Thursday, October 27, 2011

One Chance for Victory! Defeat Pyro Darkesis!!

Travel Multiversal Episode 0
”One Chance for Victory! Defeat Pyro Darkesis!!”
Part 1
By eshonen, Flashshadow, kamehamehadude and Shirokku-D

At midnight Ashuro heads out to the spot where he was supposed to be having a strategy meeting with those who he had recruited to assist him on a very important mission; upon his arrival there, he sees that the meeting has been canceled. Every single one of his friends were there and each one of them was being held captive by a soldier of Pyro Darkesis' army. As each soldier walked into a portal taking one of his friends with them, Ashuro put up a desperate fight to free them all. Sadly, out of all the hudreds of them there, Ashuro only managed in freeing six of them: Annaliese Fellor, her pet bat Maurice, Claire Treasure, Skylar Moonshadow, Shonnie Flash and Cheeko D. As they arrive at their destination, the gateway to the Realm of Time, the situation is critical as they all stare up at Pyro who stands at the top smiling wickedly. In a few more hours, the seal on the gate would be weak enough for him to break open, easily allowing him to enter and obtain the power inside to gain complete invincibility. In strength and ability all seven of them are completely outmatched, but this was their one and only chance to stop him from becoming invincible and there was no way they were going to back down and let somebody like him do as he pleased.

Cheeko: So, this is the Pyro creep who took everyone...

Annaliese: *looks really scared*

Claire: *places her hand on Annaliese's shoulder and smiles at her* Don't worry, we'll save everybody and stop him from hurting more people, I promise.

Annaliese: O-Okay...

Maurice: "sweeee!"

Pyro: Oh really?

*Claire and Annaliese are caught off guard when they notice that Pyro was right next to them.*

Claire: GYAAA!! *holds Annaliese close to her*

Annaliese: Waaah!!

Maurice: >_< *flies to Pyro and tries to attack him*

*Maurice flies straight through Pyro and is both surprised and confused as to what just happened.*

Claire: What the... *tries to touch Pyro but her hand goes through him* ...its a hologram; an illusion!

Pyro: *still at the top of the staircase* HAHAHAHAHAHA! You three should've seen the look on your faces a moment ago! HAHAHAHAHA! *snickers wickedly* two humans, two cats, a wolf, a bat and a... weird looking dog, chipmunk...thing. A motley crew like this posses no threat to me at all.

Skylar: ALIEN wolf, if you'd be so kind to remember what I am! *growls*

Pyro: Whatever; you're a non-human and that's all I need to know.

Skylar: Rrrr... This guy pisses me off... Just looking at him makes me want to tear his freakin' face away from his head...

Ashuro: Skylar, don't let him get to you; he's trying to antagonize you so that you'll do something careless.

Pyro: ...bravo, Ashuro; nothing gets by you, does it?

Skylar: Well he's doing a pretty damn good job at it!

Pyro: Why thank you; it's nice when somebody can stop and realize my hard work. Although, in your case, it's not hard at all when it comes to dealing with an emo-wolf.

Ashuro: *sees Skylar getting angrier* Don't bite-don't bite-don't bite!

Skylar: *his left ear and right eye twitches* He'll know that I bark far worse than I bite, just you wait and see... *eyes turn light green*

Pyro: Really?

*Ashuro and Skylar jump forward in suprise when they notice that Pyro was standing right behind them.*

Pyro: Feel free to show me then.

Skylar: Hauringu Getsu! *fires the energy wave from his mouth while his howl rings through the ears of everyone standing there, the air, and further..*

Pyro: *gets hit by the attack* ...hmph! *smirks*

*Skylar's attack has no effect on Pyro at all as he just stands there and grins wickedly at him*

Pyro: My-my, was that all? I sure do hope that's not all you have to offer.

Skylar: Grrr...! *tightens his fists and grits his teeth*

Pyro: Fufufufu...sit, boy!

*Like an exact Inuyasha moment, Skylar finds himself crashing to the ground face first. Laughing his head of, Pyro fades away; it was an illusionary copy.*

Ashuro: *looks down at Skylar* (Not even I saw that one coming...)

Skylar: Ngh...he's making a fool out of me.....

Pyro: And it's really fun to do too.

Ashuro: *sends a stretching punch at Pyro but it goes right through him* this one is an illusion.

Skylar: ...okay...NOW I'm annoyed...

Pyro: No, what's REALLY annoying is getting a race of prideful, bull-headed monkey people to follow orders obediently.

Skylar: .....What did you just say...?

Pyro: Oh, about the monkey people? Yeah, Saiyans can be quite troublesome to deal with. They seem to only be able to recognize strength.

Skylar: Why...why did you bring up that subject?

Pyro: Eh, just felt like it; I thought "eh, what the heck. I might as well give them the answers to the questions that I know are on their minds."

Skylar: Questions on my mind...? I wasn't...even...

Pyro: Oh c'mon, I know that you must've at least asked yourself "why did this happen?" at one time or another.

Skylar: Well...I...Ugh, fine! I do wonder! And you, Mr. Smarty-Pantsy-With-Lotsy-Of-Make-Upsy, what do you know?!

Pyro: Oh, pretty much everything that you'd like to know regarding this subject. It was a simple case of supply and demand: I supplied them with a way to escape from being wiped out then I demanded their loyalty for saving them all. It wasn't easy to get them to realize that; their King nearly made me regret saving them in the first place...but that was solved when one of their smarter soldiers "convinced" him to listen to reason. I believe that you've already met this certain Saiyan soldier already, hmmm?

Skylar: !!! ...Toma...! *tightens his fist*

Pyro: Yeah, that one is truly something. Do you know that he's the one that actually came up with the idea to deal with your people and many of the other races? All I wanted them to do was to gather up some materials for me but his plan just sounded WAY better; so in the end, I put him in charge of things in regards to that bussiness.

Skylar: YOU pushed that bastard onto my planet and got him to...?! *his eyes turn crimson, along with his claws*

Pyro: To tell you the truth, I didn't even know of your planet's or your race's existance until Toma mentioned it. Just like how Frieza feared the Saiyans because of their strength, Toma feared the Ookami for the very same reason. He knew that your race had the potential and possibility to become even more powerful that the Saiyans. And if something like this is enough to cause a Saiyan to feel fear then it was definitely something that would become a hinderance to me in the future. In the end, it worked out best for the both of us; the Saiyans were able to do away with something that could've become a huge threat...and I'm able to rest easier knowing that there are now fewer non-humans in this universe. ^w^, you really are quick to anger, aren't you?

Skylar: YOU.....!!! YOU, Pyro, is the perfect example as to why HUMANS should rot away and disappear! All of you are nothing but a selfish, egoistic, materialistic and stupid race! Not ony do you destroy your own planet and make animals go extinct, BUT SOME OF YOU DOESN'T EVEN CARE, OR SEES IT ALL AS A SPORT!!! At least we Ookami's have lived all these milleniums AS ONE with nature...something you guys fail to do...

*And all of a sudden, all attention was on Skylar after this little show of anger*

Ashuro: ...don't...don't think like that, Skylar...

Skylar: Then tell me, WHO is destroying THiS very planet as we speak?! HUH?! WHO is continuing to hunt dangered animals despite that they know they're about to go extinct?! And last, but not least, WHAT race does this MANiAC belong to?! HUMAN! HUMAN!! HUMAN!!!

*Skylar's E-nergy level has started to increase, and at a rapid phase that could be quite dangerous for Skylar if he didn't do something about it... Ashuro speaks up again.*

Ashuro: ...your right; there's no denying that Humans have done and continue to do horrible things...but not all of them are like that and you know it!

*Ashuro's E-nergy level bursts to a dangerously higher level than Skylar's which was strong enough to instantly bring Skylar back to his senses.*

Ashuro: I used to think the exact same way, Skylar; I hated Humans as well! They did SO many horrible things to me that I thought that the world would be a better place if they didn't exist! *E-nergy level returns to normal* But you can't allow such thoughts to foster deep inside of yourself...they could cause you to act...*looks down*...and even go too far before you realize that what you're doing is no better than those who wronged you...

Skylar: Uh...I..."sigh" Sorry...

Pyro: *smirks*

Maurice: *flies up there to the real Pyro* Sweeeeee!!

Annaliese: Ma-Maurice, NO!

Pyro: *grabs Maurice* Quite the feisty one, aren't we? *gets bit on his thumb* yes, real feisty *looks at Maurice, thinking about what to do with him then sighs* I could do away with you...but with 22 hours still remaining before the seal on this gate is weak enough break...and my limited company...and because I really don't getting my good pair of glove messy, I'll let you go...for now.

*The hand Pyro was using to hold Maurice flies off of his arm and down the staircase to deliver him directly to Annaliese completely unharmed. Annaliese looks REALLY frightened.*

Pyro: Eh? What's wrong, kid; never seen a flying hand before?

Annaliese: No! *whimpers and tries to escape*

Claire: Don't let him scare you; he thrives on seeing others in distress.

*Pyro's hand goes up to Claire and flicks her nose before flying back to him and reattaching itself to his arm.*

Pyro: Hehehe...

Claire: *rubs her nose and looks annoyed* very funny...

Pyro: That's why I'm laughing. Heheheh...

Claire: Grr...

Annaliese: Stop it, you meanie!! >0<

Pyro: *mimics Annaliese* Stop it, you meanie!!

Annaliese: *starting to cry* Stop it!

Pyro: ...fine~ I'll stop. I've actually got something rather interesting to tell all of you.

Annaliese: Wh-What?

Pyro: Tell me, do you like drama?

Annaliese: Huh??

Pyro: I'm interested, tell me; do you like dramatic tales? I find them so interesting and deep...especially this one story I personally like. You should hear it one day; it's very true to life for somebody like you afterall. ^^

Claire: Don't waste your breath, she already knows about what you home wrecker.

Pyro: Oh, really? and pray-tell, what is it that I did?

Annaliese: You made that Tsunami!!

Pyro: The tsunami AND the flood; those were merely test runs for one of my many projects in the works. ^o^

Annaliese: ...You Evil... You Rotten...!

Pyro: My-my, such a sharp tounge you have there. To make a proper weather manipulator, you have to make sure it can create both good and bad weather conditions. I even plan to create a hurricane out of season this year. But don't worry, I'm pretty sure your town can survive another natural disaster if it survived the first two.

Annaliese: No!! You can't!

Pyro: Why not? Ogama City has aways been able to repair itself quickly; and don't natural disasters always bring out the best in people? The way they all stick together, forge new bonds and work together towards a common goal? I find it...inspiring. ^^

Annaliese: But the lives well be gone! I don't want anything happends!! Please! I beg of you!

Pyro: Hmmm...well, since you're begging me, I suppose that I don't have to use Ogama City as my test field...

*Annaliese looks a little hopeful.*

Pyro: In fact, I don't need to run that test at fact, I WON'T run the test and cancel that plan altogether.

*Annaliese feels relieved after hearing this.*

Pyro: Beside, the only thing left in that city that I need to deal you.

Annaliese: *gets scared and starts crying*

Maurice: *screes and flys infront of him*

Pyro: Oh please, you again? You know that you can't do anything so get l--

*Maurice charges at Pyro, but unlike last time, he scores a powerful hit that sends Pyro crashing into the sealed gate.*

Pyro: What in the...?

Claire: He-he; nice one, Maurice!


*With great speed Maurice rapidly dive-bombs Pyro's head over and over again, each hit being as strong as the last; the illusionist as well as Annaliese had no clue as to what was happening.*

Claire: *looks at Annaliese* I've linked the little guy to your power so now he's as strong as you are now. And if that's what he can do to Pyro by himself, imagine what you could do to him with your new strength.

Annaliese: .........!

Maurice: *hmph*

Pyro: GRRR!*manages to grab Maurice* I showed you mercy last time; this time I'll make sure t-- *gets bit by Maurice on the same thumb he bit earlier with 10X the strength* OwO OWWWWWWWWWWW!!! *lets go of Maurice and wildly flaps his hand, trying to get the sting out of his thumb* NOW YOU'RE GONNA G--

*Maurice screechs and delivers an explosive point blank sonar wave at Pyro's face that sends him flying backwards and back into the sealed gate again. Maurice then flies back down to Annaliese, perching himself back on top of her head.*

Ashuro: *tries to stifle his laughter*

Annaliese: Yaaaaaaaay! Way to go, Maurice!!

Pyro: ...furry, cocky little punk...

Claire: Aww, look; he's sulking~

Pyro: S-Shut up!

Shonnie: So, what's the plan Ashuro...?

Pyro: Fufufufufufu...are you really in that much of a hurry to die? There's still 22 hours before this gate is weak enough for me to force open, and it's very boring waiting for that long. Why not wait and live long to see me become invincible before I erase you all from existance?

Shonnie: Because, I'd rather save my brother and my friends, than indulge your delusional lust for power.

Cheeko: And to be honest, twenty-two hours is a long time to wait, when we can punch your face in, now.

Pyro: You're right about that; so why don't we play a little game? If you can make it all the way up to the top of this staircase, I'll give you the fight that you so richly desire.

Cheeko: That's all I needed to hear!

Shonnie: HOLD IT!

*As Cheeko is about to charge up the stairs, with his hands turned into maces. Shonnie grabs him by the tail before he gets to them*

Shonnie: Don't be rash, dude. There's a good chance that creep riged the staircase with some kind of trap...

Cheeko: I'm indestructable, remember? He dosen't have a trap that can stop me! *slips out of Shonnie's grip and charges up the stairs toward Pyro*

Shonnie: Dammit...

*Cheeko manages to get midway up the stairs...until he suddenly finds himself right back where he started at the bottom of the staircase where the others were. He tries time and time again, but each time he got midway he found himself right back at the bottom with the others.*

Ashuro:'s a dimensional loop.

Cheeko: *stands there panting after the numerous attempts* Aww, c'mon!

Shonnie: Not the initial danger I was expecting, but this will certainly impede our efforts to save our friends...

Pyro: What's this; getting tired already? I guess your really not as concered about saving your friends as you said you were. Oh well, I suppose now is as good as time as any to take that 22 hour nap I've always wanted to do *lounges around on the ground* wake me when you want to try something else or when 22 hours are up, whichever comes first.

Ashuro: ...

Cheeko: That cocky ass... *punches the ground*

*Cheeko looks over at Shonnie who appears to be muttering to himelf and making circles in the air with his finger as if he was analyzing an equation in his head*

Shonnie: ..... (Whispers) Hey, Ashuro. I think I figured out a way to get past the dimensional loop...

Ashuro: *whispers* sure tell me; my dimensional abilities may not be as strong as his, but they're definitely more creative.

Shonnie: (whispers) We can't go through the dimensional loop without getting sent back. So we go through it, without entering.

Cheeko: Huh?

Ashuro: *whispers* Interesting; I know what your talking about, but for those watching *points to the viewers* explain it a little further.

Shonnie: *looks at the viewers* (whispers)I'd be happy to explain it, Ashuro. You see, the dimensional loop on the staircase causes anyone who enters to be sent back to the bottom where they started. But we can't be sent back to where we started if we do not go up the stairs. My F-Gloves should be able to lift one of you through the stairs without getting sent back.

Cheeko: Let me do it, pal. At least, so I can turn into an anvil and smash his head.

Ashuro: *whispers* That could work, but you've got to remember that he's an illusionist; he can make things happen on the fly...

Pyro: You're absolutely correct!

*Everybody jumps backwards in surprise when they realize that they're up at the top of the staircase with Pyro laying there relaxing.*

Claire: W-When did-no-how did...???

Cheeko: Holy Houser!

Shonnie: Well, that's jest keen... (I didn't even get to test my theory...)

Pyro: So what's this about wanting to turn into an anvil and landing on my head? *looks at Cheeko* that' and I haven't even done anything to you yet; do you know how much that would hurt?

Cheeko: *unmoved* Yes, and I'll make sure it does, if you don't give back our friends...

Pyro: Hmm...ask me later, maybe I'll feel like it then.

Cheeko: ...

Shonnie: I'm sorry, perhaps we didn't make ourselves clear... *Shonnie uses his F-Glove to forcebfully lift Pyro into the air* Give us back our friends, NOW!

Pyro: You'll get them back once I get what I came for; think of it as a sign of mercy before I wipe all of you out afterwards.

*Pyro effortlessly frees himself from Shonnie's F-Glove hold and slowly descends to the ground, retaking his original lounging position.*

Pyro: *looks at the group* why are you guys still standing there? Don't you want to make it up to the top of the staircase?

*Everybody looks at Pyro in a very confused matter.*

Shonnie: Eh? *Shonnie looks down at the ground then back at Pyro realizing they were back where they started* Oye...

Cheeko: Damn it all...

Pyro: To be fair, I never moved you guys anywhere; heck, not even I moved anywhere. See?

*Pyro fades away; looking up, everybody sees that the real Pyro is still at the top of the staircase infront of the gate lounging about. It was an illusion right from the start.*

Skylar: NGH! If I only could get 1 shot at him, I'd put a scar on that ridiculous face! >_<

Ashuro: When you get that chance, make sure to put it on the right side of his face; that way he'll have one to match the one I put on his left side a few years ago.

Pyro: I heard that.

Claire: You wanna come down here and do something about it?

Pyro: ...Nah, I'm good for right now...but you won't be when the time comes.

Claire: ...y'know, you're doing the whole "evil villian" thing perfectly.

Pyro: Why, thank you; I do my best.

Claire: Yeah, you sound like a broken record the way you keep stating the same thing over and over and over again.


Skylar: *bumps Claire in the shoulder* That one was VERY funny!

Claire: Thanks. Now you give it a try.

*Skylar looks something about Pyro to pick at and his eyes immediately focuses on the markings on his face.*

Skylar: You know, if this guy hates all non-humans, why does his markings make him look like a cat-like person? Is it another one of those "I think I look cool" ideas that bad guys ALWAYS have? Because, seriously, those markins look ridiculous...


Skylar: I know, you wear them because you LOVE to~


Skylar: *to Claire and Ashuro* I think it's for everyone's good if I stop provoking him now...

Ashuro: *glances at Pyro* Keep going; make him mad enough and he'll slip up...and you'll get your chance.

*Skylar decides to follow Ashuro's suggestion and keep provoking Pyro, knowing that Ashuro would never suggest something like this if he didn't have a plan.*

Skylar: *clears his throat* You said that it ain't make-up? Then what, did a bird's crap get burnt into your skin or something?


Ashuro: let me get this straight. You took an unknown disease, one that appeared only once thousands of years ago that nobody got a chance to study, inside of your body? Why would you do something like that??

Pyro: ...I knew that this virus made the guardian stronger...

Ashuro: ...*looks at all of his comrades then back up at Pyro* ...I got nothing; either he's messing with us or he's a supreme baka...

Skylar: Even more supreme baka than Dominik, I must add... *rubs his eyes*


Ashuro: ...the sad thing is that I wouldn't.

Claire: Ba~ka~


*Pyro jumps into the air and flies straight towards the group. Before Pyro realized what he had just done, Skylar was already up in his face and he had no time or chance to protect himself as the Ookami bared his claws.*

Ashuro: Remember, Skylar, the right eye!

Pyro: OwO;; OH-CR...

Skylar: Crimson Wolf Claw! *slices Pyro over the right side of his face, from his lower jaw to his forehead*


*A few minutes later, Pyro sits at the top of the staircase with a new scar to match his first one.*

Pyro: Friggin' non-humans...

Annaliese: Hahahaha~!

Skylar: *smirks* Hehe, finally got a hit on him.

Ashuro: Illusionists aren't so tough once you distrupt their thoughts, are they?

Skylar: Hehe, indeed.

Shonnie: Ashuro... I may have a way to see past his illusions. Do you know the source of his abilities?

Pyro: I can hear every single thing you say~ ^3^

Shonnie: Really, now? So the next question would be? Are you worried? Afterall, illusions only work if you can't see through them.

Pyro: Not at all; there's more to my illusions than you may think~ ^w^

Shonnie: Are you sure, because I think alot.

Cheeko: And how...

Shonnie: For all you know, I may have already found out how to see through them.

*Cheeko looks skeptically at Shonnie for a moment and then realizes what he's up to.*

Pyro: Interesting...are you sure you're not still stuck inside of one of them?

Shonnie: Actually, I'm positive this is an illusion...

Cheeko: Really?

Shonnie: Of course. Ever since he got here, Pyro's been in complete control of the entire room. When we tried to go up the staircase we were immedietely sent back to the bottom. But not before I came up with a theory around it, we were immediately brought in front of him without nary a motion. And since his plan was to keep us at bay, even he wouldn't be cocky enough to leave himself exposed even with his power. And then we got warped back down the staircase thinking we were back where we started. But in reality we never really left the spot. Even when we saw Cheeko get repeatedly sent back to where we were.

Cheeko: What? Really?

Shonnie: But back to my point. It's obvious we were stuck inside an illusion. An illusion you kept altering. I figured since you were clearly just toying with us this whole time, you didn't intend to use alot of your power. So instead you altered the illusion around us. Leading us to not only beleive that Cheeko was stuck in a dimensional loop and they we where being teleported around. Of course that's just one theory...

Cheeko: @o@

Pyro: Bravo! I was right to consider you as a danger to me *stands up* well, since you were able to come up with such a clever deduction, I'll tell you a little something that I think you'll find quite interesting.

*Shonnie exchanges a distrusting and curious glance amongst his friends for a moment, before turning back to Pyro*

Shonnie: What's that..?

Pyro: It's regarding a certain group that I'm sure your VERY familiar with. What were they called again? ...oh yes, the Slashing Raptors, I believe it was. ^^

Shonnie: *name stings his very being* Wha...

Cheeko: :(

Pyro: Thanks to them I was able to get my hands on some very valuable and important equipment. It was going smoothly enough; sure the police would try interfere every now-and-then, but it was nothing that couldn't be solved by filling their pockets with some very generous donations~

*Shonnie couldn't believe what he was hearing; Pyro was directly involved with the Slashing Raptors!*

Shonnie: Y-you were working with the Slashing Raptors?!

*Cheeko starts to realize what Pyro is trying to do.*

Cheeko: O_O

Pyro: It was a symbiotic relationship. They gathered up all of the tools and materials that I needed while I provided them with whatever they wanted so that they could do whatever it was they wanted to do. In the end, I think that everything worked out fine; there was an incredibly close call there one time. Had that man succeeded in escaping with the information he had aquired, I never would've made it as far as I had.

Shonnie: The man... Who was it..?

Cheeko: Chief, don't let him get to you...

Pyro: Oh c'mon, shorty. You've all only got a few more hours left to live so why try to decieve you guys now? You said so yourself that I can't afford to waste any of my strength to fight any of you, since I need every ounce of strength possible to break the seal on this gate here. Everything I'm saying now is the truth and nothing BUT the truth. Think of this as an added motivation to try and stop me; it wouldn't be any fun to crush you all if you don't come at me with all your might. I want SOME kind of challenge to test out the new power I'm soon to get. So, with that said, shall I continue?

Shonnie: *eyes glow a fiercesome blue blaze* I've heard enough from you! *fires a fully charged optic bolt at Pyro*

Pyro: O.O WHOA!! *jumps out of the way to avoid being hit by the attack at the last moment* WHAT THE HECK iS WRONG WiTH YOU?! I WAS JUST GETTiNG TO THE GOOD PART!!

*As Pyro finished Shonnie fired another optic bolt at him. Not even caring if it hit Pyro*

Shonnie: What's wrong with me is the same thing that's always been wrong with me... The sheer displeasure of some contemptible creep getting their jollies off screwing with me and the people I care about!

Cheeko: Shonnie...

Pyro: *dodges the second attack* really? Kind of like how I secretly manipulated Kevin's mind so he'd act like a playboy and betray your trust so many times so that you'll NEVER forgive him?

*Shonnie stops raging the moment he heard that piece of news and looks Pyro directly in his eyes.*

Pyro: Oh, you didn't know about that? Well, it makes sense when you consider the fact that I was doing this all in secret...just like the hidden repelling seal I placed on your body so that any girl you sought out would give you the cold shoulder.

*Shonnie's jaw drops in shock*

Pyro: well as the hidden negative seal that I also place on your body which makes you screw up a lot and never be able to forgive yourself or the others around you.

*Shonnie begins to shake with anger and grief*

Pyro: Oh yes, I've been working on you for some time, Mr. Flash; you and many of your other companions as well. But none of this wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for the event that had the most impact on you.

Claire: mean you...?

Pyro: That's right: the revival of Don Raptor and the extermination of that meddling detective who learned too much about my little project...I think you might know him as, what was his name...? Oh yeah, Jonesy Flash!

This sudden revelation of all the horrible things that have been plaguing him all his life completely overwhelmed his psychie. He slumped down to the floor with tears filling his bionic eyes.

Shonnie: All this time, I could never figure out why all these bad things kept happening to me... Why did my father have to die...? Why does everyone perfer Kevin over me...? Why wouldn't any of the girls give me a chance...?

Cheeko: :(

Shonnie: Not only could I not solve MY OWN problems. But I let some creep get the best of me, AGAIN! Some detective... I turned out to be...

*Shonnie collapses to the ground. His eyes remained open but his they were empty and distant as if his very soul was shattered to pieces. Cheeko slowly approached his friend to see if he was alright.*

Cheeko: Shonnie ? SHONNIE!!

*Shonnie didn't respond. He meerly layed there motionless*

Cheeko: C'mon, chief. Get-up. We gotta take down that manipulating bastard and get our friends back... C'mon, Shonnie... *Cheeko keeps trying to snap Shonnie out of it, but to no avail.*

*A portal opens up and out of it comes e-chan*

e-chan: Phew, that was a close one.


e-chan: That's MY secret. ^w^


Cheeko: e-chan? Holy Crap, e-chan! You're alright!

Shonnie: ..... *still unconcious*

Cheeko: I just wish Shonnie was "here" to see this...

e-chan: Shonnie? Shonnie! *rushes over to Shonnie's aid* C'mon, buddy, wake up!

*Shonnie remains motionless.*

e-chan:'s a good thing that I was able to bring some back-up with me.

*Among the large team of other escaped captives that e-chan had brought with him were Jimmy and Williams Flash, Jenny, the entire Neo Force team, Kevin, Arashi, Sora, Blitz, Tanya, Nikki, Jim, Marius, Damon, Oriyame, Saturn, Unishau, Batou, Klarina, Yani and Zero.*

Ashuro: Guys, you're all okay! ^o^

Zero: Chii-Pa! *flies into Ashuro's arms and hugs him*

Ashuro: I glad that you're okay too, little buddy. :) *rubs Zero on his head*

Batou: Ha-ha, you didn't think that I'd let you have all of the fun by yourself now, did you? ;)

Yani: It was bloomin' scary in there, it was.

Klarina: *nods her head*

Nikki: Skylar; you're okay! *glomps Skylar and kisses him*

Jim: It's nice to see that all of you are still in one piece *looks over and sees Shonnie* most of you, that is...

Skylar: Yeah. *holds Nikki close*

Kevin: *looks around* We're still missing a lot of our friends, though...

Arashi: *tightens his fist* Rose...I couldn't protect her...

Blitz: Don't worry man, we'll find her.

Marius: *looks around*

Damon: ...

Oriyame: *pulls out her sword*

Saturn: *ready to fight*

Unishua: *pulls out her sword*

Ashuro: It's great to see that you guys are okay.

*Cheeko couldn't believe his eyes when he saw most of his friends arrive and unharmed. But he couldn't form to much joy standing across from his unconcious friend.*


Williams: SHONNIE!

*They rush over to Shonnie's motionless body. To see what's happened to him. Williams shook his hood and adjusted his glasses*

Williams: Oh, Lord. It happened again...

Jimmy: What is it Grandpa?

Williams: Shonnie's always been prone to depression as a result of the things that happened to him. But sometimes the negativity can be too much for his mind to bear...

Jenny: Can't he snap out of it?

Williams: He will... But it's not going to be pretty.

*They all exchange confused and worried glances. Jimmy looks especially worried about what Williams means.*

Marius: Yo Pyro, Bring your ass over here, now!

Unishua: ...

Pyro: No! Can't you see that I'm enjoying a moment of victory here? *points down at Shonnie who is still on the ground in truama* And I didn't even have to touch him.

Marius: That's it. *dashes right to him*

*Before Marius can realize what has happened, he finds him right back where he started; he wasn't able to reach Pyro at all.*

Ashuro: It's a dimensional loop; no matter how many times you try to get to him you'll just end up right back where you started.

Marius: AAASSS!

*Ashuro walks over to Shonnie, places his hand on his forehead then sends a mental projection of himself into Shonnie's mind. Once inside, he sees Shonnie standing in the middle of a dark, empty void surrounded by a huge bubble made up of an insanely strong dark energy. Ashuro walks over to the bubble and touches it only to feel a huge burning sensation. He quickly pulls his hand out to inspect it; there were no burns and it wasn't even hot. The bubble's energy must only attack the pain receptive nerves without doing any actually damage to the body itself. Although it was going to be incredibly painful, Ashuro knew he had to get through the bubble to reach Shonnie.*

Ashuro: Here goes nothing... *enters the bubble and feels his entire body burn as if he was on fire* AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! *the gravity pressure inside of the bubble brings Ashuro down to his knees* gotta...keep...going... *slowly rises to his feet and begins walking over to Shonnie* Shonnie!! Shonnie, can you hear me?!

*Shonnie doesn't respond; he just looks straight at Ashuro with a lifeless look on his face.*

Ashuro: I know that it's a lot to ask of you right now, but you have to snap out of it! We need your help! *the sensation in Ashuro's body changes from the feeling of being burned to the feeling of being poked with needles, bringing him to his knees again* AiEEEEEE!!

*Shonnie weakly lifts his head to Ashuro*

Shonnie: Ashuro... Is that... you...?

*Outside everyone is still curious about what Williams meant by his last comment.*

Flexi-Girl: What do you mean, "It's not going to be pretty.", Master Williams?

Williams: Shonnie has always been a caring boy who wanted to help people. But the world hasn't always been kind to him back...

Claire: You've got funny face up there at that gate to thank for that *points upwards at Pyro* he's been manipulating everything up to now to make Shonnie like this!

Williams: I see...

*Master Williams rests Shonnie's body back on the ground. Jimmy clutches on to Shonnie's motionless body sympatheticly. Williamss then turns to face Pyro, looking angry as well as disappointed.*

Williams: So, you're the one who's been behind all of this...

Pyro: That is correct. ^^

Williams: Tell me something Pyro, what is it that you hope to gain from doing this...?

Pyro: Why, to have a better chance of success in restoring things back to the way they should be: a reality where only full humans and animals live...and no inbetweens.

Williamss: *chuckles at Pyro's statement*

Jimmy: Grandpa...?

*Back inside of Shonnie's mind...*

Ashuro: OW! Y-Yes, it's me, Shonnie! *winces in pain* I'm here for you; this pain you're's exactly the same type I felt and continue to feel deep down inside.

*Ashuro suddenly goes down to the ground after feeling a new sensation flood throughout his body. It felt like he was being hit by several volts of electricity, something that he had never felt before due to his Nekofi body.*

Ashuro: AARRRRRGH!! *whimpers a little bit from the pain but gets back up and slowly continues to walk over to Shonnie* Shonnie, you're NOT weak and you're NOT a screw-up! Why do you think that Pyro would go through all of the trouble to do this to you? I'll tell you why! *feels a strong surge of electricity flow through his body* AAAAAAHHH!! ...he's...HE'S AFRAiD OF YOU!!

*Ashuro's words greatly catches Shonnie's attention.*

Ashuro: Yes, it's the truth, Shonnie; Pyro's afraid of you! He's afraid of me, of Skylar, of Annaliese, of all of our friends; he's afraid of us because we're capable of beating him and crushing whatever sick ambitions that he has! *the sensation changes and Ashuro feels like he's freezing* BRRRRR...*shivers* He sees all of us as a threat and will do anything in his power to keep us from realizing what he's doing! You can't let him win, Shonnie! We'll face him together and make him feel all of the pain he's made us endure x10!

*Ashuro is now standing in front of Shonnie and looking really weak.*

Ashuro: If...we can beat him...stop him from getting the power beyond that gate...we can...undo...

*Unable to bear the pain anymore, Ashuro passes out, but just before he falls, Shonnie moves and catches him. Ashuro's display of genuine care made Shonnie feel as if he had just broken free from thousands of iron chains that had been weighing him down for years. On the outside...*

Pyro: Find something amusing?

Williams: Sorry, it's just kind of ironic. You excel at creating illusions. Yet, you can't seem to see past the illusions you create.

*In Shonnie's mind, Shonnie carries Ashuro out of the dark sphere and sets him on the ground. But when he gets back up he sees a shadowy version of him standing in front of him.*

N. Flash: So, nancy boy... You ready to kick that prick's teeth in now? As much as I'd like to throttle him alone. I think it'll be better if we both take him down...

P. Flash: .... Yes, let's teach him a lesson.

N. Flash: Finally! I thought you'd never grow a pair! *offers his hand to Positive Flash, which he happily shakes*

*After a few seconds, a loud click echos through the room, and then Shonnie's body starts to twitch abit.*

Shonnie: Oh...

Jimmy: Sh-shonnie..?

Ashuro: *cancels out the mental projection technique and begins moving around* oh man, that was tough.

Shonnie: Oh, my head...

Jimmy: SHONNIE! You're okay!

*The rest of Shonnie's friends exchanged smiles of joy and relief that Shonnie is back.*

e-chan: How are you feeling, buddy?

Pyro: *looks confused after hearing Williams' reply* d-don't try to mess with my head, old man! The world I'm going to create is NOT an illusion!!

*Williams couldn't help but chuckle again after seeing Pyro's reaction*

Williams: Sorry to break it to you. But the world you're trying to create is an illusion. In more ways than one...

Pyro: You sound just like my ex-best friend from my younger days; out of everybody out there I was sure that he would at least understand what I was trying to do...

Williams: Hmph. If you're so sure of your ambition, then enlighten us! What is it about YOUR ideal world, that you believe in, so strongly! How do you possibly justify destroying so many lives to make your world a reeality?!

*Everyone waits patiently for Pyro's answer.*

Pyro: ...this world we live in, this reality is polluted. It's a constant power struggle no matter where you go, full of nothing by greedy and hateful beings that are never satisfied with what they have. Anything that you have that they want, they'll do anything and everything to take it from you; just thinking of it makes me sick!

*Everybody can hear the sheer bitterness in his voice; it sounded as if whatever it was that he experienced in his past, it was something absolutely traumatic if it made him become like this.*

Pyro: Have any of you ever heard of the most basic law of alchemy, equivelant exchange? "To obtain, something of equal or greater value must be given." So, in order for success, some things must be sacrificed for the greater good. Don't you all see now?! I'M TRYiNG TO PURiFY THiS POLLUTED EXiSTANCE YOU ALL CALL REALiTY!! WHY MUST PEOPLE LiKE YOU FiGHT ME EVERY STEP OF THE WAY WHEN I'M TRYiNG TO DO SOMETHiNG THAT'LL BENEFiT EVERYBODY iN THE FUTURE?!

Jim: ...right now, I don't know what I should be feeling more of: disgust or pity.

Kevin: *frowns* I guess I returned at the right time after all...

Skylar: *stares at Pyro* .....

Claire: *scoffs* Can you believe this guy? He's even more insane and disturbed than the Joker.

Marius: "sheesh" ....!

Williams: Hmm, I see... Well I won't deny that the world has a good degree of greedy scoundrels and contemptable monsters. But as far as I can tell you are no better than the people you claim to despise. You killed countless people, ruined so many lives. And you have the nerve to justify it with the laws of EQUIVELANT EXCHANGE?!?!

*The sound of an angry Master Williams, intimidates Shonnie, Jimmy, and their friends. Even the Neo Force Heroes tremble abit as Williams's sure anger echos the room.*

Jimmy: I-I never seen Grandpa so angry...

Shonnie: "To provoke a lion would be foolish, no matter how much they aged."...

Williams: You talk about sacrificing for the greater good! But what have YOU given up for YOUR ambition?! The lives you ruined and stolen weren't yours to sacrifice! That screams the actions of a coward AND a hypocrite! If you think I am wrong, I'm more than open to hear your defense! So I'll ask again... WHAT HAVE YOU GIVEN UP, FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR IDEAL WORLD?!

Pyro: What have I given up? I gave up my humanity...after everything else I held precious was stolen from me.

Shonnie: I see..

Williams: Hmm?

Shonnie: So all this about the greater good... Equivelant Exchange.... Making an ideal world free of corruption and evil.... Was just you rationalizing you're own hatred for the world. You don't care about making the world better. YOU JUST WANT EVERONE TO SUFFER LIKE YOU!

Jimmy: Shonnie...

Shonnie: Your idea of equivelant exchange IS nothing but an illusion. And a transparent one, at that... Because you feel you lost everything that matters to you. You want to take away everything that mattered to everyone else! Next you'll tell me I'm wrong and that all this is justified. But, I understand just fine. Before I found out you were the prick who ruined my life just for the sake of your farce of an ideal world. I always wondered to myself...

"Why should so many people I care about have to suffer?"

"Why does everyone at BBI House treat Kevin like a prince. While I was made to feel like a loser?"

"How come I could never earn a girl's affections, without my friends telling them about me before hand?"

"Why did my childhood friend Virgil Venus, burn my eyes and blinded me..?"

"Why did my father have to die..? Why did Mom have to die...?"

*Everyone frowns and hangs their heads from Shonnie's sad and depressing recollection of his past. Kevin fumes with anger; Pyro manipulating the way he thought and acted in the past nearly destroyed his relationship with Violet. At that moment, patching things up with Shonnie would have to wait; the golden-haired Raijin was so furious and determined to stomp the fox-eyed illusionist into the planet's core that his entire body was sparkling with electricity.*

Kevin: I can't wait anymore...YOU SHALL PAY!!!

*A bright white lightning strikes Kevin from the sky, and in a flash, he had transformed to his Thor Form.*

Kevin: PYROOOOOOO!!! *runs towards the illusionist with his whole armor shining white due to his sparking electricity*

Claire: Wait, Kevin; there's a--

*Kevin finds himself back where he started and looks around confused.*

Claire: ...a dimensional loop that's keeping us from getting to him.

Kevin: .....RAAAAAAH!!!

Skylar: *steps away* O_O;; Whoa...

Jim: *taps Kevin on his shoulder which instantly returns him back into his original state* it's nice to see that you're eager to fight, but save it for when were in a position to actually be able to hit our opponent; we can't afford to waste any energy unnecessarily right now.

Kevin: Sorry. I'm just...RGH! So frustrated!

*Marius couldn't believe all of the things that Pyro had done to his friend; he became twice as angry when he was informed by Claire and Annaliese about how Pyro had put that repelling seal on him that made most girls reject him.*

Marius: That Explains it...!

Pyro: You should be more concerned about yourself right now...or better yet...your cute little friends; take a look at what's going on right this very moment.

*Pyro snaps his fingers and a projection screen appears infront of Marius and a few others. It shows many different scenes of Aluma, Mizuki, Jaabili, Evellia and a few other being chased around by a person that they knew all too well.*

e-chan: No way! It's M.S!

Pyro: That's right. Right now he's just toying with them; once they wear themselves out from all of that running, that's when the REAL fun begins. At least I'll have something entertaining to watch while I wait for this seal to weaken. ^w^

Marius: Awwww-Shit! PYRO, YOU SON OF BITCH!

[Comical moment: Meanwhile, far far away...]

The Pyro (TF2): *heard the outburst from a great distance* ...Huh?

[Comical moment over.]

Shonnie: Pyro, whether or not it was your doing. I learned alot about misery and trying to cope with it... You can't restore you're own happiness by taking it from others. And if you hold on to your grudges you will never loose your misery. There's still a chance to restore your humanity. Let our friends go. Stop all this madness...

Pyro: ...even if I wanted it back, there's no turning back for me...especially now that I'm THiS close. I'm not going to judge you all on your beliefs of right and wrong so know this: this is the path that I've chosen...and once I start something, I never look back! I'll keep following this path until the day I die! If you've got a problem with that then come and stop me yourself!

Ashuro: *lightly tugs on Shonnie's shirt sleeve* we can only save those who want to be saved...and he clearly doesn't. So let's focus on saving the ones who DO want to be saved: our friends.

*The five sets of pillars that line the staircase glow gold and gold-colored portal open up between each set.*

Pyro: But before that, I want to see just HOW badly you want to save your friends. Beyond each of the portals there is a trial that you must pass in order to get up here. Oh, and you'll need to split into four groups, enter the first four portals within 10 seconds of entering the first one AND Ashuro must be in each group. If you can't manage that then just live the remaining 22 hours you all have in despair!

*Everybody looks at one another trying to figure out how they're going to accomplish such a ridiculous task. Shonnie paces for a moment pondering how to possibly perform such a cryptic task. Master William and Flexi-Girl both sit mediatating hoping to come up with a solution. While everyone else discusses what to do.*

Skylar: What the-?!

Marius: Oh for ass sakes!

Annaliese: Oh Nooo....

Maurice: ....! O_O;

Sora: How the heck is that possible?!

Cheeko: Man, what a creep! How are we supposed to get Ashuro into four different groups...?

Jimmy: Ashuro can move through dimensions. Maybe he could warp between portals...

Aero Man: Aye, but if that Pyro bloke has anything to say he'll probably jack with the portals...

Hammer Hound: Jeez. Out of one portal into another. This dimensional thing is giving me a headache.

Jenny: Man, this is heavy...

Shonnie: ... *gets an idea*

Williams: *opens an eye* You find something, sonny?

Shonnie: PYRO! You're terms where that Ashuro had to be WITH all four groups, right?

Pyro: Correct. It's not THAT hard to figure out; Ashuro can easily do something like that.

Ashuro: ...*understands what Pyro is talking about* Cell Buunshin! *claps his hand and three Ashuro clones appear* that solves that problem.

*Everybody that had escaped with e-chan all divided into four teams, each led by one of the original seven. The first team is Shonnie; his team consisted of Cheecko, Jimmy, Williams, Jenny and the Neo Force. The second team is led by Skylar Moonshadow; his team consisted of Kevin, Arashi, Sora, Blitz, Tanya, Nikki and Jim. The third team is led by Annaliese; her team consisted of Claire, Marius, Damon, Oriyame, Saturn and Unishau. The fourth and final team is led by the original Ashuro; his team consisted of Batou, Klarina, Yani and Zero.*

Shonnie Team's Ashuro: Ready to give this illusionist a kick of reality in his butt?

Shonnie: Right.

Cheeko: You know it!

Jimmy: Y-yeah!

William: Ready when you are.

Aero Man: You can count on us, gang!

*Flexi Girl and Hammer Hound nod in agreement.*

Jenny: I don't have any powers, but I'll try to help...

Skylar Team's Ashuro: Are you guys ready for this?

Skylar: Ready to go!

Arashi: I'll give it my best!

Kevin: *gives Ashuro a nod* Yes.

Nikki: His face has a long overdue appointment with my foot!

Jim: I sick of hearing him talk now so lets clamp that mouth of his shut!

Annaliese Team's Ashuro: All of you ready to put this homewrecker out for the count?

Marius: Sure, why not?

Damon: ..Okay.

Oriyame: Alright.

Saturn: Okay.


Ashuro: This is it, guys; this is our only shot to stop this deluded psycho!

Batou: I've been waiting for this day for a LONG time.

Yani: He won't slip us the mickey this time!

Zero: Pachi-Pachi!

Klarina: *hugs Batou's arm and looks up at him*

Batou: *looks Klarina in her eyes then smiles and nods his head*

Klarina: *blushes then purrs softly as Batou rubs her head a little*

e-chan: I know you guys will succeed for sure *opens up another portal* I'm going back to free more off our friends; now that I know how the security in there works, it shouldn't be as hard as it was last time *hops into the portal and closes it afterwards*

Skylar: Good luck!

Kevin: ... *smirks*

Marius: IKU SEI~! (Let's Go!)

*Shonnie's team charges into the first portal, Skylar's team enters the second one, Annaliese's team enters the third one then Ashuro's team enters the fourth one.*

Pyro: *smiles with an evil grin* looks like time is on my side now.

To be continued...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Grieving Assault! Ashuro VS. Team Crimson Mahiru!!

Travel Multiversal
Friendly Chaos Chronicles
“Grieving Assault! Ashuro VS. Team Crimson Mahiru!!”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

Arashi has been found by Kevin and Shark…dead. And thus begins Crimson's group's assault on Kevin's group; but when Ashuro learns of this, how will he deal with the news?

Ashuro: long...has it been since this happened?

Shark: Too long for anyone of us to save him...sorry...

Kevin: ... ...Arashi...

Ashuro: HOW LONG?! TELL ME!!

Shark: I don't know! Maybe 16 hours, but last time I saw him was 27 hours ago!

Kevin: Ashuro...I don't think it's worth trying... *kneels in front of Arashi's corpse*

Ashuro: ...that's all I need to know. I'm going to save him...and destroy Crimson Mahiru *begins to walk off, brimming with a dangerously high dark aura*

Shark: Who said it was Crimson?

*Ashuro stops*

Shark: His body has been injected with a poison from a scorpion, which has also pierced his heart. His arms are cut clean off. Crimson uses magic, yes, but not a magic that does this kind of stuff... Don't rush off just yet. For your own safety, let's try to think of some way to take out Crimson and his team of goons...

Kevin: Shark's got a point Ashuro... I know how mad you might be, but you have to stay calm...

Ashuro: ...whether or not Crimson did this himself or not, I know he was somehow involved. If you're not going to help me, then don't get in my way; I've had enough of people like him and I'm gonna do something about it, TODAY!

*Ashuro teleports away, leaving behind a very worried and concerned Shark and Kevin*

Kevin: .....Oh man.....

Shark: You can say that again...

Kevin: ...Arashi...if only you could tell us what you saw.....

Shark: Or maybe where his arms are... *scratches the back of his head*

*That moment at MASTER HQ...*

Byakuru: Hmm, Ashuro, what brings you here?

Ashuro: *hands a letter to Byakuru* I need Lorenzo to read that ASAP; he'll know what to do afterwards.

Byakuru: Okay, I'll take this to him now.

Ashuro: Thank you, Prof. Koco; it was nice seeing you again.

Byakuru: Likewise; take care now.

*Ashuro waves goodbye to Byakuru before teleporting away. He reappears where Kevin and Shark are, sitting on the ground afterwards.*

Kevin: *sits down next to Ashuro* ...How did it come to all this?

Ashuro: Selfishness, hate, all of that; but in a matter of moments, things are going to change. I'm going to see to it that Arashi doesn't die like this.

*Back at MASTER HQ...*

Lorenzo: Cripes, that's brutal; better get to work.

*Lorenzo connects his laptop to a huge CPU and opens up the program he had created with Scooter, Project Connect. He rewinds back to about 30 hours ago and locates Ashuro who was teaching Kevin a new Kamahameha attack. Lorenzo then activates the program and a dimensional gate portal opens up; he takes a note that he had written for Ashuro and tosses into the portal. Once that's done, he closes the program, and hopes that Ashuro is able to succeed in saving Arashi. At that moment, 30 hours ago...*

Ashuro: You've gotten a lot stronger since you returned from your journey, Kevin. I think you can handle this new Kamahameha I told you about earlier with great ease now. Ready?

Kevin: My Kamehameha has been a bit under-used lately, so I'm glad you're helping me. I'm ready!

Ashuro: Alright, it starts out the same way that you'd perform any Kamahameha; the main difference is the amount of power you gather in the beginning. For this one, you need to make the charge REALLY large.

*Ashuro takes the stance and prepares the attack.*

Ashuro: KA...ME...

*The ball of energy appears in his hands as he begins charging the attack*

Ashuro: HA...ME...

*The energy ball grows larger and larger until it is slightly larger than his own body.*

Ashuro: At this point, don't shoot it out as a beam; instead, while it's still in a ball like this, shoot it into the air like a blast attack. Now this is the most important detail that you need to remember about this attack that'll determine whether it succeeds or fails. Make sure to keep a small amount of the energy in one of your hands when you shoot this off into the sky.

*Ashuro shoots the collected energy into the air while keeping a small amount in his left hand; Kevin sees that there is still a baseball-sized ball of energy in Ashuro's hand.*

Ashuro: When it's high enough, squeeze the remaining power in your hand to burst it open like you would a tomato.

*Ashuro squeezes the ball of power until it pops then rushes over to Kevin and creates a dome-shaped shield over top of them. The giant ball of energy splits into several smaller balls of energy that all begin to fall down to the ground.*

Ashuro: I give you, the Kamehame-Meteor!

*Every ball of energy lands on the ground in a random matter, each one creating a massive explosion when it hits the ground. The entire area looked like a war zone full of huge craters.*

Ashuro:'s...a situational attack.

Kevin: Well, it will be effective against a bigger group of enemies, that's for sure. *pats Ashuro on his head*

Ashuro: Hehe, thanks. This one can also be customized if you're creative enough and don't always want it to result in falling meteor; I'll show you some examples another day.

*A dimensional portal opens up above Ashuro and Kevin and an envelope falls out of it into Ashuro's hands.*

Ashuro: Hmm, this is hours in the future?


Ashuro: Well, if I went to the trouble of sending myself a message from the future it must be important.

*Ashuro opens the envelope and sees both a letter and a photo inside of it. Ashuro takes a look at the photo then goes pale in the face from the shocking image. Kevin takes the photo and looks at it as well; what he saw shocked and frightened him. It was a picture of a dead, bloody Arashi with decapitated arms and a large puncture wound on the left side of his chest. Ashuro quickly reads the note and learns that within a few hours Arashi would be killed, looking exactly as he did in the photo. Seeing as how the note said that Shark was with them when they discovered Arashi like that, Ashuro thought that it would be a good idea to get him to help them in saving Arashi from such a horrible end. When all three of them were together, they found Arashi and followed him around in secret, making sure that he didn't sense or notice him.*

Ashuro: ...Arashi's attacker will pay as soon as I get my hands on them.

Kevin: You got that right...

Shark: Careful so we don't change anything in the past that we DON'T want to drastically change the future...

Ashuro: The only thing about the future that's going to change is that Arashi is alive and his attacker is M.i.A.

*After nearly 3 hours of following Arashi, the trio's vigilance pays off as they see Arashi being approached by somebody who didn't look very friendly at all.*

Ashuro: Who's that?

*The person approaching Arashi was wearing a black hat, a jacket with the same color, and a white pair of pants. The person also had a smoke in the mouth. On closer look, they confirm the gender of the person as female.*

???: Mr. Scaledge... I've been sent by my leader to talk with you...

Arashi: ...And why should I listen?

???: Because...this is an offer you can't decline to...

*back at Ashuro and Co.*

Kevin: .....Shall we watch a bit longer?

Ashuro: Yes. However... *becomes invisible and suppresses his power level sharply to avoid possible detection* I'm going to watch from closer up *walks over to where Arashi and the mysterious woman are* (...just in case...) *forms an invisible, dimensional portal dome around Arashi so that just in case he was attacked, he wouldn't be harmed by anything, then he heads back to where Kevin and Shark are, becoming visible again and continues watching the scene with them* now let's see what this is all about...

???: ...We know who you are.

Arashi: Yeah, obviously... I mean, if you didn't-

??: No...we know who you really are...we know who your biological parents are...I'm not lying.

Arashi: You...YOU WHAT?!

Kevin: Huh?!

Shark: O_O; Wow, didn't see that coming...

Ashuro: ...

???: But...we need to make sure of one thing first...

*The smoking lady leans in closer to Arashi and starts whispering to him, he whispers back and they continue to talk like this for a while...then they both go silent...*

Arashi: ...Are you sure...?

???: *nods* ...Yes...

Shark: Come on...speak up...

Ashuro: *getting anxious*

Arashi: .....Roar! *fires his dragon breath at the female*

???: *dodges with ease* No deal, eh?

Arashi: Kakitsume! *swings his arms at her like a pair of dragon claws and manages to hit her arm, but leaves no scratch or any damage at all.*

???: Hmm...Crimson was right... You're not as strong as you look...

*Ashuro suddenly appears and axe-kicks the female assailant on her head, sending her rocketing to the ground and creating a crater where she lands. Before she can get back up, Ashuro lands hard on her back, grabs both of her arms and pulls them towards him, restraining her completely.*

Ashuro: Alright, start talking unless you want to lose one of these arms!

*Ashuro tugs on her right arm hard, sending her into a fit of excruciating pain.*

???: AAAAAAH!!!

???-2: Stay away from her!!!

*Taking action as soon as he heard the voice, Ashuro jumps away and barely dodges a punch were the enemy's fist is covered in lava. He positions himself between Ashuro and the female*

Lava-boy: Don't touch her...

*Ashuro aims both of his arms at the lava wielder and shoots a giant, arctic-cold torrent of Water E-nergy, soaking him continuously until his body feels as cold as ice, falling to the ground from the sudden cold.*

Ashuro: *looks at both of his disabled opponents, opens a portal and flings them into it* I'll decide what to do with those two later *looks around* I know you're out there, so don't even bother trying to hide or do anything sneaky.

Arashi: What are you doing Ashuro?! I had this under control!

*A scorpion-looking guy, a gothic person and a lady with orange glasses walk out in the open*

Dean: Maaaaan, why do you have to ruin it all?

Ashuro: I here to make sure that "THiS" *flings an object at Arashi who catches it with ease* NEVER happens!

*Arashi looks at the photo and couldn't believe what he was seeing; an image of him dead dated 27 hours in the future. Kevin and Shark sense a murderous aura radiating off of Ashuro's body! He was beginning to slip into "Backfire Drive"!*

Ashuro: I WON'T LET ANYBODY HURT MY FRiENDS!!! *roars loudly and goes into Backfire Drive*

Shark: Oh-ho... O_O;

Dean: Oy... *smirks and snaps with his fingers, creating what seemed to be a barrier around both him and his 2 teammates*

Ashuro: *looks at the trio with wild, feral eyes, growling ferociously*

Dean: ...Hehehehe...

Kevin: Something with that guy scares me...

Ellen: ... *vanishes, leaving a trail of dust*

Shark: O_o

*Ashuro quickly stretches his arm out an grabs a hold of Ellen, knowing exactly where she was and tosses her into Dean with the speed of a bullet and crashing into him with great strength, knocking the breathe out of him.*

Dean: Goh!

Ellen: Ngh...forget it... *dashes away...from the area...*

*A portal suddenly opens up in front of Ellen, causing her to enter into it due to the lack of reaction time. She finds herself floating in a black, void like area along with her two comrades that Ashuro had capture just seconds earlier.*

Dean: ...Mr.'re making this quite boring, don't you think? *snaps with his fingers, sending him, Ashuro and Shark into another void-like dimension...a red one*

Ashuro: *doesn't seem to care about being sent into another dimension*

Dean: *looks at Kevin* Mr. Aasheim... I've been waiting for the moment we meet face to face...

Kevin: R-really?

Dean: Yeah, but this is not the time...

???: Trap Magic: Time!

*Shark and Kevin both jump a bit at the sudden voice*

Ashuro: *body begins to brim with E-nergy*

Crimson: *steps out from the shadows* Hello, mates...

*A gigantic wave of power shoots out of Ashuro's body, distorting the dimension they're all in until it disappears, sending them all back into reality. It was the technique known as "Disruptive Wave"*

Crimson: Perfect. *grins*

Kevin: ...Something feels wrong here...

Ellen: *appears again* Thanks, Crimson...

Crimson: No problem.

*Dean blinks and Ashuro is right in front of him the next moment. He has no time to react as Ashuro begins his brutal assault by attacking him with rapid punches, kicks and slashes that target his entire body, breaking multiple bones and lacerating several different muscles. Once the barrage is over, he powerfully flings Dean into Ellen, her the moment he makes contact. With both Dean and Ellen defeated, Ashuro turns his sights to Crimson and charges at him wildly.*

Crimson: ..... *stops Ashuro with his bare hands and causes him to fly in the other direction, crashing into the ground*

*Ashuro gets back on his feet and his E-nergy level increases, giving him a nice speed boost that allows him to close the gap between him and Crimson quickly. He was even able to attack Crimson, but not damage him much as he uses his arm to guard against the attack before being countered and sent flying and crashing back into the ground. Even though it was nowhere near close enough to defeat him, it was powerful enough to bruise up Crimson's arm enough so that he would be able to use it without causing himself to feel a great deal of pain.*

Crimson: Heh...Not bad, not bad at all... *smirks*

*Ashuro gets back up again and his E-nergy increases once again as well. Ashuro raises his right arm up and out to his side and begins twisting it rapidly as Wind E-nergy could be seen circling around it, looking like a fist-shaped whirlwind.*

Ashuro: *starts running towards Crimson* FiST......!! *the attack grows larger and larger as he rushes towards his opponent*

*Crimson tries to move so that he can counter Ashuro again but finds that he is unable to. Ashuro's last hit had somehow disabled his entire body. What was even more alarming was that he couldn't activate any of his Trap techniques; Crimson's situation had suddenly taken a turn for the worse.*

Ashuro: FURY!!!

*Ashuro hits Crimson with his signature attack, Fist Fury! Trapped in the spinning vortex, the attack's E-nergy cuts and lacerates Crimson's entire body, sending him flying through several trees and into a mountain. When it was over, he collapsed to the ground and began bleeding heavily. His body couldn't move and he could feel his strength leaving him. He couldn't believe what was happening and how it all happened so fast. In less than 5 seconds, Ashuro had prepared another Fist Fury and was already charging at Crimson again. Just when it looked like it was all over for him, somebody speedily grabs Crimson and gets him out of the way to safety as Ashuro's attack hits the mountain, destroying it completely. Ashuro looks around, but doesn't see or sense that Crimson is anywhere in the area, so he heads back to where Arashi and the others were. Upon arrival, Ashuro snaps out of his Backfire Drive and sees that Arashi, Kevin and Shark had defeated the third member of Dean's group, and had all three of them restrained so that they couldn't escape.*

Ashuro: Whoa, what happened here?

Shark: You don't remember?

Arashi: ......

Ashuro: ...nope, not a thing. I...didn't go postal on anybody, did I?

Kevin: Um......

Ashuro: *looks at Dean then remembers everything* three and your two comrades have a LOT of explaining to do *opens a portal to the same void area where Dean's companions are trapped in* but we'll do that later because I'm REALLY tired right now *flings all three of them into the portal and closes it afterwards then looks at Kevin, Shark and Arashi, smiling happily* we did it...we stopped them from killing Arashi. I can't believe those cowards were going to try and gang up on you like that! Once I get some rest, I'm going to make them spill everything they know; with the affects of that dimension keeping them from regaining their strength, they won't be escaping anytime soon...and Crimson won't be able to find and free them either. *looks up at Arashi* ...are you okay, buddy?

Arashi: *mumbles something* ...

Kevin: I don't know, but something doesn't feel right here...

Ashuro: Eh? What is it?

Kevin: I...I just have a bad feeling...

Shark: Meh... You're just imagining things...

Ashuro: Please tell me, Kevin; what's worrying you?

Kevin: ...Don't you guys feel like THAT was WAAAAAY to easy? After what Rex and Masquerade has said, I thought we'd face more danger than...what just happened...

Arashi: My, how correct you are...

*Kevin, Shark and Ashuro looks over at Arashi the same moment he started talking. Kevin was right... Arashi was holding a Kunai, a sword, the scar on his eye was gone, and his eyes didn't have mixed colors.*

Kevin: I'm not going to say it, but...I guess I was right...

Ashuro: *takes up a battle stance* Grr...where is he; where is the REAL Arashi?!

Arashi?: He's been gone from this area...for 24 hours...

Kevin: W...what...

Arashi?: What do you think Crimson's "Trap Magic: Time" was used for? For each second that passed, an equal amount of hours passed... Your friend…is already dead...

Shark: .....

Kevin: *falls to his knees*

Ashuro: ... *gets out of his battle pose* well, I guess now is the time to stop acting.

*Everybody, including the fake Arashi, looks at Ashuro with an incredulous look on their faces.*

Ashuro: Basically what I'm saying is that Crimson's Trap tech didn't get the real Arashi; he's still very alive right now. ^w^

Arashi?: Huh?

Kevin: What...

Shark: Even I'm confused now...

Ashuro: What's so confusing about it? Crimson didn't get the real Arashi; it's as simple as that.

Kevin: .....I don't quite follow you now... Wasn't Arashi here with us? Then Dean's attack...and, uh.....

Ashuro: There was an Arashi here with us, but it wasn't the real Arashi. ^w^ BTW, you faker, just why did you all target him in the first place?

*Ashuro takes a few steps towards the imposter Arashi who backs up a little, unsure about what to do next. The imposter couldn't tell if Ashuro was telling the truth or not; like everybody else who knew him, nobody except for Ashuro himself knows just what he's truly capable of.*

Ashuro: So, are you gonna tell me or am I gonna have to interrogate you like I'm going to do with your friends?

Arashi?: Tsk... I won't disobey my master's orders, or my pride as a samurai would be shattered... *unsheathes his sword and puts away the kunai*

*The moment the imposter puts his kunai away, Ashuro is right in front of him and give him a cross-chop to the head, him.*

Ashuro: *picks up the imposter Arashi* sorry I have to do this, but I'll do what I must to ensure the safety of my friends *opens a portal and flings the imposter into it, transporting him to the same dimension his comrades where trapped inside of then closes the portal again* many of these guys does Crimson have working for him?

Shark: ...

Kevin: AS I SAiD.....this IS too easy...

*Meanwhile, in facility hidden inside a rain forest, Crimson Mahiru awakens after losing consciousness wondering where he is and how he got there.*

???: It's nice to see that your still alive over there; any longer and I might've just pulled the plug~

*Crimson looks up and sees Pyro Darkesis standing in front of him.*

Pyro: You almost bit it big time back there, y'know? ^^

Crimson: *groans* little neko caught me off-guard... I didn't know he had a transformation...

Pyro: No, that wasn't a transformation; he was just really, really angry. And compared to what he could've done...its…best not to think about it. I feel sorry for your team mates though...

*Crimson looks up at Pyro with a alarmed expression.*

Pyro: Don't worry, he won't kill them and he'll even let them go free since this is their first offense...but when he does, he'll know everything about whatever it is that your planning.

Crimson: *thinks for a moment, then he grins evilly* No, actually, he won't... I'll thank my samurai partner for that... Pyro...Since you're the one with the most skills with illusions and such, and since I'm kinda energy-low now...could you do me a favor and get THIS guy...

*Crimson shows Pyro 2 pictures. One of Arashi with Sora and Skylar; the other, pictured a young woman with a purple haired child in her hands*

Pyro: ...alright, shouldn't be that hard...wait, did you say you left somebody behind to try and deal with Ashuro?

Crimson: Before I answer that question, could you answer me this: What is Ashuro's weakness, or what is he afraid of? And don't say losing his friends...I mean like the fact the Superman's weakness is Cryptonite... Okay?

Pyro: ...he...doesn't have any; that's sort of my fault, actually.

Crimson: Come on...are you sure there is absolutely nothing? ...bah, forget it... Yes, I got some of my guys down there...

Pyro: You didn't order them to attack or anything did you?

Crimson: No...Not Ashuro, at the least... *picks up a walkie-talkie* I'm keeping my contact with them...

Pyro: ... (Not good...)

Crimson: .....You look like something is wrong? What is it?

Voice from walkie-talkie: Hello, Crimson Mahiru...

*Both Crimson and Pyro recognize the voice as Ashuro's.*

Ashuro: I knew that you still had to be alive somewhere.

Crimson: Of course... I have to say you gave us quite a show today.

Ashuro: Thanks. I've got the information that I needed, so I'll let your friends go free now. Oh, and by the way, Arashi Scaledge is still alive.

*Crimson is taken aback when he hears Ashuro say this; he looks up at Pyro who simply shrugs and nods his head as to say "If he said it, it's definitely true."*

Ashuro: Whether you believe me or not is up to you; but one thing you better believe is this: leave my friends and comrades alone...*speaks with an ice-cold, serious tone* or else...

Crimson: Or...else...?! Listen boy. I'm trying to do the guy a favor... Trap Magic: Teleport... Check your pocket...

*Ashuro, despite not wanting it and being very annoyed by now, checks his pocket and finds a picture. It was the same that Crimson showed Pyro: A young lady with a purple haired baby.*

Crimson: If I wanted to kill him, I'd done it already... *crushes the walkie-talkie in his hand*

Pyro: ...that was...I don't know what that was. Why would he think that you were trying to kill that Dragon?

Crimson: I don't know...seriously, I don't...

Pyro: Hmm...Ashuro isn't one to make such accusations without any reason or proof... Heheheheheee...I see what's going on now; things like this are the very reason that I don't like working with others.

Crimson: ...What now?

Pyro: It looks like somebody on your pay-roll has their own agenda, if you know what I mean.

Crimson: ...Are you saying that one of my teammates... HA! Nonsense! Don't you think I'd assure these kinds of things first? My 9 team mates have nothing to do with this!

Pyro: I don't doubt you...but Ashuro did say that he got the information that he needed from everybody that he captured; even if they don't talk, he can extract the information from their minds easily. Apparently whatever he found pointed him in your direction.

Crimson: Strange...since he just captured THREE of them... my personal "smoker", "lava-boy" and "samurai ninja"...

Pyro: And aside from you, they were the ONLY ones there?

Crimson: Ninjas got clone techniques and transformation techniques, our "samurai ninja" copied the others on my team... Too bad...for each clone he makes, he splits his power with that clone. So, with 3 clones, his power will be a 1/4th of his full power... Anyway, yeah; no others were that moment, I guess...

Pyro: That's something that I would look into ASAP if I were you.

Crimson: Good idea...

*At that moment, Ashuro, Kevin and Shark are talking to the REAL Arashi, telling him about everything that happened.*

Ashuro: *looks upset* this stinks; now I've got another dangerous person to keep my eyes on...

Arashi: It's not actually easy for me either...

Ashuro: ...I need to talk to Crimson one-on-one before I do anything else; if there's a chance that this can be ended with little to no bloodshed at all, it's worth a shot.

Kevin: Arashi, go home to Rose and Crystal for now. You need rest...

Arashi: Yeah...

Ashuro: I'll walk you home, buddy; I insist. ^^

Arashi: Can't argue with "I insist".

*Ashuro walks Arashi home where they find Rose and his Munchlax eagerly awaiting his return as they rush out to greet him, knocking him down to the ground in the process. Arashi's stress instantly vanishes once he gazes upon the happy, joyful faces of the two of them and warmly embraces both of them. The events of that day hadn't gone unnoticed; hiding out close by that entire time was Masquerade Mahiru. He was absolutely astonished about how Ashuro dealt with Crimson with such ease when he got angry and immediately reports back to Rex to tell him about everything he had witnessed. Rex, upon hearing this info Masquerade had, begins to devise a plan on how to stop Crimson. The day after Crimson's team fought Ashuro and Co., Amber and Victora are at the amusement park with Arashi. It was only after several wild rides and the greasy food that he ate against his better judgment that he was beginning to regret his kind offer to take them there.*

Arashi: Okay Amber, Victora, I've had enough amusement park fun for today... -w-;

Amber: Awwwwwww, just 1 more trip, please?!

Victora: Please; pretty please?

Arashi: ...Okay...but I'll be watching, not joining you. I don't want to be responsible for another "wind blew off our dresses" accident...

Amber: Please, don't mention it... how were we supposed to know that would happen on the rollercoaster...and the bumper cars...and the haunted house...?

Victora: ...let's stop by the gift shop first and looks for some belts or rope or something else we can tie around us; you know, just in case

Amber: Won't we just look silly then?

Arashi: *rolls eyes* girls...

Victora: Personally, I prefer to look silly instead of naked.

Amber: Oh yeah? How about the time you, Megumi and Masquerade went to the beach?

Arashi: *goes to buy them 2 belts*

Victora: Who-Who told you about that??

Amber: Masquerade bought that beach from MY father~ I was just going back there to get something I forgot the other day, when I see you prancing around in the nude~

Victora: ...WHA?!

*Both Arashi and Amber bust out into laughter after seeing the very comical look on Victora's face.*

Arashi: *laughs uncontrollably*

Amber: I didn't know vampire bats could wag their tail OR that they enjoyed getting their body felt up like that~ *she obviously saw when Masquerade helped putting on the tanning lotion as well and how Victora reacted*

Victora: ...please tell me you left soon after that...

Amber: Oh-ho-ho no, not by a long shot...Why don't YOU tell what I saw~?

Arashi: Yeah, do tell~

*Out of options, Victora goes for the desperation play: feigning ignorance.*

Victora ...I have no idea what you're talking about...

Amber: Oh really? ...What shame...

Arashi: Darn that it was getting funny... -w-;

Amber: ..... Victora...are you sure you don't remember? Be honest now...

Victora: O_O; W-W-What's there to remember? Aside from being naked and enjoying an oil rub nothing else happened. Nope, nothing; no starfish or super-spiky sea urchins what-so-ever!

*...doesn't realize what she just said*

Victora: *notice that Amber and Arashi are covering their mouths with both hands trying to suppress what sounded like laughter* ...what?

Amber: XD

Arashi: Victora...*chuckles* just gave us all the info we needed...!

Victora: ... *looks stunned then mortified* ...ugh...

Amber: I'm sure Masquerade really likes having you around; both for laughs and fun.

Victora: ...he always does seem to be happy when we're together...

Amber: You know what you have to do, then? Tell HIM how YOU feel!

*Arashi looks at the two girls and smiles, then steps away a bit, going to the restroom. As Arashi gets closer to the restroom, he senses that somebody has been watching him since the time he arrived at the amusement park...and it wasn't Amber since she's been with him the entire time. Playing it cool and pretending that he didn't notice anything, Arashi picks up a pebble on the ground then powerfully plucks it in the direction of his stalker, hitting them right in the middle of their forehead which knocks them out unconcious.*

Arashi: .....Hey, hitting me from behind won't help...

???: Heh...You're indeed the true Earth Dragon Slayer...

*A being with human and dragon characteristics walk up behind Arashi and carefully shrouds them both with wings made out of shadows*

Arashi: Let's talk...

???: That's why I'm here...

*Sometime later, Victora and Amber walk through the park, leaning up against each other for support; that last ride was a little too much for them to hand. Their legs felt weak and wobbled like jello as they struggled to stay on their feet and they both looked absolutely exhausted. What was even funnier was that the G-force from the ride did a number on their hair; it looked like both of them had static-cling afros that could rival Shonnie and Scooter's.*

Victora: *shaking all over* ...okay, I'm ready to go home now...

Amber: Okay...I'll just send Arashi a text message.....Wait, screw that.....I'll call him when I get home..... @_@;;

*Just as the two girls are about to reach a bench to sit down on, they both misstep and tumble to the ground. Getting on their hands and knees, they crawl to the bench and manage to sit down on it*

Victora: I never knew that...wooden roller-coasters were faster than...metal ones. @w@

Amber: Weird...huh? @.@;

*Arashi soon returns and finds the two girls all worn out on the bench; he couldn't help but laugh after seeing their hair.*

Arashi: Hahahaha! You look hilarious!

Victora: ...I don't see how Scooter can stand having his hair like this...

*Victora tries to stand up but is immediately pulled back to the bench. Unsure of what just happened she stands up quickly but is then hit by something from behind and goes down to the ground. Looking back, Victora sees that Amber was on her back; they try to separate from one another they are instantly pulled back together again as if they were magnetic. Apparently Victora and Amber's hair got a strong electrical charge from the last ride, which happened to be called "The Lightning Rod." Their newly gained afro puffs were sticking together and they couldn't pull apart from one another thanks to a serious case of static cling.*

Victora: OwO; *sees Arashi rolling on the ground laughing* >3< It's not funny!

Amber: Stop laughing! >_<

Arashi: WAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Stop, you're killing me!

Victora: Grr... Say, Amber, Arashi is an Earth Dragon, right?

Amber: *nods* Yes...why?

Victora: Since he's an Earth Dragon, electricity shouldn't hurt him. If a Garchomp can handle it then it should be no problem at all for Arashi.

*Amber understands what Victora was hinting too. She didn't want to anything that would harm Arashi...but quickly changed her mind after seeing how Arashi laughed even louder after another failed attempt to free herself from the strong static cling keeping her stuck to Victora.*

Amber: Do it...

Victora: Yeah, I knew you'd... *feels her hair spark* SOMETHiNG JUST FLEW iNTO MY HAiR!

*Victora uses her hands to scratch and comb at her hair to reach whatever it was that landed in it. She discovers that somebody had spit a wad of gum into her hair. Having her hair all puffy, becoming stuck to her best friend, and having gum thrown in her hair made Victora's anger spike then boiled over when she noticed that Arashi was still laughing.*


*Victora plucks the wad of gum at Arashi; when it hits the ground it explodes with electricity, surprising both the girl AND a now silenced Arashi.*

Victora: ...what in the...?

*While Victora lightly rubs her hair trying to figure out what just happened, Amber decides to take off the belt she was given earlier but gets shocked when she touches the metal buckle. Shaking her hand to try and relieve the sting, a bolt of lightning shoots out of it, nearly hitting Arashi who moves out of the way in time. Both girls finally figure out what was going on then each points one of their arms at Arashi, grinning evilly at him as electricity begins to cover their arms.*

Arashi: O___O;; Uh-oh......

*Victora and Amber shoot a powerful bolt of lightning out of their arms that Arashi barely dodges.*

Victora: We're probably gonna pay for this later, but I think that he could use a refresher course on consideration for the feelings of others.

Amber: Yep, I agree.

Arashi: Curses...

*Victora and Amber chase Arashi around the part shooting lightning bolt after lightning at him. The one Arashi had spoke with earlier looks at the scene from afar, not knowing what to think of what they were seeing.*

???: ......he knows how to hide his power levels and fool around…...

???2: ...Maybe...

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Something that he Won't Share

That's HiS comfy space!!

Hana: *sees Sally passing by*:omg:

Sally::O_o:C-Can I help you?

:iconshining-eyesplz: *jumps up to hug Sally*

Sally: OwO;; :KYAAN!

Hana::huggle:Ooka-Ooka! Hana loves your belly-belly~:heart:

Zero: >_< Pachi-Pa-CHi! *pulls Hana by her shorts*

Sally: L-Little Zero...

Zero: >_< CHi-PA! *pulls harder, revealing Hana's butt in the process*

Hana: *notices her butt is showing*:idea:Hana loves your tushie, too~:D

Sally::fear:EEK! NOOOO!:cries: