his kenpo stance and charges his fists with chi. He looked up into the high trees and darted his eyes around in hopes of catching even the slightest glimpse of Annette.*

Shonnie: I need to be patient. She could be anywhere in these trees...

Baron: *looks at Shonnie* I know what you're thinking, and you have the right idea. But know this: just because you saw Annette go up into the trees doesn't mean that she's still there; she is incredibly fast and...

*A shuriken shoots from out of a tree directly behind Baron that hits him in the back of his head.*

Baron: YEOW!! *pulls the shuriken out of the back of his head* See what I mean?

*Shonnie suddenly gets hit by a small water balloon from above.*

Baron: What!? No fair, Annette! How come he gets the soft water balloons and I get the pointy sharp stuff?

*Annette responds to Baron's question by launching three more shuriken at him from above which he manages to avoid this time.*

Shonnie: *shakes his head dry* You're right Baron.

*Shonnie closes his eyes and stands in place. He then patiently listens to the area around him. Three more water balloons are shoot in Shonnie's direction from above.*

Shonnie: (THERE!) WA-TAAA!

*Shonnie swung his arm upwards and launched three Ki Bullets at the three water ballons.*

Shonnie: Yeah, excellent! *gets splashed by the falling water.* Man... -_-;

*Shonnie looks over at Baron who seems to be dodging multiple shurikens and kunais with great ease, wondering how he's doing it so easily.*

Shonnie: Hey, Baron. How are you able to dodge all those attacks? The shurikens were really troubling you a moment ago, but now they don't seem to phase you in the least.

Baron: Oh, that? I've learned how to project my energy in a wide circular field around me. Whenever something enters that circular field I'll be able to sense it and thus avoid it. I usually have it up at all times but since I was so *looks up at the trees* RUDELY interrupted during my nap I lost focus and forgot to put it back up earlier.

*Annette responds to Baron's comment with a rain of bombs.*

Baron: Oh crap, I said too much; she's using the bombs now! *uses his speed to start running away from the rain of bombs*

Shonnie: ("Project my energy in a wide circular field around me..." Perhaps, that is the key.)

*While Shonnie is pondering Baron's words, he too moves to avoid the bombs.*

Shonnie: If I can find a clear spot I could try and test that theory...

Baron: I'll try and lure her away and buy you some time to try it out. *takes a deep breath* Hey, Annette, you talk about me skipping out on training but what about yourself? Your aim must be slipping because you've only managed to tag me twice out of everything you've tossed at me today! I guess even an OLD ninja like you will have your off days... -w-

Annette: ... -_-# *appears in front of both Shonnie and Baron looking sort of pissed* I know we only just started, dear detective, but would you please excuse me while I have a word with the young master for a few minutes?

Shonnie: Y-yes, whatever you say.

Annette: Thank you for being so understanding ^^ *turns to Baron and draws a katana* young master...

Baron: O_O;; *speeds away lightning fast*

Annette: *leaps high into the treetops and pursues Baron by jumping tree to tree*

Shonnie: Well, that reaffirmed my fear of kunoichi... Still, at least I have a chance to try out that technique. I guess I REALLY owe that Baron guy a debt.

*Shonnie assumes a defensive fighting stance and his eyes begin glowing blue as he begins channelling his energy.*

Shonnie: Focus my energy... Align the senses... Create a field... Become one with my surroundings... Focus... Focus... Focus...

*As Shonnie repeated the montra his body began to generate a blue aura. After a couple seconds, Shonnie's sensory awareness seemed to increase tenfold. He could smell the earthy aroma from the trees and the grass. He could feel the spiritual energy emulating from the plant and wild life. And much to his slight discomfort he could hear the swinging of a katana blade and several yelps of pain. Shonnie then powers down and returns to normal.*

Shonnie: I think I get it now. By uniting the senses with my internal energy I can access a special sixth sense. This could not only help me defeat Oriyame, but it could help improve my overall crime-fighting ability. With a bit of practice, I'm sure I can find other ways to utilize this skill!

*Minutes later Baron and Annette return to the area Shonnie was in. Looking at Baron there was no way anybody would know that Baron took several katana blades to the body; this REALLY made Shonnie wonder what kind of body this wolf man had.*

Shonnie: ... So, um... Everything square, you two?

Baron: Yeah, this sort of thing happens all the time.

Shonnie: So, I think I've gained an idea of what you two meant by utilizing my other senses.

Annette: Really? That's good ^^ Now... *jumps high up onto a tree branch* let's test out this idea of yours *jumps high and disappears into the trees*

Baron: She's about to start again; whatever you discovered I recommend you do it right now.

Shonnie: Right.

*Shonnie assumes his previous stance and takes a deep breath. Soon Shonnie's body began generating the blue aura from before and his eyes shinned with a piercing blue light.*

Shonnie: WA-TAAA!

*Annette tosses a water balloon from above in Shonnie's direction*

Shonnie: ....

*Without looking up, Shonnie catches the water balloon in both of his hands before it reaches his head.*

Shonnie: Got it! *The balloon then bursts and soaks Shonnie's head.* Oh, come on!

Baron: They're water balloons, they're very fragile. The important this is that you were able to sense it, right?

*Annette tosses three more water balloons in Shonnie's direction.*

Shonnie: Hold that thought.

*Shonnie flips and tumbles out of the way of the incoming water balloons, and then resumed his stance.*

Shonnie: Yeah, I was able to sense them.

Annette: ^w^ *tosses her katana into the ground next to Shonnie* ... *creates 4 water clones that take positions up in the trees to surround Shonnie*

Baron: You best get that katana now; she's about to test just how well you can sense incoming attacks.

Shonnie: Oh, boy... I haven't picked up a sword in ages. *grabs the sword and assumes a wushu stance.*

*The water clones shoot a barrage of water balls in Shonnie's direction.*

Shonnie: Yikes! O_O;; *Shonnie spins the sword in a circle to shield him from the water balls.*

*Shonnie manages to keep the water balls from hitting him with his sword spinning technique but the water clone don't let up in their assault.*

Baron: Blocking them isn't enough! You've got to use what you've learned to find and take out your attackers!

Shonnie: *nods*

*Shonnie leaps up from his spot and takes a breath. Soon his eyes shined and his body glowed with his new azure aura.*

Shonnie: (Concentrate... I should be able to seek them all out... But how....)

*Shonnie remembered that the clones were water based and utilized water attacks. By listening for the sounds of their watery frames and the blasts of water flying through the air, Shonnie managed to locate their assorted position.*

Shonnie: One truth prevails...

*In an instant Shonnie appears before the first clone and strikes it with the back of his blade. He then repeats the process on the remaining three clones before returning to his spot on the ground.*

Shonnie: *pants* I'd say that was better than... Better than... Better than expected.

*As Shonnie fell backwards on the ground his eyes returned to normal and his aura faded. It would seem that utilizing his newfound aura can take a toll on his energy if overused.*

Shonnie: @_@

*Annette lands next to Shonnie and pops a bitter tasting pill into his mouth; it was incredibly bitter but he instantly felt refreshed and full of energy again.*

Annette: That was very well done *takes her katana back* You've learned so much in such a short time. ^w^

Shonnie: Gyah! XP *Shonnie leaps to his feet and brushes his tongue.* Thanks, I pride myself on being a quick study.

Annette: Now is the time to practice and fine-tune what you've learned. Let's meet back here in a week to see if you're ready for the next lesson.

Shonnie: Fair enough. BTW, Annette, Baron... Have either of you met a young man named "Ashuro", before?

Baron: Never met him.

Annette: I have heard that name a few times here and there.

Shonnie: He's a kind little guy. I'm sure you'd both like him.

Annette: Alright, we'll keep that in mind. Young master, training is done for the day; you are free to use the rest of the day as you see fit. I shall return home and begin dinner; do you have any requests?

Baron: I would like something fried and crunchy...

Annette: Denied *disappears in a puff of smoke*

Baron: -_-; ...

Shonnie: ^_^; *pats Baron's back*

Baron: ...she is harsh...but I still like her. She may be over 300 years old but she doesn't look a day over "hot" ^///^ I'm telling you, Shonnie-man, what I wouldn't do to have only one night with her. I saw her one time without her chest wrappings on and man, what sight; I can only imagine how those must feel *makes a grabbing motion with his hands while having a pervy look on his face* ... *quickly raises his left hand to catch an incoming kunai* Nice try, Annette, I had my guard up this time! You'll have to do better than that if you want to get...

*Baron and Shonnie hear a hissing sound; closer examination reveals that there was an explosion tag wrapped on the kunai in Baron's hands. Shonnie quickly speeds out of the area.*

Baron: ...crap, this is gonna sting...

*Far away out of the wood, Shonnie hears a huge explosion from where he once was; he can faintly hear Baron say "I'm okay"*

Shonnie: Man, oh, man. What an odd pair. Still, they seem like good people.

To be continued...